The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 106

by K E Osborn

  He cuddles into me. “Gator’s a douche. I know he’s my Prez and everything, but giving you up is the single biggest mistake he’s ever made.”

  Sniffing, I can’t stop my bottom lip from trembling. “I think I have to leave, he doesn’t want me. He’s made that painfully clear.”

  He exhales shaking his head. “I wish you wouldn’t. What would make you stay?”

  “The only thing that will never happen. Gator declaring his undying—”

  “Excuse me, can I have your attention please,” a voice calls out through the audio system that sounds an awful lot like Gator. I turn to look at Crash furrowing my eyebrows, and he stands up looking down the front of the plane.

  He smiles wide and nudges me. “I think you should look ahead, Meli.”

  Leaning to the left, I look down the aisle to see Gator standing there holding the microphone and looking right at me. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I take in just how good he looks. His jeans hang low, and his shirt’s not tight but tight enough to remind me of the stone abs underneath, that are covered from neck to navel in ink. Licking my lips involuntarily, I flush red hot.

  “So it has come to my attention that grand gestures impress the ladies, and while I like the idea of entertaining you all on this very long flight, there’s only one lady I really want to impress right now.”

  Opening my eyes wide, I gasp as Crash nudges my shoulder.

  “I know life in the club is hard, life with me is hard. I haven’t always been on our side. I’ve pushed you away only to pull you pack in, just to push you away again… I’m a dick. Oh, sorry kids don’t swear.”

  I can’t help the small laugh that escapes me along with everyone around me.

  “You wanted me to tell everyone how I felt about you, and at the time I couldn’t because I didn’t know. It took you breaking me for me to realise how deep my feelings run. How etched into my soul you are… Melodi.” He takes a deep breath. “I fucking love you.”

  A loud roar of cheering echoes through the plane as I laugh and the tears well in my eyes. My heart’s racing frantically, and every single inch of me is shaking. I can’t stop the tears from cascading over my lids and flowing down my hot cheeks as I breathe fast and hard.

  “Go to him!” Crash tells me.

  “What?” I ask through my staggered breaths.

  “Go to him, now!” he demands.

  My body reacts before my brain can register, and I stand up causing everyone around me to cheer even more. I look down toward Gator, and he smiles as his eyebrows crease together.

  “It’s true, Meli, I didn’t realise until today, but I love you. I want you by my side, as my woman, my partner… as my Old Lady.”

  My skin prickles with goosebumps. I let out a sob as my hand rushes to my mouth in shock. He’s just said it, not only in front of his brothers but a plane full of strangers. That’s all I’ve been needing. Nodding slightly as he puts the microphone back up on the wall, I wipe my hot tears from my cheeks, and he opens his arms wide.

  Exhaling, I can’t hold myself back from the invitation, and my feet move faster than I thought possible as they hit the carpeted floor of the plane, thumping loudly as I bolt toward him. He steps forward, and as I reach him, I leap into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist. He catches me perfectly and pulls me to him as I thrust my lips against his. That powerful spark that’s always there when I kiss Gator is here again, and it surges right through me from my lips to my toes as he kisses me back, our tongues dancing in unison as I vaguely take in the clapping and cheering behind us.

  I slowly pull back breathlessly, and look into his luminous green eyes, the ones I love to stare into, and if I had any breath in me, it would have been sucked out of me from the beauty of them.

  “What made you change your mind?” I ask through staggered breaths.

  He exhales resting his forehead against mine. “The thought of losing you for good hit me hard. I can’t live my life without you in it, Meli. I need you by my side… always.”

  “I swear Gator if you start pushing me away again though I’m gone.”

  “Not gonna happen, Angel. I love you too much to let you walk away.”

  Smiling, I let out a relieved sigh. “I love you too, you bloody idiot.”

  I lean in kissing him again, and the tingle shoots straight from my lips down my centre and straight to my clit. He grinds his cock into my pussy, and I groan slightly into his mouth. Pulling back I beam at him.

  “Mile high club?” I whisper.

  He nods and winks at me. “You’re the devil, that’s why I love you.”

  He places me down and grabs my hand leading me through the curtain toward the bathroom. A sense of giddiness washes over me. Gator loves me. This time I know it for sure, and it feels fucking amazing.

  A hostess steps in front of us and shakes her head. “Umm… you can’t go in there together.”

  Gator laughs as I shrink into myself at being busted. “You going to stop us?” he asks puffing out his chest accentuating his cut.

  The hostess exhales shaking her head frowning.

  “Just don’t be noisy, there’s kids on board.”


  Gator leads me to the bathroom, and we squeeze into the small space together. He turns me pulling me up onto the basin and grabs the hem of my shorts.

  “I’m going to enjoy this.”


  Shay’s on the back of my bike as we ride from the airport in procession back to the clubhouse. We’re all fairly drained from the long-haul flight then the connection from Sydney, but it will be good to be back home. Although everything is different now. I’m a married man. I have a wife. Who would have thought? I’m so happy, though, I know we’re going to be very happy. We’re not planning on starting a family for a long while as Shay wants to concentrate on her career. Which is fine by me, I’m in no rush.

  As we ride the vibration from the engine soothes me, as Shay’s hands wrap around my waist. There really is no greater feeling than the freedom of riding with your Old Lady on the back.

  I get it now.

  As we pass the turn off for the street to the club, I notice a man standing on the sidewalk watching the bikes go by. That in itself is not abnormal, but I think I recognise him. I’ve seen him before watching us. His face is deformed, and he looks familiar but I still can’t place him. As soon as I see him, I’ve ridden past and am headed down the street toward the club. He’s obviously just a fan of the bikes or something. I shake it off and ride toward the compound. It’s good to see it’s still in one piece. You never know when an entire club leaves, if you’ll be coming back to a still standing clubhouse, but I guess this isn’t Virginia, and Aldinga doesn’t have the long list of enemies Virginia did.

  Parking my Hog in my usual spot, I slide off along with Shay, and we pull off our lids placing them on the handlebars.

  “Let’s get inside,” I say. She nods taking my hand as we walk inside, and Paulie grabs our luggage from the cage and brings it behind us. We traipse up the stairs and head for my room. Paulie follows, and none of us say anything. Opening the door, we walk in, and he places the bags down then walks out.

  “Thanks, Paulie,” Shay calls out.

  “You’re welcome, Shay,” he calls back closing the door behind him.

  I pull her to me as she wraps her arms around my waist. “Wife.”

  She smiles. “Husband.”

  I exhale looking around my room. “So we haven’t really discussed living arrangements. Do you want to live here, or would you rather us live off-site?”

  She scoffs. “Don’t be silly, I know you’re in the club for life. Our place is at the compound. I just want to be able to make your room a little more… us.”

  “Peach, you can make this room all about you if you want. I want somewhere you can relax and be you.”

  She smiles and nods. “You’re good to me.”

  “I’ll always be good to you.”

�You better be. I need to go to Uni for a bit, just to get the notes I’ve missed out on.”

  “Want me to come?”

  “No, it’s cool, I’ll drive. I’ll only be gone what? Half an hour. You stay and be with the boys.”

  “Okay, but message me if you need me, and I’ll be on my bike quick smart.”

  She shakes her head. “Don’t worry… Brandon’s not there anymore, I’m perfectly safe.”

  “I know, I still worry, though.”

  She leans in pressing her lips to my nose tenderly. “I understand, and that’s why I love you.”

  “Love you, too. Okay, on your bike.”

  She nods. “Yes, sir.”

  We turn and walk out of my room, downstairs and out to her car. I don’t really like the idea of her driving after such a long flight, but Uni isn’t far and she won’t be long. And I’m not going to be one of those husbands that tells her what she can and can’t do.

  Leaning in through her open window, I kiss her goodbye as she starts the car. “Drive safe.”

  “Always, be back soon.” She takes off out of the compound, and I exhale wondering what I’m going to do for the next half an hour.

  Strolling back inside the clubrooms, I notice Mooch grabbing a fifty from Jock and I shake my head with a chuckle walking to the bar and sitting down next to Trigger.

  “So your wedding was a success,” he asks.

  “I like to think so, now I just have to find a bird for you, hey?”

  He shakes his head and winces. “Not sure I could go there again after Emily.”

  “Yeah, break ups are hard, or so I’ve heard.”

  He chuckles and nods. “Especially when there’s kids involved.”

  Nodding, I think back to when Trigger was a prospect, and we called him Blake. When he was so new to us, and his kids didn’t know what to make of this place. But they love it here now, and they get along with Jackson well, even though he’s a bad influence on them language wise.

  “Yeah, kids, geez, I guess I’ll be having them down the track. Who would have thought, hey?”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “None of us that’s for sure!”

  An amber alert sounds through the compound and the faint roar of Harleys purr in the distance. Looking up to find Gadget, I notice he’s already on his tablet looking at the security feed.

  “I better go check it out,” I say to Trigger. He nods and pats my shoulder, as I stand up and step over quickly to Gadget. Glancing over his shoulder as he zooms in on the bikes roaring down the road we both huff in surprise.

  “Is that chicks?” Gadget asks.

  “I think it is,” I reply, and he zooms in to see them wearing cuts.

  “It’s a fucking pussy club!” Gadget groans.

  Gator walks out with Steel shaking his head. “Visitors?” Gator asks.

  “Yeah, chicks, who think they have dicks,” Gadget mocks.

  “Huh?” Gator says as Steel chuckles.

  “It’s a girl club,” I reply, and Gator furrows his brows.

  “What? Seriously? What the fuck do they want?” Gator questions.

  “No idea but they’re at our gate,” Gadget announces.

  “Right, let’s go.” Gator starts walking toward the exit and we turn following him. “Brother’s we have some visitors, let’s all gather at the gate to greet them.”

  We walk out as a united brotherhood, and I have to admit I’m intrigued as to what a chick club wants to do with us. We stand across the length of the gate, and Gadget opens it up to a swarm of biker babes off their bikes and all standing around. They all turn to us, and almost in unison take off their lids and swirl their hair from side to side like something from fucking Baywatch.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” Mooch mumbles, and we all chuckle under our breaths. I gotta admit these girls are hot.

  “Ladies,” Gator greets.

  A tall, muscular woman, with a pretty face and long black hair steps up to Gator putting out her hand. “Prez, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Kat, the Prez of the Devil’s Debutants MC. We’re new in town—”

  “Right, so your pussy club is here for a turf war?” Mooch interrupts and Kat looks him up and down raising her eyebrows.

  “Wow! You look good, real good. I’d love to tug on your hair while you’re eating me out. Shame about the shit for brains, though, that’s kind of a mood kill.”

  I can’t help but chuckle along with everyone but Mooch as he huffs shaking his head. “You have spunk, Kat.”

  “So do you. I happen to like the taste of spunk,” she says without flinching.

  “Jesus Christ,” Mooch murmurs rearranging his cock in his pants, as Gator laughs slapping Mooch’s shoulder.

  “Well Kat, if you’re not here for a turf war, I hate to be rude, but why are you here?” Gator asks.

  She smiles winking at Mooch then turns her attention to Gator. “Not being rude, Prez, just looking out for your club. I admire that. Like I said, we’re new in town, we just want to make love not war. We’re too sweet. We just want to know if you’re interested in having a sister club? We have your back, you have ours?”

  “You into underworld shit?” Gator asks.

  Kat scoffs shaking her head. “Fuck no. We’re not saints, but the hard life is not for us. We live to ride, not fight.”

  Gator looks to Steel and shrugs. Steel nods and steps forward. “We’d have rules, like no debutants steppin’ on Old Ladies shoes.”

  She nods. “Of course. We wouldn’t dream of it. We respect the sanctity of Old Ladies just like we hope your brothers respect our sisters Old Men. Not that many of us have them, but a couple of us are tied down. Not me, though.” She winks at Mooch again making me snicker.

  “Okay, well bring your Hogs inside and meet everyone. See if we get along, then we’ll make a judgement.”

  “Fair call. Ladies mount your Hogs.”

  We all stand back as the Devil’s Debutants ride into the compound. Once they’ve all parked, we head inside, and I can’t believe what the hell is happening right now, so I pull out my phone and type out a message to Shay.

  Me: Hey Peach, you’ll never guess what the hell’s happening here right now.

  I sit down on a seat and wait for her to reply which comes in quickly.

  Peach: Oh, I’m intrigued. Please tell me it’s one of those epic twister battles you guys always have, with the punching and drunkenness?

  Laughing at her I shake my head, she always has a comeback for everything.

  Me: Close, but no. A chick club is here, the Devil’s Debutants. These girls are bass arse babe. And the Prez Kat, her and Mooch have this weird chemistry. It’s so good to watch. You need to see this shit!

  I hit send and watch as I see all the debutants taking in the clubroom and mingling with my brothers. This is so weird.

  Peach: Holy shit. I’m leaving now. I can’t wait to see this! Be there soon. xoxo

  I notice Trigger chatting with one of the debutants next to me. I vaguely hear her say her name is Rhia, and I smile watching the body language between them. He’s definitely lusting after her and she is definitely into him. I hope that goes somewhere, even if it just gets him laid. Guy needs to get out more. Glancing over to the other side of the room, I notice Crash sitting with Kiara. She seems really shy, but is coming out of her shell slowly now she knows we’re not going to use and abuse her like Rook did in Vegas. I still can’t believe Gator won her in a poker game. I just hope she likes it here in Australia.

  Gadget walks over and takes the seat next to me looking me up and down. “So are you going to knock up my sister?

  Chuckling, I raise my eyebrow at him. “Not yet, but I’m certainly going to practice… a lot.”

  Gadget groans and his fist connects with my bicep sending a sting right through my muscle, which only makes me chuckle. “You’re a cockhead, and seriously you need to think about her future, Techie. Don’t shove your seed in her just to prove a point.”

  “Jesus Gadget, don�
�t be such a caveman. I am thinking about her future, don’t worry. We’re not having kids for ages. She’s worked too hard to be knocked up now. She needs to live. She’s young. We can have kids later. We have plenty of time, and we’re in no hurry. We want time for us, and I want her to have a career.”

  Gadget harrumphs and nods like he’s impressed. “Okay, maybe you do have her best interests at heart.”

  “Of course I do, dickhead. You think I’m one of those men who wants some trophy wife? That’s not me. I want Shay to do what she loves. To be happy. I want to make her happy Gadget that’s all.”

  “Well… shit.”

  “Stop thinking I’m with her to get to you, it’s just not the case.”

  He huffs and nods. “Okay, I’m starting to believe you. But I swear if you hurt her I will cut off your balls.”

  “If I hurt her, I’ll let you.”

  “Here she is now,” Gadget says as Shay walks in looking around at all the pussy littering the place.

  She gazes from Gadget to me and frowns. “Are you two fighting again?”

  Smiling, I shake my head. “No babe, just having a chat.”

  “You two don’t chat, you battle.”

  We both chuckle and Gadget exhales looking me up and down again. “Maybe that will change now.” He turns and walks away. Shay furrows her brows and tilts her head in surprise.

  Smiling, I stand up and pull her to me. “I missed you.”

  “I was gone for like twenty-five minutes?”

  “But Mooch and Kat over there were eye fucking and it made me wanna fuck you.”

  She giggles. “Wow! You really are the last of the smooth talkers, and who is Kat?”

  I nod my head over in Kat’s direction where she’s talking to Gator and Meli.

  “She’s hot,” Shay says making me laugh.

  “You should have heard her and Mooch, it was brilliant.”

  “I’m sorry I missed it.”

  “Well, I have a feeling they’ll be around quite a bit.”

  “A sister club?”

  Shaking my head, I lean my forehead against hers. “Sometimes I forget how much you know about clubs.”


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