Rakahnja's Haven

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Rakahnja's Haven Page 6

by Nicole Austin

  Picking up the banana, she sensually rubbed the end through the honey coating her areola, circling one nipple and compressing it beneath the fruit before giving the other the same treatment. Each movement of the ripe fruit left a small trail through the thick substance.

  Anita became completely engrossed in her erotic game. Her efforts were no longer only for her mysterious lover’s benefit, she was truly enjoying herself. After pleasuring her breasts, she slid the fruit over her abdomen, circling her navel then moving even lower. Teasing herself without mercy, she played around the edges of her pussy and into the crease of her thighs before spreading her folds once again. The warmth of the sun on her sticky skin touched her in a way similar to the press of a hot body.

  Throwing her head back, she closed her eyes and arched her back, moaning loudly. The tip of the banana sliding through the honey covering her clit was incredible, vastly different from the feel of her fingers or vibrator.

  The meat of the banana on her flesh felt like the silky touch of a cock head teasing her sensitive nub. Sliding it lower still, Anita played at the entrance of her pussy. She didn’t try inserting the banana though. It was too soft for such play.

  Lifting the fruit to her mouth, she painted her lips with the sweet combination of honey and her juices. She opened wide and deep-throated the treat similarly to how she’d enjoy sucking on Rakahnja’s thick cock. Mmm…nice.

  Her pussy clenched with the need to be filled. Keeping the banana in her mouth, Anita grasped her vibrator in the other hand and buried the toy between her wide-spread legs in one hard thrust. Knowing that she was being watched as she performed center stage of the sexy tableau added to the thrill firing her heated blood. She was enjoying her play, driving herself closer and closer to orgasm.

  Finally, she twisted the end of the vibrator, needing the extra stimulation to drive her over the edge. The wonderful device had a little tongue near the base. It stroked her clit on every forward plunge, swamping her with delightful sensations as the broad head pulsated against her sweet spot.

  She could feel Kahn moving closer, stalking her, but refused to look. Her eyes remained stubbornly clamped shut as she pleasured herself, silently begging him to join her efforts.

  Just as she neared completion, she was startled as something crashed through the bushes. A shrill scream escaped her lips. The deep, menacing growl that finally penetrated her hazed senses brought with it the realization Anita had ensnared the wrong predator within her trap.

  Moving very slowly, she stood and began to inch away from a fierce mountain lion, her arousal forgotten. The animal was poised in a crouched position, ready to attack, apparently desiring a snack. There was no kindness in this cat like she’d sensed in the jaguar. The territorial huntress had a deadly look in its bright eyes.

  She must have a sweet tooth.

  The thought brought a fit of hysterical laughter bubbling up in her throat, which Anita was barely able to tamp down. She had to remain cool and calm to survive.

  Running through the things she knew in her head about mountain lions, Anita struggled to find a way out of the deadly situation. The cat’s rounded, black-tipped ears stood straight up from her small head, listening intently. Her tawny coat was beautifully complemented by the warm, golden rays of sun setting her lithe body aglow.

  From her dark brown nose to the end of her black-tipped, twitching tail, Anita took in the long body, estimating her weight at about eighty pounds. She would not be fooled by the feline’s deceptively lithe body and cute, cuddly appearance. Cats like this one were unpredictable and vicious hunters. Coming from the situation unscathed was looking highly improbable.

  Running would be similar to waving a red flag in front of a bull, inflaming the cat’s natural instinct to attack. Anita searched the immediate area for sticks or rocks she could use to scare the animal off, never completely looking away from its penetrating, cold gaze.

  Anything she used would have to be obtainable without bending over very far or turning her back. She needed to keep standing tall and cast a large countenance. The cat would go for her vulnerable neck and head with those powerful jaws if she moved lower to the ground.

  Anita watched in stunned horror as the cat rocked slightly on its big paws, readying itself to spring forward. She raised her arms to appear bigger, but the cat seemed undeterred. Most likely it was a mother out hunting for her cubs. She’d decided Anita would make a good meal and was not likely to be frightened away by any of her tactics.

  Her mind began to project a slideshow of her life. In forty-one years, she’d not accomplished very much, working a low-level job and having created no family for herself. Yet she was content with how she’d spent her days enjoying the lands she loved. Her only regrets were never having found a soul mate or bearing any children. Other than those two failures, she felt fulfilled but not ready to see it all end with such abruptness.

  There was no warning of what was to come other than the brief diversion of the cat’s attention. One moment the mountain lion was poised for attack, the next she’d sprung into action, leaping gracefully toward her.

  Anita’s shrill scream was cut off more quickly than it began. A flash of shiny black hair and dark skin caught her eye only seconds before Rakahnja was standing there in all his naked glory. The large, magnificent man selflessly put himself in harm’s way between her and the attacking cat, risking his own life.

  No sooner had she registered his presence than he began to change right before her stunned eyes. In the space of time from one heartbeat to the next, her raven-haired rescuer shifted from protective human male to territorial, fearsome feline predator.

  If she’d blinked, Anita would have missed the whole thing.

  The two felines burst into motion, becoming one snarling, roiling mass. The jaguar managed to stay between Anita and the other cat, keeping her at a safe distance. All she could do was back up to a nearby tree and lean against the trunk for support, incapable of looking away while the epic battle ensued.

  The jaguar had a clear size advantage over the mountain lion, but the fierce, tawny cat was hungry and on a mission. She would not easily give up on capturing her prey.

  Wickedly sharp claws slashed through the air, striking with deadly force, ripping through tender flesh. Long white canines were bared from powerful, snarling mouths, easily sinking into soft tissues as the two cats fought for supremacy. Kahn appeared to be injured. The mountain lion got the upper hand, caging the jaguar beneath her powerful legs and Anita thought the battle would soon come to a fatal end.

  With a furious growl, the female cat’s head lowered toward Rakahnja’s exposed neck, mouth open and poised for a killing strike. For a split second he just lay there and stared up at the smaller cat. Anita felt a perplexing sense of sadness and loss. It was like Murphy’s Law coming into play. She’d searched for her fantasy man-jaguar, almost lost hope of ever finding him, only to have the creature suddenly appear, change form and be brutally killed before her eyes.

  The black cat burst into motion, dispelling Anita’s morbid thoughts. He rolled the mountain lion beneath him, reversing their positions. This time he stood over the female, her back to his underbelly. His sharp teeth seized the vulnerable flesh of her neck as he pinned her beneath his bigger body. Reluctantly, the tawny cat dropped down on her belly in a submissive posture, allowing the jaguar to control her with his superior strength.

  The sight reminded Anita of her favorite wildlife print among those decorating the walls of her home. The picture captured the natural supremacy of the stronger male feline, standing in a dominant pose over his female mate, beautifully depicting the aggressive character of their relationship.

  She had no idea how long the two cats held the position. Eventually they seemed to come to an understanding, the tawny female accepting the male’s dominance and relinquishing her claim to the prey.

  The jaguar slowly rose above the mountain lion, keeping careful watch on the other cat as she began to move away. She
never once looked back, instead choosing to keep getting farther from the other predator, graceful in accepting her loss.

  As they moved farther from the stream, Anita’s wobbly legs gave out. She recklessly slid down the tree trunk without regard for the bite of the rough bark into her naked backside. Everything had happened in a dreamlike state and now came crashing down on her hard with the realization she’d almost become the mountain lion’s next meal.

  She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them close to her body, then dropped her head and cried. In her stupid attempt to attract a man-animal who obviously didn’t want her, she’d risked her very life. Now she sat naked and dirty on the ground, covered in honey. Her body was racked with tremors as she sobbed.

  God, what a pathetic mess she’d become. Chasing after a dream lover who didn’t want to be found. Risking both their lives in her foolish attempts at seduction. Thinking she’d be safe with such a naturally vicious predator.

  At the first swipe of the long, coarse tongue rasping over her trembling forearm, Anita jolted, head snapping up and coming face-to-face with Rakahnja, who was still in his jaguar form. Her common sense finally kicked in, bringing a tremor racing through her body.

  Do not fear me, love.

  Chapter Nine

  The words echoed through Anita’s head and a sharp, barked sound of panic rose up from her throat. The bitter taste of fear filled her dry mouth. Her heart believed Rakahnja would never hurt her, but the violence she’d witnessed stirred a shiver of disquiet in her mind. A cold sweat chilled her skin.

  Still, nothing in his relaxed posture or expression was menacing. This was Rakahnja—the same animal-man who’d cared for her with such tender compassion. Her apprehension quickly dissipated, replaced with a deep sense of longing. He’d saved her life and returned to make sure she was unharmed. How she possibly read the emotions in his intense gaze, Anita had no idea, but she didn’t doubt the feelings of love and protection emanating from the feline.

  She reached out a tentative hand, stopping midway before moving forward again. With tenderness, she stroked the soft fur covering his jaw. There were places where he seemed to be bleeding, but it was difficult to tell how bad the wounds were because of his dark pelt. He may need medical attention, but she’d have to get a look at his injuries to make that determination. And truth be told, she desperately wanted to see Rakahnja in his human form again.

  “I-I want to see, umm…”

  How was she supposed to word this without hurting his feelings? While she enjoyed the jaguar, she was very curious about the man, the part Rakahnja had withheld from her. But Anita didn’t want him to get the impression she was rejecting the feline who was a big component of the whole.

  In the end, she decided to simply spit the words out and get it over with. “I want you to shift for me. I want to see the man, Rakahnja. Please!”

  He just stared at her for a while. When he began a restless shifting motion on his paws, Anita wasn’t sure what to expect, but suddenly he changed. Rakahnja stood before her, one instant a jaguar, in the next a man crouched on all fours. One knee rested on the ground, the other was bent along his muscular torso, his long, erect cock jutting along his abdomen.

  No matter which form she saw him in, there was no denying the powerful effect he had on her. Anita had never seen a more magnificent sight. Both man and beast were beautiful beyond words, both bodies creating a heated response.

  Before she could give in to the erotic energy surrounding them, she needed to take care of his injuries. There were several deep gashes and puncture marks marring his cocoa-brown skin. They would need to be cleaned and bandaged, but she dared not touch him without letting him know her intentions.

  “Come over to the stream so we can clean those cuts. Then I’ll get some bandages and ointment from my backpack. We can’t leave them exposed to the elements, open to infection.”

  A million different questions swirled around her mind. Questions she needed answers to, but they would just have to wait.

  Kahn had worried about letting Anita see his human appearance again, uncertain how she would react. A range of emotions played across her sweet face, from sensual hunger to tender concern. No human had ever shown him such love and caring. All those he’d met in the past had been too frightened by being near him, as if he would suddenly be overwhelmed by the need to shift and attack.

  He no longer sensed fear in Anita. Still, he was terrified to hope or allow himself to acknowledge what he did sense from her—unconditional acceptance.

  “It’s okay, love. Shifters are rapid healers. I’ll be fine.” When he spoke, his voice seemed harsh from lack of use, but it felt good to communicate with someone, human-to-human, without the fear he’d learned in previous encounters.

  Already his words were being proven true. He could feel the skin, muscle, and tendons knitting back together. Each place he’d been wounded grew tight and hot as his body healed itself.

  Rising to his full height, Kahn reached out for her hand. She gave it to him without hesitation and allowed him to assist her in standing. They were both pretty dirty and her idea of a bath in the stream was sounding like a fabulous idea. Thinking about how she’d look standing naked in the water with droplets glistening on her skin was enough to make his cock ache.

  The feline in him raged over the danger she’d been in, demanding he force her onto all fours and mount her, marking and claiming her. The human side wanted to lay her down on the sweet grass and slowly work every hard, throbbing inch of his cock into the welcoming heat of her tight pussy.

  He did neither. Instead, Kahn led her into the stream to wash the sticky, dirty honey from her skin, groaning inwardly. He should have gone to her during her erotic play and licked the sweet honey from her flesh. Now he’d just have to content himself with caressing all those luscious curves.

  They stood facing each other in the shallow water and he was unsure of how to proceed or make the first move. He was not accustomed to relating to another in his human form, but he was ready to learn how with Anita.

  She shivered a bit, which he presumed was from the cold water. “Are you all right?”

  Anita nodded. After first dampening her hands, she boldly reached out and made the first move. She began by tracing soft fingers over his body, lingering on every angle and indentation. He followed her lead, doing the same and enjoying the soft differences of her body from his much harder form.

  There was a lot they needed to discuss and figure out, but anything else could wait. Right now, he needed the reassurance found only with a physical joining. Anita seemed to share in those needs, silently stroking her small hands everywhere she was able to reach.

  His breath caught in his throat when she grasped his cock and stared intently at his large erection. She stroked every inch, seeming to enjoy how the foreskin pulled back as he lengthened within her firm hold. He moaned loudly as she teased the sensitive flesh beneath the ridge that concealed the barb, her other hand lowering to cup and weigh his balls.

  Kahn couldn’t stand anymore of the sensual torture. There was only so much the jaguar would allow the man to take. With a fierce growl, he scooped Anita into his arms, sheltered her against his broad chest and carried her toward his home.

  “Oh, my!”

  Rakahnja became aggressive, ferociously possessive, and Anita loved every second. She was not much of a submissive but it still seemed natural to yield to his powerful mastery. He showed such passion when he took control, gallantly marching through the stream, across the mountainside and into the cavern.

  He was gentle and reverent as he laid her down on the bed. The blanket would have to be laid out to dry later, but she didn’t care. Right now her entire focus was on her lover.

  She delighted in the sinuous ripple of lean muscles beneath his dark skin and the intense, carnal look in the gorgeous amber eyes she loved. Dark, wet strands of hair conformed to his skull.

  The gashes and punctures from his fight with the moun
tain lion were already disappearing, faint white lines marking where they’d recently been. Her eyes wandered over the damp planes and angles of his broad shoulders and sinewy chest. Mmm…how she longed to slide her fingers through the dark pelt of hair scattered across his divine chest and narrowing down over a taut, washboard abdomen.

  His hips were lean and sexy, legs corded with powerful muscle, his superb cock heavy in between. She wanted to taste the little drop of fluid rolling over the wide crown.

  Taking his long, thick erection into her mouth was a pleasure Anita highly anticipated trying. She also pictured herself on her belly beneath him—his sharp teeth clamped on to her neck, while he fucked her deep and hard in a primal rhythm—very much like the picture of large cats in her home. But she sensed he was holding back, keeping the animal at bay, which was the last thing she wanted or needed.

  She would know every part of him—take him completely or not at all.

  “Rakahnja!” His beautiful name rolled fluidly over her tongue. “Don’t you dare hold back.” Anita quickly flipped over onto her hands and knees, dropped her chest down, enjoying the erotic brush of the blanket against her pebbled nipples. Pushing her ass high in the air, she spread her legs wide, giving him the perfect view of her wet, pink pussy.

  She was rewarded by the sound of a deep feline growl rumbling from his chest.

  There’s only so much a man can take—even less when the man is half animal. The vision of Anita’s lusty actions and her beautiful, slick pussy on display broke any semblance of control he might have had. He would no longer be satisfied with making love. The jaguar demanded he fuck his mate long and hard and stake his claim in the most primal way.

  For better or worse, he would have her, for today and forever. He’d no longer allow her the option of returning to the city. Kahn felt all his doubts melting away with the decision. Anita was his mate—it was the only thing that mattered. Everything else would work itself out in time. They would take each day as it came and make the most of the years they had together.


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