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Retaliate Page 18

by M. N. Forgy

  “I’m here no matter what, Alessandra. You could have devil horns or a halo and I’d be behind you with a smoking magnum ready to clear the path for you,” I tell her, and it’s true.

  “I don’t love you,” she whispers with watery eyes.

  Pulling her close I rest my head against hers. “I don’t love you either.”

  She looks lost, like she’s at a crossroad of what to do with her life. Does she live as an outlaw, or be a cop. I think she is both and needs to excel in both. It’s what draws me to her in the worst way.

  “Go back to being a cop.” I can’t believe I just said that. She flinches at my words.

  “You hate cops?” She tilts her head to the side. I did say that, but that was before I saw who she really was, what she could do.

  “The streets need you. Too often have cops have forgotten what it is like to be lost in the throes of poverty trying to survive. You gave Bishop another chance at life, anyone else would have locked him away. You think with your heart, and not the badge,” I explain.

  Alessandra turns her head looking at me with soft eyes, my words breaking through her wall of conflict.

  She cups my cheeks, her cracked bleeding lips brushing against mine.

  “What if my heart is black?”

  “That’s why I love you,” I laugh and her eyes widen just as mine do when I realize what I just said. I can’t take it back, so I just smirk. Grasping her hand, I pull it close, the smell of her sweet skin making my chest tighten. “I admit. My feelings for you started with hate, then I just wanted to fuck you. But then I got greedy and wanted your love, Alessandra,” I tell her honestly.

  “You can have all of me,” her voice breathy.

  “I plan to,” I state, tucking a hair behind her ear.

  “This ride could get me killed.” She rubs her thumb along my bottom lip. I’m not sure what ride she’s talking about. The one with me, or her going back to the department, but either way. I’ll be by her side. I may not be a man that you can take home to Mom, a man of many words, and I have a temper that would scare any normal woman away. But Alessandra is mine, and she’s crazy if she thinks I’m going anywhere else.

  “Than society better make two graves because we’re riding to hell together.”

  “The papers will say ‘Bonnie and Clyde who?’” I smile like the devil.


  TAKING A DEEP BREATH, I climb the steps to the station, my badge clasped in my sweaty hand.

  Machete grabbed it and my gun from the desert that night, said he was keeping them company until I decided what I was going to do. But Mac told me he was fucking a chick wearing the badge and my gun on his hip one night. Wouldn’t surprise me, so I made sure to sanitize both. That man is an animal, God knows what he did with them.

  Entering the station, I keep my eyes focused on my target, the chief’s office. I don’t say hi to anyone, and I don’t swipe a donut off the counter because it might make me second-guess what I’m doing here. I know what I’m doing and can’t back out. This has to be done.

  I head straight to the chief’s office, scents of rose perfume strong, and toss the badge and my gun on her desk.

  “What is this?” Chief Lopez asks, raising a brow at me. Her hair is in a perfect bun, her makeup flawless and light. She sighs, sitting back in her leather high-back chair with a resting bitch face.

  “I quit. I’m not meant to be a cop,” I shake my head, my lips twisted.

  “Alessandra, don’t do this. Your father—”

  “I’m not my father, not even close. He was a good man and wanted me to do good things, but that just it. I’m not a good person, and I don’t belong here. I’ve purposely broken rules, and you’ve looked the other way because let’s be honest, you had respect for my father, not me,” I cut the shit, and this catches her attention quickly.

  She drops her bitch face and sighs heavily. The exhale of breath telling me everything she isn’t saying. That I’m making a mistake, that any route I might be perusing is wrong.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” Her eyes cut to mine, they’re so cold and unfriendly it makes me wonder how she ever gets laid.

  A motorcycle just outside the window revs its engine, catching her attention. It’s my ride, Felix. I can’t help the way I light up seeing him, and Chief Lopez notices. She scoffs clicking her tongue with heavy judgment.

  “You’re making a mistake. This is crazy,” she sneers, crossing her arms. Maybe, but I can’t honor the code of blue, but I respect it.

  “Maybe, but being normal is boring.” I smile, lift my chin and start backing toward the door. I’ve said what I needed.

  “I’ll see you on the other side of the bars?” she asks arrogantly. Tapping my fingers on the doorframe I smile wolfishly.

  “Good luck catching me,” I wink, taking a step out of her office. Shit, I almost forgot. “Oh, and Raven told me to tell you she won’t be returning to work either,” I inform casually.

  She scoffs, shaking her head like she’s not surprised.

  Heading outside, the summer sun hits my face just right. A weight I never knew lifted from my shoulders. I feel lighter, happier, and free. Walking out of the station without my badge my black wings were finally able to release themselves in full form. No more façade of something I was never meant to be. I tried to be a good person, live like a normal female, but I never felt like I fit. Let’s face it, I’ve been through a lot of shit, and it got to me no matter how much effort my dad put into me forgetting it. It was always there, waiting to be released.

  Felix is on his motorcycle smoking a cigarette when I approach, and God, I just want to pull his hair and fuck him on the back of it. Zeek and the rest of the men straddling their bikes right beside him. It’s a circle of metal, leather, and trouble. Rugged men and angry stares looking about. Not too long ago I’d be nervous walking up to them, but now I feel safer.

  “How’d it go?” Felix asks.

  “They may hate us together, but they can’t stop us,” I shrug.

  “That’s a good motto!” Machete points at me, his red hair shining amongst the sun.

  The way Felix’s lips pull into a smirk has me holding my breath, and my heart beats a little faster.

  He bends over pulling something from his saddlebag.

  “I figured since you traded your badge in, it was time to properly make you my ol’ lady,” he states, holding up a cut that shows the club’s colors and me as his ol’ lady.

  I cup my mouth, my eyes wide. I know what this means to him, to any woman of the club. The men go wild catcalling and clapping, making me feel welcomed more than I ever did joining the department.

  “Taking this you fully accept my fucked-upness,” he laughs.

  “That’s no shit!” Mac laughs, sitting in front of us smoking a cigarette.

  Grasping the warm leather in my hands, I smell it, my eyes closed. The tones of a free life, and chaos wafting around me.

  “You giving this to me, you have to promise to see me as me and not a cop,” I whisper. “All of you?” My eyes look around at the men and I get solid nods from them all.

  “I never saw you as one anyway, otherwise I wouldn’t have fallen for you,” Felix says seriously. We’ll agree to disagree on that one.

  Opening my eyes, I slide my arms into the cut, and instantly feel like I found my place, that spot I’ve been looking for my whole life. My mom is welcomed at the club, even if she thinks Mac is my dad every other day. I’m welcomed in the club, and though Jillian was sent off to a safe-house, I get to talk to her on a burner phone on occasion. Carola is with her, and Zeek comes and goes protecting his club, and his woman.

  I’m an outlaw, I just never knew it.

  “Through the good and the bad, I’ll ride or die, baby.” I raise a brow, my lips pursed.

  “That’s my girl,” Felix winks, smacking my ass before pulling me closer and laying his lips on mine. I cup his cheeks, his beard soft beneath my fingers.

g always, I throw my leg over the seat and hold on to my man as he revs the motor. Citizens stare at us. Some whispering to their friends, others walking as fast as they can in the other direction.

  “Let’s ride!” he hollers, flicking his cigarette to the side.



  PEEKING THROUGH THE CRACK of the metal door I watch Raven closely. She’s gorgeous and tormented. Like a doll a kid has played too roughly with and left outside to wither. I want to play with her. She’s duct taped to a chair with a gag in her mouth and helpless. I like that. Her black hair is tucked under the material shoved between her pretty lips and it makes her look more vulnerable. She’s crying, her face smeared with dirt and tears.

  I want to taste those tears.

  A growl escapes my throat stalking her like she’s my prey, and her head whips in my direction. My heart starts hammering in my chest, my teeth clenched as I watch her. Dark wild eyes stare at the door as she mumbles something into the gag. She jerks her body with narrowed eyes and my hands ball into hard fists at her squirming. I sense no fear, or terror coming from her. I’m not sure if I like that or not. It’s a first. Everyone is scared of me. I’m not… right.

  She is mine though. They gave her to me. I will break her, and find the enemy of my brotherhood if it kills me. If I have to kill her.

  I kick the heavy door open, a roar ripping up my throat with a pair of wire cutters in my hand. Her eyes slowly meet mine, her nostrils flaring. She’s seems unmoved by my actions, and it confuses me. She doesn’t look at me with fear, or terror but defiance.

  Striding up to her, my boots thudding against the cold concrete I tug the gag from her mouth and eye her with hooded eyes. Waiting for her to give in first and talk. Plead for me to understand, offer to suck my dick for mercy. They all do at some point, and she will too.

  “Give it your best shot, you fucking animal,” she spits, her dark hair sticking to her pretty little lips.

  I laugh. It starts small, then turns into something maniacal as I bring the wire cutters up and give them a quick snip into the air. I’m going to love this.

  Coming SOON!

  Thank you for reading!

  I hope you enjoyed Felix and Alessandra! If so, I’d love it if you could leave a review, and share your experience with a friend!


  Oh man I missed the rush of writing the Nevada boys so much!

  Felix and Alessandra surprised me with their story, that is for sure. I thought Alessandra would be more like a Barbie with a gun, and I was very wrong! What did you think?

  And Machete… where the hell did that animal come from? I am jumping in his story now as I can’t wait to see what comes from him! It’s going to be crazy, I know that!

  I want to thank my beta’s for helping me through my writing blocks and smoothing out my work. Brie, Natalie, and Lindsey!

  Thank you to my amazing editor Ellie, and my proof reader Kim for the final touches!

  A big thank you to Allan Speirs! I had a vision for my cover and he helped me hit that target with that sexy man beast, and Sara Eirew nailed the cover with it!

  The Rock Stars Of Romance - You rock as usual!

  Big thank you to the blogs that have taken time to read my work and share it, that have supported my work and encouraged me. I can’t thank you enough for what you do!

  The readers, I FUCKING LOVE YOU! You make my dreams come true, and make writing worth banging my head against the keyboard to bring you my very best!

  My husband listened to many snippets of this book and helped me, and my mom read this book twice to help me work the kinks. They are real troopers, and as awkward as it was for my mother to read it… she was a boss!

  My Little Devils Street team, you’ve been my backbone and a place I run to daily to share my work in progress, and bits of my crazy life.

  All of you are my team, my village, and I couldn’t do this without you!



  What Doesn’t Destroy Us

  (The Devil's Dust #1)

  The Scars That Define Us

  (The Devil's Dust #2)

  The Broken Pieces Of Us

  (A Devil’s Dust Novella)

  The Fear That Divides Us

  (The Devil’s Dust #3)

  Love That Defies Us

  (A Devil’s Dust Novella)

  The Lies Between Us

  (The Devil’s Dust #4)

  What Might Kill Us

  (The Devil’s Dust #5)



  (Sin City Outlaws #1)


  (Sin City Outlaws #2)


  (Sin City Outlaws #3)



  Love Tap


  Plus One







  M.N. Forgy's Reader Addicts Group:


  M.N. Forgy was raised in Missouri where she still lives with her family. She's a soccer mom by day and a saucy writer by night.

  M.N. Forgy started writing at a young age but never took it seriously until years later, as a stay-at-home mom, she opened her laptop and started writing again. As a role model for her children, she felt she couldn't live with the "what if" anymore and finally took a chance on her character's story.

  So, with her glass of wine in hand and a stray Barbie sharing her seat, she continues to create and please her fans.




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