My Erotica – Out to Dry

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My Erotica – Out to Dry Page 8

by Mister Average

  The blonde smiled, “I am sure it will,” she said.

  Half an hour later she arrived at her remote country farmhouse, there was a car in the drive way.

  She jumped from her car and ran to the door.

  There was man waiting for her. She leapt into his arms and kissed him passionately.

  “Oh my god,” she said, “I have waited so long for this darling.”

  “I have waited so long to be in your arms again and to know you don't have to go away anymore, to know you are mine, all mine.”

  Brian kissed her hungrily and then looked at her.

  Her eyes still held him; they still drew him in every time, just like when he had first met her, as Katrina.

  They went inside and started their new life together, their life of love and passion and freedom, and he felt no regret for the deception they had created and the revenge he had exacted upon a woman who had been unfaithful to him from the day they married and who had made his life hell.

  He felt no regret for the revenge they had taken after his wife, following his confession, had beaten Katrina whilst he was away in Europe on business. He felt some sadness for the baby that Katrina had miscarried on that night in the corner of her room.

  He felt happy that in this distant little piece of Welsh countryside he and Katrina could live their lives in peace after spending two years laying a trail of false leads to anyone who wanted to follow them.

  They had new names, new appearances and new accents and backgrounds.

  And now they had a new future.

  He kissed Katrina, the woman who had become his bride last month in a quiet civil ceremony.

  Give your life some new adventure. And then tell me all about it… @Mister_Average


  Christopher was a pretty average middle aged guy. He had been married, had kids but now he was divorced and the kids had moved on. Then one day he received an interesting email, and his world changed.He was ultimately invited to test the world's first fembot. He loved her, he became addicted to her, but all was not as it seemed.

  Christopher was a pretty average, middle aged guy. He had been married, had kids but now he was divorced and the kids had moved on.

  He was frustrated in his job, but it paid very well so he just went with the flow.

  He had been pissed off with his divorce and wasn't in the mood to get involved with women. Sure, every now and then he would have a quick one night stand, just to keep his tubes clean, but he was very wary of entering into any relationship with a woman. He had enough of that in his life. He was happy to have sex, but he didn't want to pay the price a man pays by getting attached to a woman, so he was single and had sex very infrequently.

  Then one day he received an interesting email.

  It was from a company he vaguely remembered from a news story maybe a year earlier, but he couldn't remember the details.

  The email invited him to take a survey. He had been identified as being a man with potentially a good fit for their target profile group and they wanted to survey his further suitability for a unique and potentially world changing trial of their new product.

  Normally he would have dismissed such a thing, but the company was also offering a free two hundred dollar selection of wines if he took the survey, and since he was quite a heavy drinker, the idea of free booze was enough of a lure for him.

  So Christopher logged into the survey and took part in what seemed to be a very odd survey indeed.

  Some of the questions were about his sexual needs and desires; some were just about his attitude to robotics and technology.

  It took him about an hour to finish the very in depth and detailed survey, then he sat back, got drunk and looked forward to the free wine.

  A few months later Christopher received a phone call and it was the company who had surveyed him.

  They said he was a very good fit for what they were looking for and they wanted to discuss their product with him in more depth, face to face.

  Christopher was about to explain that he wasn't interested, but the spokesman said that if they could trouble him for a few hours of his time, they would make it worthwhile for him, by paying him $5,000.

  Again, the incentive worked well for Christopher, especially when the rep mentioned the payment would be in cash, on the day.

  Christopher liked the idea, so a few days later he took the day off work and attended the offices of the company on the outskirts of their city.

  It was a very impressive set up; there were a series of modern, low buildings stretched over what appeared to be many acres. There were pathways alongside lovely, peaceful lakes. It reeked of money.

  Christopher alighted from his car and walked to the main office.

  He showed the receptionist his invitation and sat down to wait while the gentlemen he was to meet came to get him.

  A few minutes later Christopher was greeted by a tall man who came forward, introduced himself as Steven and assured Christopher the Organization was delighted he had decided to come in.

  Christopher followed as Steven led them to a room upstairs.

  The door opened and then Christopher stepped into what appeared to be a simple interview room. The room was painted white, and clean, there was a long solid wooden table in the middle and a single large window looking out over the adjacent woods.

  And at one end of the table there was a stunningly beautiful young woman.

  Steven turned towards the girl.

  “Stefanie, this is Christopher, he has kindly agreed to come in and work through a stage two assessment with us today.”

  The women stood up and walked around the table towards Christopher.

  He shook her offered hand.

  “It is my pleasure to meet you, Christopher; I hope your time here today is productive for us all.”

  Christopher had no idea what she was saying, he was simply gob smacked by the incredible beauty of this woman.

  She was tall, had amazing red hair, she had stunningly long legs and breasts that he couldn't take his eyes off.

  He tried to say something simple like hello, but words struggled to come out of his mouth.

  He shook her hand and nodded.

  He reached for a seat to settle himself. He sat down and looked around, trying not to stare at the woman constantly.

  Steven broke the ice.

  “Well, Christopher, thank you for coming in today.”

  “We were impressed by your survey results and wanted to discuss our program with you in a little more detail.”

  “Now, firstly, we did promise you a little gift for coming in today, here is a small token of our gratitude.”

  Steven pushed an envelope across the table. Christopher, took the envelope, opened it and saw a lot of cash inside. He smiled.

  It’s funny how money always talks, he thought to himself.

  He didn't really care now how the meeting went. He had the cash, and he could sit there for hours perving at this stunning woman.

  He felt more relaxed, but this feeling wouldn't last long.

  Steven talked generally about the Organization, and mentioned that it was involved in some cutting edge, world changing technologies.

  He explained how they wanted Christopher to take part in their trial, as one of only a handful of people involved. He explained how Christopher would need to sign a special confidentiality agreement, and he explained many other things.

  Christopher didn't hear any of them; his eyes were feasting on the girl, Stefanie.

  He was very attracted to her, she had such composure, and she gave off an aura of intelligence, beauty and sexuality.

  She seemed so confident, so assured – and her eyes, they were something special.

  Steven then brought Christopher back to earth by pushing a pile of documents towards Christopher and asking him to sign the agreement.

  “Before we reveal any more information, we need you to sign these agreements. If you are comfortable to do that we can get t
he paperwork out of the way and then get to the good bits.”

  Christopher was mildly curious about the need for confidentiality, and all this talk of earth shattering innovation.

  He signed, passed the papers back to Steven and awaited the great revelation.

  Steven looked him straight in the face.

  “Christopher, here at the Organization we have invested a lot of time, money and energy in one particular project.”

  “It has been a deep secret as we have leapfrogged some stages of development.”

  “We have been lucky, we have been driven by a great vision, and now we believe we have a product that we think will revolutionize human society.”

  Steven took his breath, Christopher's interest had increased.

  “Christopher, we believe we have created the perfect female companion, a female robot.”

  Christopher became more curious.

  “We believe we have created a female robot so perfect that men will want our product, rather than the real thing.”

  “She will have sex with you, go out in public with you, and sleep with you if you like her to. She will cook for you and clean the house.”

  “All she needs is for her batteries to be recharged every day for a few hours.”

  “But, before we release our girl on the global male public, we need to test her in real life conditions, in a real relationship with a man.”

  “We have selected you to be that man.”

  Christopher was stunned.

  “You mean, you want me to screw some blow up rubber doll?” Christopher asked as images of fixed face robotic females of the past and present flooded through his brain.

  For a hundred years men had been trying to build the perfect female, but they still were dolls that felt rubbery, looked rubbery and were most uninspiring.

  Steven put his hand up.

  “Christopher, trust me, when you see this fembot, as we call them, you will not want to hand her back.”

  “I know what you are thinking and there is no point me trying to reassure you.”

  “Why don't we give this a test for one night, and take it from there?”

  “What do you say?”

  “We will bring the fembot to your place this evening, she stays with you over the weekend and we will pick her up on Monday morning, unless you call me and say you will keep her for the trial.”

  “What do ya say, buddy? Is it a deal?”

  Christopher's jaw must have been on the ground. He had no idea what to say in reply, or what to do.

  On the one hand he had $5000 from these people for doing nothing.

  On the other hand there was no way he wanted to screw some rubber doll.

  But, he reasoned, he could always accept the doll, put it in a cupboard at home and get them to collect it on Monday.

  He had seen some household robots before, they were metal cans programmed to mop the floor. He wasn't interested in sex with one of those either.

  Steven looked at Christopher.

  “So, what do you say?”

  “If you agree, we will come around to your place this afternoon and drop off the robot.”

  Christopher was about to say no, thanks, but something inside him, maybe it was his polite and good natured streak that got the better of him, and he nodded.

  Steven beamed with delight and turned to Stefanie.

  “Isn't that great news, Stef?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said looking over to Christopher, “I must say that is wonderful news. Welcome aboard, I hope you enjoy our fembot, I am sure she will enjoy you.”

  Christopher nodded and stood up.

  “Well, let's say, six pm then?”

  They all shook hands and agreed and Christopher headed out of the room, and walked back to the reception area.

  There he picked up his things and walked out to his car.

  He was soon heading down the highway with his mind on this bizarre twist of fate.

  He was also dying to have a drink to calm his nerves, his hands were shaking.

  That afternoon Christopher got caught up in some unrelated matters as his accountant called and asked him to come over to sign some papers.

  By the time Christopher arrived back home he realized it was five pm and he needed to get ready for the robot, or fembot, as Steven had called it.

  He quickly cleaned the apartment, then he was about to cook a quick meal when he remembered that the fembot would be able to cook. He decided that could be the machine’s first challenge.

  He wasn't feeling very positive about this all but reasoned that he had made a fair bit of money just to hang around with a bucket of bolts all weekend.


  At six pm sharp, the doorbell rang and Christopher let Steven into the apartment.

  Steven entered, as did Stefanie, he smiled and said hello to both of them and then looked behind them, expecting more people and some kind of large box for the product.

  “Um, Steven, is there a problem, I don't see the robot?”

  “Let's sit down for a moment, Christopher; I need to tell you something.”

  Christopher wondered what sort of scam this was, but he was distracted as he looked at Stefanie sit down and straighten her skirt. She had changed but looked fantastic again.

  “Christopher,” began Steven, “I know this will come as a huge shock to you, but I would like to introduce you to Stefanie, our new fembot.”

  Christopher sat there immobile as he tried to comprehend what Steven was telling him.

  “You mean...” he stuttered, incredulous that this creature could be a robot.

  “You surely can't expect me to believe she is a robot.” At the same time he looked around expecting a TV camera to appear.

  “No, Christopher, Stefanie is one hundred percent robot, or fembot, as we call her.”

  “And she is all yours. We would like you to trial her for six months and during that time we would like weekly meetings to ascertain how you are finding her. We are happy to come here for those meetings so you don’t waste time travelling around the city.”

  “What do you say, do you like her?”

  Stefanie stood up and turned full circle for Christopher, who was feeling a swelling in his pants all ready.

  “I am sorry,” said Christopher, “you can't possibly expect me to believe this amazingly beautiful woman is a robot.”

  Steven turned to the woman.

  “Stef, please open your control panel.”

  Stefanie turned and lifted the back of her hair.

  Christopher walked over and looked at what she was showing. He couldn't see anything.

  “You can open it,” directed Steven.

  There was a faint click and part of Stefanie’s head opened, revealing an array of microchips with tiny lights flashing.

  Christopher could not believe his eyes but clearly this electrical technology was inside her head.

  Steven continued, “Stef is the result of twenty years of careful and secretive research. Very few people know she exists and only a handful of technicians even know what she looks like.”

  “She is a revolution about to happen, but first we need to test her in a real life setting, that's why we need you.”

  “We originally agreed she could stay with you for the weekend, we are hoping you will keep her.”

  “She does all the things I explained and more and is completely human in most ways that will affect you.”

  “But, as I said before, she does need a few hours each day to recharge her batteries.”

  “So, will you be the first man in history to test this amazing invention?”

  Christopher knew there could be only one answer.

  He nodded and said, yes, rather slowly.

  Steven replied, “That's great, we have some clothes and things for her outside the door, “Stef, would you get them please?”

  The stunningly gorgeous red head walked out the door and then returned a minute later with her suitcase. Just like a norm
al woman.

  She smiled at Christopher and assured him there was nothing to worry about.

  Steven handed Christopher a card and said, “Call me if you have any questions or any problems, ok?”

  And then he left the apartment and Christopher was left standing there with the robot.

  He had no idea what to say, but it was Stefanie who broke the ice.

  She moved towards Christopher and twirled.

  “Well, honey, do you approve? Do you like what you see?”

  “Oh yes, of course, I am, sorry, please don't think I am being rude, it's just such a big shock for me. I had no idea you were a robot.”

  She smiled again and said, “It's ok, I understand your concerns. Here, let me help make you relax a little.”

  She stepped over to Christopher, and put her arms around him and held him to her, then she looked into his eyes, and moved her head forward and gave him a very soft and warm kiss on his lips.


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