Enderby & Sons (British whaling firm), 129
Endicott, Charles, 268
England. See Britain
Erving, John, 44–45
Essex County, Massachusetts, 49–51
Essex Junior (formerly Atlantic whaling ship), 148, 149, 152–153, 163–164, 181, 187
after capture of Essex (during War of 1812), 244, 252, 262, 269
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 186, 190, 192, 202, 203, 209–210, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219–221, 224, 226, 231, 238, 240–241, 242, 247–250
Estido (Algerian ship), 266
Farragut, David Glasgow, 39–40, 56
after capture of Essex (during War of 1812), 247
at beginning of War of 1812, 59
at end of/after War of 1812, 265, 269–272
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 95, 102, 136, 150, 152–153, 164, 190, 213, 216, 225, 228–235, 237–240
returning home from Pacific, 264
Farragut, Elizabeth, 39
Farragut, George, xi, 6, 39–40
Farragut, James Glasgow. See Farragut, David Glasgow
Federal Navy, 51
Federalist Party, 11, 14
Feltus, William, 137, 149, 190, 213, 257–258
Ferdinand VII (King of Spain), 82, 103, 105, 107, 108, 218, 244
Fernando de Noronha (island), 66, 67, 69, 72–73
Finch, William B., 62–63, 71, 72
First Regiment of Royal Scots infantrymen, 4–5
Florida, 110–111
Folger, Mayhew, 96
Folsom, Charles, 270
Formas, Francisco de, 218
Fort Erie, battle at (in Niagara area), ix, 253, 265
Fort George, 168
Fort Madison, 200–201, 209–210, 213–214, 255–259
Fox, Josiah, 54
Algeria and, 277
Algiers and, 26
Britain and, 53, 148, 165, 166, 265
Spain and, 104
See also Napoleon Bonaparte; Quasi-War (with France)
Galapagos Islands, 127–144
background of, 133–134
Downes and, 147
Porter (David, Jr.) and, 133–145, 153–161, 169–171
whaling and, 117, 122, 123–124, 127–135
Gallatin, Albert, 49
Gamble, John, 124, 137, 142, 158–159, 162, 203, 213–214, 255–262
Gambling, 80
Gardner, Grafton, 120, 122
Gattanewa, Chief (Marquesas Islands), 188, 191, 192, 194–195, 199–200, 202, 206
George (U.S. whaling ship), 117, 122
Georgiana (British whaling ship), 136–139, 141, 143, 145, 147–150, 153–156
Gibbs, Thomas, 258
Godoy, Manuel de, 103–104, 105
Gold, 71, 74, 102
Goldsborough, Charles, 83
Gordon, James, 252–253
Grand Turk (ship), 52
Grant, Ulysses S., 271
Gray, Robert, 168
Gray, William (Billy), Jr., 50
Great Britain. See Britain
Greenwich (British whaling ship), 149, 153, 154, 157, 161–162, 214
Galapagos Islands and, 129, 142, 143
in Nuku Hiva, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259
Gross, Simon, 19
Guadeloupe, 25–26, 34
Guzmán, Luis, 104
Hackett, William, 50
Hambleton, Samuel, 40, 42–43, 47, 56, 59, 274
Hamer (British captain), 64
Hamilton, Paul, 40, 43–44, 45, 47–49, 83, 150–151
Hapa’a Tribe, 188–197
Harriet (privateer ship), 18
Harrison, William Henry, 151
Harvey, Neale, 22
Hathaway’s Post Office, 132, 139, 140, 143, 154
Hawaiian Islands, 260–261, 268–269
Health of crews, 60–65, 88, 90, 132
Hector (whaling ship), 147–148, 150, 164, 224, 239
Heywell, Mr. (American consul in Valparaiso), 116
Hillyar, James, 164–168, 170, 219–230, 236–243, 260
after capture of Essex (during War of 1812), 247–250
at end of/after War of 1812, 265, 272–273
Chile and, 243–244, 272
returning home from Pacific, 264
HMS Acasta, 72
HMS Alert, 2–6, 8, 9, 41–42, 164
in early months of War of 1812, 70, 79
Porter (David, Jr.) and, 54
HMS Barrosa, 156
HMS Beagle, 133
HMS Belvidera, 71–72, 214
HMS Bonne Citoyenne, 73–77
HMS Bounty, 61–62, 96, 172–174, 197, 212
HMS Briton, 131, 224, 257
HMS Brothers, 4–5
HMS Centurion, 89
HMS Chatham, 165
HMS Cherub, 164, 166–170, 230–231, 236–237, 260–261
in early months of War of 1812, 80
USS Essex vs. (in Valparaiso, Chile), 216–217, 219, 222, 224–229, 233
HMS Eagle, 64
HMS Elizabeth, 75, 76
HMS Ellen, 78
HMS Emily, 219
HMS Fanny, 72
HMS Guerriere, 14
HMS Hermione, 176–177
HMS Hero, 4–5
HMS Isaac Todd, 164, 165, 166, 167
HMS Java, 77
HMS Jersey, 17–18
HMS John, 166
HMS King George, 4–5
HMS Lamphrey, 4–5
HMS Leander, 4–5
HMS Leopard, 37–38
HMS Mary, 4–5
HMS Mary Ann, 181, 186
HMS Minerva, 4–5
HMS Minotaur, 165
HMS Montague, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82
HMS Morgiana, 72
HMS Nancy, 4–5
HMS Narcissus, 250
HMS Nereus, 76
HMS Niger, 165
HMS Nocton, 70–72, 73, 80, 95
HMS Peacock, 78
HMS Phoebe, 164–170, 215–217, 219–233, 236–241, 243, 247, 261
HMS Racoon, 80, 164, 166–169, 217, 219, 225, 226
HMS Resolution, 78, 178
HMS Samuel & Sarah, 4–5
HMS Saturn, 247–250
HMS Sir Andrew Hammond, 162–163, 164, 209, 214
after leaving Nuku Hiva, 260, 261
in Nuku Hiva, 255, 257, 258, 259
HMS Southhampton, 44, 45, 72
HMS Standard, 114–115, 119
HMS Success, 176
HMS Targus, 131, 224, 226
Hoffman, Richard, 235–236
Howe, Richard, 175
Hull, Isaac, 14, 23, 77, 118, 266, 274
Hull, William, 13
Impressment, 10, 18, 37–38
Indian nations, 10, 11
Indispensable (whaling ship), 157
Ingram, William, 225, 236, 239
Intrepid. See Mastico (Tripolitan ketch)
Irving, Washington, 37
Isaacs, George, 137, 231, 233
Island of La Plata, 145
Jackson, Andrew, x, 268–269, 277, 278
James, William, 148
Jefferson, Thomas
Algiers and, 26
during war with Tripoli, 22, 23, 31, 34
impressment and, 38
Pacific Northwest and, 169
Porter (David, Jr.) and, 40, 83
U.S. Navy and, 12, 21, 49
Jenkinson, Robert (Lord Liverpool), x, 131, 165, 253, 265
Jervis, John, 166
Joao VI, Prince Regent, 103
Jones, Jacob, 32, 42–43
Jones, John Paul, xi, 29
Jones, William, 15, 150, 151–152, 215, 251–253, 255
Junot, Jean-Andoche, 103
Karamanli, Yusuf, 23, 32, 34
Kemble, Gouverneur, 37
Kerr (captain of Acasta), 72–73
Kingsbury, William, 60, 95
Kitty (British whaling ship), 129
La aurora de Chile (The Dawn of Chile), 105
Lake Pontchartrain, 38, 39
Lambert, Henry, 77
Lastra, Francisco de la, 109, 110, 114–117, 218, 244
Latin America, 71, 104, 105, 111–112, 113, 243. See also South America
Laughharne, Thomas L. P., 3, 5, 6
Lawrence, James, 15, 55, 56, 66, 67, 75–80
Lawson, Richard H. L., 158, 209
Lear, Tobias, 34
Leipzig, battle of, 151
Lewis, William, 187
Lewis and Clark, 169
Lincoln, Abraham, 271
Lind, James, 64
L’Insurgente (French ship), 20, 22, 25
Liverpool, Lord. See Jenkinson, Robert (Lord Liverpool)
Loire (privateer ship), 164
Louisiana, 38–39, 40, 110, 270. See also New Orleans (battle at)
Luisa, Queen Maria, 103, 105
Lyman, James, 241–242
Mackenna, Juan, 218
Mackenzie, Alexander, 165
Madison, James
as leader during War of 1812, x
at end of War of 1812, 264–265
Hamilton (Paul) and, 150
in early months of War of 1812, 42, 43, 78–79
on Britain, 112
Porter (David, Jr.) and, 83, 151, 252, 263–264, 273
reelection of, 164
South America and, 110–111, 113, 114
U.S. Navy and, 49
War of 1812 and, 263
war plan of, 9–16
Maley, William, 20
Malta, 36, 44
Manuel I (of Portugal), 72
Mapuches, 98
Marion, Francis, 39
Marquesas Islands, 171–184. See also Nuku Hiva
Mashuda (Algerian ship), 266
Massachusetts, 49–51
Mastico (Tripolitan ketch), 33
Maury, John Minor, 187–188, 191, 226
McDonald, John, 168
McKnight, James, 158
McKnight, Stephen Decatur, 5, 8
father of, in a duel, 158
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 99, 120, 124, 137, 142, 182, 186, 220, 233, 241–242
Melville, Herman, 185, 189
Mendaña de Neira, Álvaro, 180
Mendoza, Don García Hurtado de (Marquis de Cañete/Spanish viceroy of Peru), 180
Mexico, 88, 130, 274, 276–277
Miller, Lawrence, 115
Miller, Robert, 99
Miller, Samuel, 227
Mocha Island, 97–100
Molen, J. M., 241, 242
Monroe (U.S. Secretary of State), 114
Montezuma (British whaling ship), 136, 138, 140–141, 143, 149, 150, 164, 261
Montgomery, Alexander, 235
Morocco, 23, 24, 266
Morris, Richard, 22–23
Morris, Robert, 52
Mouina (chief warrior of Taiohae), 192, 202–203
Mowattaeeh (chief of Hapa’as), 194–195
Murat, Marshall, 103
Mutiny, 163, 172–178, 209–214, 257–258
Napoleon Bonaparte, 13, 105, 107, 108, 114, 151
Britain and, 9–10, 12, 15, 119, 151, 263, 265
Iberian Peninsula and, 71, 112
Portugal and, 66, 103, 107, 111, 112
Russia and, 10, 13, 79, 108, 113, 265
Spain and, 98, 103–105, 107, 111
Nash, James, 247, 250
Nassau (steamboat ferry), 251
Navy. See Royal Navy; U.S. Navy
Nelson, Horatio, 104, 165–166
Nereyda (Peruvian privateer), 120–122
New Orleans (battle at), ix, x
New Orleans naval station, 38–39
New York Navy Yard, 41
New Zealander (ship), 154, 157, 161–162, 164, 211, 214
Nimrod (privateer ship), 120–121, 122, 123, 124
Nissen, Nicholas C., 32
Northwest Company, 168
Nuku Hiva, 184–207, 214, 215, 216, 255–262
O’Brien, George, 219, 220–221
Odenheimer, William H., 138, 139
O’Higgins, Bernardo, 108, 218, 244–245
Old Ironsides. See USS Constitution (Old Ironsides)
Oregon, 164–165, 272
Osorio, Mariano, 244–245
Othauough (Marquesan chief), 182
Ottoman Empire, 26, 277–278
Pacific, 83–96. See also Porter, David, Jr., in Pacific during War of 1812; Whaling/whaling ships
Pacific Fur Company, 169
Pacific Northwest, 168–169
Paita (Peruvian port), 124–125, 130, 133
Pareja, Antonio, 108, 109
Parker, Hyde, 177
Patriotism, xi
Peace Establishment Act, 21
Peninsular War, 107
Perceval, Spencer, 11
Perry, Christopher, xi
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 151, 253
Peru, 106–107, 108, 117, 218
after War of 1812, 267
Britain and, 124
Downes and, 164
Galapagos Islands and, 133
Hillyar and, 243–244, 272
Porter (David, Jr.) in, 119–125
Watkins and, 133
whaling and, 117, 120–121, 129, 130, 144
See also Calleo (Peruvian port); Paita (Peruvian port); Tumbes (Peru)
Pettinger, John, 259
Picaroons. See Pirates/piracy
Pigot, Hugh, 176–177
Pinkney, William, 111
Pipon, Philip, 224
Pirates/piracy, 20, 133–134, 154, 267, 268, 274–275
Pitt, William (the Younger), 128–129, 130
Pizarro, José Alfonso, 90
Platt, Charles T., 275
Plattsburgh (battle on Lake Chaplain), ix, x, 253, 265
Poinsett, Joel, 110, 116, 226, 228
as consul general in Santiago (Chile), 109
background of, 111
Carrera and, 218
Chile and, 244
Madison (James) and, 111
Porter (David, Jr.) and, 117, 150
South America and, 112–114
Policy (British whaling ship), 136, 137, 138, 143, 150, 164
Polynesian Islands, 155, 172–174, 197. See also Marquesas Islands
Porter, David Dixon, 18, 38, 56, 251, 271
Porter, David, Jr.
after capture of Essex (during War of 1812), 262
after War of 1812, 265–266, 267, 273–278
Alert and, 54
assigned to Bainbridge (William), 15–16
at beginning of War of 1812, 40–45, 55–68, 69–85
at end of War of 1812, 265
at New Orleans naval station, 38–39, 40
children of Farragut (George) brought up by, 39–40
death of father of, 39
during war with Tripoli, 21–24
early naval assignments of, 17–24
family of, 55–56, 251, 277
first cruise of, during War of 1812, 1–8, 9, 14, 15
in British port of Valetta in Malta, 35–36
in war with Tripoli, 21–22, 24, 25–36
introduction to/background of, xi–xii
Irving (Washington) and, 37
leadership style of, 24
marriage of, 38
naval promotions of, 8, 20, 36, 40, 41
on Essex armaments, 47–49, 54, 58
on powers of sea captains, 65
sitting on courts-martial, 37–38
taking command of Essex, 54
See also Porter, David, Jr., in Pacific during War of 1812
Porter, David, Jr., in Pacific during War of 1812, 131–133, 154, 250–253
after capture of Essex (during War of 1812), 247–251, 261
beginnings of voyage to Pacific, 83–100
Gamble and, 262
in Galapagos Islands, 127–128, 131–144, 149, 153–164, 167, 169–171
in Peru, 119–125, 145–149
in Polynesia/Marquesas Islands, 149–150, 155–159,
171, 174, 177–207, 213–214
in Valparaiso (Chile) (during War of 1812), 101–103, 106–110, 113–119, 215–233, 235–243
letter to Secretary of U.S. Navy, 150–151
mutiny and, 209–214
on reenlistment of crew, 210–212
returning home from Pacific, 263–264
Porter, David, Sr., 17–18, 38–39, 61
Porter, Elizabeth, 56
Porter, Evelina, 38, 55–56, 151–152, 251
Porter, William (British captain), 162–163
Porter, William (son of David Porter, Jr.), 56
Porto Praia, 58, 60, 66, 67, 69
Britain and, 66, 71, 103
in early months of War of 1812, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 116
Manuel I of, 72
Napoleon and, 66, 103, 107, 111, 112
South America and, 104
Preble, Edward, 23–24, 27–35, 49, 51–53
Pressgangs, 63
after War of 1812, 274–275
Britain and, 10–11, 119, 154, 164
Derby (Elias Hasket) as, 52
Farragut (George) as, 39
French, 49, 51, 53
in Revolutionary War, 18, 19
Madison (James) and, 10–11, 13
Mocha Island and, 98
Porter (David, Jr.) on, 42, 85
See also names of individual privateer ships
Quasi-War (with France), xi, 19–21, 24, 25–26, 49, 175, 274
Quirós, Pedro Fernández de, 180
Randall, Gideon, 120, 123–124, 132, 146, 152–153
Rats, 172, 197
Rattler (merchant ship), 128
Republican Party, 11
Resolution (ship), 128
Revere, Paul, 50, 51
Revolutionary War. See American Revolution
Rio (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
American prisoners in, 261
Britain and, 115, 155, 164, 167
Charlton and, 155
Dixon in, 144
Hillyar and, 166, 241
in early months of War of 1812, 71–76, 79–80, 82
Isaac Todd and, 164
Poinsett and, 112
Sumter (Thomas, Jr.) in, 117, 150
Tucker and, 103, 260
Roach, Adam, 231–232
Robertson, John, 256
Rodgers, John, 14–15, 24, 34
after capture of Essex (during War of 1812), 253
after War of 1812, 273–274
at beginning of War of 1812, 41, 43
Chesapeake-Leopard case and, 38
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 146
in Quasi-War, 20
Porter (David, Jr.) as favorite of, 19
Ronsford, Lewis, 258
Roosevelt, Theodore, 239
Rose (whaling ship), 147, 148
Ross, George, 258
Rossie (privateer ship), 4–5
Rotch, Benjamin, 136
Rotch, William, 129, 136
Rous, Rais Mahomet, 22
Royal Navy
at beginning of War of 1812, 14–15
Cape Verde Island and, 66
convoys, 58
Cook (James) and, 63
The Shining Sea Page 38