Relentless Liberation: Serano Brothers Novel, Book1

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Relentless Liberation: Serano Brothers Novel, Book1 Page 19

by L. J. Fine

  And that, Tyler knew, was the end of the conversation as far as Ben was concerned.

  Franky, it surprised Tyler that he had stuck around this long tonight. They had finished hauling Mina’s stuff a few hours ago. No doubt he would take off soon to go who-the-hell-knew where. Ben didn’t talk about it and Tyler learned the futility of asking. They all let Ben do his thing. Tyler didn’t think they had real cause to worry about him. Yet. But they kept an eye on him just the same. From a distance.

  Mina turned in his arms. “I better grab a cupcake before Adam eats them all. Do you want one?”

  Tyler smirked at Brandon’s back before he brushed his lips against Mina’s. “Yes, please.”

  Before she could move out of his arms, he tightened his hold on her and cinched her closer so she pressed up against his chest. Speaking low so that only she could hear, he had to ask. “Do I make you happy?”

  She had told him she loved him, had agreed to move in with him and he had seen her grow and blossom out of that tight shell she was in when they first met. But still, he needed to know she was good, that she was right where she wanted to be. Here with him. The events of her past, the way those who claimed to have loved her treated her did a lot of damage. Tyler would move Heaven and Earth to make it right and he would spend the rest of his life making sure she stayed satisfied. So he needed to hear her say it because if she wasn’t happy, he was going to fix that shit right now.

  “Yes, you do, more so than I ever thought possible. I love you.” Moving to her tiptoes, she placed a soft kiss on his lips. When she pulled back she eyed him uncertainly and bit her bottom lip. She didn’t even know how that innocent little gesture tormented him, and it made him groan. “Do I make you happy?”

  Bending down, he freed her bottom lip with his own and claimed her mouth in a slow, sensual kiss. “Tell me again that you love me.”

  She smiled against his lips. “I love you, Tyler.”

  “Damn, baby.” He gave her an answering smile. “That’s still the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. I love you too and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

  The End.

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  About L.J. Fine

  L.J. Fine’s idea of the perfect life is to sit in her pajamas all day sipping on a good cup of coffee while playing in her imagination. Her mother instilled in her a love of reading (romance novels in particular) at an early age and she turned that love into a passion for creating her own worlds and weaving the fate of her own characters.

  L.J. lives in Pennsylvania, where she is working on making that dream of a perfect life into a reality.

  L.J welcomes comments from readers and you can email her at [email protected].



  Emma Durham aspires to be a full-time erotic romance author, but her sex scenes leave a lot to be desired. She knows that’s due to a severe lack of personal experience. In order to refresh her muse, she visits an old friend with a wild past.

  Her friend introduces her to Ben Serano, whose standoffishness strikes her as rude. But something about his quiet intensity draws her in. When he learns of her creative problem, he volunteers to be her solution. His ferocious sexual inventiveness ignites her writing and her desire for more.

  Word around town says he is a dangerous man to get involved with. But the rumors don’t match up with the man she is coming to know, especially after he reveals an unexpected tender side. Then a man from Ben’s past accuses him of murder, and Emma is left to decide who to believe.

  Everything in her wants to trust Ben, but how well does she really know him?


  Emma lost the thread of the conversation when Ben made his way back to the fire to sit near their little group. He didn’t speak to anyone and her curiosity ignited once more. She didn’t know why, but his stillness and appearance of solitude in a crowd full of people enthralled her. What made him this way, so standoffish? Obviously, it wasn’t a family trait as his brothers seemed happy and well adjusted. There was a story there. She could feel it.

  The shadowed light of the fire danced over his features. That strong jaw with just a touch of dark stubble. Those almost obscenely full lips and dark eyes that appeared black and fathomless. In that moment he looked like Lucifer himself sitting across from her, tempting and evil, staring solemnly into the flames of the fire-pit. And it was then, with no small amount of alarm, that she became cognizant of the fact that she had never been more attracted to a person in her entire life.

  Ben’s head snapped in her direction as though he’d been startled, the movement so sudden that it jerked her out of her reverie and she caught the tail end of what Chloe was saying.

  :…severe lack of quality orgasms are cutting off her creative flow.”

  Wait, what was that now?

  With dawning horror she realized, too late, that Chloe had been telling the whole world Emma’s real reasons for coming to visit. Okay, so maybe not the whole world but anyone other than Chloe knowing was one person too many. Let alone Ben knowing. Because oh yeah, in addition to Mina and Kim, he’d heard all about it.

  This was Chloe’s grand strategy? To lay it all out there for public consumption? Wow, she’d forgotten how tactless Chloe could actually be. Now if the ground could just open up and swallow her whole, that would be fine and dandy.

  Ben regarded her pensively for a moment before uttering maybe the longest sentence to pass his lips all night. “What, your city boys can’t satisfy you?”

  Good Lord, please take me now and get it over with. What the hell was she supposed to even say to that?

  In the end it didn’t matter. Before she could utter a word, Chloe cut her off at the pass. “I personally think it’s men in general. Well, except my man, of course.” She smiled sweetly at Brian who seemed oblivious. Thank God there were at least a few people in this backyard who hadn’t heard their conversation. Looking back at Ben, Chloe cocked an eyebrow. “You think you can do any better?”

  Sinfully dark eyes met Emma’s before his gaze slowly roamed over the length of her body. Down then back up causing tingling goose bumps to form on her skin. Then, what she was coming to believe was a rare smile, titled the corners of his lips.

  “Hell yeah, I can,” he all but growled. The deep sound sent a flood of moisture between her legs and she swallowed hard.

  Just as the implications of his words started to sink in, Chloe once again interjected on her behalf without consulting her.

  “Prove it, then. And since she needs inspiration that lasts, you have to make it diverse. Switch it up in a bunch of different ways so that her…stories,” a mischievous grin split her lips, “don’t ever get stale.”

  Emma would have then turned to her so-called friend to gape in outraged shock if she hadn’t seen the dark light glittering in Ben’s eyes as he put his beer to his lips.

  “I’ll take that bet,” he said after a slow swallow and then licked his lips. “And don’t worry, Sugar, I can make it last.”



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