The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 84

by K E Osborn

  Blake smiles and tilts his head. “Will you be playing against Gadget again?” He chuckles at the end of his sentence.

  “Fuck no, last time that nearly ended in a brawl. I think any kind of competition against that fucker is definitely not a good idea. Plus, he’s a cockhead anyway.”

  Blake tries to hide his chuckle. “You two are the highest source of entertainment for the rest of us, you know that right?”

  Leering at him, I frown. “We’re not that bad.”

  He scoffs. “You two together are like an electrical storm, volts charging off in all directions and things exploding. It really is enjoyable to watch, I love a good storm.”

  “You’re an arse, Blake.”

  He chuckles and nods. “I know, but seriously, why do you hate each other so much?”

  I huff as heat washes over me just thinking about Gadget. “He always tries to one up me. He thinks because I’m a tech guru that I came in here to take his job, so he’s always on the defensive. He thinks he has a larger IQ than me, too. The only thing about him that’s larger is his gut. Trust me, I have the bigger IQ… and cock.”

  Blake bursts out laughing and grins widely. “You crack me up, Techie.”

  “That’s because I’m funnier than Gadget, too.”

  Mooch walks up and sits down next to me. His tall, overly muscular frame would be intimidating to some, but to me he’s just a practical joker with a childlike mentality. Basically a Hulk of a man covered in colourful tattoos with the brain of a five-year-old.

  “Mooch my man, how’s the tattoo parlour?”

  He smiles cracking his neck from side to side. “Yeah pretty good, business is booming as always, the clients love me, you know that. Hey, do you have a smoke I can bum?”

  “Do you ever see me smoke, Mooch?”

  He purses his lips and looks up at the ceiling. His forehead crinkles like he’s thinking hard and it makes me chuckle. “Actually, no. Why the fuck don’t you smoke? You’re a biker, Techie. Be a tough man and draw in the nicotine like the rest of us.” He chuckles bumping his shoulder into mine.

  I half laugh shaking my head because even though he’s strapping and burly, he’s not too bright. “Mooch think about how many brothers smoke here.”

  He does that stern-faced looking up to the ceiling thing again. “Shit, it’s just me, Jock, Rev, and Switch.”

  “Exactly. You’re a minority. Smoking is so old school. Plus, it will kill you.”

  He scoffs and rolls his eyes. “It won’t kill me, nothing can kill me. I’m Mooch the almighty, my chest is impenetrable.”

  I raise my eyebrow and tilt my head. “What does that even mean?”

  “It means that that tar shit can’t invade my lungs. I’m made of tough shit, and I’d know if I was drowning in black crap.”

  I chuckle. “Mooch every time you draw in a puff you’re filling your lungs with said black crap.”

  “Bullshit, I’d feel it.”

  As I said, not too smart. “Okay, whatever you reckon.”

  “So, do you have a smoke?”

  I huff. “Why do you have to mooch off everyone? You want to kill yourself, go buy your own damn smokes. And remember…” I wave my hands in front of me, “…non-smoker, we just discussed this.”

  He chuckles and nods matter-of-factly. “Oh yeah, I’ll go bum one off Rev.” He stands up strolling off toward Rev, who’s sitting quietly in the corner.

  Shaking my head, I chuckle to myself. “Fucking dick.”

  Swivelling back around on my stool, I pick up my stein and take a long gulp of my frosty beverage. The amber liquid soothes my dry throat and calms my unsettled nerves instantly as my taut muscles sink and relax into themselves.

  A slap on my back forces me forward slightly, and I jump at the sudden shock. Turning my head, I look to see Steel grinning at me. “What’s up?”

  He smiles wide and jolts his head toward the stairs. “Crash messaged, we have our first movement of the day.”

  A chuckle escapes me as I turn grabbing my beer and chug the rest of it down quickly, the coldness of the liquid almost gives me brain freeze as I stand up. Slamming the stein back on the bar, a rumble from the depths of my stomach echoes up through my throat and out my mouth. The resounding burp echoes around the room and Steel laughs slapping my shoulder as we start to walk toward the stairs.

  Flame suddenly appears in our way, and she furrows her brows. “Steel, have you seen Petunia? I can’t find her anywhere.”

  He turns to look at me and opens his eyes wide like he has no idea what to do. So I decide I’d better say something as the silence is a little awkward.

  “Jock took her out for a play date with Casey, his niece,” I pull from my arse. I know Jock is off-site today, so he was the only one I could think of quickly.

  Flame nods. “Oh, okay, well is he going to look after her? Like he won’t lose her will he, Steel?”

  Steel takes a deep breath and thanks me with his eyes before turning back to face Flame. “No babe, he knows how much she means to us. Plus, he loves her, too. Everyone here does. She’s the club mascot after all. Plus, Casey will love her, so she’ll be getting lots of cuddles.”

  She smiles seemingly happy. “Okay, well I’m off to the crèche. Blake’s kids are in today, along with a couple of the others, so I have my hands full, but can you tell me when Niki and Jackson arrive. I want to say hi.”

  “Sure babe.” Steel leans in kissing her lips quickly before she scurries off down toward the crèche where she’s mother hen. Meli helps out in there too. She and Meli are besties, and I think it’s a good distraction for Meli. Gator and her are so all over the place, so it’s good for Meli to be able to focus on something else.

  “Mission shitstorm is a go,” Steel whispers and then chuckles as we move off and head upstairs. Our heavy feet on the carpeted stairs make it sound like a stampede, but we’re rushing and we’re both stocky, muscular men and can’t help it if we make a bit of noise.

  Steel knocks once we reach Crash’s room, then opens the door slightly.

  “Come in,” Crash calls out.

  As we enter, the sight before us is… well… hilarious. Crash is on his hands and knees, wearing one of the club girl’s pink and white frilly aprons, with yellow rubber dishwashing gloves on his hands that go halfway up his slender tattooed arms. His long black hair is falling in his face as he constantly blows on it to flick it back away from his eyes, as he’s kneeling in front of the litter tray sifting through pig shit.

  I glance at Steel, who’s snickering as we close the door, and Petunia comes rushing over running around Steel’s feet.

  “So ah… anythin’?” Steel asks.

  Crash exhales and shakes his head. “Nothing but corn. You been feeding her corn, Steel? There’s like whole corn kernels in here.”

  Steel leans down and picks up the pig who snorts and nuzzles into his chest, still wearing the goddamned tutu.

  “Yeah, corn’s her favourite. She eats a shit load of it.”

  “Please… don’t say shit,” Crash chides as he picks up another log and starts pulling it apart.

  Wincing slightly at the sight, I march over to Crash’s bed and take a seat as Steel nuzzles into the pig and stands over the top of Crash looking down at the escapade in front of me.

  “So no sign of anythin’ shiny?” Steel asks and Crash shakes his head flinging some shit back into the litter tray.

  “Nope, nada. Not a thing besides faeces and corn.”

  Steel sighs and slumps his shoulders looking down at the little pink and black rodent. “C’mon Petunia, work with us here. Mummy will love you if you get it out sooner rather than later.”

  I raise my eyebrow at Steel as Crash looks at me and raises his eyebrow. “And you’re supposed to be the Vice President of Aldinga, and you talk like that to a tutu wearing pig?” Crash quips.

  I chuckle, and Steel slaps Crash upside the head, as he chuckles some more and pulls off the gloves with a snap then stands up f
rom his knees.

  “Right, well, first poop patrol is done. How often does she shit?” Crash asks.

  Steel shrugs. “Fucked if I know. It’s not like I watch and time her or anythin’ you freak.”

  Crash rolls his eyes. “Can I at least go and stretch my legs?”

  “You can’t stretch your legs in here? The ceilin’ is very tall, and I’m pretty sure you’re standin’ up right now, Crash,” Steel teases.

  “Ha fucking ha.”

  “You getting cabin fever?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Not really, but I might. I figure you’re both here, I can take a break.”

  “You’ve been here for what? An hour?”

  He nods. “Yeah.”

  “So then, only about thirty-five more to go. Have fun, Crash.” Steel shoves Petunia into Crash’s arms and starts to head toward the door. I stand and wink at Crash as he huffs and slumps his shoulders.

  “Fucking ring eating pig,” he murmurs under his breath.

  “Maybe just call me if you find somethin’ next time, yeah?” Steel asks and Crash nods.

  “Sure thing VP.”

  We walk out the door, the timber frame groans as the wooden door closes tightly behind us.

  “You’re a bastard you know that?” I say.

  Steel beams and nods knowingly. “Yep, sure do. But it’s Crash, he’s so easy to boss around. I’ll make sure to send Irina his way once we have the ring.”

  I shake my head. “Poor kid won’t know what hit him, that woman is wild, although I’m sure he’d prefer Meli.”

  Steel grunts. “Well, Meli is off limits we all know that.”

  “Okay, geez VP, anyone would think you had a hard-on for her.”

  He huffs and slumps his body as we navigate the stairs. “No, it’s not that, it’s just Gator… he’s so fucked up about her, brother. He needs to sort himself out and really think about what he wants, which is her of course, but he’s fightin’ it like a fuckin’ mad man. I swear for a smart guy he can be really fuckin’ stupid.”

  “Who’s fucking stupid?” Gator asks as we round the corner.

  Steel is stern-faced. “You are, you prick.”

  “Hey, I’m your fucking President, you think it’s okay to talk to me like that?” Gator asks trying to hide his grin.

  “Yeah, ‘cause I’m your fuckin’ VP, and you’re supposed to listen to my advice. But your head’s so far up your own arse you’re blinded by your own shit.”

  Gator crosses his arms over his chest and stands taller. “Wow, tell me what you really think. Am I doing something you don’t approve of VP?” His smirk growing into a full blown smile.

  “Yes, as a matter-of-fact.”

  Gator nods and takes a deep breath opening his arms up and hitting his chest slightly. “Okay, hit me with it.”

  “Right, you and Meli—”

  Gator slumps his body and groans. “Nope! No. No way. We’re not having this discussion again Steel, fuck off.”

  I smile as he starts to walk off with Steel following closely on his trail. “Just listen—”

  “I don’t need your advice on this, Steel. I’ve made my mind up—”

  “But seriously don’t you just think…”

  I zone out as their voices trail off into the distance while they walk outside to have yet another debate. It’s good they get along so well. That little conversation at any other club would have ended in a punch up. But Gator is laid back until you mention Meli, then he’s wound up as tightly as a hooker waiting for her period.


  The door to the clubrooms opens, and a little kid comes rushing inside waving a toy dinosaur above his head.

  “Raaw fucking raaw, I’m a dinosaur,” he screams out and we all chuckle looking at the little five-year-old running around like he owns the joint.

  Walking over to him as he continues to run in circles like a freaking tornado, I grab the dinosaur from his hands and look at it. He stops and looks up at me and smiles. “How the fuck are you?”

  I chuckle. “I’m good thanks Jackson, how are you?”

  “You know my name?”

  I nod and bend down to his height. Even though the kid is small and he’s a real ratbag, I guess he’s kinda cute… for a kid. “Of course I know you, you don’t remember me?”

  He shakes his head from side to side vigorously. I grab his head stopping it from possibly falling off his neck, and he chuckles. “You’re a fucking biker like Steel. He’s so freaking cool. Hey, where’s Stealth? He’s cool, too.”

  Taking a deep breath and wincing slightly, I bring the dinosaur in line with our faces. “So this guy he’s a Spinosaurus from the Spinosauridae family of dinosaurs. He was the biggest of all carnivorous dinosaurs, and possibly even larger than the Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus.”

  Jackson looks at me with wide eyes and eyebrows furrowed like he’s confused.

  Smiling at him, I chuckle. “Isn’t that cool?”

  He huffs and slumps slightly. “I don’t know what the fuck you just said.”

  Holding back my laugh, I nod.



  Must remember, big words don’t work on them.

  Hell, my big words don’t work on most of the guys here, so how could I expect Jackson to understand.

  “Okay, well, he’s a big dinosaur and a mean one, too. How’s that?”

  He jumps on the spot. “Yeah, fucking raaw, I’m a mean dinosaur!”

  “Jackson, sweetie, are you in here?” Nikita calls out stepping through the red door. He looks over to the door as I stand back up, and he nods as she looks over at us walking in with Lookout.

  “There you are. God, you’re so fast, you just run off without warning. Then you go and annoy the nice men in here,” Niki berates and Lookout gazes at me with a broad grin.

  “He’s okay, Niki, was just showing me his Spinosaurus. We were having a good time, weren’t we kid?”

  He looks up at me and smiles. “He talks weird, Mama.”

  Lookout laughs and nods as Niki winces and tilts her head at me. “So sorry, Techie.”

  “It’s all good, I think I went a little too high tech on him.”

  She smiles and leans out grabbing Jackson and pulls him to her, as Flame rushes down the hall.

  “Oh, you’re here!”

  “Miss Willow!” Jackson calls out breaking free from Niki and running up to Flame, practically jumping on her.

  She laughs while leaning down and picks him up into a giant bear hug. “Mister Jackson, how are you?”

  “I’m so fucking good.”

  “Jackson, I see you’re still saying bad words.”

  He wriggles free from her clutches and looks up at her smiling cheekily. “It’s only bad if you think it is.”

  She shakes her head running her fingers through his short brown hair and turns him walking them toward us.

  “Hey, Willow,” Niki chimes politely.

  “Hey, Niki, good to see you again. I wish it were under better circumstances, though.”

  Niki nods, reaching out for Jackson again. He rushes to her. “Me too, but, I know we’ll be safe here.”

  “Of course we’re safe here, Mum. Steel is here, he’s so fucking cool—”

  “Jackson!” Flame and Niki say in unison and then both laugh.

  He shrugs and continues to swing his dinosaur through the air. It’s cute how much he loves Steel. I know Steel loves him too.

  “His language will probably only get worse while he’s here Niki, I’m afraid.” Willow rests her palm on Niki’s shoulder, and she huffs.

  “Yeah, I figured. Nothing I do stops him from swearing. He’s been like it since he could talk, so I don’t think there’s any way I can snap him out of it now.”

  “Nope, I’m fucking stuck like this peoples,” Jackson quips, and we all shake our heads.

  “Crazy little motherfucker,” Lookout murmurs.

  “Crazy little motherfucker,” Jackson mimics, and
Flame and Niki both glare at Lookout.

  He winces putting his hands in the air in surrender. “Sorry.”

  I shake my head as Steel walks in and comes over to greet us. Jackson smiles wide and jumps onto Steel’s leg tightly. Furrowing my brows as Steel pats his head, he looks down and laughs.

  “I see you haven’t changed at all, Jackson.”

  “Not one freaking bit,” Jackson replies, and I wonder how much more of this I can take.

  That feeling is creeping back in, that one where I feel like something’s missing, like a part of me isn’t complete. I’m not sure where it’s coming from or why it’s rising all of a sudden, but seeing Steel with Willow and them with Jackson, is making me feel things I shouldn’t be.

  “I’m calling it a night. Good to see you, Niki. Night everyone.” I turn to head upstairs and as I walk off my name is called out.

  “Techie… wait.”

  I turn around to see Steel detaching Jackson from his leg and rushing up to me. He makes it to me and huffs out, standing tall like he’s not sure whether he should talk or not.

  “Okay, you’re being weird.”

  He slumps his body and tilts his head. “Okay, I’ll just say it… you’re a little off today. Is somethin’ wrong?”

  I fake a laugh and shake my head. I don’t know what to tell him because the fact is I don’t know what’s wrong. So I fob him off. “I’m all good, just didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m overtired and feeling grumpy because I didn’t get the maximum hours of REM. My ultradian sleep cycle was disrupted my cycle of N1, N2, N3, N2, REM just didn’t happen, and so I kept slipping between N1, N2, and then I’d wake up so you can see how I’d be grumpy, right?”

  Steel furrows his brows and exhales pursing his lips. “I don’t know what you just said, but are you sure that’s all it is? There’s nothin’ you wanna talk about?”

  I fake a laugh. “Of course, you have no idea what I’m talking about, ‘cause you’re a dipshit. Now let me go to bed will ya?”

  “Okay, fine, grumpy arse. Go be a party pooper. You do realise it’s only eight o’clock, right?”

  Glancing at the clock on the wall, I wince slightly. It is ridiculously early to be going to bed, but I can at least go to my room and sulk up there, even though I have no idea what it is I’m sulking about. “Yeah, I’ll see you in the a.m. let me know if there’s any movement on the shitstorm front.”


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