The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 20

by K E Osborn

  “You’re so confident, but I’m sure you know that?”

  I nod and lean in kissing her. She tries to pull away, but my hand comes up and grabs the back of her head holding her to me. I lick her bottom lip and her mouth instinctively opens for me.


  Moving my naked body against hers, my tongue dances along with the rhythm we’re both accustomed to. She leans into me further and just when she starts to heat it up, I pull back letting her know I’m in control. She pants as she looks in my eyes. I smile and turn to finish plating up the dinner.

  “Jerk,” she teases.

  “Yeah, but I’m a hot jerk.”

  “Hmm… unfortunately.”

  I laugh and continue plating up my dinner.

  We eat and end up naked on the lounge suite cuddling and watching a movie with Petunia at my feet. Eventually, we end up back in bed and as I lay in the dark with Willow cuddled into my side and a teacup pig laying on my legs, I smile figuring this is the most comfortable I’ve felt in years. Just laying here in silence, cuddling.

  It’s a peacefulness, a stillness, I don’t get at the club and I’m growing fond of this feeling. It’s something I’ve never had before and I want more of it.

  “Steel, can I ask you something?”

  I graze my fingers up and down her arm and kiss her hair. “Sure, babe.”

  “What’s your real name?”

  I tense up and swallow hard. Only three people in my life know my real name. My dad, Chops and Techie. The brothers I trust. It’s been a rule since my blood brothers were killed when they were seven. No one is to know my real name, so they can’t know my connection to Dad. It’s been ingrained in me since I was five not to reveal my name to anyone we don’t trust. I trust Willow, I do. But everything in me is screaming at me to change the subject. So I do.

  “So, I enjoyed my fish taco tonight.”

  She scoffs and slaps my chest. “You’re a disgrace, Steel. But on a good note, I crossed off one of our rules tonight.”

  I open my eyes wide and smirk. “You did?”

  “Mm-hmm, try something different every time we see each other. Well, I’ve never had sex in that position before.”

  I open my eyes wider and squeeze her to me. “What? Basically doggy style with you leaning on the bed?”


  “Wow! You really haven’t lived, have you?”

  She giggles. “To be honest, I’ve only ever really done missionary.”

  I shake my head thinking of her ex. What a douche he must have been. “Well babe, you’ll get plenty of positions with me, startin’ with shower sex in the mornin’.”

  She looks up at me and her eyes sparkle. “That’s really a thing?”

  The gasp that comes out of my mouth shocks me as I try to comprehend what she’s saying. “Shower sex?” I ask.

  She nods and bites her bottom lip. “Yeah, like can people actually have sex in the shower? I thought that was just something they did in movies. Well, that’s what Trent said anyway.”

  I groan and shake my head. “Babe, in the mornin’ I’m gonna show you just how possible shower sex is.”

  She giggles and cuddles into me further. “I can’t wait.”


  After making good on my early morning hot shower sex with Willow, twice, she had to leave for work. I’ve just pulled up at the clubhouse at stupid o’clock in the morning again. I hate that she starts work so God damned early. Getting off my Hog, I pet Cassius as he cuddles into my leg like always. I love that he’s here to greet me even at this ridiculous time of the morning. At the clubhouse door, Cassius waits to see if I’ll let him in. Deciding I’d like some company when I go back to bed, I bring him inside with me.

  “C’mon boy.” He wags his tail and walks alongside me into the clubhouse, down the darkened hall and to my room where I take off my clothes and climb into bed. Patting my bed, Cassius gets the hint and jumps up on the mattress and curls up right next to me.

  “Good boy.” I close my eyes and let visions of Willow naked in the shower invade my senses and my dreams.


  After sleeping for hours, Cassius is finally too restless and wants to go out. So I get up and get dressed. He races out of my room and out down to the clubroom. I’m assuming he needs the bathroom. Chuckling to myself as I slowly make my way down to the clubroom, I notice the assembly room door open and Dad and Gator are sitting down, talking. I should probably be in there too, so I make my way over and walk in. They continue to chat as I step in and take up a chair.

  “It was a rival biker club that came in and took us out… the Riot Brother’s MC. One of my brothers raped one of the Riot’s old ladies. Needless to say, he was one of the first ones killed. But of course, we had no idea he’d done it. Snake was a loose cannon, and we were thinking of patching him out anyway. I just wish I’d done it sooner. Lives could have been saved. This mess is on me.”

  I shake my head along with Dad. It’s not Gator’s fault but it is Snake’s.

  “It’s just bad luck man. You’re welcome to stay as long as you need,” Dad responds. I nod in agreement.

  “Now we know what the issue is, we can try and sort it out with them and get out of your hair hopefully by the weekend.”

  Dad and I nod. “No rush, though, brother,” I say.

  “Thanks. Your help through this has meant a lot to us.” He stands and Dad and I stand too. We all walk out of the assembly room to the clubroom where the other members are all mingling. Dad marches off with Gator, and I start to stride toward the bar. I notice Lookout walking in and I want the inside info on what went down with him and Niki.

  “Oi, Lookout, sit with me.”

  He looks over and nods, walking over and pulling out a stool to sit down. “Hey, fucker.”

  “What’s the go with you and Niki?” I figure I’ll get straight to the point.

  He jolts his head back and rubs the back of his neck. “What? Ain’t nothing happened motherfucker. She’s a classy bitch. Ain’t spreading her legs first time she meets a cock for no one. You know what I’m saying?”

  I smirk and nod. “She didn’t put out for you, and you’re pissed hey?”

  He scoffs and shakes his head. “Please motherfucker, a woman like that you gotta handle with care, ‘specially if you wanna be seeing her again.”

  I furrow my eyebrows and huff. “You’re seein’ her again?”

  He smiles. “Bitch, please. That woman is awesome. Hells yeah, I’ll be seeing her again.”

  Frowning, I fold my arms over my chest and huff. I don’t think I like this idea. Lookout’s a strange character and not someone I’d pick for a father figure for Jackson. “Her kid is awesome. If anythin’ happens with you and Niki, you have to promise me you’re gonna look after Jackson. Right—”

  “Whoa, motherfucker! I never said I was marrying the bitch. I ain’t no daddy material. Fuck me fucker. You tripping?” He throws his hands in the air and stands up storming off mumbling to himself.

  A raging hot heat burns inside of me. I just want Jackson and Niki to be well looked after. This insatiable need is probably raging from my own guilt, but still if Lookout is just looking for a good time, then he needs to leave Niki the fuck alone. I’m annoyed. I want something to take the edge off my anger. Looking up, I signal over to Knucklehead and he nudges an unusually dry looking Doug as he starts to pour me a beer. I wait watching for the head to be tremendously big, but it’s actually pretty good. Doug looks to Knucklehead for his approval and he nods. Doug smiles widely as he walks my stein over. He hands it to me with his shoulders back and his head raised high like he’s proud of himself.

  I pick up the stein and raise it in the air. “Congrats, Doug.” Taking a sip, I watch as Knucklehead walks over with a stein of beer behind Doug. Doug is smiling so brightly at his accomplishment as Knucklehead brings the stein up and pours it all over Doug’s head.

  The beer in my mouth comes spraying out as I laugh so hard. Poor D
oug, now he’s getting beered… just because. He grabs a tea towel and starts to dry himself as the vein in his neck pops and pulses and his eyes furrow together. He looks angrier and angrier by the second as everyone laughs at him.

  FIM walks in and starts laughing as he looks at his yet again, wet brother and walks behind the bar picking up a tea towel to help dry him off, but Doug smacks his hand away.

  “Fuck off, this is bullshit. Brothers my arse.” He throws the tea towel down on the bar and storms out of the clubroom with all of us watching. The rest of the clubroom continue to laugh at him except for me, Knucklehead and FIM.

  I’m actually concerned by that reaction… and concerned about Doug. I really don’t think he’s cut out for club life. But I like FIM and I think he’ll be perfect.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I smile hoping it’s a message from Willow. Pulling it out I swipe the screen to see it’s a message from Bullet, Prez of the Bendigo Chapter.

  Bullet: Steel, hoping you can help a brother out. We need a shipment by the weekend. We had a deal in place, but our supplier fell through last minute. Can you help us out?

  I smile knowing we can help them. We have a stash of ecstasy in the basement and we could run it up to them, it’s Thursday now. If we left today, we’d get it to them in time. I look up wondering who I’ll get to do the run. Then I remember the normal mules would have been Alex and Jake, the two prospects we lost in the 5113 battle. I brought in FIM and Doug to replace them. They have mule history, why not trial them on their first run?

  Glancing up at FIM, I figure I may as well suss it out.

  “FIM,” I call out nodding my head for him to come across. This isn’t really my decision to make, but I’m making it.

  He looks over and walks up then pours another beer for me.

  “I might have a first run for you and Doug. It’d be up to Bendigo with some cargo. Do you think you and your brother are up to it?”

  FIM’s eyes open wide and he nods but doesn’t say anything.

  “We’d be trustin’ you not to get pulled over by the heat. So you gotta drive straight, obey the law, and stay under the radar.”

  He nods and grabs my shoulder squeezing it reassuringly. “We got this. We know how to mule, and we’ll get the cargo to Bendigo. Don’t worry about a thing. You just tell us where to go, what time to be there, and we’ll do it. This is what we’ve been waiting for. To prove ourselves to you, Steel.”

  I nod and smile. “Good, ‘cause if you fuck up, you’re out. If you really fuck up, I’ll send you to Jigsaw.”

  He nods and exhales. “We got this. When do we leave?”

  I run my hand through my hair. “You’ll leave tomorrow. So go get Doug. Stop him from sulkin’. I’ll get Ryder to set up your Hogs with the cargo. Then the Prez will give the deets on the location and you can get organised. Check in with Techie every time you stop. We need to know how the cargo is travellin’.”

  “Sure thing. And don’t worry, we won’t fuck this up.”

  I raise my eyebrow. “You better not.”

  I slap his shoulder and look over at Ryder, who nods and walks over. “VP, something going down?”

  “Cargo shipment to Bendigo. Four parcels of Twilight Zone. Two in the cargo of each Hog. One for FIM, the other Doug.”

  Ryder simply nods in understanding of my code and walks off. The thing about Ryder is he never questions or answers back. That’s what makes him a great brother. He’d do anything you ask without fail. That’s why I trust him implicitly. This shipment of cargo will hopefully make or break FIM and Doug. If they can pull this off, it will show their worth to the club. If they don’t, then they’ll end up in the hands of Jigsaw, and nothing I say or do will be able to stop that from happening.

  “Go find Doug,” I request. FIM nods and strides off out of sight.

  Taking a deep breath, I better catch up with Dad to tell him what’s going on. He needs to know why a shipment is heading out. Finding him in the assembly room smoking a cigar and looking over a porno magazine, I cringe as I walk in.

  “Oi, Dad. Just lettin’ you know a shipment of Twilight Zone is headin’ to Bendigo tomorrow. Bullet messaged me for a handout. Said we’d help.”

  He looks up and nods. “Righto! Send Knucklehead and Ryder.”

  This is the part I’m not looking forward to.

  Taking a deep breath, I stand taller and straighten my stature. “I already assigned FIM and Doug—”

  “What? That wasn’t your decision to make kid—”

  “Well, I made it. They’re gonna need to prove their worth to the club and this is how.”

  Silence fills the room as Dad looks away from me and back to his magazine. That tells me that he thinks I’m right. He huffs and shakes his head. “It’s too soon.”

  “They’re gettin’ antsy. They need a job to do. They’re keen as fuck to feel like they belong. So let’s give ‘em somethin’.”

  He shakes his head taking a long draw on his cigar, the grey smoke circling up through the air. “I still think it’s too soon. I’ll go along with it. But if it backfires, it’s on you kid.”

  I half smile. “Fine.” I turn and step out of the assembly room feeling like somehow I just won a battle. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend when FIM and Doug return, it will prove I can win the war too.

  I need to wind down after dealing with dad, even though it wasn’t the usual all-out fight I thought it was going to be. I still hate arguing with him, so a beer is a must. Sitting down at the bar, I nod at Knucklehead and he walks over and starts to pour me a cold one. While I’m here, I’ll get his opinion in the new prospects.

  “So you’re around them the most, what’s your take on FIM and Doug?”

  He chuckles and shrugs. “FIM is great, really fucking stealthy, though. He sneaks up on me all the time scaring the shit out of me, but Doug… now Doug, I’m not sure about. Either he’s going to take some time to get used to the club, or he’ll be out. Either way, I just hope FIM stays on because I think he’ll be an asset to us.”

  I nod as FIM, Doug, and Ryder come back inside. Taking a long draw of my freshly poured beer, I swallow it quickly feeling the calming sensation hit my brain straight away.

  “The Cargo is set for the shipment,” Ryder declares. I nod and pat him on the back. He walks off just as Dad comes over. I chuckle slightly watching FIM and Doug tense up.

  “So you’re going on your first run?” Dad questions.

  Doug and FIM are tense. Both their shoulders are taut and their faces tight with clenched jaws like they’re scared shitless of Dad. Just like all the new prospects are. It’s actually comical to watch.

  “Yes sir,” Doug answers making me laugh.

  “Sir? None of that shit! Call me Prez, son. That’s what everyone else calls me. Get this shipment right, and you two guys will be sitting pretty.”

  Doug opens his eyes wide. “We get paid for this?”

  I smirk and Dad chuckles. “Of course, son. We don’t expect you to do this for nothing. You’re putting your lives on the line here. You get busted by the heat, you guys go down on your own. You don’t bring the club with you. You hear what I’m saying?”

  They both nod and I half smile at their enthusiasm. I thought Doug might object, but he doesn’t seem to be affected by the threat of the law.

  “We’ll do this right, Prez. You can count on us,” FIM conveys. I nod and slap his shoulder to let him know I’m proud of him. He smiles and nods in return.

  Dad inhales sharply. “Good. Don’t make me regret sending you. Follow me, and I’ll tell you where to go,” Dad says and starts moving off. Doug follows and I grab FIM’s arm. He turns and looks at me.

  “You take charge of this run, okay? I trust you to do right by the club.”

  He nods and taps my hand on his arm. “Don’t worry VP, I won’t let you down.”

  I nod and he hoofs it after Dad and Doug. I exhale hoping I’ve chosen the right men for the job. Not just for the sake of my
club, but for the sake of the Bendigo Chapter too.


  FIM and Doug left for Bendigo yesterday. Today’s Saturday and they should be arriving at the Bendigo clubhouse sometime today. I’m sitting in the clubroom eating my breakfast with my brothers. The aroma of the bacon that’s sizzling in the pan wafts through the clubrooms and invades my senses. I love bacon. Although now when I look at it, it has me thinking about Petunia, but I shrug and eat it anyway.

  I’m chatting with Techie and laughing at some stupid bloody riddle Jigsaw has said that makes no sense what-so-ever when my phone alerts me to a text message. Casually I pull it out hoping it’s Willow, like whenever my phone beeps these days.

  It’s not, disappointment floods me—it’s Bullet from Bendigo.

  Bullet: You’re prospects arrived with the shipment about half an hour ago. I’m very happy with the product. Our purchaser should be smiling too. Thanks for saving our skin, brother. We owe you.

  I take in a deep breath knowing FIM and Doug haven’t let us down. They’ve been checking in with Techie on their ride up there, but you can never be too sure with newbies. Of course, Techie has been surveilling them the whole time. Plus, we had a brother tail them just in case keeping out of sight.

  Me: Glad all is good. Happy to help anytime, you know that.

  I type out another text, once I’ve sent that one to Bullet.

  Me: FIM, good job on delivering the packages. You can either have a rest at Bendigo or come right back. Whatever you want to do?

  This is a test, to see how well they fit into the brotherhood. Let’s see if FIM takes the bait.

  FIM: Thanks, Steel. I think Doug and I will stay in Bendigo for a bit. Have some lunch, chat with our Bendigo brothers. Get to know them then head back.

  Bingo! That’s what I was after. A brother should always stay and mingle with his other chapter members, not just turn and leave. FIM is playing this fucking perfectly. He is club material after all.


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