Handle With Care (Special Delivery Book 3)

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Handle With Care (Special Delivery Book 3) Page 2

by J. A. Armstrong

Brooke sighed. She looked at Davey and chuckled again. Aw, screw it, Campbell. If he spills, he spills. “I sort of have a surprise planned for your mom.”

  “Are we getting another dog?”

  “No,” Brooke laughed.

  “Are we going someplace?”

  “We might be if you can keep this secret.”

  “I can,” he assured her.

  “D., if I tell you, I also have to tell Dani. I want you to promise me you will not tell Mom.”

  “We won’t tell.”

  Brooke pointed to the next corner to indicate that they should take the turn. “Okay, well, I was going to tell you Saturday. I sort of…Well, I kind of…”

  Davey giggled. Sometimes Brooke made him laugh. He could tell when she was nervous. “Brooke, are you that scared?”

  “Kind of,” she laughed. “I kind of am planning a wedding for Sunday.”

  Davey was puzzled. “Somebody is having a wedding?”

  “I hope me,” Brooke chuckled.


  “With Mom, D.”

  “You are marrying Mom?”

  Brooke laughed. Dani and Davey were well aware of Brooke and Tess’s plans to get married. She and Tess had discussed it at length with the twins. “I hope so,” Brooke said.

  “Don’t we have to go to church or something?” he asked innocently.

  “No,” Brooke answered. “I was planning on the backyard.”

  “Oh. Mom doesn’t know?” he asked curiously.



  Brooke sniggered. “D.? Is that okay with you?”


  “Just sure?” she asked. Davey shrugged. Brooke began to get concerned. “D.? Do you not want me to marry Mom?”

  “I kinda think you are married,” he said with a shrug.

  “Well, I’d kinda like to make it official. If you are cool with that. And, I kinda want to surprise Mom so she won’t have to worry about planning anything.”

  “She worries all the time,” he observed honestly.

  “Yeah, she does, about all of us,” Brooke agreed. “And, about this move. So, maybe you could help me out and give her a little break, huh?”

  Davey nodded. “Brooke?”


  “That will make you like me and Dani’s mom too, right? I mean sort of.”

  “Sort of, I guess. Does that bother you?”

  “Nah. I kinda feel like you already are.”

  Brooke laughed with relief. “Why is that?”

  Another customary shrug preceded his answer—an answer that surprised Brooke with its insight and honesty. “I don’t know. You tell us what to do. You’re always there. I mean, with us, you know? Like you just are s’posed to be. That’s what parents do. I mean, they take care of stuff and they are there when you need them. And, they annoy you,” he whispered the last part.

  Brooke bit back her laughter. Davey’s candid answer was completely on point. Brooke adored her mother, but Rebecca Campbell could drive Brooke to distraction at times. That was just part of being someone’s kid, just like Brooke had learned it was part of being someone’s parent. “Happy to annoy you, D.”

  Davey giggled. “I won’t tell her,” he promised. “Neither will Dani.”

  “Good, then I have a favor to ask,” Brooke told him. Davey looked at her curiously. Brooke sighed nervously. “See, it’s kind of like this…”

  Chapter Two

  Friday Afternoon

  “Brooke?” Tess called into the living room of their new home. Brooke was carrying a large box toward the stairs. “What are you doing?” Tess asked Brooke.

  “What do you mean?” Brooke wondered. “I’m taking this upstairs.”

  Tess shook her head. “No, you are not. That’s why you hired movers.”

  “Oh no,” Brooke set the box in her hands down and regarded Tess with a small smirk. “I know you. The minute I walk out that door, you will be moving things yourself. I can help.”

  “Brooke, you barely slept,” Tess reminded her fiancé.

  “I’m all right.”

  “I know,” Tess said. “You’re used to it,” she continued with a tiny grin. Brooke huffed.

  Tess rubbed Brooke’s arm gently. She was touched by Brooke’s desire to help. Brooke had worked most of the previous night and had only slept for a few hours before being called to the hospital. Tess had been surprised when Brooke showed up at the house just after noon. She was sure that Brooke was excited, but also knew that Brooke felt guilty for not being home to help.

  “Brooke, stop,” Tess said gently. Brooke sighed deeply. Tess smiled again. “Please? I promise I can handle this. What are you doing home anyway?”

  “You shouldn’t have to do all of this,” Brooke said regretfully.

  “I’m not,” Tess assured her. “That’s why we have movers. Besides, your mom will be here this afternoon and so will Rachel. What is going on with you?”

  “What do you mean?” Brooke asked nervously.

  Tess raised a suspicious eyebrow. There were times that Brooke reminded her of Davey. It would have been unsettling if Tess hadn’t found the reality endearing. Tess was always able to ascertain when her son was up to something. Davey would grow antsy, his nervous energy palpable. The more Davey tried to cover it up, the more apparent it became. Brooke was exactly the same way. The longer that Tess and Brooke were together, the more Tess understood the natural connection Brooke and Davey shared. She thought it was funny the way in which two people could connect so effortlessly. She tried not to giggle at the way Brooke continued to shift her weight from heel to heel. Peas in a pod. It was another mannerism her son and her fiancé shared.

  Tess reached out and took hold of Brooke’s arms to steady her. Finally, she began to giggle softly. “You are worse than the kids,” she said as she placed a kiss on Brooke’s cheek.

  Brooke looked at Tess and then pulled Tess into her arms. Maybe I should rethink this crazy plan. She looks so tired. “You look exhausted,” Brooke whispered in Tess’s ear.

  Tess left her head fall onto Brooke’s chest and enjoyed Brooke’s embrace. “I am,” she chuckled. She heard Brooke’s sigh and stepped back a pace. “I’m fine,” Tess promised. “Look how much is already done,” Tess gestured to the room behind them.

  Brooke let her eyes scan the living room. She smiled. Tess was right. All of the living room furniture was already in place. When Brooke took a moment to study the room, she realized that nearly everything for the space had already been unpacked and put into its new home. Other than the boxes that were piled in the far corner, there was little evidence of the chaos of moving. She groaned slightly. Tess had insisted on bringing many of the smaller items over the previous evening. The movers had already placed nearly all of the furniture in the house. Brooke was amazed at how much had been unpacked. When did she get here?



  “What time did you get here?”

  Tess shrugged. “I don’t know. The movers were coming at 6:30. I guess about 5:00 or so. Your mom has the kids, so…”

  “You’ve been at this since 5:00 a.m.?” Brooke asked in amazement. Tess shrugged again. “No wonder you look exhausted.”

  Tess shook her head in amusement. Always worrying about me. “You left at 4:30. I couldn’t sleep, so I got up. You’ve been up and about longer than me—with less sleep I might add.”


  “Not really,” Tess returned.

  “Tess, we hired the movers so that you wouldn’t have to do so much.”

  “And, that has been a huge help,” Tess replied. “If I can get the essentials unpacked today, that’s less we all have to do tomorrow.”

  “I will be here all day tomorrow to help,” Brooke promised. She laughed. “At this rate, there won’t be anything left for me to do,” she observed.

  “That’s the plan,” Tess replied.

  Brooke shook her head. “I don’t expect yo
u to…”

  “I know. Trust me, there will be plenty left to do and plenty of time for you to help do it,” Tess said. “We have all next week,” she reminded Brooke. Tess noticed the excited glint in Brooke’s eyes and tipped her head. “If I knew unpacking was your thing, I would have slowed down a bit,” she joked. “What are you up to?” she asked Brooke suspiciously.


  Tess pursed her lips. Oh boy, I am not even sure I want to know what she is plotting. “Yes, Brooke—you. Oh, no, I know that look.”

  “What look?” Brooke chuckled.

  “That one.”

  “I don’t have a look.”

  “Uh-huh. Right there,” Tess smiled. She traced the corner of Brooke’s eyes with her finger tip. “You have that mischievous sparkle. The same one the kids get when they are about to try and play Evil Knievel with their bikes. And, we both know where that always leads us.”

  Brooke started laughing. “I have no intention of either of us having to play doctor next week,” she said before reconsidering the statement. “Well, maybe…”

  Tess smacked Brooke lightly in the stomach. “You’re too much, Dr. Banner.”

  Brooke pulled Tess back into her arms just as her phone buzzed. She huffed and kissed Tess’s head. “Please don’t push it,” she said softly.

  Tess caressed Brooke’s back while Brooke held onto her. “I promise to make the minions do my bidding when they arrive,” Tess said.

  Brooke laughed. “I have no doubt.” She pulled away and placed a soft kiss on Tess’s lips. “I love you.”

  Tess was struck by the emotion in Brooke’s voice. “I love you too,” she promised. “You okay?”

  Brooke nodded unconvincingly. She was teetering between excitement and guilt. For weeks, Brooke had been planning to surprise Tess with this wedding. She had been convinced it would be something Tess would not only appreciate, but would love. Brooke had hated the sadness she saw in Tess’s eyes when Tess explained how she’d always hoped to have her wedding on her older brother’s birthday. As far as both Brooke and Tess were concerned, they were already married. They were completely committed to one another and continued to learn how to function as a team. Nevertheless, Brooke knew that Tess wanted to make it official as much as she did. Part of that, Brooke was certain, was because of Davey and Dani.

  Two days from now, God willing, Brooke would be holding her wife instead of her fiancé. As the day approached, Brooke’s mind began to spin endless questions. Was this the right thing? Should she tell Tess now? Should she wait until Sunday to tell Tess? Would the kids give up her secret? What if Tess didn’t want the wedding? What if Tess thought it was a crazy idea? They had many long discussions about the wedding that Tess envisioned—small, intimate, and if at all possible on Tess’s brother David’s birthday. Brooke thought she had managed all of it. What if….What if…What if….

  “Brooke,” Tess called gently. “Hey, what’s going on up there?” Tess tapped lightly on Brooke’s forehead. Brooke looked at Tess and smiled. “I lost you there for a minute,” Tess said.

  “I guess maybe I am a little more tired than I realized,” Brooke said as she finally lifted her phone to look at the message. “I have to go. I’ll be here around dinner time. Pizza?”

  Tess smiled. “Pizza would be great,” she said as she placed another kiss on Brooke’s cheek.

  “Please, don’t overdo it, okay?” Brooke instructed Tess.

  “I know my limits.”

  “Mm-hum,” Brooke muttered.

  Tess was famous for pushing her limits. Tess generally laughed that reality off. She constantly reminded Brooke that Brooke worked just as hard. Brooke still did not see it that way. She continued to marvel at Tess’s ability to push through fatigue and frustration. Tess always said it was just part of being a parent. Brooke suspected that was partly true, but it was more than that with Tess. Tess was the most determined person Brooke had ever met. More than anything, Tess was determined to take care of the people she loved. That made Brooke want to take care of Tess more than she had ever wanted anything in her life. Tess put everyone else first. It wasn’t that she suffered from a martyr complex, it was just who Tess was. Brooke admired that.

  Tess constantly worried about Brooke, a fact that Brooke still had a difficult time comprehending. Brooke’s schedule often meant that the doctor neither slept nor ate enough. Brooke was aware that Tess’s attention to those things had improved both the quality of her life and her work. Whenever Brooke was on call, she knew that she could reach into her duffel bag and find something packed away for her. Usually, it was an orange or an apple and some crackers. Always, Tess made sure there was a cookie or two in Brooke’s bag. Those might have seemed like little things to some people. They might have even seemed silly to others. To Brooke, all of those little things consistently reminded her why she loved Tess Sinclair so much. Tess worked all day and still found time to spend with the twins, to cook, to shop, and to keep up with the house. Brooke tried to help, but it seemed Tess was always a step ahead. Tess could be completely exhausted, but if her family needed anything, rest would wait. Brooke worried that Tess did not take enough time for herself. And, that was the reason that sparked Brooke’s idea for a surprise wedding. It would take stress off of Tess.

  “Don’t overdo it,” Brooke said firmly again. “I mean it, Tess. There is no rush.”

  “Worried about me?”

  “Yes,” Brooke said flatly. “You need to get some rest this weekend too.”

  “The more I finish today, the more we all rest tomorrow, right?” Tess offered.

  Brooke frowned. Maybe I should rethink this wedding.


  “Just go easy. Let Mom and Rachel help this afternoon.”

  “Of course, we will help!” Rebecca Campbell’s voice rang into the room.

  “Hey, Mom!” Davey called over. Tess smiled at him as Brooke’s arm went around her shoulders.

  “Is our stuff here?” Dani asked.

  “Your boxes are in your rooms.”

  “Awesome!” Davey exclaimed as he grabbed his sister and pulled her to follow him, blowing past Brooke and Tess up the stairs.

  “Hey, Brooke!” he and Dani both yelled back.

  Brooke and Tess chuckled. “Think they are excited?” Tess asked.

  “Maybe a little,” Brooke agreed. “I’m sorry. I have to go. Dr. Evans is requesting a consult,” she explained. “Make her behave,” Brooke told her mother before finally leaving.

  Rebecca looked over at Tess and the two started laughing. “Did you unpack the coffee maker yet?” Rebecca asked Tess.

  “Oh, yeah. That happened last night.”

  “Good, let’s go,” Rebecca stepped up to Tess. “Break time. Coffee now, wine later.”

  The pair entered the kitchen and Rebecca made her way to the counter to brew a fresh pot of coffee. Tess was mulling over Brooke’s nervous energy and at moments, strange behavior over the last week. Brooke often surprised Tess and the kids with things. The last one had been a new television for the family room in the new house. It would be delivered later today. There was no doubt in Tess’s mind that Brooke was planning something.

  “What is Brooke up to?” Tess asked Rebecca.

  “Brooke? What do you mean?” Rebecca asked. “She’s just excited is all, I suspect,” Rebecca said with a wink.

  Tess looked at Brooke’s mother. Oh, no. What is going on? You have your mother in on it? Good Lord knows what is going to be delivered next.


  Tess had just started to clear the dining room table of the pizza boxes when she felt two arms encircle her waist. “Leave it,” Brooke said softly.

  Tess closed her eyes and let herself fall back against Brooke. “It’s not that bad. I…”

  “Leave it,” Brooke repeated her instruction. She kissed Tess on the head. “Go upstairs, take a hot bath and climb into bed,” she said.

  Tess turned in Brooke’s arms. “Is that an order?�

  “More like a prescription. You’re exhausted,” Brooke pointed out the obvious.

  “It will only take a minute,” Tess argued. “Then I can get the kids settled…”

  Brooke interrupted Tess’s thought with a kiss. “Mom will help me clean this up. I will take care of the D.’s.”

  “Brooke, you worked all day.”

  “So did you. Harder than I did,” Brooke said honestly. “Look at this place.”

  Brooke looked over Tess’s shoulder proudly. She could hardly believe what had been accomplished when she had walked through the door that evening. Brooke had stopped cold in the middle of the living room carrying the pizza boxes that now were empty on their dining room table. There was still a host of boxes to unpack, but the progress had astounded Brooke. Almost everything left to be addressed belonged in the garage or in Tess and Brooke’s room. The kids’ rooms were unpacked. Both Davey and Dani had spent the evening hanging posters and pictures in their rooms. The living room, kitchen, and dining room were in order. The bathrooms were stocked and the family room, while a bit bare was functional. Brooke didn’t need anyone to tell her that Tess had led the charge. Tess possessed a work ethic that Brooke both admired and that sometimes concerned her. Tess needed some rest. Brooke could see the evidence of both emotional and physical exhaustion in her lover’s eyes.

  “Your mom and Rachel helped a lot,” Tess said.

  “Mm. Mom said you were on a mission.”

  Tess shrugged. “It’s kind of what I do. I lift boxes for a living, love.”

  “Well, no more work today,” Brooke said definitively.

  “Brooke, you need to rest too.”

  “I will, as soon as this is cleaned up and the kids are in bed.”

  Tess groaned. “It will go faster if….”

  Brooke shook her head. “Nice try. You are not Wonder Woman no matter how many pairs of pajamas you buy. Go on. Please? Let me do this.”

  “Only if you agree to let me…”

  “This is not peace negotiations,” Brooke laughed.

  “I’m not going to win, am I?”

  “Fraid not, Diana. Off you go.”

  Tess chuckled. “You do know that the kids are wired?”


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