The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 102

by K E Osborn

  I glance at Steel raising my eyebrow. “Jesus Christ,” I murmur, and Steel shakes his head and chuckles.

  “You have no idea.” He pulls out a stool next to Jackson, and I pull one out the other side, and we sit down to try and entertain the five-year-old. Although I have a feeling he’ll be entertaining us.


  Steel and I are sitting with Jackson as he plays noisily with his dinosaurs. The kid drank a gallon of cordial and now seems to be hyped up on sugar. But Steel and I sit back watching him dismantle another toy dinosaur.

  “He doesn’t stop,” I murmur.

  Steel laughs and shakes his head. “I don’t know how Flame keeps up with him all day. She’s my hero.”

  I chuckle as an alert sounds on my tablet. Reaching down for it, I bring it up and swipe the screen to read the message. It’s a simple text message, and my eyes grow wide, and I gasp as I read it.

  “What?” Steel asks.

  “Someone’s sent me a text. It says they have Shay, Flame, and Meli.”

  His head flicks to face me as I try to trace the number, but it keeps bouncing.

  “Who the fuck is it?” Steel asks as we both stand up, adrenalin spiking through us.

  Shaking my head as I type frantically, I groan and drop the tablet to my side. “I can’t trace it.”

  Steel looks up to see Trigger on the other side of the room. “Trigger, can you watch Jackson? You’re the only one I trust with him ‘cause you have kids of your own. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone, but I have urgent business I need to attend to,” Steel calls out and Trigger looks up and starts to walk over.

  “Yeah, sure, VP. We get along just fine, don’t we Jackson?” Trigger asks him, and Jackson pulls another head off a dinosaur.

  “As long as I can keep playing here I’ll be fucking happy,” Jackson says. Trigger nods, as Steel slaps his shoulder and we rush past him and out to Gator.

  We find him sitting in the clubroom with Gadget, Switch, and Rev, and as we race up to him, he must know something’s wrong because he stands and furrows his brows.

  “What’s going on? You two look like shit?”

  “Gator someone has Shay, Flame and Meli hostage—“

  “What!” Gator and Gadget both yell in unison as Gadget stands up and glares at me.

  I pull out my tablet and show them the message. Gator runs his hand through his hair and starts to pace as his chest heaves.

  “If they hurt my sister because of you, you fucking twit, I’m gonna fucking dice you up and cut off your balls until—”

  “Enough! Techie, write back… what do you want in return for our girls? Send it, send it now!” Gator says furiously, as he continues to pace the floor.

  I quickly type out the reply and send it, as my heart races in my chest so frantically I want to scream and punch the nearest thing, which happens to be Gadget so that wouldn’t actually be all that bad in my eyes.

  My tablet pings and everyone gathers in close to read it.

  Bring your men. All of them. And meet us in the carpark of the temple in Myponga. I’m sure you know the one. We’ll be waiting…

  Exhaling, I look to Steel, who looks to Gator, who’s chewing on the side of his cheek. “We don’t have a choice. We have to get our girls back.”

  “Agreed,” Steel and I say in unison.

  “Right, listen up. Get every brother ready to ride. We’re going for a trip to Myponga. Suit up,” Gator instructs.

  I nod, turning and walking with my brothers as a unit toward the red door. For an entire club to go to a meet is pretty much unheard of. Typically some of us would stay behind, but we can’t risk anything happening to our women. So everyone rides. It’s more than likely a bad move, and I know Gator, Steel and I aren’t thinking straight. The club will probably come under attack while we’re all away, but we just need our women back.

  It’s strange seeing all the Hogs lined up as we exit the gate. Irina, Marina, and Jackson stand waving us off as we leave. The roar of nearly thirty bikes humming and purring as they speed down the road. Gator and Steel riding in front, followed by Gadget and me with everyone else, then Jock bringing up the back door.

  We make our way South to Myponga to the Buddhist Temple that’s so famous around these parts. We ride into the carpark to see a row of Hogs, and I immediately know there’s another club here. Tensing up, I know this could be an all-out war if the other club is non-friendly. We park our rides and walk as a brotherhood toward the back of the giant Buddha statue, to see a small group of bikers. Compared to our large club we outnumber them by more than double. Suddenly, I don’t feel as concerned. They stand up and my brows furrow as I take in their colours—it’s the Riot Brothers. I tense up again knowing the history Aldinga have with this club. They were the ones who came in all-guns-a-blazing and took out over half of Gator’s men, over a rape dispute involving one of their past members Snake, who was killed in the cross-action.

  Gator came to Virginia with the rest of his men looking for a place to hide, until the war was over with the Riot Brothers. According to us, everything was sorted out, so I’m a little surprised to see them here now.

  “What the fuck?” Gator asks the question we’re all thinking.

  “Gator, it’s good to see you. Well, not really, I’m just being polite,” the man with the president patch says.

  “Toxin, I thought our beef with you was over? You came in, took out most of my men looking for Snake, killed him in the process and now what? You want more revenge?”

  Toxin, who I now know is the name of their president half laughs. “No, we had word that Snake wasn’t the man who actually raped Bear’s Old Lady. We heard he was framed for that by someone else, someone still in your club.”

  I look around and tense up wondering who could have done something so horrific. I can’t imagine any of my brothers to be so lowly. Gator shakes his head and grunts. “It’s been you guys tormenting us for the last couple of months?”

  Toxin smiles. “Yes, from the inside.”

  His words chill me to the core, and I tense up even further looking around trying to see who he could be talking about.

  “What?” Gator asks.

  “One of your men is actually one of ours. He was sent to you to find out all your secrets, to find the real Snake, and he has. We want to do a trade, your girls for the rapist.”

  Gator runs his hands through his hair, and huffs, turning back to look at us all. “Who the fuck is your man?”

  We all look at each other. I have no idea. Someone has played the part so well they even fooled me.

  Rev steps forward, placing his arm around Bear, and all our eyes widen in shock.

  “Rev?” Gator murmurs.

  “Bear’s my brother. Kathy is my sister-in-law, and I couldn’t stand by watching her suffer knowing the real rapist was living carefree in your club. I had to infiltrate, gain your trust, and get you all to open up to me so I could find out who really raped Kathy. The rapist never said it in so many words, but what he did tell me was enough to convince me of his guilt.”

  Gator and I look around assessing everyone, and only one person is turning white.



  “Who is it?” Gator asks, but I think I already know.

  “Switch,” Rev replies.

  Suddenly, Switch turns to run, his heavy feet scuffing on the gravel. Bear pulls out his gun, shooting off one round into Switch’s leg. Blood shoots out in all directions as he screams out in agony and collapses to the ground.

  “Jesus Christ. Switch, you let us think it was Snake? You let our club be demolished because of your actions?” Gator shakes his head pursing his lips in disgust as Switch writhes around in pain. “Have him, but we want our girls, now!” Gator demands.

  “Done,” Toxin says, he clicks his fingers and three men walk out from behind the bushes with our women. My heart leaps into my throat when I see Shay’s completely unharmed. The guys let them go and all three women start
running. My feet don’t fail me, and I run toward Shay. And as I reach her, I pick her up in my arms and hold her to me tightly, looking down into her eyes. She’s shaking, and I furrow my brows as her ice blue eyes fill with unshed tears.

  “I got you, baby, you’re safe.”

  She nods, and I lean down pressing my lips to hers forcefully as my hands run over every inch of her, subtly checking to make sure she isn’t in pain. Pulling back, she moves into my arms and cuddles into my chest as I wrap myself around her.

  Looking over, I see Gator holding Meli, and Steel doing the same to Flame.

  This could have gone so much worse.

  “Our beef with you is done now, right? We give you Switch, and you have Reverend back, and we’re done?” Gator grunts out.

  “We’re done,” Toxin confirms.

  “Wait, one question, the money hack? The two sons of the priest, that’s you and Bear, right Rev?” I ask and Rev nods.

  “That stops, no more hacking,” Gator demands.

  “We’re done,” Rev says and Gator nods.

  “Good, we want that money back, all of it.”

  Toxin sighs and nods. “Okay, it will be deposited when we get back to the club.”

  Gator nods. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to get my men back to the clubhouse,” he states.

  “Yes, go. We have what we came for. You won’t hear from us again.”

  Gator nods, wrapping his arm tighter around Meli and pulls her with him toward his Hog.

  “You can’t leave me here!” Switch calls out.

  “We can, and we’re going to,” Gator calls back.

  Switch cries out in agony as Bear lays a fist into his head.

  I wince and turn pulling Shay along with me. “C’mon babe, let’s get you back to the clubhouse.”


  There’s a small party going on in the clubhouse after getting our girls back and finding out who was behind the attacks on the club. Hopefully, everything is behind us now, and club life will go back to normal. Losing Rev is a hard loss for us all, but in the end, he was a traitor and so him being here, the person he was, well it was fake anyway.

  Switch, on the other hand, we’re happy to have him go. Sure he was a brother, a loyal and dedicated brother, but he broke an oath. He went to another club and raped an Old Lady. That behaviour is inexcusable, so his departure is of his own doing. We have no idea what The Riot Brothers have in store for Switch, but we know it won’t be pleasant.

  Even though the celebrations are in full swing in the clubrooms, Shay and I decided we wanted to celebrate alone. We’re in my room, in bed, cuddling. She seems a little off since we got her back, and all I want to do is to make her feel better. I feel so bad that she got taken in the first place. Everything I’ve done since I met her has been to stop that from happening, and it fucking happened anyway. I feel like a shithead for letting my guard down. All I know is when I thought I’d lost her, the world stopped spinning. My air evaporated, and I couldn’t breathe without her. I don’t want to spend a minute of my life knowing she might not be permanently in it, and as I lay here with her in my arms, the thoughts running through my mind are getting clearer and clearer.

  Taking a deep breath, I roll on my side and face her, I’d like to do this properly, but everything in me is screaming to do it now. She’s hurting, and I need to make her feel better. And more importantly I want this, I need this, so I’m going to do it.

  “Shay…” I murmur, and she looks at me and smiles as my hand reaches out to her cheek and caresses it.


  “I know this is soon, we’ve only been together for a couple of months and we’ve broken up once already, but I know this is right. We’re right, and nearly losing you today proves it to me that you’re the one for me no matter what.” She smiles, and her eyebrows crease like she might start crying. “What I’m saying is that I don’t want to live my life without you. Ever. I need you in my life, every step of the way. You’re my puzzle piece, and I need you to make me whole. I love you, more than I think I’ve ever loved anything. Shay D’Amore, will you do me the undeniable honour of marrying me?”

  Her eyes widen as she gasps and her eyes flood with tears. She pulls her lips together and nods slightly as the tears fall from her eyes and run down her face. My thumb strokes away the salt water as my heart races so fast it might explode.

  “Is that a yes?” I ask to confirm.

  She chuckles. “Yes, Techie, that’s a yes.” She rushes forward pressing her lips to me passionately and rolling her body on top of mine. A wave of euphoria filters through my very soul, and cloud fucking nine isn’t high enough, how about cloud fifty, cloud one hundred, cloud infinity, does that cut it? Shay has sent me to the highest peak of happiness, and right now as I kiss my fiancée I couldn’t be any more excited about my future if I tried.

  Now that Shay is in my life for good, anything is possible!


  Shay and I spent all of Sunday in my room. We didn’t come out for anything other than food. We also haven’t told anyone about our engagement yet. We’re not sure how to broach that subject with certain biker brothers. But today we have to go back to reality because Shay has to go to Uni. Her finals are coming up quickly, and I want her to pass so she can get her dream job. I scooted her out of bed, and I’m watching as she’s very slow getting dressed. Normally she’s quick to want to go to Uni, but today she seems to be doing everything to delay the process.

  “Babe, is everything okay? Are you not feeling well?” I ask raising the back of my hand to her forehead.

  She smiles shaking her head. “I’m fine, just feeling lazy.”

  Something isn’t feeling right. Unease washes over me, and I swallow hard. “If you don’t want to go to Uni today I don’t have to take you. We can chill out here or go to your place?”

  She slumps her body and sighs. “No, I should go. I’m just being silly. I want to spend all my time with my fiancé, but I need to study, so let’s go before I ravage you again.” Her tone has perked up some like she’s trying to hide her discomfort.

  I’m not liking this at all. Nodding, I take a deep breath and grab her hand, walking with her out of my room and toward my bike to take her to Uni.


  After dropping off Shay and seeing how hesitant she was to head into Uni until I had gone, I decided to leave as quickly as I could and make my way back to the clubhouse. Something’s wrong. Very wrong. So I’m putting my differences aside and asking for help. Storming back inside the clubhouse, I spot Gadget and walk straight up to him. He glares at me and frowns with a grunt, as I swallow my pride and slump my body.

  Here goes.

  “Gadget, can we talk?” I ask, and he huffs and curls his lip.

  “I have nothing to talk to you about.”

  My fists clench at my sides, but I’m doing this for Shay, so I breathe in and try again. “Please. I’m asking for your help. I think Shay’s in trouble.”

  He stiffens up and turns to face me fully with his eyes opening wider. “Why didn’t you lead with that, arsehole? What’s going on?”

  Taking a relieved sigh, I slump my shoulders. “I’m worried about this guy Brandon. I think he’s trying to force her into something. I’m just not sure what.”

  Gadget clenches his fists and flares his nostrils. “Who the fuck is Brandon?”

  “Her lecturer’s aid. He might be blackmailing her or something. I’m not sure, but she was so weird at Uni this morning. Something’s definitely happening, and I know it’s him.”

  “There’s no way we can let Brandon get away with abusing Shay in any way. Shall we pay him a visit?” Gadget suggests, I nod and take in a deep breath relieved he’s thinking along the same lines as I am.


  Our heavy feet sound like a herd of wild animals as we pound our way through the science centre. We have no idea where he is or where Shay is, but I just hope they’re not together somewhere.

  “Last time I saw him was in Lecture Hall One,” I say.

  Gadget nods. “Right, let’s start there.”

  We storm toward the lecture hall, and Gadget opens the door. It’s empty, but as we look down toward the front we see two people. I tense up as I watch Shay attempt to walk off, but Brandon grabs her arm pulling her back to him.

  “Fucking cunt,” I murmur under my breath.

  Gadget and I start the descent down the stairs, my eyes not leaving the situation in front of me. As Brandon pulls her back to him, he plants his lips on her and my chest tightens so tightly I want to scream, as she pulls back and slaps him across the face. Gadget and I break out into a run. Our footsteps give us away, and they both turn to watch us hurtling toward them.

  Shay gasps covering her mouth with her hand as Brandon starts backing away. I get to him first not holding back and thrusting my fist right into his eye socket like I said I would. My knuckles crunch against his flesh as he falls back against the stage, his back concertinaing against the force of the fall. My teeth squeak as they grind so hard against each other while Brandon collapses to the floor moaning in agony as blood trickles down his face. My chest is heaving as Gadget steps up and thrusts his boot right up into his ribs. Brandon is pushed back into the side of the stage with the force of the blow, and I grin slightly as echoes of pain are heard ricocheting around the room.

  Shay’s soft cries filter through the hall, but my anger is too heated right now to think about that as I bend down and force my fist into the side of his head again. The crunch of his jaw ignites the endorphins in me that make me smile, as my knuckles tingle and go numb. Gadget kicks him again, laying another boot into his stomach, and he coughs hard as the door swings open, and we turn around to see an older man gawking at us.



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