Saving Dennis

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Saving Dennis Page 1

by Michele Cathers

ng Dennis

  By: Michele Cathers

  Here I go. I’m entering the school building. Okay I made it inside, now I wonder if I could sneak back out without being caught. I hate it here anyway. What’s my alternative though? I could go home. If my mom weren’t there, screwing her lame ass boyfriend. Maybe I could go catch a movie. Nah they’d call the cops or something. I might as well stay and see what the day holds for me. Maybe I’ll knock off sixth hour though.

  “DEEEELIGHT!!!” I hear from down the hall to my right. It’s my buddy Joshua. He’s called me delight since fifth grade when he figured out my name could be shortened to it. My name is Dennis Liteman. I walk toward Joshua with my usual swagger. I have to keep up appearances you know. I’m kind of a big guy, muscle wise. Everyone kind of backs up a little when they see me coming. Joshua is standing at his locker with his girlfriend Tina. They’re always making out in the halls. This is no exception. They part their faces as I approach.

  “What’s up Joshy? Tina is that a new hickey?”

  Tina puts her arms around Joshua’s neck and gives him a peck on the cheek.

  “Well you know my man, he’s gotta mark his territory.”

  “You gonna come to Tina’s party tonight?”

  Joshua loves parties. He’s like a party machine. I hate parties. Parties mean I have to talk to people. There are girls at parties. Even if I like girls I don’t want to talk to them. Why is that freshman staring at me? He’s always staring at me, that same kid with the scrawny arms and glasses. Oh and that big head of curly hair. What is up with that hair?

  “I might go. I have nothing to do tonight, but I’m not making any promises. Joshy, is that freshman boy-child still staring at me?”

  Joshua turns and looks over my shoulder. He makes his yikes face.

  “Yeah. He’s eyeing you up big time.”

  I give Joshua my best mischievous grin and turn around. I walk over to the kid in question and put my face close to his face.

  “You got a problem? Why do I always catch you staring at me?”

  The kid’s face turns bright red. He takes a step back into the lockers. I take a step closer and put my hands on the lockers on either side of the kid. Others have started to gather around. They keep their distance though. They don’t want to mess with me. Some of them are whispering, some of them are cringing, but they are keeping a safe distance.

  “I d-don’t have a problem. In fact if you walk away now I promise I will never look at you again.”

  This I have to think about for a moment. I’m guessing he’s got some kind of obsession with me. Maybe he’s gay. I am pretty handsome, or so the girls say anyway. I just don’t get why he keeps staring at me.

  “How can I be sure you won’t stare at me again, huh?” I slam one of my hands into the locker behind the kid. He flinches.

  “If I see you coming I will turn and walk in the other direction.”

  Now, that I’ll have to see. Maybe I will let him go for now.

  “Alright. I’ll let you go this time. You’d better keep your word though. I don’t want to catch you staring at me again. Now get out of here before I change my mind.”

  I stand up straight again and step away from the kid. He stumbles a little as he makes his get away through the crowd of kids that have amassed. I watch him walk away. The other kids have started towards their first classes. I walk back to Joshua and Tina who have resumed their make-out session. UGH!

  “Hey, lovebirds. Give it a rest will ya?”

  Joshua and Tina say their goodbyes and Tina walks away to class.

  “Hey, Joshy, What are you doing around sixth hour? You wanna get out of here and head to the mall? I got my eye on some sneakers and I want to use my five finger discount.”

  “I’m all for that, so long as I make it to Tina’s tonight. It’s gonna be epic. Her parents are gone all weekend so I’m thinking it will be one for the record books. I hear Jenna will be there.”

  Jenna, why does everyone assume I like Jenna? Yeah she’s got a nice rack and all, but she’s always trying to hang on me. I don’t like people touching me.

  “Alright, I’ll get you to the damned party, Just come to the mall with me.”

  “Okay then, Later, D.”

  Joshua heads off to his class. I suppose I’d better get my butt in gear too, or I’ll get detention again.


  So far so good, I’ve managed to avoid Dennis after each class. Come to think of it I don’t remember seeing him after sixth hour. I am so ready to go home. Aw, I just remembered I have to go out to the mall. Can’t my mom go pay for her own damned phone? When was the last time she left the house anyway? Last week, with her friend Drea, she went out for dinner. I just have to grab these books from my locker, and I’m out of here. There’s Mitch, maybe he’ll give me a ride to the mall.

  “Hey Mitch! Do you have your car today?” Mitch is the only friend I have who can drive. Usually he has a full car though.

  “Hey, Neil. Yeah, I have the car, why?” I slam my locker and catch up with him.

  “Could you give me a lift to the mall? I have to go pay my mom’s cell phone bill.” Mitch gives me a “really” look.

  “Yeah, I know, she hardly ever leaves the house now though. Her agoraphobia is getting worse.” We have now exited the school building and we’re heading for the parking lot.

  “You’re in luck Neil. I actually have nothing going on right now.” He unlocks the doors and we get in.

  “Dude, thanks so much. My mom gave me some extra money. I’ll buy you dinner in the food court.”

  “Sweet! I could go for some Pippo’s Pizza. If traffic is good we should get there quick. What was all that shit with Dennis Liteman this morning?” Oh, he saw that. Well even if he didn’t he’d have heard about it.

  “I’m not really sure what that was about. I’m not really aware that I look at him anymore than I look at anyone else. That’s what he said though, that he always catches me looking at him.”

  “Dude, I have to say, I’ve seen you glancing at him more than once.”

  “Really? Well, I suppose I do look at him occasionally. I guess it must be more than I realized. If I do look it’s only because, if I must say it, I admire him I guess. I don’t mean in a gay sort of way either. Dennis just has this way about him that exudes confidence. That is something I’ve never had.”

  “Neil that does sound queer. When did you get so poetic? Just say it, the dude is a badass. He, how did you put it, exudes confidence because he beats the shit out of anyone who looks at him sideways. Is that the kind of confidence you want?” We have arrived at the mall. Mitch parks us outside of Bethany’s Department Store and we head into the mall.

  “No, I don’t want to beat people up. I just admire the way he doesn’t take shit from anyone. I want to be able to walk down the halls and not be worried what everyone thinks of me.”

  “Well, anyway, you should definitely stay away from Dennis Liteman. He could break you, man.”

  “Yeah, I know. Okay, now where’s the Big Talk kiosk again? Oh, I think it’s over by Tange’s book store.”

  Why are there always so many people at the mall? Very rarely do I see people actually buying things other than food. The food court is always packed.

  “Joshy, why are there always so many people at the mall?” Joshua looks around at some of the mall patrons.

  “I suppose they just like having a place to go that’s not school, and not home either.”

  “Well said, Joshy.” Was I too harsh with that kid this morning? Maybe. He’s gotta lea
rn that you can’t go around staring at people all the time. It’s just plain rude. There’s Jenna. I still don’t understand why everyone thinks I like her so much.

  “Hi, Jenna.” UGH, now she’s gotta hug me. Yeah, there it goes, well at least she smells good.

  “Hi, Dennis. I saw what you did to that Neil kid this morning. Badass.” She’s hanging on my arm again.

  “Oh, you saw that did you? Well, I can’t have the kid thinking it’s okay to stare at me all the time.” Jenna pats my chest.

  “I stare at you all the time.” She tries to touch my cheek but I pull away.

  “Well, I make exceptions for lovely ladies.” Yeesh, why did I say that? One of her giggly friends is trying to pull her away.

  “Good to know.” Jenna kissed me on the cheek and allowed herself to be pulled away by her friend, both of them giggling. Joshua punches me in the arm.

  “Dude, I knew you liked Jenna.” He gives me a big smile.

  “Yeah, she’s alright I guess. Jenna looks back at me with a shy face.

  “Hey, Jenna, are you gonna be at Tina’s party tonight?” UGH, she’s coming back over to me.

  “Why? Are you going to be there?” She really does smell nice. I could get into that.

  “Yeah, I’m planning on making an appearance. Maybe we could share a drink?” Her face gets all happy looking.

  “See you then.” She runs to catch up with her friends. Joshua is now giving me his I told you so face.

  “What? You have Tina. I need to get some action too right?”

  “Dude, what Tina and I have is profound. She says we’re soul mates.”

  “UGH. I’m not talking about soul mates with you. I just want a little action with Jenna, that’s all.” Joshua looks like I slapped his face.

  “Well, all I’m saying is, you should give Jenna a chance. You never know what might happen.”

  “Joshy, I’m not the settle down and get married type. I’m way to young to think about that shit. I talked to Jenna, and I’ll have to talk to her tonight, that’s enough for now, right?”

  “I don’t know Dee, all I know is that I’m happy with Tina. Maybe you could be happy with Jenna.”

  “Come on, Joshy, there are some shoes that are calling my name.”

  Phone bill taken care of. Now my mom can continue her indoor lifestyle and still have contact with the outside world. Mitch has been waiting patiently for me to get the bill paid.

  “Dude, thanks for your help. Let’s go get something to eat.” Mitch gave me a high five. There are so many people here. I suppose, it is Friday. I’m hungry too. Pippo’s Pizza is awesome. I’m gonna have a double slice and some breadsticks.

  “So, have you heard about this party tonight at Tina’s?” Mitch looks excited.

  “Yeah, it’s all anyone was talking about today. I guess it’s going to be huge.” I’m not really a partier. Things happen at parties that are not in my comfort range. There is usually booze, and along with the booze comes the drugs. These are things that I will not allow myself to do.

  “Everyone will be there. I’m going.” We get our pizza and sit down at one of the tables.

  “You know I’m not good with parties. There’s too much going on.” Oh, man I am starting to sound like my mother. I don’t want to end up like her, a major agoraphobe who never leaves the house.

  “What else do you have to do tonight?” I don’t know, maybe study for the Chemistry test on Monday?

  “I have a big Chemistry test on Monday, I have to study for it.”

  “What? You have all weekend to do that. Look, you don’t have to stay long. Just come for a little while. Have a beer, it won’t kill you.” It might, maybe not though. More likely it will just make me feel very uncomfortable.

  “I’ll think about it. Okay?” Oh my God, is that Dennis. Why is he running through the food court? Joshua is right behind him. He’s coming this way. No time to get out of sight. He’s going to see me., is he being chased? Mitch sees it too.

  “What the hell? Dennis is always getting in trouble. People are dodging out of Dennis’ way as he runs through the court. The table that Mitch and I are sitting at is behind a support beam. He hasn’t seen me. Mitch is following the action with his eyes, same as me.

  “Whatever he’s done, he’s got security tailing him. Looks like your luck changed, Neil. Dennis could be locked up by tonight.” Mitch is right. The security guard is closing in on Dennis. He’s got something in his hands. What is that? Looks like a pair of shoes. He’s wearing shoes. Oh my God, he’s shoplifting. I have a crazy idea. He’s almost to my table.

  “Dennis! Dennis, quick over here.” He comes to a sliding halt in front of my table. It takes him a second to realize who I am.

  “I haven’t got time to beat the shit out of you right now, boy-child. I’m running for my life.” I unzip my backpack and hold it out to him.

  “Put the shoes in here. Hurry!” Dennis looks skeptical, but he puts the shoes in my backpack and I zip it shut. Joshua catches up. He looks at me, is that fear in his eyes for the security guard or for my life? He did not see Dennis put the shoes in my bag.

  “Now talk to me calmly.” He opens his mouth but nothing comes out at first. The security guard is almost to our table. Okay I’ll start the conversation.

  “So Dee, I hear there’s a party tonight. Are you going?” Dennis relaxes a bit and leans up against the support beam.

  “Maybe.” The security guard approaches. He clamps his hand on Dennis’ shoulder.

  “You need to come with me.” Dennis pushes the guard’s hand off his shoulder.

  “What’s the problem, sir?” The guard is still trying to catch his breath.

  “I think you know what the problem is. Cameras caught you taking a pair of shoes from Shoe Barn a few minutes ago.” Dennis plays it cool.

  “What shoes? Do you see any shoes? Well, besides the ones I’m wearing, I mean.” The guard looks at Dennis’ hands. He’s flummoxed.

  “You stashed them somewhere. Where are they? Did you throw them in this garbage can?” The guard shines his flashlight into the nearest trash barrel.

  “I didn’t take any shoes. You’re wasting your time.” The guard continues to search the area. Josh, Mitch, and I are just standing there watching the action. Then I kind of grab Mitch’s sleeve and give it a tug. He looks my way and I tilt my head, the universal signal for let’s get out of here. Mitch gets the hint. When the guard turns his back, Mitch and I back away and make a hasty exit from the food court. I can hear Dennis as we walk away.

  “Seems to me you have no case against me sir. Come on, Joshy, let’s go.”

  What did I just do? What am I going to do with these shoes?


  “Dude, what did you do that for? Dennis almost beats you to a pulp this morning, now you do this? What are you, some kind of saint or something? What are you going to do with those shoes?” Mitch’s voice has a sort of panic in it. I understand that feeling; I’m having it too.

  “I have half a mind to take them back to Shoe Barn.” Wait, how much money do I have left?

  “Mitch, let’s stop for a second. I wanna check something out.” I pull out my wallet.

  “What, are you crazy? We gotta get out of the mall.” I have fifty dollars and some change left.

  “I have an idea. You already think I’m crazy, but just go with me on this.” I start off toward Shoe Barn. Mitch follows, but I can sense his hesitation. I take a look at the tag on the shoes. $115.50, yikes, Dennis has expensive taste, they are a size 11.5, I wear a 9. Oh well, I have to do this.

  “Dude, this is crazy, what are you going to do?” Mitch looks at me with concern.

  “I have a plan.” We walk into the Shoe Barn. I find a clerk.

Excuse me. I was walking through the mall and I found these sitting on a bench. I saw that they still have the tag on them. I’m thinking someone must’ve tried to steal them, but thought better of it. The thing is, I kind of like these shoes.” The clerk takes them from me.

  “Yeah, we had some punk run out of here with these a little bit ago.”

  “I see they are $115.50. Do you have some kind of layaway plan here?” Mitch is looking at me with a “what are you doing?” face. I give him a “go with it,” glance in return.

  “Well, we do have a one day hold policy, you put ten percent down, and we hold them until the next day.” Perfect.

  “Okay, let’s do that. Instead of just ten percent, I can give about half, will that do?” The clerk gives a nod.

  “That will work. Let’s get this taken care of.” We walk to the register and he makes the transaction.

  “Thank you sir. I’ll be back tomorrow to pay the rest. I appreciate your help.” Mitch and I walk out of the store.

  “Dude, I don’t know what your plan is but can we please leave the mall now?” Mitch has picked up his pace.

  “Yeah. Let’s get out of here.” We head for the parking lot. Mitch looks relieved as he unlocks the doors of his car for us. We get in.

  “You must be crazy Neil. There is a huge possibility that Dennis will destroy you the next time you see him.”

  “I don’t know about that. I just saved his live, well, sort of anyway. Are you still going to the party? I will go with you. You’re right I think it could be good for me.” Mitch gives me a worried look.

  “Dennis will be there, I’m sure of it. The party is at his best friend’s, girlfriend’s house.”

  “I am aware of that. He’s already made a spectacle of me once today, if it happens again I can just leave the party right?” I’m not afraid of him anymore.

  “Dee, that was crazy. You could’ve been arrested back there.” Joshua has a way of stating the obvious. We got out of the mall in a hurry. Now we’re headed to Tina’s. I’m still not sure what happened at the mall. If I’m not mistaken, sir-stares-a lot saved my ass. Then he just took off. Well I’m not complaining.

  “I agree, that was some crazy shit. That kid, who’s always looking at me, saved my bacon.” Joshua looked at me. He seemed to want to say something but he stopped himself. Then he found his voice again.

  “I think his name is Neil. Neil Vargas.” So he has a name. It’s not sir-stares-a lot.

  “What do I do with him now?” I genuinely don’t know. He did break his promise. He didn’t walk away when he saw me. However he did help me out of a jam. Why did he leave right away? What did he do? Did he turn me in? I’ll bet he turned me in.

  “Joshy, what if he turned me in? What if the cops are looking for me?”

  “I don’t know. You’re the one who wanted the damned shoes so bad.” We arrived at Tina’s. She looked overly happy to see Joshua. The make out session from this morning resumed the second we walked in the door.

  The party was just getting started. There were a few faces I

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