
Home > Other > Heist > Page 8

  “What’s up, Todd?” Dray asked, trying to gauge my reaction.

  “Yo, nigga, what the fuck is up?” I growled, flexing my jaw so hard it became painful.

  “Maybe you were right about me,” he said, sliding an open black leather case with his badge and credentials across the table in my direction. ANDRE BURKETT it read. When I looked down and read those infamous fucking letters DEA, I bit down so hard into my cheek that blood started forming at my lips. Dray, who I had trusted with my fucking life and with my wife’s life, was an undercover fucking DEA agent! Word life, I’m telling you, if I wasn’t a man, I would’ve fucking cried right there on the spot. How could I have been so fucking stupid? I could’ve kicked my own ass because I’ve been a street nigga all my life, and yet I easily trusted someone like that. I was caught fucking slipping for real. When those niggas on the tier called this motherfucker Dray a snitch, I had taken up for him. I had gotten into many a fight trying to defend that motherfucker’s reputation, and all along he was a fucking Fed! I refused to look at this traitorous, pig-ass bitch in the eye. I just hung my head thinking about what I would’ve done to him if I wasn’t in these handcuffs and leg irons.

  “I know it’s fucked up because you trusted me. But I got to tell you what’s really going on. I could’ve let my bosses come up in here and talk to you, Todd, but I wanted it to come from me,” Dray said, folding his hands in front of him like he was remorseful. Like by him telling me this shit he was doing me a favor or somehow showing loyalty after he had already stabbed me in the back and turned the knife round and round. Even the way Dray spoke had changed. He no longer had a Southern accent; instead, he now sounded like he was from New York or New Jersey.

  Dray was steady talking, his words just falling around me. I couldn’t even hear that nigga right now. I was just rocking back and forth like a mental patient. I couldn’t even see straight. Suddenly the door to the room swung open again. Startled, I shot my eyes toward the door. As if shit couldn’t get any worse for me, fucking Norfolk Police Sergeant Labeckie walked in the room with a big-ass white-toothed smile on his face. Sweat broke out all over my body, and my stomach just tightened up. Not this motherfucker too! What the fuck was going on?! I’m thinking to myself that this has to be a fucking bad dream. By now I’m balling my fists so tight I could feel my skin cracking around my knuckles.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t bad-ass gangster Todd Marshall. I knew I’d get you one of these days. You can’t always beat the case,” Labeckie said snidely.

  I turned my head and took a deep breath. It was all I could do to keep myself from flipping the fuck out. This had to be the worst day of my life. Obviously they weren’t there to give me any news about Shannon … or were they? I would’ve flipped if I wasn’t cuffed and shackled.

  Labeckie handed Dray an envelope. Dray opened it and took out a few pictures.

  “You recognize him?” Dray said, sliding a picture toward me.

  I looked down and my heart sank. It was a picture of Jock. I fucking knew it! I knew that motherfucker had set me up! The vein on the side of my head and in my neck started throbbing, and I started feeling like I could bust out of these fucking cuffs and murder all these bastards.

  “Well, you have him to thank for all of this,” Dray said with his cocky attitude.

  I looked at him confused.

  “Your boy here got busted with guns on him, and it took nothing for him to agree to give you—his so-called boy—to us on a silver platter to get himself off,” Labeckie said, tapping his fingers on the table to make the point. “No honor among street thugs,” Labeckie said, laughing like he had heard a funny joke.

  Then this fucking traitor Dray started talking again. “Bobby Knight was a cop killer. He killed my partner, DEA agent Greg Mathison, three years ago, so when I told you he killed my brother, that wasn’t a lie,” Dray said seriously. “When Jock agreed to tell us where he got the guns, we knew you’d try to beat the case, so we worked our plan. We had you set up Bobby Knight because we knew you’d be so desperate to get out that you’d do anything. Jock told us where to find your safe and all of your stashes so you would be dead broke and without money for an attorney. Jock knew you so well that he told us you would be down with any plan to get money. See, we wanted Bobby dead, and you were the perfect one to carry it out. You were facing life anyway, so what did it matter?” Dray finished, sliding his chair back. “Besides, I heard that your wife did get away with some of Knight’s money. I guess you haven’t heard from her either, huh?” Dray said with finality.

  When Dray said the words Jock told us where to find your safe, something inside of my head clicked. I knew Jock didn’t know where the safe in the house was. The only people who knew were me and Shannon. When I first got locked up, she made it seem like the cops had found the trip switch for the safe when they wrecked the house. But now that I thought about it, I had never heard those fucking cops say anything about the safe when I was lying facedown in the house.

  Although I was relieved to hear that Shannon had gotten out of Bobby Knight’s house alive, I still hated that motherfucker Dray, and I hawked up all the spit I could muster and sent it flying in Dray’s direction.

  He jumped back. “Yo, Todd. I really did enjoy passing the time with you, homeboy. You weren’t half as bad as some of these other losers I tried to get to do this,” Dray said, then turned his back.

  Labeckie was still standing there. “So, we just added conspiracy to commit murder to your charges. Thanks to your boy, we finally got you, Todd Marshall,” Labeckie said, smiling.

  “Fuck you, pig!” I screamed.

  Dray and Labeckie shook hands. “Good job. This was truly the ultimate heist,” Labeckie said, cackling like a witch.

  That was the final straw for me. All sanity went out the window. There was nothing left for me.

  I started flipping, thrashing my body up and down. The COs couldn’t even control me. I had nothing else to live for. I had got got. The government had finally taken me down. My life was over. I was kicking and spitting at those fucking COs. They carted my ass back to the hole.


  I drove and drove until I found a place I thought was far enough from Virginia and where people didn’t know me from a hole in the wall. I had stopped only to feed my son and get gas. I knew shit was hot, and I also knew that the police would’ve been on to the Bobby Knight heist by now.

  When I passed by the sign on the highway that said WELCOME TO DALLAS, TEXAS, HOME OF THE COWBOYS I was satisfied that I was far enough away from the bullshit. I drove around and scouted areas that I thought would suit me and Lil Todd. We stayed in a hotel for a few days, and I just relaxed and appreciated every hair on my son’s head. Finally, I rented a three-bedroom apartment where the lady allowed me to pay in cash. The apartment was not too far away from the new Cowboys stadium. From what I could see, Dallas was a nice city. It was a far cry from Virginia, and a damn far cry from where I had grown up.

  After getting settled into the apartment, I went shopping, cut and dyed my hair, got a new cell phone, and mentally prepared for what was in store for my new life. Once I was sure I was comfortable, I made the telephone call that I had put off until now.

  “Hello,” I said as seductively as I could when the line picked up. The voice on the other end was sexy as hell. Mmm, I just wanted to touch myself already.

  “Yes, I’m in Dallas,” I said. Then I gave my new address. It seemed like that was all I had to say. Seven hours later, there was a knock at my door. I started smiling right away.

  I peeked in on Lil Todd to make sure he was sound asleep.

  I checked myself in the mirror one more time and rushed over to the door. Standing on my tiptoes, I looked through the peephole and there he was, as sexy as I remembered him to be. I felt like a giddy little girl. I let a smile spread across my face, and I loosened the belt on my silk robe. I pulled back the door and let him see what I was working with.

  “Dayum, baby!” J
ock called out when he saw me looking fucking sexy as hell.

  I giggled and threw my arms around his neck. His caramel skin and thick chest and arm muscles glistened. His gear was tight as usual. He was rocking a hot pair of Prada sneakers that I had never seen in the store before; a nice, neat pair of True Religion jeans, and sexy black motorcycle jacket. The long diamond-encrusted Jesus piece and chain Jock rocked around his neck definitely looked better on him than it had ever looked on Todd.

  “Damn, I can’t believe you let me go through all that shit,” I said as Jock lifted me off my feet and carried me into the apartment.

  “Yo, you was a true ride-or-die bitch, baby,” Jock said, laughing as he started kissing my neck and breasts.

  “I’m just lucky it turned out all good,” I said. I just wanted him to fuck me; I didn’t want him to remind me of the drama I’d just gone through behind Todd.

  Jock threw his tongue down my throat, and I closed my eyes in ecstasy. I had missed him. I had been fucking Jock for almost two years. It had started when Todd got locked up the last time. Once Todd got home, I tried to stop my thing with Jock, but he was just so goddamn good in bed. It started off with Jock being there as a shoulder to lean on every time Todd cheated on me or got locked up. Or when bitches came to my front door holding babies, talking about Todd being the father. Jock was always so attentive and caring. That’s why I was so disappointed when Jock didn’t check on me after Todd’s arrest. But when I called Jock from the road, he confessed to setting up Todd to get caught with the guns. He didn’t like the way Todd treated me and wanted him out of the way so that he could have me himself. I just wish I’d known Jock’s plan before I’d seduced Bobby to get at his money. But now that I had Bobby’s money, life for me, Lil Todd, and Jock was going to be easy from here on out.

  Jock laid me down on the bed and immediately licked down my stomach until he got to my dripping wet, waiting pussy. Jock took his long tongue and went to work on my clit; then he went down to my hole and back up to my clit.

  “Ahhh,” I yelled out. I had missed him the entire time he was lying low. He must’ve licked me for about twenty minutes, and I came over and over again. His tongue-play was not to be fucked with.

  “I want you so bad,” I called out right before Jock crawled up and took all nine inches of his beautiful, rock-hard dick and drove it up in my pussy.

  “Damn, girl, this pussy is so fucking good. Too bad for your fucking husband he didn’t appreciate it,” Jock said as he rocked his hips against mine, grinding my pussy until I started coming again.

  “Whose pussy is this?” he asked. I held on to him so tight. I never wanted to let go of him. “I said whose pussy is this?” he asked me again.

  “Yours, Jock!” I screamed out with not one bit of guilt. I had completely put Todd out of my mind, just like he had done to me so many times.

  Jock and I had been in Dallas for about a week, and I was still thinking about the possibilities of our new life. We’d decided to lie low for a while before moving into a new neighborhood and enrolling Lil Todd into school. I wondered if I was going to be foul enough to let Lil Todd call Jock Daddy. As I lay in bed lost in thought, I heard it. Knock, knock! Somebody was knocking on my door?

  I leaned up on one arm and looked at Jock with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

  “You expecting somebody or something?” he asked, lifting his head off the bed, just as confused as me.

  “Hell no. The only person I know in Dallas is you, the landlady, and Lil Todd,” I said, pulling back the covers to find my robe so I could go investigate.

  “Let’s ignore it, then,” Jock said, reaching out to grab one of my titties.

  “Nah, I’m going to look through the peephole,” I said. Shit, I wanted to know who the fuck had the audacity to be knocking on my door. I wrapped my robe around me and rushed through the living room. I crept over to the door and quietly looked through the peephole. I didn’t see anybody out there. I slumped my shoulders in relief. Maybe they had the wrong door, I thought, but just as I turned to walk away, they knocked again.

  “Tst.” I sucked my teeth, ready to curse somebody’s ass out. This time when I looked through the peephole, all I could see was the long black barrel of a gun. I opened my eyes wide, and a flash of heat came over my body. I fixed my lips to call out to Jock and run. Before I could run, the door came crashing in. I tried my best to get my bearings and scramble away from the door, but I was not fast enough. The person seemed to be on my ass with one leap into the apartment. All of a sudden, I felt my head being yanked back by the hair.

  “Ahhhh!” I screamed, trying to fight. But my hair was my weakness. Once someone got hold of it, I was at their mercy. The pain shooting through my entire head was unbearable as the man wrapped his hand up in my hair, using it to control me like horse reins. I immediately thought about my son sleeping in his room. We were about to die; I was sure of it. Jock came running out of the room in just his boxers when he heard me scream, and another dude drew a gun on him. Jock put his hands up in surrender. The one who grabbed me finally let me go, sending me flying to the floor.

  “I guess your boyfriend doesn’t watch his surroundings and who the fuck is following him. You didn’t really think we would let you get away free and clear with a quarter of a million dollars, did you?” said the guy I recognized as Dray, Todd’s cellmate, leveling his gun at me. I thought Jock had told me Dray was really a DEA agent and that he was not going to be a problem as long as Bobby Knight was out of the picture. It didn’t seem like that shit right now; he was here for the fucking money and I knew it. As soon as I saw his face, I knew the deal. The real ultimate heist was about to go down right there in my living room.


  Right after I got the news from Dray, I completely gave up on life.

  I stayed in the hole because I acted like a fucking maniac every time they tried to let me out. After a few weeks of that shit, I just decided to ride my time out until they transferred me to the longterm prison where I would be serving out my life sentence. I still had a court date coming up, but that shit was just going to be a formality. The plea was already off the table, so I had no choice but to let my shit go to trial with a new court-appointed attorney.

  Once I calmed the fuck down, I was set to be released out of solitary. The first day I got out of the hole, I received my mail call, which they hadn’t allowed me to have while I was in segregation. Along with a letter, I also received a commissary receipt. Someone had put cash on my books, and it was a lot of cash. I examined the letter, and I could tell from the handwriting that it was from Shannon.

  “Huh.” I let out a little laugh. This bitch had put money on my books as a guilt consolation, I guess. Then I guessed she sent me a letter to try to cop a plea or explain herself. At first I started to rip the shit up, but I decided to open it. Maybe she was writing to tell me she was still going to someone who could help me the fuck out. Maybe she was writing to explain how the fuck Jock knew about the safe in our house. Or maybe the grimy bitch I had pulled up out of the gutter was writing to say thank you for all the sacrifices I had made for her bitch ass. I looked down at the paper, smelling her perfume on it, and read:

  Dear Todd,

  First let me just say me and Lil Todd are alive and well, no thanks to your sorry ass. I am in no way sorry about any of the things that happened. I have taken the money and our son and moved on. How could you ever risk my life by putting me in this situation? You are and always will be a selfish piece of shit. Oh, you don’t think I know you had been fucking that bitch across town and that she just had twins? You promised me over and over again that you would go legit and that I would never have to worry about you going to jail or seeing other women again. Well, you lied, and now I’m moving on with Jock. He was waiting for me so he could give me the dick he has been giving me for the last two years while you chased bitches around Virginia. Me and Jock are together raising your son. Your son who calls Jock Daddy. Well, as payback for
the little bit of shit you did do for me, like taking me from my fucked-up mother, I left you some money on your books. Yeah, it’s about $300, which is what I think you are worth, you lying sack of shit. By the way, Jock took all of the money out of the safe before he told the police where it was. He set you up good. Your best friend, a real man, with a real good dick. I hope your life in prison is as miserable as you made mine. You made me have low self-esteem. Good thing I have Jock to tell me how beautiful I really am. Have a nice life serving your life sentence.

  Your wife,


  “Arrghh!” I screamed, causing other niggas on the tier to look up at my cell. I ripped that fucking letter into a million little pieces. How dare that bitch, after all I had done for her hoodrat ass! And that motherfucker Jock. We had known each other for years, since we were little niggas trying to survive. I had something for both of their asses. I still had people out there.

  “They won’t get away with this shit!” I gritted, throwing myself back on my bunk and covering my eyes with my arm. For the first time since I was a child, I let tears roll out of my eyes. It turns out I had been the victim of the ultimate fucking heist.

  I had been robbed of my money, my wife, my son, my pride, and my entire life.


  After they fucking tied us up, Dray started his shit.

  “Damn, baby, you are more beautiful than I remember,” Dray said, holding his gun on me while he forcefully kissed my lips.

  “Mmmm,” I groaned, turning my face away.

  “You don’t mind me kissing you, do you? I mean, you’ve fucked for what you wanted all this time—your husband’s best friend and Bobby Knight—and let’s not forget you set your own husband up. It just doesn’t get more grimy than that, baby girl,” Dray continued.


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