Master of Darkness

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Master of Darkness Page 1

by K T Kaye

  Master of Darkness


  Copyright © 2019 K.T. KAYE

  All rights reserved.



  A Massive Thank You

  To my big sister Megan for being with me since this idea first began. And to Mum for supporting me every step of the way.



  Pg 1


  Being sedated is fun!

  Pg 3


  Where are the grapes?

  Pg 13


  A Lot to Process

  Pg 28


  Rio de Janeiro

  Pg 43



  Pg 52


  Santa isn’t real

  Pg 60


  The Pied Piper

  Pg 71


  The Power of the Pipe

  Pg 82



  Pg 95








  The Past

  A chat with a Vampire

  Things Go Bump in the Night

  The Captains Meeting



  A Mammoth Sized Problem

  Pg 104

  Pg 112

  Pg 119

  Pg 129

  Pg 137

  Pg 147

  Pg 155



  Pg 166


  Just follow the procedure

  Pg 171



  Pg 190


  David Night

  Pg 205


  No one touches Angel’s sword

  Pg 220



  Pg 237


  The End of Paris Surf

  Pg 256


  The Hazard Team…

  Pg 274


  Polar Base

  Pg 291



  Pg 299







  Demons taste like Chicken!

  Soul Suckers


  Fred the Demon

  The Fall of Atlantis

  This is only the beginning


  Pg 310

  Pg 329

  Pg 344

  Pg 355

  Pg 366

  Pg 381

  Pg 399


  On the roof of a seven-storey building, in the middle of London, at exactly midnight, a woman was getting all the blood in her body sucked out of her by a very hungry vampire. The vampire’s fangs were nestled deep into the woman’s neck, her ruby red blood filling his newly found hunger. If the vampire had been paying attention, however, he would have seen the garlic juice-covered wooden dagger before it had stabbed him in the shoulder.

  The vampire yelled out in pain as his shoulder and right arm began to burn. He dropped the woman and carefully pulled out the dagger. The vampire looked up as a woman with white feathery wings dropped in front of him and pointed a sword in his direction.

  “Now are you going to come quietly, or do I have to kill you?” the winged woman asked.

  “You!” the vampire snapped. He charged at the winged woman. She twisted out of the way and quickly pulled a small wooden dagger from her pocket. The woman threw the dagger. It span through the air, making its home in the vampire’s side. The vampire groaned as he pulled the dagger from his body. He ran super-vampire fast up behind the winged woman, but she simply turned and stabbed her sword into his belly. The sword was covered in garlic juice. The vampire staggered backwards. The woman punched the vampire’s face before stabbing a wooden stake into his chest. The vampire crumbled into ash.

  The winged woman smiled.

  The sound of a mobile phone vibrating broke the midnight silence. From her pocket, the winged woman pulled out her phone and answered.

  “Angel Night speaking. Yeah, the vampire’s dead. What? The Master of Darkness? I’m on my way.”


  ‘Being sedated is fun!’


  “Jason Dragonheart!”

  “Yes?” I looked up at the sound of my name.

  “Mr Dragonheart,” my Maths teacher, Mrs Smith, hissed, “Can you answer the question on the board please?”

  I looked across to the whiteboard and came face-to-face with my arch enemy…Algebra!

  Algebra is one of those things that no matter how many times someone explains it to me, I still don’t understand it. I mean what idiot decided to put letters in Maths! Maths is for numbers and English is for letters. The two shouldn’t be mixed! My annoyingly smart classmates sneered at me as I stared helplessly at the equation.

  “Well Mr Dragonheart? Can you answer the question?”


  “No? Jason this is basic stuff. If you can’t get this…Why exactly are you taking A-Level Maths?”

  “Because I failed to make it onto an apprenticeship.”

  “Mr Dragonheart!”

  “I’m leaving,” and with that I quickly walked out of Maths. I walked unchallenged out of the school gates, which looking back was probably the first sign that something was wrong. The city was oddly quiet. No one was about, which if I had been paying attention would have been the second sign that something was wrong. I turned a corner and walked through the alleyway which was strangely dark to say it was only one o’clock in the afternoon, sign number three that something was wrong - I really should have paid more attention!

  “Hello Jason.”

  I turned around startled. Behind me, a tall pale man stood. He was wearing a grey suit, which was too smart for this part of town, and had short ginger hair. He began to walk forwards, his large frame towered over me.

  “How do you know my name?” I asked, taking a couple of steps back.

  “I have a message for you to give to your mummy. Tell her that her dreams will soon come true,” the man said softly. The way he spoke made me shudder; his voice was like stepping into a pool of freezing ice.

  “Why don’t you tell her yourself?”

  The man laughed, “Such spirit. But no, I’m afraid it must be you who tells her, for I…must go.”

  With that, the man vanished.

  I stood there and stared at the spot where the man had stood. He had been there one second and then gone the next…how was that possible!? People can’t just vanish, can they? No that’s not possible, I told myself, it couldn’t be possible. The sound of footsteps woke me from my thoughts. A tall pale man with light brown hair raced over to me.

  “The man, what did he say?” he asked quickly.


  “What did he say?”

  “None of your business,” I pushed past him then ran down the rest of the alleyway.

  “Wait!” I heard him call. I turned back to look but the man had vanished. This really freaked me out, so I ran away as quickly as possible. I didn’t slow down until I was safely inside my house.

  “Jason? You’re not meant to be back yet,” Josie Dragonheart said as soon as I had come through the door. Me and my mum looked nothing alike. She was small and beautiful with blonde-hair and bright blue eyes whilst I was tall and skinny with brown eyes and hair. I am also rather weak looking and am unable to hurt a fly, while my mu
m looked sweet and lovely however, she could rip a man to piece in a matter of seconds should she feel the urge to.

  “Err I walked out of school,” I muttered.

  “Jason Dragonheart! I didn’t raise you to be a hooligan! Get yourself back in school this instant!” my mum shouted as she whacked my arm and tried to drag me out of the door.

  After a brief scuffle, I pushed past my mum and raced up the stairs. Once inside my bedroom, I locked my door and collapsed onto my bed. I was confused. While me being confused is quite a regular occurrence, the situation in the alleyway had taken my state of confusion to the next level. I could feel a panic-attack growing in my stomach as questions began to repeatedly bombard my brain. How had that guy known my name? What was the message? What did the man want me to tell mum? I could barely remember what he had said. What about the other man? Who was he? I groaned into my pillow. So many questions but no answers. I grabbed my headphones and listened to music until I fell asleep. My nap was interrupted, however, by strange sounds coming from downstairs. At first, I thought I was still dreaming, but then I heard what sounded like a scream. I got to my feet and raced downstairs.

  “Mum!” I shouted.

  There was no answer.

  “Mum!” I yelled again as I went into the living room. The room had been ripped apart. Pictures lay broken on the floor and the once yellow walls were now blood red. As I took a step into the living room, I noticed my mum. She was sprawled across the glass littered carpet. Her body had been beaten and, on her neck, there was a deep bloody wound.

  “Mum!” I gasped. Her eyes snapped open.

  “Jason,” she cried, “Run! Leave now! Run!”


  “Run Jason! He’s coming for you! Run!”

  “Who’s coming?”

  “Hello Jason,” from the shadows stepped the man from the alleyway. Blood covered his lips and his sinister smile revealed a pair of sharp fangs. I stumbled backwards.

  “Run Jason!” my mum screamed with the last of her strength. She then closed her eyes and died. I stared at my mum’s body then at the strange inhuman creature that stood before me. I ran. I ran out of the house and down the street. I didn’t know where I was going or what I was going to do when I got there but I didn’t stop running. I couldn’t think. My head was spinning. The image of my mum’s bloody body kept tormenting my imagination. Suddenly I crashed into a small red-haired woman. I was about to apologise when the woman grabbed my arm and tugged me into an alleyway.

  “Get off me!” I yelled breaking free of her grasp.

  “Jason, I don’t have time to explain this situation to you right now, but I need you to trust me,” the woman snapped.

  “How do you know my name? Who are you?”

  “My name isn’t important right now! All you need to know is that I am trying to save your life. So move!” She grabbed my arm once more and hauled me down the street.

  “I have the Master,” the woman said, placing a hand to her ear, “I’ll meet you at the rendezvous point.”

  “Who are you talking to?” I asked. She didn’t answer, instead she continued to drag me through the streets of London. We turned into an alleyway only to find it covered in thick black mist.

  “Damn!” the woman muttered, looking around. There was a fire escape on the side of one of the buildings. She dragged me up the stairs, only letting me go once we had reached the top. Going to the side of the roof, she stared down to the alley below.

  The red-haired woman put her hand to her ear and muttered, “Stuck in current location. We’ll wait for Alex then I’ll teleport us all out of here.”

  “Who are you?” I asked again. The woman had long red hair, that was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and sharp green eyes. She was dressed from head to toe in black and had a rucksack on her back. She looked younger than me.

  “I’m older than you, at least I think I am,” she said sharply.


  “You thought I was younger than you. However I don’t think I am. I’m pretty certain I must be over eighteen.”

  “Don’t think? Surely, you’d know if you were over eighteen or not. Wait did I say that out loud?”

  “No, you thought it.”

  “Then how did you...?”



  “The ability to read minds.”

  “I know what telepathy is!”

  “Good. To answer your earlier question, my name is Angel Night and I’m the captain of Lightning D.D. Squad. The D.D stands for Demon Disposal; in case you were wondering.”

  “Demon!? Ha funny! Stop making jokes,” As I spoke my mind flashed back to the neck wound on my mum’s body and to the man’s bloody lips. Could he have been a…? No they weren’t real! They couldn’t be real. Demons weren’t real.

  “Demons are real. And your assumption is correct. The man who killed your mum is a vampire, a very powerful one.”

  “A vamp…” at this point my knees gave way and I collapsed to the ground. A vampire!? A vampire had killed my mum…what kind of sick nightmare was this!? I must be dreaming. I had to be dreaming!

  “You’re not dreaming,” Angel said as she knelt in front of me. She pressed her hand to my forehead.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Calming you down. I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to stay calm and not panic.”

  “Stay calm!? My mum is dead, she was killed by a…she couldn’t have been. They don’t exist. They don’t exist! None of this is real. This has to be a dream!”

  “Jason, I need you to calm down. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in…”

  “That’s not helping!”

  “Would this situation be more bearable if I turned you into a toad?”

  “No! Why? Why would? How would me being a toad make this situation better!?”

  “Toads don’t suffer from panic disorders for one. I could also shove you in my backpack if you were a toad.”

  “You’re not shoving me into your backpack! And you’re not turning me into a toad!”

  Angel shrugged, “Suit yourself. I was only trying to help.”

  “Help? That’s not…wait…did we just have a conversation about you turning me into a toad?”

  “Yes. Yes we did.”

  “Wha…what are you?” I stuttered as panic engulfed my chest. This woman, Angel Night, she wasn’t human. She looked like a human, but she wasn’t. She was something else. Something paranormal. She could read my mind and she could turn me into a toad…at this moment my panic-attack went into overdrive and I began to hyperventilate.

  “Oh don’t do that!” Angel exclaimed as she grabbed hold of my shoulders, “Jason! Jason, I know this is a very strange situation, but I really need you to…and you’re not listening.”

  Angel pulled out a wand from her boot and pressed it against my forehead. My body suddenly felt very calm. My mind stopped spinning and became numb as my panic was suppressed. I exhaled heavily as my breathing returned to normal.

  “There we go,” Angel smiled, “Things don’t seem too bad now, do they?”

  I shook my head and found myself smiling like a fool.

  “Good. To answer your question, I’m a shapeshifter. You know what one of those is, don’t you?”

  I nodded.

  “Good,” Angel got to her feet and pressed her hand to her ear, “Alex, where are you? We need to leave. I’ve just had to sedate the Master of Darkness. Fern stop laughing! This isn’t funny. The kid was having a panic-attack. Does anyone know where Alex is? No Fern stay where you are. Araminta find Alex. If he doesn’t show up in five minutes, I’m teleporting Jason to the base without him.”

  “Who are you talking to?” I giggled. Whatever magic Angel had used on me was seriously messing with my brain. Although I was aware that I was in a serious situation, I couldn’t process it properly and I kept wanting to laugh.

  “Members of my squad. You’ll meet them soon. They’re also paranormal bei
ngs, that won’t be a problem will it?”

  I shook my head as I stumbled to my feet.

  “Good. Nice to see the sedations working.”

  “Whatever you did to me…it feels funny! See I actually feel very confused and sad, but right now, I really want to laugh!”

  “I sedated you, using magic, which means right now you probably feel like you’re drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk! I’m not. I’m not. I want to run away! I want to run far away! All the way to the moon!”

  “No you can’t run away. We’re currently surrounded by death clouds.”

  “By what?”

  “That black mist, that’s covering the alley, is called a death cloud. It’s very bad. If you touch one, terrible things will happen, do you understand?”

  I giggled loudly, “I want to touch it.”

  “Trust me you don’t.”

  “I want to touch it!” I stumbled towards the fire escape. Angel grabbed my arms and dragged me to the ground. As she did so an old woman with a frame walked down the alley.

  “Don’t do that!” Angel shouted. But it was too late. The woman stepped into the death cloud. She started to cough. Her hands went to her neck as the cloud burnt her throat. She coughed up blood and stumbled backwards. The old woman fell to the ground. Her body began to tremble and then she exploded!

  I laughed hysterically, “The old lady just went BOOM!”

  “Yes, she did, and when this sedation eventually wears off, I’m sure you’ll realise how horrific the situation you’re laughing at is. Now you need to stay very still so that I can teleport us both out of here.”

  “You’re leaving already, what a shame,” said a cold voice. We turned to stare as the vampire who had murdered my mum appeared behind us.

  “Mr Jet! Is it time for our rematch?” Angel got to her feet and pulled out a long-curved sword, which had been strapped to her back.


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