The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 64

by K E Osborn

  My tongue massages hers slowly and passionately, this is the kind of sex I’ve been craving, slow, intimate love making. Sure, I might sound like a pussy whipped motherfucker, but nothing beats making sweet love to the woman you’re madly in love with. As my emotions settle down and the pleasure of the moment takes over bringing me into the now, as warmth creeps over my skin. Moving my hips a little faster, Hannah rocks back up against me, we move in blissful harmony that we know so well. Being together is effortless, flawless… perfect.

  Thrust after thrust the pleasure increases and our soft moans vibrate into each other’s mouths as we continue to kiss passionately. Slick, hot bodies rocking back and forth striving for total, undeniable satisfaction as we work together toward a common goal.

  She feels incredible, as a tingle shoots up my spine and straight into my chest making it hard to breathe. She knocks the wind from me and I love every second of it. A wave of heat seeps through my skin from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, bathing me in a glorious energy that sends my skin prickling into goosebumps. Pins and needles begin in my legs and it’s the good kind, the kind that lets me know I’m on my way to euphoria.

  Hannah’s body starts to shake, as her hand in my hair clenches tighter and her nails dig into my back. The feeling of her harsh nails penetrating my skin only excites me more as I thrust deeper into her. My balls tense up, pulling and constricting with their impending explosion. My cock throbs as Hannah’s back arches off the bed thrusting her into me further. I push into her faster and deeper. My eyes instinctively open as do hers at the same time.

  We gaze into each other’s eyes, as her brows crease together in a pleasured bliss, while I kiss her firmly. My balls tighten, squeezing sharply while my cock aches, pulsing and enlarging inside of her. Her body shakes uncontrollably, and she moans inside my mouth just as her pussy tightens constricting so tight around my cock. I groan into her mouth as the tightness makes my balls pull up, and as she stiffens I groan into her mouth as my cock pulses and explodes, pouring my hot cum inside of her with a drawn out moan.

  We part lips as my head moves down into her neck trying to catch my breath as I press feather light kisses to her neck. Her fingers gently slide up and down my back as we both pant heavily coming down from our mutual climax.

  “We were always so good at that,” she whispers turning her head to kiss the side of my face.

  Chuckling into her neck, I pull back and look into her eyes moving my hand to her cheek to caress it tenderly. Staring directly into her eyes, I smile and shake my head slightly thinking how lucky I am that she’s taken me back. “You’re amazing you know that?”

  She smiles and leans up kissing me quickly. “You okay?”

  I nod and take a deep breath. “Yeah baby, just realizing what was right in front of me all along.”

  “I’m so sorry I kicked you out.” She draws her bottom lip into her teeth and winces.

  “Hey, we’re back together now. So let’s not dwell on what happened. Let’s just live in the now and think about our future… you, me, the twins and my little baby princess.”

  She nods and smiles. “I love you.”

  Smiling, I caress her cheek running my thumb over her skin. “I love you, baby, more than anything.”

  “Can you stay the night?” her eyes squint full of hope.

  Grinning, I nod. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She smiles so wide and leans forward pressing her lips to mine again, and I kiss her passionately still seated deep inside her. My cock twitches inside of her waking back up, and I smirk and start to move my hips slightly trying to get my cock to harden completely so I can go for round two.


  A tickling on my neck starts to wake me. My eyes flutter open and a pressure forms on my neck, so I look down to see Hannah kissing it. Smiling brightly, I bring my hand up to the back of her head and gently caress her hair. She looks up at me and smiles as I grab her, moving my weight and rolling us over so I pin her under me. She giggles and the sound is like music to my ears. Leaning in, I press my lips to hers, her hands run over the back of my hair and she kisses me back vigorously. Our tongues going rogue together, finding happiness against each other. My cock stiffens against her and she pulls back with a slight chuckle and a salacious grin.

  “As much as I want to go for round four with you, my hoo-ha hurts and the boys will be up soon.”

  Chuckling, I run my nose along hers. “Who says hoo-ha?”

  She smirks. “Well, what do you want me to say? Vagina?”

  Laughing, I grin. “Say pussy, it’s sexy when girls talk filthy.”

  She opens her eyes wide and slaps my chest. “Adam Donovan, I’m not talking like that thank you. I’m a respectable young lady.”

  Nodding my head and bringing my lips to hers quickly, I pull back and look into her eyes. “And that’s why I fucking love you.”

  She giggles and glances over at the clock on the bedside table. “Shit Adam, the boys will be up soon. Having to explain to them why their dad is here, and then why he left again for a while, will be really hard.” Her face falls and I exhale and nod in understanding. It’s best if I go before they wake up, so they don’t see me at all.

  Leaning down, I kiss her solidly. She kisses me back knowing this is the last moments we’ll spend together in this little bubble before I have to leave. Her tongue dances with mine, and my heart skips knowing that I will be able to do this soon every morning when I wake up, once I bring the Savages down once and for all.

  Slowly pulling back, I lick my lips tasting her and exhale looking into her beautiful green eyes. She really is a marvel, her face glowing with natural beauty.

  “This will all be over soon, baby, and I’ll be back in your arms for good.”

  She smiles and nods. “Good.”

  Pressing a light kiss on the tip of her nose, I press up, rolling off and standing up from the bed. My muscles pull and ache from the gloriousness of fucking all night long. I stretch as Hannah, not so secretly, looks down at my cock as it hangs between my legs freely.

  “Hannah, I thought you were a lady?”

  She smirks. “Well, sometimes ladies like to admire Gods. Now get dressed, I don’t need the boys finding out how babies are made from watching their parents going at it.”

  Smirking, I walk over to my jeans and pick them up. “Are you saying you’re having trouble restraining yourself there, babe?”

  She giggles. “You would too, if you were a woman and could see yourself.” She stands from the bed, the sheets fall from her gloriously naked body and my cock twitches as I swallow hard watching her walk over to grab her robe from our walk in closet. Shaking my head, I continue to get dressed trying to think of anything, but bending her over the edge of the bed and giving her a quickie before I leave. But she’s right, it’s getting close to the boys waking up, and I need to respect her request and not hurt them by walking out on them again. It’s better if when they see me, I’m back for good.

  “Can I just check in on Molly before I go?” I ask throwing my leather jacket on as Hannah walks out in her robe looking as sexy as sin.

  “Of course, I’m surprised she didn’t wake up during the night actually. She normally does.” She takes my hand and we walk quietly down the darkened hallway toward Molly’s room. We creak open the door, and I walk in seeing her sound asleep in her bassinet. I lean down and plant a soft, lingering kiss on her delicate little head. She’s so warm and it fills my heart with joy that I’ve finally met my baby girl. Moving my hand in to caress her tiny head scattered with brown hair, I close my eyes just taking in her baby smell. She is utterly perfect, and I can’t wait to come back to her. Sniffing as I pull back, I turn to Hannah, who’s chewing on her bottom lip and smile.

  “She’s so much like you.”

  She grins and runs her finger under my eye on my cheek. “She has your eyes, though.”

  Trying to hold in the tears that are forming, I take a deep breath. “I can’t wait
to watch her grow up. I’m going to spoil the shit out of her.”

  Hannah laughs and slaps my arm. “Don’t swear in front of her, she’s impressionable.”

  I tilt my head and scoff. “Baby, she’s four months old. All she knows is boobs and bathrooms.”

  She laughs and cuddles into my side. “I love you, Adam.”

  I run my fingers up and down her arm gently. “I love you too, Hannah.” I lean in kissing her softly and she pulls back and smiles.

  “You have to go… the boys will wake any second.”

  “I feel like a booty call,” I tease and she scoffs and shakes her head.

  “Get out of here, you. Just… just make sure you come back.”

  I nod and smile. “I’m all yours, baby.” I lean down quickly pecking her lips again and then turn and head for the front door.

  She walks with me hand-in-hand as we quietly make it to the front door. She opens it and I peer out to make sure my Hog is still across the road. She smiles and looks at me raising an eyebrow. “I never did tell you how sexy it is that you ride that thing.”

  Chuckling, I pull her to me and shake my head. “Well, I think when I get home I might sell it.”

  She pouts. “Oh, really?”

  Nodding, I lean in pressing my forehead to hers. “I want to thank you.”

  She furrows her brows and chews on the side of her lip. “What for?”

  Bringing my hand up, I smooth her hair back behind her ear. “For looking after our kids, for being both parents to them while I was off working a job, I didn’t know I was tired of doing. For taking me back when I clearly don’t deserve your love.”

  She exhales. “Adam, being a single parent is hard. Having Molly without you was one of the worst days of my life, but we can’t take that back. All we can do is look forward. You may not have been there for her birth, but at least you can be here to watch her grow up. That’s all that matters, her, the boys, me… we’re just happy to have you around.”

  Pain rips through my chest that I was so blinded by my job on the force that I lost my family because of it. Well, no more. My family comes first. Hannah comes first. Always.

  “I’m going to be here, for her first birthday, for her first boyfriend, for her first break up, for when she gets her first job when she gets married… all of it. And I’m going to do it by your side with her big brothers watching. I’m going to be such an attentive dad she’s going to wish I stayed away.”

  Hannah laughs and shakes her head. “Well, Daddy, this Mummy is glad to have you home. Just don’t go into radio silence again, okay. Keep in contact and tell me what’s going on. Let me know when you’re coming home, when you can, that’s all I ask.”

  Nodding, I take a deep breath and lean in kissing her eagerly. She deserves that much, even if I have to talk to her through Hudson, at least she can be updated on my progress and how far away I am from her. No more being in the dark. It was wrong of me to do that. Now is the time to step up and be a man, be the husband I was always meant to be.

  My tongue tangles with hers as I hold her to me so tight our bodies are touching in every way. I know this is our goodbye kiss until we meet again, when I’m out and this is all over. I can’t wait for that day!

  Slowly pulling back as sparks fly through the air and it feels like energy is surrounding us, pulling and binding us together. I look into her eyes. “I love you, baby, more than anything. You know that, right?”

  She smiles and nods. “And you’re my forever, you know that right?”

  I nod and lean in kissing her quickly again. A banging noise comes from the other end of the house and we both look up.

  “Muuum… I’m hungry,” Logan calls out.

  Hannah gasps and she kisses me quickly mouthing ‘I love you’ and closes the front door. “I’m coming, honey.”

  Taking a deep breath my heart races at hearing my son’s voice, but I know I can’t stand by the front door pining for them. I have to go. Clenching my eyes tight and taking a deep, calming breath, I sniff, shake my hands out to my side to release some tension and walk across the road to my bike. Grabbing my lid, I place it on my head and jump on the back feeling refreshed.

  I can do this.

  I feel like I finally know my plan.

  The good guys in the Savages are gone, there are no loyalties to anyone in there now.

  It’s time for me to bring the club down.


  Walking back into the clubrooms feels strange, it feels like I’m walking into a place that’s distant. Like somewhere you’ve been, but you don’t recognize as home anymore. I loved it here, but I had lost my way. Techie and the others, they made this place something special, and without them I see it for what it really is—a biker club. A place where the scum and heathens of this earth fester and mingle creating chaos and ruining people’s lives. I wanted to be a part of this before I saw the light, before I realized what I was giving up. How wrong was I?

  Making my way through the clubrooms, Mad Dog spots me and marches over. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up instantly at the glare in his eyes and the taut frame he’s sporting.

  “Where have you been all night?” he sneers.

  My guard is up after Mad Dog’s recent behaviour. Obviously, I can’t tell him where I’ve actually been, so I lie. “Skye left, so I drowned my sorrows in a bar and was too drunk to ride so I slept on a park bench.”

  “I hope you’re not too hungover, we have work to do,” Mad Dog sneers with a mischievous grin.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  He nods. “Yeah, I’ve messaged Papi about a meet for package storage. We’re meeting at the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Gawler… the red one, remember?”

  I want to get as much information as possible so I can set up the sting with my unit. “Yeah, what time?”

  Mad Dog grins and his eyes squint like he has something going through his mind, I just have no idea what. “Six p.m. is the time. Make sure you know it ‘cause that’s where we’ll be. The warehouse at six p.m. We’ll all be going to intimidate Papi, make sure he knows who his boss is.”

  The thought crosses my mind that my luck may be changing with the fact that everyone will be at the takedown. This is going perfectly!

  “Good idea, the bigger presence, the more intimidated he’ll be. Good thinking, Prez,” I praise him up to make sure he sticks to his plan. The more of them that are there when the sting goes down, the better it will be for the unit to grab them all.

  “Yeah, I like to keep people on their toes, sting them where it hurts.”

  Furrowing my brows at his last sentence, I nod as he walks away from me chuckling to himself.

  Turning on my heels, I make quick tracks out to Sentinel to let him in on what’s going down. I need to fill him in that I’m fully onboard with this takedown, and that it’s happening tonight. Making my way to the lookout post, I climb up, and Sentinel looks down at me and then looks away in the usual manner he seems to treat me these days. I take a seat next to him and lean back resting my feet up on the post.

  He turns leering at me as I wrap my fingers behind my head and smile at him.

  “What are you so fucking happy about?” he asks.

  “Well, I broke protocol last night and went and saw Hannah.”

  His eyes widen and his nostrils flare. “What?” he sneers quietly while glaring at me.

  “It was good. It made me realise that I’ve seen things in the wrong way. This club needs to be fucking shut down. The only way to do that is with our help, and it looks like it’s going to go down tonight at six.”

  He sits up taller and shakes his head slightly. “What the fuck? Since when have you been onboard with bringing them down, and why tonight?”

  “Since I realized I was placing my bets on the wrong side. We’re the good guys, not them. Mad Dog is setting up a meet tonight, everyone’s going and they’re going to have drugs and cash on them. It’s a perfect opportunity for the unit to come in. I�
�m going to call it into Hudson, and get him and the Chief to meet us there, and hope like fuck Mad Dog doesn’t change the locay.”

  Sentinel smiles wide and nods his head. “It’s about time you remembered which side you’re on. I’m glad seeing Hannah helped, I just hope you haven’t put her in danger.”

  A shudder runs through me at that thought. Swallowing hard, I pull out my phone and start to send a text to Hudson, not only about the meet tonight but also about putting a protective watch on my house and Hannah.


  Hudson agreed to place protection on Hannah, which set my overactive mind to rest. My heart is racing as it nears closer to six p.m. It’s three now, and I’m in my room starting to pack my things. This time tomorrow I’ll be back here collecting everything to go home, while my unit raids the clubhouse seizing all the property.

  I shove another shirt in the duffle bag when there’s a knock on my door. My heart rate spikes and I quickly shove the bag under the bed just as Blade opens the door stepping through it, looking in furrowing his brows leering at the pile of clothes on my bed.

  “Prez wants to see you… You… ah… going somewhere?” he asks glancing down at my feet.

  I look down to see the strap of the bag hanging out from under the bed. “No, just packing away some old shit.” I don’t elaborate and walk toward the door and straight past him. His thumping footsteps behind me pound to the beat of my heart, and I feel a little nervous as to what Mad Dog could want. Walking down the hall, the unmistakable sounds of The Rolling Stones are playing over the stereo and I recognize the song as Dancing with Mr. D as Mick Jagger wails about whether it will be slow or fast, and I can’t help but feel like this song has meaning right now.

  I just don’t know what.

  Walking into the clubroom, I see Sentinel standing in the middle of the room, looking a little lost with Mad Dog. My skin prickles instantly as he’s always out on the gate, so something’s up.

  “Ah… there you are! I want to go and scope out the warehouse before tonight’s meet with Papi. I want Sentinel to come, he’s always on the gate and I need him to feel like he’s a part of this club, so we’re going together,” Mad Dog states smiling brightly.


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