The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 8

by K E Osborn

  I breathe harshly. It seemed so real! I must have dreamt it all, my entire night with Willow. I exhale as an ache in my chest tightens and disappointment flows over me. Sure, waking up to Lunar in my arms isn’t the worst thing in the world, but having Willow would have been better.

  Lunar stirs and I exhale as she glances up at me. I half smile as she smiles brightly and leans up pressing her lips to mine. She tries to deepen the kiss, but I keep my mouth closed causing hesitation.

  She pulls back and furrows her brows at me. “Is something wrong?”

  I clear my throat and shake my head moving out from under her and up out of the bed leaving her there. “I’m just not feeling right. I need to know if Dad got back okay or not.”

  She nods and pulls the covers up over her exposed tits. “Well, I can be here when you get back if you want?”

  Shaking my head, I pull on jeans then a shirt. “Nah, darlin’ I’ll probably be all day. Best you get on with yours.” Putting on my boots, I can tell from the stale silence in the room she’s feeling a little weird right now, but I ignore it and walk to the door. Without looking back, I make my way out into the clubhouse running my hands through my hair.

  Why the fuck has this Willow bird got my dick in such a spin?

  As I walk out, FIM and Doug are already at the bar and I nod at them as my brothers sit around the other tables drinking. It’s only ten in the fucking morning. I chuckle to myself at that thought as I pull up a stool next to Techie.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I ask.

  Techie looks at me and smirks. “The Prez and Chops are in the Chop Shop.” His grin is wide and it confuses me.

  “What? Why?”

  “Go have a look,” Techie says and I nod wanting to know what’s going on. I let out a relieved sigh that obviously Dad and Chops are okay. If they’re in the Chop Shop, it means they made it out alive. My heart rate has increased slightly as I swivel off the bar stool and walk down to the end of the clubroom toward the basement. The neon sign saying Chop Shop is glowing letting me know that a torture session is going on in Chops’ room, which is aptly named the Chop Shop.

  I open the door to hear a muffled moaning. I smirk slightly wondering who it is that’s pissed Dad and Chops off enough to warrant a torture session.

  With each step down the steep dark stairwell, my boots hit the stairs and it echoes throughout the room. Finally stepping onto the bottom stair, I walk down around past the dividing wall to see the metal chair set up and a tiny little Asian dude naked in the torture chair, already pretty badly messed up. Chuckling as Dad and Chops look over to see me, they nod their heads while I walk over to see the Asian missing all his fingernails and a few stab wounds to his legs and burns to his chest.

  Looking up at Dad, I raise an eyebrow as I cross my arms over my chest. “So… ah… what’s goin’ on?”

  Dad shakes his head and brings his fist up and punches the Asian in the side of the head. He moans out loud as his head flops to the side. “This little fucker is the reason the deal went south. He told Chez we were underhanding him, and that’s why Chez asked for more cash. So we’re teaching the Asian a lesson.”

  Chops grabs one of the guy’s fingers and pulls it back harshly. The reverberation of the bones crunching as they break through the room churns my stomach. Blood I can handle. The sounds of bones breaking, I’m a little weird about. The Asian screams and starts to blubber out some shit or other.

  “When we went to the 5113 gang hideout most of the gang weren’t there, thanks to Techie hacking into their security cameras. They were outnumbered when we went in. We talked it out peacefully coming to an agreement,” Dad says. I raise my eyebrows and huff out in shock.

  That didn’t go at all how I’d expected.

  It all seems a little too easy?

  Chops grabs some pliers and starts to pull out some teeth. Blood pours from his mouth as he shakes his head from side to side. His bloodcurdling screams reverb off the walls.

  “So who’s the new leader?” I ask loudly over the screaming.

  “A guy called Semi. He seems switched on. We said we’d up the payments by three percent to make up for the body count. He wasn’t happy with three… so I made it five… we called it a deal. The shipments are back on. We get the drugs from the 5113 guys and mule them over the border into Victoria to the Bendigo Chapter. No harm no foul. We mark it up to Chez listening to idiots before talking things through. Semi won’t make the same mistake. In return he gave us this cunt, so now Chops is going to have his fun, then Jigsaw will come in and finish off the job. Then to prove their worth, I’ll have the two new prospects FIM and Doug take the pieces and burn them in the acid and bury them in the usual place.”

  I nod and wonder how FIM and Doug will handle this job. Drugs I know they’ll be happy with, but dead bodies? It might be too soon for that.

  “Do you think it only being a couple days in for FIM and Doug that a corpse might be a bit much?”

  Dad shrugs as Chops grabs the soldering iron and melts some metal onto the young Asian’s forehead dripping right above his eyes. His piercing scream echoes through the room and it’s really starting to grate on my nerves. I wish Chops would slice apart the little bastard’s voice box to shut the cunt up.

  “Better to know now than later if they can’t handle the heat. They’re older than the usual prospect. I think they can handle the gore if not then I’ll just have to let Jigsaw handle them.”

  I puff a stream of air out of my mouth and nod knowing that if my two new prospects can’t handle what’s about to be thrown their way, they’re going to end up like the little Asian here. And Jigsaw won’t hesitate to use his favourite namesake power tool–a jigsaw—to cut their bodies up into pieces. I’m hopeful that’s not going to happen.

  Chops grabs the fireplace poker from the furnace, the end of it glowing bright yellow and red as a single line of smoke bellows from the tip. The Asian’s eyes open wide as he screams and shakes his head. Chops grins widely and grabs hold of the Asian’s cock. I wince looking away. His screams are matched by the burning sound of flesh and it’s too much for me, so I turn and walk away from the torture. I don’t need to see any more of this shit, and it’s only going to get worse for the Asian from here on out. A red hot poker up your pisshole is nothing compared to what Chops will have in store for him.

  Walking up the stairs to the agonising screaming, I cringe as Jigsaw walks down the stairs toward me carrying his favourite power tool in hand.

  I smile and shake my head. “Have fun.”

  He smiles brightly. “Enlightenment engrosses even the faintest of heart.”

  I raise my eyebrow at him and purse my lips, not even trying to understand his riddle as I pace past him chuckling to myself and saunter through the heavy thick concrete door and back out into the clubroom.

  I guess I’ll go and tell FIM and Doug about their upcoming task. Walking back to the bar, I sit down back on the same stool and Doug starts to pour me a beer. I chuckle watching as the head in the stein is already halfway up the glass. Knucklehead notices me watching and huffs slapping Doug over the back of the head. I chuckle as Knucklehead picks up the beer Doug just finished pouring and then tips it all over Doug’s head. I burst out laughing as Doug flinches and glares at Knucklehead.

  “What the fuck, dude?” Doug asks picking up a tea towel and starting to dry himself.

  “Learn to pour a beer or wear every one you fuck up!” Knucklehead says and I laugh so hard my sides hurt.

  All the guys in the room are chuckling along with me as Knucklehead starts to pour me another beer, one with less head this time around. Techie wanders over and sits down next to me and I wrap my arm around Techie’s shoulders pulling him in for a man hug.

  Techie groans and pushes me off him. “Are you fucking wasted, brother?”

  I laugh. “No, my beer is all over Doug.”

  Techie tilts his head and looks up at the ceiling. Oh God, here we go. “You know at any given time, zero
-point-seven percent of the world is drunk. So over fifty million people are drunk right now. So wasting beer on Doug is probably not a bad thing.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Where do you pull these facts?”

  He scoffs and shrugs. “God Steel, everyone knows that one.”

  I look at Knucklehead and Doug, who are smirking and shaking their heads along with me.

  “Yeah, right, everyone,” I say and Techie grabs my freshly poured beer and starts sculling it back. “Hey!”

  He gulps down the amber liquid I want so badly right now and then wipes the froth from his lips. “I figure if fifty million people are drunk right now, I may as well be one of them too, right?”

  Knucklehead laughs and starts to pour me another stein of beer. I shake my head at Techie and wonder how a guy as nerdy as him can be such a badass at the same time?

  “What did I miss?” a voice chimes from behind me out of nowhere scaring the fuck out of me, and makes Techie spit his beer.

  “What the fuckin’ fuck man? Don’t sneak up on people like that,” Techie says as we turn to see FIM grinning at us like he’s super proud of achieving the impossible on me again.

  I huff. How the fuck does he do that?

  “Sorry, I don’t know how I’m so quiet. Just used to sneaking around when I previously had to do the drug runs,” FIM says and I reach out and punch his arm hard. “Ah, fuck dude.”

  “That’s for spillin’ good beer, too much has gone to waste in the last five minutes.”

  Knucklehead laughs as Doug huffs and tries to pour another beer, he’s doing a slightly better job this time.

  “So Doug and FIM, we have a job for you two comin’ up in a bit.”

  They both look at me and tense their shoulders like they’re shit scared. It surprises me. They’ve been so eager and fit in really well, so their hesitance in doing a job is alarming.

  “Oh yeah? Drug run?” Doug asks still pouring the beer really slowly. The foam starting to increase on the head yet again.

  “No, this is a little more, off book.” They furrow their brows and lean in to me. “Disposal.”

  Their eyes open wide and I think I even see Doug shaking. I furrow my brows at their nerves. I look to FIM and he seems more unnerved than Doug, but still, the nervous tick in his jaw is unsettling.

  “Disposal of what?” Doug asks.

  I look at him as Techie and Knucklehead chuckle. “Use your imagination. What you think it is, it probably is. But if you’re squeamish… don’t look in the box.”

  Doug swallows hard looking at me all wide-eyed as his chest rises and falls quickly. The beer in the stein overflows flooding down all over the floor.

  “Fucking, fuck,” Doug yells turning off the tap and throwing the stein in the sink. He picks up something and starts wiping frantically cleaning like a madman.

  He’s so nervous.

  I look at FIM and he’s breathing fast too but doesn’t seem as frazzled.

  “Can you guys handle this?” I ask.

  FIM nods as he breathes out of his nose harshly. “Yeah brother, we got this. Right, Doug?”

  Doug stands up from the floor still visibly shaking and nods, his face pale as a ghost. Honestly, I don’t think Doug has the nads to be a brother—he might have to go. FIM on the other hand, he might make it to patching. We’ll have to wait and see.

  “Right, well, once Jigsaw is done and gift wrapped the present, it’ll be ready for you to go. The Prez will give you directions to the gift exchange.”

  “Kid!” Dad’s voice booms through the clubhouse.

  “What?” I ask annoyed that he’s talking so loud.

  “I changed my mind on delivering the package. Get Ryder to do it.”

  I chuckle. “Righto.” I look at Doug and slap my hand on FIM’s shoulder. “Well guys, looks like you’re off the hook. Maybe next time.” I shrug and the colour starts to return to Doug’s face as a small smile meets his eyes and I try to hold in my chuckle.

  Yep, Doug won’t make it!


  After laughing at FIM and Doug, I left to go and find Ryder. Walking out to the compound, I see Crash, The Penetrator, Lookout, Behemoth and Ryder standing around by their bikes smoking and chatting amongst themselves. Strolling over, I hear them laughing about something. Ryder’s long blond hair is caught by the wind as he rubs his large beard. For a man that looks scruffy, I’m sure the ladies would love him. Crash, on the other hand, looks like something from a punk rock band with his jet black hair, short on one side and long on the other, his tattoos going all the way up his neck and even two under each eye. He seriously looks like he dropped off the stage of a death metal concert. He’s young, but he’s a good guy even though he looks like he worships the devil. Can’t ride a bike to save his life, though, that’s how he got his road name–Crash, because every time he goes near a bike he destroys it. That’s why he’s always the cager, or in a chase vehicle.

  “Ryder,” I call out as I approach my brothers.

  “Yo!” He looks up at me and the others all turn to watch me approach.

  “The Prez has a disposal for you.”

  He nods and flicks his durry to the ground, blowing out the toxic white smoke. Crash goes to walk off but his shoelace is caught under his other shoe, he stumbles and I open my eyes wide as we all turn to see Crash falling arse over tit into the Hog that’s closest to him. It falls, cascading into the bike next to it causing them all to fall over like a domino effect. The metal screeching against each other as the bikes collide together and then to the ground is not a sound I want to hear again.

  “Fuck!” I yell as Crash rights himself and wobbles on the spot looking at the mess he’s caused, yet again. Guy’s a fucking joke.

  “Oops,” he utters looking back at the four bikers all glaring at him with our fists balled as we stare at our babies sprawled on the ground.

  “You motherfucker stupid dumbass bitch, I’m gonna pound your arse so hard you can’t walk for a month,” Lookout says storming up to Crash, who tenses opening his eyes wide and flinching as Lookout’s fist comes up and connects fiercely with Crash’s nose. A massive clap resonates through the compound as blood squirts straight out of Crash’s nose and right onto Lookout’s face. I smirk as Crash backs off grabbing his nose moaning in pain as Lookout jumps from foot to foot wiping the blood from his face and shirt.

  “Fuckin’ bitchin’ arse bag motherfucker, you done gone and got motherfuckin’ blood on my face and clothes you punk arse bitch. You know I hate blood. Oh fuck, there’s blood. Shit! Fuck! I’m goin’ down fuckers, catch me!” Lookout yells as Behemoth reaches out with one arm grabbing Lookout by the shirt as the burly black man dangles lifelessly from Behemoth’s hand.

  I can’t help but laugh as Crash is still jumping up and down holding onto his nose while Lookout has passed out cold. “Jesus Christ, Crash. Go get someone to call Stevie. Behemoth take Sir Faint-a-Lot inside and wake him up while Ryder, The Penetrator, and I, fix up our rides.”

  They nod. Behemoth flops Lookout over his shoulder and walks off, Crash follows behind him with blood dripping from his fingers covering his nose. I shake my head as I pick up Dad’s bike and then turn to Ryder while The Penetrator continues straightening up the bikes.

  “So the Prez needs you take a package to the disposal site.”

  Ryder nods and picks up his bike. “I’m on it VP, I’ll take the truck.”

  The Penetrator walks off and he nods at me as I look down at my Hog. Ryder marches off toward the clubhouse and I inspect my bike for any scratches. Luckily there’s nothing I can see that won’t buff out easily. The clicking of heels alerts me, and I glance up to see Lunar heading my way. I lean up against my now stable bike and she moves in wrapping her arms around my waist and cuddles into me. I exhale, wishing it was Willow, but wishing never gets you anywhere. I wrap my arms around Lunar and nuzzle my chin into her hair.

  “Are we going to hang out tonight?” she asks.

  I smile a
nd rest my cheek against the top of her head. “Sure,” I reply, but all I really want to do is drink and spend my time looking at the one picture I have on my phone dreaming about the unattainable.

  “You wanna drink, VP?” she asks and I chuckle and nod.

  “Yeah, let’s go get some grog into us.”

  She pulls away from me and we walk back into the clubhouse and over to lounge suite. I rest back on it and Lunar plonks herself on my lap. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she leans in nibbling my ear.

  “Lunar, can you come here?” Skye calls out. Lunar looks at me for permission and I nod.

  She smiles leaning in kissing me quickly, then hops off my lap and runs over to Skye—what for, I have no idea. But being on my own, I feel more relaxed. I can’t help but think back to last night and how I bailed on Willow, and how I feel torn about that decision. I want to see her again, but I don’t want to drag her into this world. Looking over to the other side of the room, I see The Penetrator being sucked off by Jodi while he’s finger banging Emma. I exhale enjoying the show but shake my head.

  That, right there, is exactly why I can’t bring Willow into this world.

  The clubhouse door opens and Techie walks in letting Cassius run through the door. I smirk as he runs and jumps up on the lounge next to me. He rests his head on my lap and I lean into him giving him a pet on the head. He really is the only thing of Mum I have left. Sure, I could go and see her, she doesn’t live too far away, but she chose to leave us. The club was too much for her, and it means everything to Dad and me, so we chose the club over her. I exhale cuddling into Cassius a little more feeling vulnerable. I hate feeling like this like I’ve made a mistake. I’m Steel, I’m the VP of the fucking Satan’s Savages Virginia chapter and I’m pining over a bitch I met… what once?

  What in the fuckin’ hell is wrong with me?


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