Dork Diaries 12

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Dork Diaries 12 Page 4

by Rachel Renée Russell


  Not only had Brandon lost HIS seat to some dude in a uniform from NHH, but now he was STUCK sitting next to bubble brain MacKenzie.

  For the rest of the week!

  I sighed and bit my lip.


  André has been at our school less than a day, and Chloe and Zoey have turned into giggling puddles of drool and Brandon was so irritated I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears.

  I have a feeling it’s going to be a . . .





  WEDNESDAY, MAY 28–10:50 A.M.


  André and I get along really well, and he’s fitting right in at WCD.

  Most of the students seem to really LOVE him!

  And by “most students,” I mean . . . GIRLS.

  Some of the guys seem really bent out of shape with all the attention he’s been getting.

  “What’s up with the dude in the cheesy school uniform?!” I overheard a few jocks complain yesterday when a dozen girls lined up to take selfies with André like he was a celeb or something.

  Personally, I think those guys are a little jelly (a.k.a. jealous) of André.

  At least Brandon is being a good sport about the whole thing.

  He told me not to worry about trying to help out with the Fuzzy Friends website since I’m going to be SUPERbusy with my student ambassador duties.

  Brandon is such a SWEETHEART !

  (Although he did text me this morning that he can hardly wait for André to go back to Hogwarts so he can get his seat back in bio.)

  I just hope Brandon is able to get everything done in time for the annual fund-raiser since they need all the money they can get to keep the animal rescue center open.

  Chloe and Zoey are my BFFs and I love them, but they’ve been acting so silly and immature around André that it’s an EMBARRASSMENT!

  The whole selfie FIASCO yesterday was actually THEIR fault. They practically BEGGED André for a selfie, and to be nice he agreed.

  So the four of us took one together. . . .


  MacKenzie was at her locker the entire time, pretending like my BFFs and I didn’t EXIST.

  So of course SHE asked André for a selfie too.

  After that it was two girls from the drama club and then the ENTIRE cheerleading squad!

  Pretty soon there were a dozen girls in line, all waiting to take a selfie with André.

  But here’s the really WEIRD part! . . .

  EVERYONE kept telling me what a CUTE COUPLE André and I were.

  I was like, “Um . . . NO WAY! We’re actually just FRIENDS. We’re only hanging out because I’m a student ambassador and it’s MANDATORY.”

  But they just smiled like I was LYING to them and started WHISPERING to each other.

  Of course I wondered what was going on!

  So to avoid all the DRAMA that had occurred yesterday, I texted André and asked him to meet me in the library. I figured we’d hang out there for a while and then go straight to class.

  I was surprised when he showed up with a bag from the CupCakery. . . .


  He’d purchased orange juice and extra-large cinnamon buns with cream cheese frosting. The best part was that they were still warm!

  Since I’d skipped breakfast to get to school on time, my stomach was making loud grinding noises like a busted garbage disposal.

  OMG! Everything was DELISH!

  “So, do you have any exciting plans for the summer?” André asked.

  JUST GREAT !! The last thing I wanted to talk about was my summer scheduling DISASTER!

  He must have seen a look of pure anguish flash across my face or something. Because even after I shrugged and muttered, “Not really,” he stopped eating and just stared at me.

  “Really?! Are your parents shipping you off to boot camp or something?” he teased.

  Instead of answering, I just took a big bite of my cinnamon bun and chewed, trying not to look as annoyed as I felt. I’d already blabbed WAAAY too much about my PATHETIC life in those e-mails I’d sent André.

  Hey, I barely even KNOW the guy!

  “I WISH they were shipping me off to camp!” I finally sighed. “Then I wouldn’t feel so guilty for being selfish and totally ruining my BFFs’ plans for the summer!”

  “Nicole, you don’t seem to me like the type of person who’d purposely hurt your friends.”

  “Listen, André, it’s REALLY complicated, and we don’t have that much time,” I muttered.

  He glanced at his watch. “Actually, we have two minutes and fifteen seconds. I suggest you talk really, really fast!” He smiled.

  So I reluctantly told him EVERYTHING! . . .


  “Seriously, André! It’s a BIG problem for ME if I disappoint my friends. I really care about them!” I explained.

  “Wait a minute!” he exclaimed. “Let me get this straight. YOU have an all-expenses-paid trip for two weeks in Paris to study at the Louvre, and you’re worried about your friends being MAD at you?! Really?! Sorry, Nicole, but you need some NEW friends!”

  “Well, I don’t know for SURE that they’d be mad at me. But I’d be mad at MYSELF. I’d basically be ditching my BFFs and the Bad Boyz tour that we’ve been planning together for MONTHS! Like, WHO does that?! Only the WORST friend EVER!” I grumbled.

  “I’ll be perfectly honest with you. I’d LOVE for you to come to Paris, Nicole! We’d have a great time hanging out together, and I could show you around the city. But that’s a decision only YOU can make.”

  “OMG! Studying art in Paris would be a dream come true. Everyone was really HAPPY for me a few weeks ago when I first told them about it. I guess I need to sit down with them and explain that both events are scheduled at the same time. And if I go to Paris, I WON’T be able to go with them on the Bad Boyz tour. I just hope they won’t be too disappointed!”

  Anyway, after hashing everything out with André, I decided to do the mature and responsible thing.

  I sent Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon a text asking them to meet me after school in the library to discuss some really important news.

  André said I shouldn’t worry because everything was going to work out fine. I was so grateful for his help and advice that I told him I’d give him one of the Queasy Cheesy gift cards from my dad.

  I just hope he’s right!





  Okay. THAT was me SCREAMING!!


  Because I am having yet another MELTDOWN!!

  YES, I know! It’s the SECOND one this week, and it’s only Wednesday!

  This is what happened. . . .

  Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon were excited to meet me in the library after school.

  André and I have been attending classes together for ONLY two DAYS, but my friends were acting more like it had been two WEEKS.

  “Nikki, we know your student ambassador duties are mandatory, but we really miss hanging out with you!” Zoey complained.

  “I totally agree!” Chloe grumbled. “André is a nice and cute guy, but it kind of feels like he has KIDNAPPED our BFF!”

  “Yeah! Someone needs to tell that dude this place is a middle school, NOT a DAY CARE CENTER!” Brandon griped. “Personally, Nikki, I think he’s into you.”

  “No way! It’s NOT like that at all,” I protested. “Come on, guys. Be NICE!”

  But deep down I was surprised and very flattered that Brandon was acting a little jealous. Maybe it meant Brandon REALLY liked me.

  Although, to be honest, it had never occurred to me that a guy like André would be interested in a nice and dorky girl like . . . ME!

  I mean, he could totally date one of those gorgeous tee
n Disney starlets.

  Hey, I’d be lucky to have ONE guy interested in me.

  But TWO guys?!


  That sounds like something straight out of a fairy tale. . . .

  Once upon a time, Princess Nikki was standing on her balcony gazing at her beautiful kingdom.

  Suddenly the handsome Prince Brandon appeared and said, “Princess Nikki, would you like to go for a walk with ME in the meadow?”

  But before she could answer, the handsome Prince André appeared and said, “Princess Nicole, would you like to walk with ME in the meadow?!”

  Then they dueled over her with swords. . . .


  Zoey interrupted my daydream. “So, what’s the important news? We’re DYING to know!”

  “Is it a SURPRISE?!” Chloe squealed. “I LOVE surprises!”

  “Well, actually, it has to do with the Bad Boyz tour this summer,” I answered hesitantly.

  “I’m ready to ROCK!” Zoey exclaimed. “My family will be going on a two-week vacation to Maui without me. I decided our tour was more important!”

  “Really?!” I muttered.

  “Yeah, me too!” Chloe said. “I FINALLY landed us tickets to Comic-Con in San Diego. But I gave them away since we’re going to be on tour that week!”

  “You DID?!” I groaned.

  “Same here!” Brandon said. “I’ve been on a waiting list for a photography camp, and I found out last week that I got in! But I’ve already given up my spot since we’ll be on tour in July.”

  “You DIDN’T!” I moaned.

  All three of my friends stared at me eagerly as they waited for me to share my VERY important news.

  Suddenly I felt really . . . GUILTY! Each of my friends had made a personal sacrifice to go on that tour.

  “Well, actually, it’s REALLY hard for me to find the right words,” I muttered.

  “Come on, Nikki! You can tell us ANYTHING!” Zoey said encouragingly.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

  “Okay! Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon, I realize we’ve been planning this Bad Boyz tour for MONTHS! But I really need to let you know that . . . I CAN’T—”

  That’s when my BFFs very enthusiastically and very rudely interrupted me. . . .


  Then Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon started cheering! And WOO-HOOing! And high-fiving each other!

  They were acting like they had just won the Super Bowl or something.

  Somehow we’d had a MAJOR miscommunication about the Bad Boyz tour.

  “Nikki, we realize our show is a huge responsibility for you,” Zoey said supportively.

  “But always remember! WE’RE in this thing TOGETHER!” Chloe said, giving me jazz hands.

  “Yeah! WE GOT THIS!” Brandon exclaimed.

  Then the three of them gave me a big hug!

  The massive outpouring of love, support, and enthusiasm from my friends was SO touching that I got a HUGE lump in my throat.

  I knew I was going to have to tell my friends the TRUTH sooner or later. But right then I was kind of leaning more toward . . .


  As much as I wanted to wait, though, I knew I had to get it over with. Since it seemed almost impossible for me to TELL them the bad news, I thought it might be easier if I just SHOWED them.

  “Listen, guys, I want you to read an e-mail that I received on Monday. That will pretty much explain everything,” I said.

  I pulled up my e-mails to show them the one I’d gotten about the trip to Paris.

  But that’s when I noticed a brand-new e-mail from a popular social media website saying that a post I was tagged in had received more than twenty-five comments and likes.

  It said “Cute pic of André and Nikki!” I opened the e-mail and just stared at the photo in shock. . . .


  It FINALLY made sense why everyone was GOSSIPING yesterday about André and me being a couple.

  Someone had taken a photo of André and me at school.

  But the sign I was holding had been altered. . . .

  * * * * * * * * * *


  LuvMyLipGloss: I heard they met while she was visiting NHH. Maybe LOVE at first sight?!

  Flawless: They are perfect together. I totally ship them!

  CheerGirl: CUTEST couple EVER!

  LuvMyLipGloss: Hanging out with him is definitely an upgrade from her two dorky BFFs.

  Diva124: What about poor Brandon?

  SelfieChic: Looks like he’ll have to get over it.

  Diva124: I’ll take him !

  * * * * * * * * * *

  How could people talk about my friends like that?!

  I couldn’t bear to read another comment! Whoever posted that pic is obviously just trying to stir up DRAMA, because my REAL sign said “Welcome, Andrea, to WCD!!”

  NOT “I missed you, André!!”

  I sighed in frustration and clicked off that website.

  That’s when I realized my friends were STILL eagerly waiting for me to show them the e-mail I had mentioned.

  “So, what do you need to show us?” Zoey asked. “Is it an e-mail from Trevor Chase?”

  “OMG! It’s an e-mail from the BAD BOYZ! RIGHT?!” Chloe shouted hysterically. “If it is, I think I’m going to DIE!”


  Even my e-mail idea had turned into a HOT MESS!

  “Listen, guys! I’m really sorry, but something just came up. I really need to GO! Right now! We can talk about this later, okay?” I said, trying to stay calm.

  “Is something wrong, Nikki?!” Brandon asked, concerned.

  “Um . . . NO! I just got an e-mail here . . . from my, um . . . MOM! And I have to go home to, uh . . . babysit Brianna. Bye, guys!” I said as I quickly headed for the door.

  “WHAT?!” Chloe and Zoey blinked in confusion.

  “Wait a minute! Nikki, come back! Are you sure you’re—” I didn’t hear the rest of Brandon’s question because I practically ran down the hall.

  I had to get out of there before I burst into tears!

  Right now I’m writing in my diary, trying to figure out how to fix this


  I’m pretty sure Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon hadn’t seen that post yet.

  If they had, I’m VERY sure they would have been upset enough to have mentioned it.

  If/when Brandon finds out, I just hope he doesn’t believe all the crazy gossip.

  It might make him feel a little insecure (and extremely cruddy!) to hear rumors that André and I are a couple.

  I already feel HORRIBLE for him!

  And NOW I have to tell my BFFs about the trip to Paris AND the gossip about them online.

  OH NO ! Daisy stole my peanut butter sandwich and got peanut butter EVERYWHERE! I actually had to change my clothes!

  JUST GREAT !! Now someone’s ringing the doorbell.

  OMG! I can’t believe who’s actually here!

  It’s . . .





  Brandon was at my front door! My first reaction was . . .


  I was pretty sure he’d seen the photo online and had rushed over to my house to ask me about it.

  I now had the perfect opportunity to be a mature and responsible adult and tell Brandon the TRUTH about EVERYTHING!

  Like . . .

  André and I are MERELY friends.

  I met him for the first time in my life less than seventy-two hours ago.

  I’m planning to ditch you, my BFFs, and the national Bad Boyz tour to hang out with him in Paris for two weeks!

  Just ignore any photos you see of André and me.

  And definitely don’t believe any of the gossip.

  Unfortunately, all of that sounded like a bunch of LIES. . . .

  Even to ME

  And I KNOW the truth!

  So how could I expect Brandon to believe me?!!

  The reality was that he probably wouldn’t!

  I didn’t have a choice but to try to convince him.

  I opened the door, grabbed Brandon’s shoulders, and stared desperately into his eyes.

  “Listen, Brandon! I know why you’re here, and I don’t blame you for being upset. But André and I are JUST friends! Nothing more! You gotta believe me!”

  He just stared back at me, slightly surprised and totally confused. . . .


  “Um . . . okay, Nikki. I think I understand. Does this mean that André is going to help out with Daisy’s training session? Because today she’s supposed to learn the sit and stay commands.”

  “OMG! It’s Wednesday, and we have Daisy’s training TODAY! So th-that’s why you’re here?!” I stammered.

  “Um . . . is now a bad time?” Brandon asked.

  “WHAT?! I mean . . . of COURSE not! I was just a little confused, that’s all!” I babbled like an idiot. “Daisy is in the backyard.”

  “So what was all that stuff about André?” Brandon asked.

  “Never mind! I’ll grab us something to drink and meet you out back in a few minutes, okay?”

  I could hardly believe Brandon was here for Daisy’s second doggie obedience lesson!

  NOT to grill me about my relationship with André and tell me what a hopelessly PATHETIC friend I am.

  I actually felt totally RELIEVED!

  Hey, why RUIN a fun evening hanging out with my crush?

  So I decided NOT to bring up the trip to Paris, the Bad Boyz tour, or the online gossip.

  Until . . .


  Since it was a warm evening, I made a delicious pitcher of ice-cold lemonade.

  What better way for Brandon and me to CHILLAX than with a cool, refreshing drink!

  I was carrying the tray of lemonade over to Brandon when I encountered a series of unfortunate events. . . .

  Thanks to Daisy, Brandon and I had a very cold and refreshing lemonade SHOWER!

  WE never got a chance to drink my lemonade.

  But Daisy tasted it.


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