Marquess of Menace

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Marquess of Menace Page 3

by Tammy Andresen

  Then another thought made him stop dead in his tracks. What if the other man was hurting her?

  He started again, sliding through partygoers as he sprinted toward the door. If he’d had any doubts about chasing after her, that last worry banished them. She might need him.

  And perhaps, if she did, she might value him a bit more.

  Bloody hell, when had he decided he wanted her approval?

  But when he reached the doorway, all his thoughts vanished.

  Because in the open, in the hall as people milled about, Eliza stood next to the tall, dark, and annoying stranger. They whispered with their heads bent toward each other. Well, mostly the other man whispered while Eliza listened. Unlike his meeting with her out on the terrace, she looked…comfortable. Her gaze was intent but free of any agenda. In fact, she barely spoke, just nodded occasionally as she listened to whatever he was saying her lips pursed in thought.

  For a split second he began to turn around. This man was getting the real Eliza—the one she’d never share with him.

  Why did that hurt? His stomach tightened and he clenched his fists.

  But then…her gaze met his and she did the last thing he’d expected.

  She waved him forward to join the conversation.

  Eliza’s thoughts hummed as her gaze met Menace’s.

  “You’ll meet me tomorrow at dawn?” the other man whispered. John. That had been the only name he’d given her. “It’s important.”

  She grimaced, her gaze drifting back to Menace again waving him over before she returned her attention back to John. He’d saved Emily’s life two weeks ago. Which meant she gave him some measure of trust. But an illicit meeting in a park in the dark? Not even she was brave enough for that. “I can’t.”

  He grimaced. “I have information I need to give you, but I can’t risk being caught for both our sakes. I have to meet you away from prying eyes and ears in a place and time where we can be certain we’re not followed.”

  “Caught by whom?” she asked, her voice dropping. “My uncle?”

  He grimaced even as he tugged at his collar. “There are men far more dangerous than your uncle involved.”

  “Like whom?” Menace asked from just next to her.

  “I can’t explain here,” the man whispered, glancing about. “I’ve taken a great risk even talking to Eliza tonight, but you should all know what’s happening.”

  “And how does he plan to share information with you safely?” Menace asked, his hand coming to her back.

  She looked up at him, feeling safer already with him at her side.

  Strange. Just a few minutes ago, she’d thought Menace the danger.

  “I wish to meet in a private location…” The other man stopped, staring down the hall. “Eliza will explain. I have to go.”

  And then he melted into the crowd, heading toward the grand stair.

  Eliza watched him for as long as she could before she turned to look at Menace. Who was looking down at her with an unwavering gaze. “Who was that?”

  “John,” she answered, knowing the name didn’t explain much. “He was the man who saved Emily a few weeks ago when our uncle attempted to abduct us from Bash’s care. I recognized him. He’s the very man I was asking you about on the terrace.”

  Menace grimaced. “That doesn’t mean you should trust him.”

  She stepped closer to Menace. “He says that he knows where my father went and why he’s been gone for so long. He also said he is my father’s partner.” Hope began to swell in her chest. “But he also wants to meet me just before dawn at—”

  “Absolutely not,” he returned.

  “You didn’t even hear where.” She prickled. Not liking him telling her what to do. She’d enough of that with Bash and she could take care of herself.

  “I don’t care where. You can’t go. Ladies don’t meet men alone in the wee hours of the night.”

  She straightened away from him, irritation replacing the comfort she’d just felt. “You are giving lectures on how I should act?”

  He tightened his grip on her waist. “I am.” He frowned. “Even with me out on the terrace, you took far too many chances. What you are referring to as protection for your sisters, I say is reckless.”

  She tried to pull away, but he held her firm. “I’ll have you know that this meeting is the only way to get any information. Information you didn’t have.”

  “You don’t need to get information at all. Most of the men who work at the club are researching on your behalf. They’ll find out who he…” Menace pointed his finger up the stairs where John had disappeared, “…is and what happened to your father.”

  Eliza stiffened. “I don’t want to rely on them. This is my chance—”

  “No,” he barked. “I appreciate that you are a strong, capable woman but there are lines you shouldn’t cross.”

  Worry pricked along the back of her neck. How could he stop her?

  Then she bit her lip. Menace could tell Bash. That would be enough. Her brother-in-law would make sure she didn’t go anywhere until this situation was solved. “You could come with me,” she said, hoping he’d agree.

  He grimaced. “Also no.”

  She put her hands on her waist. “You are insufferable, do you know that?”

  “It’s too bad you never met my mother. She’d completely agree,” he said, with an edge to his voice that she’d never heard before.

  She bit her bottom lip. “What if John knows where my father is right now?”

  Menace paused. “If he did, why isn’t John going after your father himself?”

  “That’s what I need to find out.”

  “What if I go?”

  This time when he pulled her closer, she softened against him because…because he really did seem to have her best interests at heart. “I appreciate that, but you might not know the right questions to ask.”

  His frown deepened. “I hate to admit it but that’s a valid point.”

  “See? We should go together. I can find out what he knows about my missing father and you can keep me safe.”

  “And if Bash discovers that we’ve had a rendezvous?”

  That was a problem. She had plans and so did he and neither of them wished to be stuck with the other. She placed her hands on his forearms trying to think potential solutions through. “I’ll lie and say it was some other man.”

  His eyebrows went up. “You’d be ruined. Are you on a mission?”

  She shrugged. “I let go of the prospect of marriage and a happily-ever-after when my mother died. Even before that…” She looked away, not finishing that thought. “I’ll make my own way.”

  He was quiet for so long she looked up at him, his face tight and tense. “Your own way?”

  “Men aren’t the only creatures capable of it.”

  “I’m sure they’re not. And if you can do it, good for you. I don’t seem able to.” Then he stepped back. “I’ll meet you at the kitchen door at four. Best not to sleep at all and change into something more serviceable.”

  Chapter Four

  Dylan was a fool.

  There was no other explanation. He should have stuck by his principles and not allowed Eliza to attend.

  But she’d looked so…desperate and at the same time…determined.

  And he knew she’d find a way. At least with him in attendance he could keep her safe.

  Still, he should have told Bash and then perhaps he and Bash could go in her place.

  He shook his head. She’d hate him if he did it.

  But, then again, she’d be safe. And she’d stay far away from him. Which was how it should be. He had another woman to court. And as he stood there with Eliza, one thing had become clear. When he was with her, he couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself.

  He sighed as Eliza hurried back to her family. He didn’t bother to enter the ballroom again.

  Instead, he made his way outside.

  Once in his carriage, he didn’t go home but rathe
r he made his way to the Duke of Devonhall’s home.

  If Bash hadn’t attended the party with his new bride that meant he was likely having a quiet evening at home. Dylan was sure to be interrupting.

  Though matrimony had never been a goal of Dylan’s, he had to confess that Bash seemed happier than he’d ever seen his friend.

  He rolled his neck. Bash was sure to be bored stiff within a year.

  Then again, the Carrington sisters had a way of keeping life interesting. Look at Dylan. Here he was in the middle of the night, about to bust in on a friend all because of Eliza.

  When he arrived, he made his way to the front door and raised the knocker.

  The butler opened the door immediately. Clearly, he was waiting for the sisters to return.

  “I need to speak with His Grace. It’s urgent.”

  The butler nodded and disappeared, but it took nearly a quarter hour for Bash to appear, and when he did the only word that might describe his normally impeccably groomed friend was…disheveled.

  His hair looked as though someone had been running her fingers through it a great deal and his clothes had the rumpled look of having been in a pile on the floor.

  Menace grinned despite himself. “Fun night?”

  “It was until I was interrupted.”

  “Sorry.” Menace grinned wider. “But Eliza is barreling toward trouble and I thought you should know.”

  “Eliza? Did you mean Miss Carrington?” Bash pushed out through gritted teeth.

  “When discussing trouble, that would be rather nonspecific. There are several Miss Carringtons who currently reside here.” Menace chuckled, not the least bit concerned over his friend’s ire.

  Bash snapped up straighter, combing his hands through his messy locks. “What kind of trouble?”

  As quickly as he could, Menace explained about John’s appearance and his request for a meeting.

  Bash grimaced. “And she agreed, didn’t she?”

  “Worse.” Menace cleared his throat. “She asked me to attend with her.”

  Bash’s eyes narrowed. “When did you start speaking so intimately with my wife’s sister?”

  Menace held up his hands. “She approached me tonight. Frankly, I tried like hell to avoid her and, I swear, I am courting another woman.”

  “Who?” If anything, Bash looked even more incredulous.

  “Lady Carmella Dumbly.”

  Bash’s brows flew up. “Why?”

  Dylan sighed. “You know why.”

  “You don’t need her. She’s damned annoying for one. But honestly…you’ll get there on your own. Financially speaking. It just takes time.”

  Dylan shook his head. “You don’t understand.” Dylan had never stuck with anything in his life. He remembered his parents’ disappointment when he’d failed out of Eton. He had to admit, he’d wanted to get kicked out. His parents never approved of anything he did. Why should he strive for their affection? Except, that had been the first in a string of failures that had become a self-fulfilling prophecy until he wondered if they were right. Perhaps he failed because he’d never been good enough. Not because he wanted to spite them. Now, he didn’t trust himself to take the long way to financial success.

  Bash gave him a long look. “I understand far better than you think. The club is digging you out of the hole. And you love it there. You’ll stick with it. We’ll make certain that you do. That’s what the rest of us are there for. We’ll help you.”

  Menace looked down at the plush carpet under his feet. Nothing like his own rundown townhouse. Grim determination steeled his spine. He’d make it great again. “I appreciate your confidence.”

  “It’s fact.” Bash said. “Now go upstairs and get a few hours of sleep. You and I will be attending that meeting.”

  “And Eliza?” Menace raised his head again. A bit of regret tickling down his spine. She wanted to do this. She would be furious in general and with him, specifically. He imagined she was formidable when angry and likely glorious.

  “She stays here. Even with both of us there…” Bash shook his head. “Isabella has hinted at some of the things Eliza has done to keep them safe. She needs to stop taking risks.”

  Menace raised a brow. “I’m not sure that’s who she is.”

  “Well, regardless. She can’t come with us to this meeting. It’s just too risky.”

  Menace shook his head. He’d have to tell her himself what he’d done. If she was going to be angry, she might as well find out from him.

  Eliza had changed out of her formal entire and into a riding habit. The sky was still black. But she and John had agreed to meet before the first rays of sun so that she’d have time to return undetected.

  His words had sent chills down her spine.

  Her uncle was just a small part of a group stealing from her father. No wonder the thefts had remained undetected for so long. But that still didn’t explain why her father hadn’t returned.

  Her heart ached in her chest.

  In her heart, she’d felt abandoned by her father. He’d left her for months at a time to help her mother throughout her childhood. And then, Eliza had had to care for her while she was ill, and finally, prop up her sisters when they were all alone.

  His lack of care hurt, but it also made her angry.

  What if she’d been hurt, or ruined, or…?

  But she hadn’t. She’d been able to carry the burden, and for that, she was grateful.

  But if he could come back now, she’d be free.

  Able to start on the life that would just be hers.

  She thought of Menace and the way it felt when he wrapped his arm about her waist. Her eyes fluttered closed.

  In those moments she nearly forgot that she wanted to go off on adventures. Whenever he was near, it was as though the adventure had come to her.

  At that moment she heard the doorknob to her room rattle.

  She looked over, and sure enough the metal moved. Holding up her candle, she slid closer.

  Once again, the knob jiggled and, not knowing what else to do, Eliza grabbed onto it, stopping its movement.


  Menace. She’d recognize the deep timber of his voice anywhere. “We’re supposed to meet by the kitchen door.”

  “I know that,” he answered.

  “Then what are you doing here?”

  The knob jiggled one final time and then stopped. “That’s a bit complicated.”

  She frowned. “Complicated? What’s complicated about the kitchen?”

  He let out a sigh. “Eliza.”

  There was a warning in the way his voice dropped low. Something that let her know he’d changed his mind. She needed to think fast. “We’d better hurry. If Bash catches you in the house, there’ll be no escaping.”

  “He already knows I’m in the house.”

  She blinked in confusion. “What?”

  “I arrived here before you did.”

  Why would he come here before her? A gasp escaped her lips. “What did you do?”

  She heard him press against the door. “First, I told Bash of your plan.”

  “You did what?” Then his words sunk in. “First?” What else had he done? Her heart raced in her chest. She shouldn’t have trusted him. Drat. She slapped her forehead, frustrated.

  “I know you’re a risk-taker. It’s honestly something I greatly admire. You’re determined, and focused, and intelligent. But you’re also in danger.”

  She smacked her hand on the door. This needed to be done. Her missing the meeting would only delay their ability to put all of this behind them. All because of Menace. “You don’t get to decide if I go or I stay.”

  “Bash does,” he answered. “Which leads me to the second thing I’ve done.”

  She’d had just about enough of this conversation. She yanked on the door, but it didn’t budge. Not even a little. She gasped, yanking harder.

  “I barred the door,” he said quietly. “It’s for the best.”

�Who’s best?” she shot back pulling one more time. She knew the door wouldn’t budge but she needed to vent her frustration somehow. He needed to open the door so that Eliza could attend this meeting. He didn’t realize how important that was, although he clearly understood how determined she could be.

  “Well,” he paused, and she heard him press closer to the door.

  She pressed closer too. Because if by some miracle the door opened, she wanted to be close enough to hit him. “Well what?”

  “Certainly mine. If you hate me then I won’t have to worry about how distracting you are.”

  “Cad,” she fired back. “How can you be so selfish?” Hate him? Hate didn’t even begin to describe how she felt about him right now. She’d like to beat him senseless. Anger pumped in her veins. But something else beat along with it. Excitement? Challenge? She pushed those thoughts aside.

  “But it’s for your best interest too, Eliza.”

  She wouldn’t be able to hit him. He refused to open the door, that much was clear. And so, she’d have to cajole. “Menace,” she started her voice dropping into her best impression of a purr.

  “Dylan,” he replied. “Early-morning conversations require a certain level of intimacy.”

  “Dylan.” The name felt good on her tongue. “Listen. Stop trying to protect my reputation. I’m not going to marry.”


  “That’s right. I might become an actress. I’d be good at it.”

  “I’ve every confidence.”

  “Have you travelled outside of England? What is the rest of the world like?”

  He cleared his throat. “Eliza. I need to ask you something.”

  “What?” She cocked her head to the side.

  “Has someone compromised you?” She heard the knob rattle again.

  “Let me out and I’ll tell you.”

  He chuckled then. “Do you need me to kill him? Because I will.”

  That made her soften and some of her anger melted away. “No one compromised me, Dylan. I am still…” Her cheeks heated. How did she tell him she’d done more with him tonight than any man ever? “I just don’t want to marry.”


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