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The Silent Goddess: The Otherworld Series Book 1

Page 8

by N. K. Vir

  “Druids and more,” Pete agreed with a nod of his head. “This is a battle in which you may have many unsuspecting allies,” he said giving Duncan’s shoulder a squeeze.

  Just then a fist load of ocean bottom muck landed at their feet on the dock.

  “Darry,” Pete barked. “Why our mother ever thought she needed to spawn your ugly cow ass-“

  The rest of Pete’s rant was tuned out as Duncan focused his attention on Annie’s friend Kat. He wondered briefly if she realized that she wasn’t just playing at magick, but that she was magick. The druids were taught magick at the roots of their sacred trees. They in turn taught the Sidhe how to control and harness the energy that ran wild through nature. However powerful the druids were they could not stop their mortal clock from ticking. As the natural, human world evolved their magick became less and less needed as man built machines to take the place of magick. But their dormant power flowed like water through their descendants until the time came when the world would have need of it again.

  Duncan thought back to when he was a boy, before he knew the Fae were more than just the little people who dwelled in the hills that surrounded his village. There had been a wild man who had lived in the woods, a hermit who lived in a cave. He claimed to be a guardian of the veil, the magickal barrier that separated the Otherworld from the natural world. The Tuatha De Danann or Sidhe had retreated from the natural world giving up their adopted homeland to the sons of Mil, a race of conquering men from across the great sea. The Tuatha de Danann left behind some of the most powerful druids to guard the natural world like they had once guarded the ancient four cities. Could this girl, like the Wildman in the woods be one such guardian? Or was she like the ancient magick she carried asleep?

  “I doubt she or her mate is aware of their magick Dark Warrior, Keeper of my mistress’ heart,” said a soft cultured voice.

  Duncan searched the area for the face he knew that voice belonged to. He saw nothing but two swans, even Pete and his Ratboy brothers had vanished.

  “As it been that long then?” the voice asked.

  “Caelia? Show yourself,” he demanded.

  Her tinkling laughter answered his demands. “Have you so quickly forgotten my curse that your eyes cannot see me as I am now?”

  At that reminder his eyes found and focused on the pair of swans. One of the swans wore a silver chain around its neck, a bond and a curse laid upon her by Annie herself when she was still Sidhe.

  “Have you come to betray her again?” Duncan sneered.

  “No,” Caelia answered quietly her graceful swan head hanging in shame. “I have come to accept my shame and the part I have played in this tragedy. Like you I have been used as a pawn my presence here is by my own doing. I have come to make right the wrong I have done.”

  Duncan scoffed down at the swan as hatred burned in his eyes. “Your jealousy, your betrayal ruined her,” he spat then quietly he added, “ruined me.”

  Caelia was once beautiful and loved by Annie. She knew of Annie’s romance with Duncan, she had promised to keep it secret to protect them both, but in the end she had betrayed them both.

  Annie’s retribution had been swift; cursing her former confidant to remain forever a swan until she could show that she deserved forgiveness.

  “My betrayal runs deeper than you know Duncan,” she admitted so quietly that at first Duncan thought he had imagined her words. “I cannot say much more for my soul is bound by more than one curse,” she said louder her voice gaining strength and bravery. “He may have lost his grasp on her for a moment but he is coming.”

  “Who, Caelia? Who is coming?’

  Her graceful body turned away from him slowly swimming away. She put more space between herself and the shore before turning back to him once more. “Kill him Duncan, when he comes kill him.”

  The air around him crackled and sizzled as if the clouds and the atmosphere were releasing an electrical charge. A gust of wind blew off the ocean, the scent of discharged energy mingled with salt and a faint metallic smell filled Duncan’s nostrils. A loud crack followed by a thunderous boom echoed off the surrounding buildings making his chest pound with the reverberation of the sound. He flinched at the sudden sound of thunderstorm gathering just off shore. His eyes focused on the thickening black clouds rolling over the ocean towards him. A powerful darkness was coming.

  He searched his surrounding but found himself alone; there was no Pete, no Ratboys, and no Caelia or swans. He was momentarily confused, the sound of thunder had left his ears ringing and at the moment he could hear nothing but that high pitched sound. He gritted his teeth against the growing frustration welling up inside of him. He had been visited by Fae claiming to be friendly. He knew little about Pete and the other Fir Darrig. Their kind tended to dwell in the polluted waterways of the natural world. Since there were no such places in the Otherworld they had chosen to remain in the human realm. Their kind was not usually so corporative with the Sidhe and the Seelie court as they were distant cousins of the Formorians.

  The Formorians were an ancient race of Fae who once dwelled on the Emerald Isle. They were defeated and banished by the Tuatha de Danann, and hence the split of the Fae with half belonging to the Seelie and the other half making up the Unseelie. The Fir Darrigs were one of the few groups of Fae that sat somewhere in the middle. The fact that they were offering assistance was troubling enough; add in Caelia and her cryptic warning into the mix and Duncan was left wondering why enemies were aiding him.

  A light tap on his shoulder pulled Duncan’s attention from his internal turmoil focusing him on the present. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to come in out of the rain?”

  Duncan looked down at the small woman standing in front of him. She held a small but sturdy black parasol over her equally black head of hair that whipped around her face. She smiled brightly up at him her plump cheeks indented with dimples, her blue eyes dancing with laughter. She waved a stubby little finger under his nose as she spoke in a whisper. “I know what you are,” her voice had a childlike sing-song quality to it.

  “An’ what am I lass?” he inquired.

  Her bright eyes darted left than right as she crooked a finger at him beckoning him lower. He obliged ducking his head as she rose up on her tip toes. Then cupping a hand to her mouth whispered one word in his ear.


  Duncan yanked his head back, some of his hair tangled into the spokes of her umbrella yanking them from his head. He rubbed the stinging sensation with his hand as he contemplated whether or not to tell her the truth. His conversation with the mysterious and now absent Pete drifted back to him and Duncan decided to play Kat’s game. He stopped rubbing his head and motioned for Kat to give him her ear so he could whisper his own secret in to it.

  “An’ I ken what you are druid,” his tongue easily slipping back to its natural brogue. His truthful words were rewarded with a startled gasp as Kat took a step back. He allowed a wicked grin to touch his mouth as she tried to stare back at him innocently.

  “I am a witch,” she said defiantly. She raised her chin and planted a fist on her hip. The pose made her look like a child pouting and Duncan had to fight the urge to laugh.

  “An’ I am Faeriedae. The difference being small and large at the same time,” he returned crossing his arms over his chest mimicking her stance with a more adult one.

  She punched a fist down towards the ground and stomped a foot in an attempt at anger and intimidation. It had the opposite effect on him. When she scowled fiercely at him he raised his hands in surrender to placate her.

  “Okay I’ll go first but I have a question.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him and gave him an impatient look. When she didn’t verbalize an objection he continued.

  “Let us suppose that I am what you say, how did you know?”

  She cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes as she studied him. “You’re a lot like her, but she’s dimmer somehow. It’s almost like you,” she
said poking a finger at his chest, “are more powerful than her.”

  “And?” he prompted ignoring the finger that was now trying to push into his chest.

  “Damn you are solid muscle under there,” she muttered.

  He flexed the muscles in his chest and watched as Kat snatched her hand back studying the tip of her finger. He let out an impatient sight. “And?” he asked again.

  “It’s in the eyes. You both have weird swirly eyes,” she said as her focus remained on her finger. “Huh,” she muttered to her finger.

  “What?” he asked curiously as he began to inspect the tip of her index finger. Other than noticing she nibbled on her nails he saw nothing strange. Instead of answering she turned her finger back towards him slowly pushing it at his chest again. She flicked her eyes up to his silently asking permission. He nodded his head and her hand continued forward her fingers uncurled and she laid a flat palm against his chest. Her small hand lay warm and still on him for a moment before she retracted it.

  “I don’t get it,” she said to her palm. “I thought you were stronger than her because you were easier to see spot. But you feel weaker?” She said questioningly looking up at him. Something in his eyes made her stutter as the next words out of her mouth came out rapidly. “Well I mean you’re really physically strong judging by all that flexing muscle rippling under that shirt. By the way those really weird eyes of yours are getting even weirder. Are they gray? Are they blue? Nope now they are really-,“ Duncan clapped his hand over her mouth.

  “I am Faeriedae,” he said placing his other hand on his chest. “It means dark gift of the Fae. Or lost one,” he explained as he removed his hand from her mouth. She tried to ask a question but he silenced her with a quick sound. “I was born mortal. But once I crossed into the Otherworld I became Fae. Annie is Sidhe or more correctly she is the bhanphriosa or princess in your tongue.”

  “Annie’s a Faerie princess?” Kat whispered in awe before the absurdity of her words made her giggle. A fierce glare from Duncan silenced her.

  “In a way yes but you would know her more as a Goddess.”

  “Oooh, which one?” Kat asked gleefully.

  “Names have power. I have no idea what using her true name would do especially since she is under a dark enchantment.”

  “Who would have the power to do that to a Goddess?”

  “That is what I am trying to find out.”

  Kat nodded thoughtfully. “Have you come to rescue her then?”

  “Yes,” he admitted. “And, for more than one reason.”

  “Because you love her,” Kat stated it as fact rather than a question. Shock must have registered on his face because Kat snorted at him. “Oh, please it is so obvious.” Then resting a gentle hand on his arm she continued. “It’s the way you look at her. Your eyes tracker her whenever she’s near it’s like no one else around you exists except her.”

  Duncan nodded not trusting his voice. Since the moment he had first laid eyes upon her there had been and would never be anyone else but her. “She doesn’t remember me,” he whispered hoarsely.

  Kat squeezed his arm reassuringly. “I have known Annie for a little while now. Men throw themselves at her and she is oblivious to it all. That is until she saw you. So buck up,” she added smacking his arm. He glared down at her and she returned his icy glare with a sweet, innocent smile.

  “Come on,” she said, “time for a pow wow pint.” She turned and quickly walked away. In a few strides Duncan caught up with her. Duncan was amazed that someone so small could walk so fast.

  “And where exactly are we going?” He asked.

  “You are going to clean up and make yourself handsome.”

  Duncan took a good look at himself and noticed his attire was covered with a few splotches of mud, probably from the Ratboys’ muddy wrestling match.

  “And then?”

  “A meeting of the minds, if two heads are better than one, than four is doubly better.” She stopped in front of her house fumbled in her large bag and pulled out her keys. She unlocked the door and quickly stepped inside as the sky opened up and rain poured down soaking him almost instantly. “Oh and Duncan take a shower, a real one,” she said looking up at the sky. “You smell like stinky Pete,” she said laughing as she shut the door.

  “Druid,” he mumbled.

  “Witch!” she shouted back.

  Chapter Eight

  The Pub Pow-Wow

  “She’s right,” Griffin said swallowing a mouthful of beer. “We’re witches not druids.”

  Duncan had followed Kat’s instructions and with help from Fiona was washed and dressed in an attempt to look “devastatingly handsome.” When he had finished scrubbing the Ratboy stench off he dressed in a pair of loose fitting dark jeans and a black V-neck shirt he presented himself to Fiona and Knackers for final inspection. Fiona had climbed on a chair and rubbed sticky goo through his drying hair. Then fanned her blushing face and declared him ready. He gave Knackers the duty of tracking down the Redcap and instructions to report back to him immediately if he should find out anything. A short while later he joined Kat, Griffin and Robert at a pub two blocks from his rented rooms. Kat, never short on words, had spent the last few minutes catching up the other two men.

  “Druid magick is passed on through blood not just teaching. You are either born a druid or you are not,” Duncan tried to explain. Obviously he wasn’t doing a very good job judging from the three confused faces staring back at him. “I am willing to bet you are not the first witches in your families,” he said pointing a finger at each of them.

  “Well,” Kat spoke up first. “My whole family practices the craft.”

  Duncan nodded then turned to Griffin. “My family is related to one of the witches who were accused of witchcraft in Boston,” he admitted.

  Kat gasped, “You never told me that!”

  The big man lazily shrugged his shoulders. “She was proven innocent so nothing really came of it.”

  They all turned in unison to stare at Robert. “My family’s from New Orleans, Haiti and Scotland there’s a long line of voodoo priests and priestess in my family.”

  Duncan nodded and sat back in his chair satisfied that he had been right about the trio that sat in front of him. He casually sipped his warming ale and let his companions wrestle with their new found identity. He looked out the window at the rapidly darkening sky and frowned.

  He should have sent Knackers to follow Annie in his cat form like he had earlier that morning. The nasties hid in the dark; and with the amount of attention Annie was gaining from the Otherworlders it was only a matter of time before one of them found her. The thought caused his palms to itch. He wished he could carry his sword with him like he was used to doing but Fiona had told him no one here did such things. He did not have the same magick as other members of the Fae. He was Faeriedae, a Rider, a warrior and of little use without the heavy comfort of his sword.

  Kat patted his arm drawing his attention back to the group. “She’s fine,” she reassured him. “She should be wrapping up the ghost tour soon then she’ll come right here to complain about the whole thing.

  “Kat’s right,” Robert added. “She always needs a pint or two-“

  “Or three,” Griffin finished.

  “Right, or three,” Robert said flashing Griffin a rude look before continuing. “After a ghost tour.” At Duncan’s questioning look Robert explained further. “Annie hates the ghost tours. She’s not a big believer in the supernatural.”

  Duncan raised his eyebrows in disbelief and stared back at Robert. “Oh she loves us so she tolerates our ‘witchy-ness’,” he said as if that explained everything.

  “Barely,” Griffin grumbled as he swallowed the rest of his beer and signaled to the waitress for another. “She links magick, ghosts and any other supernatural occurrence to either an overactive imagination or the power of the human mind to explain the unexplainable.”

  “There’s always a mundane explanation,” they
said in unison.

  “I think it has more to do with her father than anything else,” Kat said shifting in her chair so she could lean in closer to Duncan. “He’s some kind of professor of folklore. When Annie was growing up all he did was teach her about myths and legends.”

  “In fact,” added Robert. “She has probably forgotten more myth and legends than the three of us combined know about.” Kat and Griffin nodded in agreement.

  The waitress appeared then. She was a tall willowy blonde whose tight shirt barely contained her more than ample bosom. She leaned over the table to clean away the empty glasses pushing her partly exposed chest dangerously close to Duncan’s face. Her wanton behavior did not go unnoticed. Kat and Robert grunted in disgust, Griffin chuckled, which earned him a slap upside the head from Kat. Duncan ignored the obvious display; he was enjoying his companions’ behavior. After replacing everyone’s beer with a fresh one she slowly extracted herself and winked at Duncan.

  “You just let me know if you need anything special honey,” she purred.

  “Yeah like herpes,” Kat muttered under her breath which caused Robert to spit his beer on her retreating rear as a sudden fit of laughter surprised him mid swallow.

  The waitress scowled shooting angry looks at both Robert and Kat. Griffin at least had the good grace to stare at the table. The waitress quickly composed herself and giving Duncan a weak smile turned and tried her best to slink away from the table.

  “Bitch,” Kat spat. “You know he tried the same trick with Griffin last week,” she told Duncan.

  “Yes and I believe the venereal disease you used then was crabs. Can we get back to what we were talking about before the siren interrupted?” Griffin pleaded.

  “Do you really think she is a siren?” Duncan asked craning his neck to get a better view of the waitress. She was pretty enough bordering on beautiful with a sculpted face and wide blue green eyes. Her blonde hair was so light it had almost a silvery undertone to it and fell straight down her back ending just above her curvy hips. She noticed him staring and wiggled her fingers at him as she pointed her breasts in his direction.


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