The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 30

by K E Osborn

  “You’re a fucking cunt for comin’ into my house like this.” I clench my fist and punch his face again, my knuckles tighten and twinge as his head flies back against the chair harshly provoking him moan even louder.

  The sound is heaven to my ears.

  “Enough! We need him to be able to talk, kid.”

  The guy brings his head up and smirks. “I’m not telling you anything.”

  We all chuckle and fold our arms over our chests. “You’ve already lost three teeth, and all your pussy gang mates are dead out there. Do you really think we’re gonna go easy on you if you don’t talk?”

  He curls up his lip. “Well, just kill me. ‘Cause I ain’t talking shit.”

  I’ve had enough of this. So I pull out Wesley and bring the blade right down smack bang in the middle of his thigh. The muscles pull taut against my blade and the blood oozes around the blade. He screams out in utter agony as Dad huffs and I smile twisting the knife slowly inside his leg making the guy thrash about and scream like a little sissy.

  “Okay, okay, that’s enough.” Dad pushes me and grabs Wesley pulling it out of his leg. As he does a squirt of blood releases from his leg and the guy actually starts to cry like a little pussy.

  “Tell us what happened here today, or I’ll start slicin’ your stomach apart.” The guy doesn’t budge nor react, he just keeps sobbing. I move forward grabbing the knife from Dad and move toward him like I’m going to stab his stomach, his eyes open wide and he breaks.

  “Okay, okay, okay. I’ll tell you. Please don’t gut me.”

  I laugh and we all shake our heads at how easy that was. Such a weak little pansy motherfucker.

  “Go! Tell us what you know,” Chops says.

  “We came here in retaliation for killing Chez. We’ve been planning it since the drug deal went south. The entire gang came ‘cause we thought we could outnumber you.”

  Dad laughs. “You thought you could outnumber bikers on their home turf? You guys are bigger dickheads than we gave you credit for! Is it also for us capping your men outside the gun shop?”

  He opens his eyes wide. “That was you guys? We had no idea who did that. You fucking scum. We should have gutted you all.”

  Rolling my eyes, I clench my fist and slam it into his jaw.

  He moans out in pain and shakes his head. “Stop, stop. I’ll behave I’ll tell you anything.”

  Dad leans in closer to him. “Are there any contingencies in plan for when you guys don’t come back?” The guy shakes his head, but the glassy look in his eyes makes me think he’s lying. I move forward and run my blade along his throat, the sharpness of the steel cutting the fine hairs along his jaw.

  “Okay, okay, please don’t torture me anymore.”

  “Then tell us, what… we want… to know,” I say through gritted teeth.

  He exhales and nods. “The Cartel. The guys that we buy our drugs from… we are in deep with them. We’re their biggest distributors. If the 5113ers go missing, they’ll come after who took us down. You guys are in big shit now! The Cartel… man, I wouldn’t wanna mess with them.”

  I look at Dad and furrow my brows. “A Cartel in Australia?”

  Dad shrugs. “I’ve heard they were making their move on Oz. It’s possible they’re in Adelaide.”

  “Not possible, bro… they are here. They have been for two years, and they’re running the streets. And you guys… you will be their biggest targets. You’re in fucken deep you savage scum.”

  I scowl and bring Wesley up and shove it right into his shoulder, the push of his muscle against my blade brings a smile to my face, as the blood oozes from the wound and he screams out in a beautiful agony. I twist the steel and he writhes against the metal. Gritting my teeth I push it in harder letting him know he’s not in control of this situation. We are! And he isn’t walking out of the Chop Shop alive, no matter how good his intel.

  “Enough kid,” Dad says placing his hand on my shoulder.

  Relaxing slightly and twisting the knife, I slowly and torturously pull it from his shoulder. He moans and grits his teeth breathing harshly through his nose.

  “Go and help with the cleanup. Keep the morale up, and organise the lockdown. We gotta get all the old ladies and their families to the clubrooms. If this Cartel is going to come after us, we need everyone in one place so we can look after our own. Help your brothers, kid. Don’t go seeking revenge, this guy’s the only one left of the 5113ers. There’s no one to seek revenge on,” Dad tells me. Although I know he’s right, my anger is still bubbling away, and I feel like I need to serve some justice somehow. Knucklehead and the others died for nothing, and that doesn’t sit well with me.

  I nod and clench my fist looking at the dreadlocked scum sitting before me. I coat my mouth full of saliva and spit in his face. He flinches away as I storm out of the Chop Shop, up the stairs, and into the clubhouse where the cleanup is in full swing.

  Most of the bodies are gone, and the cleanup crew is here. The smell of bleach is overpowering as they mop the blood riddled floor.

  Marching over to Techie, I notice he’s still limping. I grab him and he looks at me furrowing his brows.

  “Why are you limpin’?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Bullet grazed my leg. Might have gone in. Not sure. Hurts like a motherfucker.”

  I huff. “You need to see Stevie.”

  Techie shrugs. “He’s busy with people who are way more wounded than me.”

  FIM and Doug walk over. I glance at FIM whose bloodstained shirt takes my attention. “Shit FIM, you need to get checked out too. You took a bullet, right in your side.”

  “Honestly, I’m fine. It’s just a flesh wound.”

  I purse my lips. “Well, thank you for jumpin’ in the bullet’s path for me. It would’ve gone straight in my chest. I would’ve been a goner for sure. And Doug thanks for protectin’ the Prez. You two really proved yourselves today. You put your lives on the line, both of you. That won’t be forgotten. It comes with rewards. Your trust has been earnt now.” I can finally call them brothers. They both smile wide and so do I. It seems strange to smile in this situation, but knowing they have my back is something worth celebrating after a whole lot of slaughter and havoc.

  Behemoth stomps up and looks at me frowning.

  “What is it, Behemoth?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “The gate. They blew it out. Crash and Ryder are working on setting up something temporary. We should have it up in an hour or so. But in the explosion…” he shakes his head, “…Gatekeeper didn’t make it.”

  My anger is boiling away right at the surface again. “Fuck!” I yell and breathe harshly out of my nose. “Right Behemoth, the club is in lockdown. Tell everyone to get their families here, or anyone they think needs protectin’. No one else dies today!” I say walking off. I don’t know where I’m walking to. I have so much to organise. Families will be coming in from everywhere, and I need to call Willow and get her arse here as soon as possible. She’s in danger the longer she stays outside of these walls. I need to get in touch with her now.

  What a fucking mess.



  All the kids have been picked up early tonight, so I’m able to leave on time for once. I figured as I haven’t seen Steel since this morning and I haven’t spoken to him all day because I’ve been so busy, I’m having withdrawals. My phone was on silent. I’ve had a few missed calls from him, I’m guessing about him coming over to my place tonight. So I figure I’ll surprise him by going to the clubhouse this evening instead. I just hope he’s around when I get there and Chops isn’t. If not, I’m sure one of his other brothers will keep me entertained until Steel shows up anyway.

  Driving my car down the road toward the clubhouse, I see a lot of debris scattered around the front of the entrance. Furrowing my brows as I pull up at the gate to see a makeshift gate installed. It looks like the old one has been blown out or something. Tensing my shoulders, I pull up to
the gate and look out of the window to see Gatekeeper isn’t there. Instead, Crash is at the lookout post.

  “Oh, hey Willow, so glad you got here. Steel will be relieved. Drive on through.” He opens the gate, and I don’t have a chance to reply before his attention is taken by Ryder.

  Something’s obviously happened, I just have no idea what. As the gates open my eyes expand wide as I take in all the cars, and people walking aimlessly around the compound. Swallowing hard, I drive in cautiously as people move out of my way while parking my car. I’m completely confused as to what’s going on right now. There are people everywhere.

  Shogun rushes up to greet me, but no Cassius. I find that odd because they’re normally always together. Shaking my head as I walk toward the clubroom door, I pull it back and step inside to see more people. There are women and children and other older people, and everyone is rushing about everywhere. It’s utter pandemonium.

  I glance around, I can’t see Knucklehead at the bar. In fact, no one is at the bar. It’s actually just chaos in here. I walk through to the back of the clubroom toward the hall where it’s less packed looking through the sea of people for Steel.

  My head is a muddled mess, I have no idea what’s going on and why everyone seems so frightened. I go to pull out my phone when I notice the sign above me flashing in neon lights. I glance up to read ‘Chop Shop’ and below it an opening with stairs leading down to a basement. Figuring it will be quieter in there to make a phone call to Steel, to see where he is and to find out what the hell is going on. I tread down the solid black steps and down the dark hall to open the door. The room is dark, so I close the door behind me and then walk around the small bend. Suddenly, I stop on the spot and gasp looking at a man strapped to a chair, naked, covered in blood and Chops leaning over him with headphones on slicing a layer of the man’s thigh and peeling the skin back to reveal the muscle. The man is out cold. Luckily. But the sight of the flesh and the smell churns my stomach. I’m frozen to the spot in fear at what I’m seeing. My heart lurches into my throat as my stomach turns on itself and twists so violently the bile hurtles up my throat and expels out of my mouth all over the floor.

  Gasping for air and gaining Chop’s attention, a wave of panic washes over me engulfing my entire body in a flaming hot inferno. Chops glares at me, and then his lips turn up into a salacious grin. My flight instinct kicks in and I turn, my feet fumbling as my body doesn’t react how I want it to. I’m unsteady on my feet, but I manage to start running toward the stairs, but his tight grip on my shoulder spins me around placing me slightly off balance. We look at each other for the briefest of seconds before my time in the gym with Steel flashes into my mind. My knee comes up between his legs and I thrust it hard into his groin. He moans out in pain and bends over as he lets me go.

  “Help!” I yell out turning back around and starting to run again, but he grabs my ankle and pulls me to the ground. I fall flat on my stomach knocking the wind from my lungs. My forehead smacks on the concrete, and the sudden pain radiating through my skull is immense as everything starts to spin. My body flips over on the ground and Chops is abruptly over the top straddling me. My vision is foggy as two of him comes into view. I feel sick. My heart pounds ferociously and my body is shaking so much it’s as if I’m freezing cold but, in reality, I’m burning up.

  “You’ve seen too much, Flame. This means I finally get to take care of you.”

  My vision starts to right itself and his harsh stare sends a shockwave right through me. I move my body against his trying to shake him off me, but nothing’s working. He’s just too heavy. His face comes close to mine, and he runs his nose along my cheek sniffing me.

  “You smell so good, Flame. I’m going to enjoy this.”

  My eyes sting with red hot tears as I struggle against him even more. He straightens up as his nose comes into my sight. I need to take action now while I can, so I struggle to get my hand free from his grip and bring it up forcefully smashing my palm up into his nose. The crunch echoes through the room as blood pours out of him and all over me while he hunches over moaning and cussing. I push him off me and fumble my way up as he rolls around on the floor. Running toward the door with every ounce of strength I have left, I start to climb the stairs.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you, you little fucking cunt.” His voice isn’t far behind me as I bolt toward the door screaming with tears falling from my eyes hoping and praying for Steel to rescue me from this nightmare.


  “Hey Steel, Willow’s here,” Crash calls out as he walks past me.

  I furrow my brows and look around the clubhouse. “Shit, thank God. Where is she then?”

  “Dunno, I’ve been on the gate. Someone in here might know, though. Ask around.”

  “Thanks, Crash.” Rushing around, I can’t see her anywhere so I check my bedroom. Nope, not there either.

  Confused, I make my way back to the clubroom and stand by the hall looking out into the crowd. Hammer’s family are sitting right by me. I figure I may as well ask around, there're not many redheads walking around in here, maybe they’ve seen her. “Excuse me. Have any of you seen a cute little redhead in here?”

  “Oh, yeah! She went down there about ten minutes ago.” The older lady points to the Chop Shop staircase and my heart drops to the bottom of my chest.

  “Fuck! Are you sure?”


  “Thanks.” I don’t hesitate and run right down the staircase. If Willow walked in on Chops, he would stop at nothing to kill her for seeing too much. The door opens just as I arrive at it. Willow’s terrified, tear-filled and bloodstained face greets me, and my heart stops in my chest. I lunge forward and take her in my arms as she cries hard. Her body goes limp when I catch her and Chops isn’t far behind cussing with blood pissing out of his nose. Moving Willow behind me to shelter her from Chops, my anger bubbles to the surface that he’s touched her again, let alone hurt her.

  “What have you done?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  He stumbles up to the stairs and shakes his head. “She’s seen too much, Steel.”

  My chest tightens and my heart races frantically. I know what this means. I know what happens when Chops gets like this. Turning, I look at Willow and she’s cowering as her entire body shakes uncontrollably while her face floods with tears. She’s looking at me furrowing her brows, her lips trembling from fear as a trickle of blood runs down her forehead. I hate seeing her like this.

  “Are you badly hurt?” I ask and she shakes her head. “Did he touch you sexually?” She shakes her head again, and I close my eyes taking a deep, steadying breath in relief. “I’ll handle this Chops. She won’t say anythin’.”

  “She’s a flight risk and a goody-two-shoes, Steel. She cannot stay alive.” He lunges forward and I punch him in his bloody nose, the crack resounding through the room as he moans and falls to his knees grabbing at his broken snout.

  “Leave her the fuck alone! Or I’ll send you out of here in a box myself. You got me? You. Do. Not. Touch. Her. Ever!”

  He looks up at me and smirks. “She’s a liability Steel, and you know it. She will be dead, you can count on it. I will see to it myself, no matter what Mad Dog says.”

  I huff and grab Willow’s hand turning and racing with her up the stairs and into the clubroom. She’s trembling. I know what she saw in there will haunt her for the rest of her life. But I need to protect her now. Not just from the Cartel, but more importantly from fucking Chops. I know him. Once he thinks someone’s a threat, he won’t stop till the threat is eliminated. I need to protect her, and I can only think of one way to achieve that goal.

  Everyone in the clubroom looks at Willow as I drag her through the crowd and into the assembly room. She’s still shaking. My blood is boiling, my palms are sweating, my pulse is racing and I’m ready to kill Chops myself for laying a finger on her. Slamming the assembly room door shut, I pull her to me as she’s still visibly shaken.

at the hell were you thinkin’ goin’ down there?” I pull back and look at her. Her eyes are glassy. I bring my hand up to caress her cheek.

  “I didn’t know what it was. I was just looking for you. It was terrible and terrifying Dylan.”

  She doesn’t often call me Dylan, so I know she’s in a state when she’s using my real name. I pull her back to me and hold her as tightly as humanly possible without hurting her.

  “It’ll be okay.”

  She pulls back and shakes her head. “No, it won’t. If you’re a part of that, if you know what’s going on down in that room, then you’re guilty by association. I can’t be with someone who enjoys stuff like that!”

  Shaking my head, I take a deep breath. “Babe, I don’t enjoy that. I hate the Chop Shop and detest the torture and the violence the club brings with it. But I’ve made a decision, and I’m hoping you go along with it. Because really, it could be the only thing to save your life right now.”

  Her eyes open wide and she bites her bottom lip. “Chops really wants to kill me?”

  Nodding my head, she staggers out a stuttered breath. “Come with me.” I grab her hand and drag her out of the assembly room before she has another chance to talk. Making my way through the clubhouse, I drag her outside to the burning tree where Dad is getting ready for the ceremony.

  Dad notices Willow and shakes his head. “What the fuck happened here?”

  “Dad, I don’t have time to explain. Just listen.”

  Dad nods and furrows his brows crossing his arms over his chest in a defiant stance.

  “Flame walked into the chop shop and saw too much. Chops wants blood. I have to take Willow and go.”

  Dad exhales and looks down at the ground running his hand through his beard as Willow stiffens next to me.

  “What? Go where?” Willow asks.

  “Anywhere but here, babe. Chops won’t stop till you’re either so far out of the picture he forgets about you, or you’re dead. This is the only way. We have to leave. Now,” I say and she furrows her brows and shakes her head.


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