Troy - A Space Opera Colonization Adventure (Aeon 14: Building New Canaan Book 3)

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Troy - A Space Opera Colonization Adventure (Aeon 14: Building New Canaan Book 3) Page 4

by M. D. Cooper

  The fact that the other pets were in on the trick was obvious from the way they stopped their wild leaping when their companion had returned to the group. The snack thief quickly passed out the stolen treats in the confusion as the animals calmed down.

  The owner’s wailing finally ceased. She bent down to stroke the animals, perhaps thinking something must have scared them. It was only then she noticed that one of her pets had slipped its harness. The crowd of concerned or nosy onlookers began to break up. After re-securing her pet, the owner walked away, flustered, dishevelled and, like everyone else present, entirely unaware that she’d been fooled.

  Myrddan’s agent was gripping the balcony rail tightly. The pets’ antics had sparked the germ of an idea. The agent continued to think about it, and the idea built into a clear plan, while below, the business of the street continued unobserved.

  The picotech was to be used on Troy soon, and the agent now knew how to steal it. This time there would be no mistakes. The previous attempts had been amateurish. Relying on weak, incompetent subordinates like Hart had been unwise. This time, the agent would be the one to snatch the tech, and this time, the outcome would be successful.

  The incident in the street had demonstrated that all that was needed was a powerful distraction. When the picotech was deployed, something spectacular had to happen to divert the attention of the security forces. Yet they must not suspect what was happening, which meant that the event also had to be entirely credible. No one must suspect a connection, or additional backup would be on alert, and the plan would fail.

  It could be done. All that was required was a handful of armed, mind-controlled individuals and a careful orchestration of events leading up to the decisive moment.

  Feeling calmer and quietly optimistic, Myrddan’s agent released the balcony rail, sat down, and poured tea into a cup. The street below the balcony was growing quiet as evening drew on.

  Heliopolis was peaceful for now, but that would soon change. Everything was slotting together perfectly. At last, the picotech would be Myrddan’s, and the agent would finally get his reward.

  The agent experienced a peculiar sense of peacefulness at the notion. Maintaining a facade that was at odds with an entirely different psychological reality had become a strain over the years. It would be a relief when the subterfuge was finally over.


  STELLAR DATE: 04.11.8941 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: Family home, eastern shores of Ithaca

  REGION: Troy, New Canaan System

  By the time Martin, Isa, and Erin arrived at their new home on Troy, night had fallen. Martin had hoped to see the house in full daylight. He’d commissioned it to be built weeks previously, but he’d only ever seen plans, not the real thing. But the sight would have to wait until the morning. It was late, and he had a sleepy son to put to bed.

  Jude flopped over Martin’s shoulder, as Martin carried him toward the door while clutching baggage in his other hand. Behind him, the autocab closed its doors and sped away. Isa and Erin followed behind, bringing the rest of their luggage. Apart from Jude’s things, they didn’t have much to carry. Very little in the way of clothing was needed when vacationing in Athens.

  Isa caught up to Martin and touched his elbow, signalling him to wait a moment. He stopped. Isa was soaking up the sight of the house, with its dark windows and silent, untouched air. Erin had also paused on the path to absorb her first view of their Trojan home.

  Troy’s three moons were full and high in the night sky: two spheres and a misshapen lump that the locals referred to as ‘the Potato’. A cool, salty breeze blew from the sea that lay on the far side of their home, though the water wasn’t visible in the darkness. The scent made Martin feel immediately at ease.

  The new house was exactly as he had imagined it, from the tall windows at the front, to the pitched roof and gables. The building stood alone in the landscape, rising three stories high. It was also four times as wide as their little beach house by the Med.

  Martin had chosen the spot to build the house due to its convenient location. The site was at the top of a bluff that overlooked the sea where his old friend Lindsey was creating her marine safari park. The space elevator that would take Erin to her orbital worksite site lay only twenty kilometers distant, and Heliopolis, the Trojan capital where Isa would open her gallery, was only a half-hour autocab ride away.

  “What do you think?” Martin asked the two women, adjusting his grip on Jude, who was sliding off his shoulder.

  “I love it,” Isa breathed.

  “Me too,” said Erin. “I think we’re going to have a great time living here.”

  “Good,” said Martin. “We should go inside.”

  They walked up to the front door, opened it, and entered their new home.

  The first sight to greet them was a pile of their household goods and belongings, which had arrived from Carthage a few hours ahead of them. The pile was in the middle of the hall. The room’s windows reached to the ceiling two stories above, and they were set to transparent. The light of three moons poured through the clear panes, bathing the interior in a soft blue-white glow.

  A wide, polished floor spread out across the hall, and a staircase on the right swept up to the second story. Upstairs were four bedrooms with attached bathrooms. The third floor was one large, open space where Isa could work at home if needs be. The first floor comprised a kitchen, living and dining areas, and entertainment rooms.

  Martin knew that Erin didn’t have much of an appreciation for expansive living spaces, after the decades she’d spent aboard ships and stations, but he’d known Isa would like their house. He also hoped it would be a nice environment for Jude and perhaps his sisters and brothers to grow up.

  “This is a bit of a change from the beach house,” Erin said as she dumped her bags and looked around.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Isa asked. “It reminds me of the hotel we stayed at on Athens. Very traditional. Very Martin.”

  “Wait,” Erin said with mock alarm. “Don’t tell me we have to turn on the lights with switches.”

  Martin turned on the lights via the house system.

  “Phew,” said Erin. “So here we are in Heliopolis, ‘the Sunniest City in the System’.”

  “Technically, we’re outside the capital here,” Isa said.

  “I know that, we’re on the coast of the Ithacan continent.”

  “It’s good to hear you did your homework,” Martin said.

  “I am building a five-hundred-kilometer-long station over this planet,” Erin protested. “I do kinda need to know what’s below it.”

  “I know,” said Martin. “I’m only kidding. Messene Station is going to be spectacular. But I think Jude isn’t the only one who’s tired after our surprise diversion. What do you say we head to bed right away? I’ll be heading over to help Lindsey with the sinkhole first thing in the morning.”

  Erin covered her mouth and yawned. “You bet.”

  They climbed the sweeping staircase to the second story and walked the rug-lined hallway to the master bedroom. Inside the room were two more doors: one led to an adjoining, smaller room where a large crib awaited Jude, and the other led to the bathroom.

  Jude was in the land of dreams. Martin carried him into his room and laid down the sleeping child. He pulled off his shoes and, not wanting to wake him to put him into pajamas, tucked a coverlet over him. Martin quietly closed the door behind him, and returned to the master bedroom, where Isa was changing into her nightclothes. Erin had gone into the bathroom.

  “Glad to see you didn’t go for the traditional san, Martin,” she called out.

  Isa smiled at him. “Gotta love how she always focusses on the basics.”

  “Yep,” Martin replied. “That’s our Erin.”

  Isa pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. “I’m so happy she’s back, though. Everything feels more complete with her around.”

  “I know what you mean,” said Martin. “I
think Jude has missed her while she’s been working at the outer rim, too. He just isn’t old enough to tell us.”

  “It’ll do them both good to get better acquainted,” said Isa.

  “It will,” Martin agreed. “Everything’s falling into place finally. Now if we can only stop Erin from working every weekend, life will be perfect.”

  “Huh?” said Erin, appearing from the bathroom in her pajamas. “Are you two talking about me?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Isa replied. “Come to bed. I’m tired.”

  “Not too tired, I hope,” said Erin mischievously as she joined Isa under the covers and snuggled up to her.

  “Hmm,” Martin said. “Gotta love how you always get down to business.” He stripped off and joined the two women before turning out the light.

  A few minutes later, Erin suddenly sat up and pushed down the coverlet. “Darn it!”

  “What?” Isa asked, also sitting up. She brushed her hair away from her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “We have shooting range practice tomorrow,” said Erin. “Didn’t you see the notification?”

  “No, I didn’t,” Isa replied indignantly. “When I’m indulging in marital relations, I’m not checking notices at the same time.”

  “I saw it as well,” said Martin, as he also sat up.

  “Huh?” said Isa. “Am I the only one around here who was concentrating on what she was doing?”

  “Such a bummer,” Erin said. “I guess that now we’re on Troy, we’ve been put on the Trojan invasion drill timetable. It doesn’t matter that we already did target practice on Carthage a couple of months ago.”

  “It’s a bummer for you guys,” said Martin. “Not me. Fixing the damage from that sinkhole counts as an emergency situation, so I’m excused.”

  “Well aren’t you the lucky one?” said Isa.

  “Wait. He isn’t lucky at all,” said Erin. “Have you seen what we’ll be practicing with? They’ve got the AC9CR! It’s a new tri-mode e-beam.”

  “Erin!” Isa exclaimed.


  “I can’t believe you’re still reading that notice. It would be nice if you could keep your mind on the job at hand.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Erin smiled sheepishly. She lay down and pulled the covers over her shoulders.

  Martin lay down too. He turned the window opposite the bed transparent. Starlight and moonlight filled the room.

  “Did you do that?” Isa asked him as she also reclined.

  “Uh huh,” he replied, drawing her into his arms.


  STELLAR DATE: 04.12.8941 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: Family home, eastern shores of Ithaca

  REGION: Troy, New Canaan System

  Erin and Isa were sleeping soundly when Martin awoke the following day. Canaan Prime’s bright beams were shining directly into the room. Martin changed the window setting to translucent and gently eased himself out of bed to avoid waking the two women.

  He regarded them both in silence for a moment. Erin was lying on her back, an arm flung over her head. Her mouth was open, and she was gently snoring. Isa was curled at Erin’s side, her hair spread over her pillow like fine, ebony seaweed floating in the current.

  Time was getting on. Lindsey had sent more details on the damage at the sinkhole, which was considerable. Martin quickly descended the stairs and walked across the hall to the kitchen. The service company who had installed the furniture had also, at his request, supplied a few groceries.

  Martin set the coffee maker going and then opened the French doors to the terrace. The Sea of Marmara stretched almost to the horizon. A cool breeze drifted in and filled the kitchen. Martin strode outside and arranged seats around the stone table before returning to the kitchen to collect his breakfast of croissants, eggs, fruit, and coffee. He sat down and took in the scenery as he ate.

  he asked.

  the AI replied.

  Martin smiled when Eamon said no more. It wasn’t often that his mental companion was at a loss for words.

  The sea lapped the shore about fifty meters below the terrace, out of Martin’s sight. The sun was now streaming across the expanse. A dark line at its farthest edge marked the coast of Troy’s island continent, Syracuse. Lindsey had said the marine safari park stretched the entire distance below the water from Ithaca to its neighbor. Visitors could take an underwater Maglev that would stop at significant places in the park, or they would be able to stay in underwater hotels for a longer vacation.

  Martin was bursting with curiosity to see the safari site and the progress that Lindsey had made so far. The project was a massive seeding and engineering challenge. A few aspects, like coral reefs and tropical fish, sharks, and turtles were a given, but Lindsey had also told him about other plans: an octopus garden, a sea monsters area, a diatom spectacle, and a deep sea dome full of organisms that dwelled in high-pressure habitats. Martin couldn’t wait to get started.

  He was only a tiny bit disappointed that they wouldn’t be going to Athens. It would have been good to go tsunami surfing again—and to have a rematch with Usef. Yet Martin had also been relieved when it became clear they would have to postpone the trip. They could go to Athens any time, and Jude was still so young. Martin just wasn’t comfortable with leaving him with other people, even a family as trustworthy and responsible as the governor’s.

  He finished his coffee and put down his cup. After returning to the hall to riffle through the baggage, he found his swimming shorts. He put them on and took off his robe, dropping it over the back of a chair. Unlike the beach house, their new home was serviced by servitors to keep it clean and tidy.

  At the edge of the terrace, stone steps led down to a garden of salt-tolerant trees and plants. Martin walked down the stairs and then along a meandering path that ended at a gate in the garden fence. He was careful to lock the gate after passing through it. No barriers lay between the fence and the cliff edge, so it was important that Jude should never be able to escape the garden.

  Martin walked to the drop-off and peered over it, the breeze pushing him backward. A large natural cave opened at the base of the cliff far below. Martin couldn’t see the cave due to the overhang, but he could see where the water was deep.

  he asked Eamon.

  The AI replied,

  said Martin, noting the frothy surf below.

  Aiming for the darker water, he dove off the cliff and brought his hands together over his head as the rock face rushed past.

  He only had time to think, What an incredible commute, as he dropped toward the waves. Just before he hit the water, a nictitating membrane slid across his eyes.

  Slicing into the water Martin shot into the briny depths. Feeling like he was finally in his element once more, he leveled out and opened his mouth to breathe. The sensation of water passing down his windpipe and out from between his lower ribs had taken some getting used to at first, but now it was second nature.

  The body modders had also offered him an aquatic respiratory system option akin to that of a marine mammal’s; rather than gill-like slits in his ribs, he would have only required a discreet blow hole in the back of his neck. But in the end, Martin had decided that if he was going to take the step of a full body mod, he might as well go all the way. Now he was equally at home on land and in water. The webbing between his toes certainly helped with his swimming too.

  Martin asked Eamon.

  Eamon replied.

tin replied.


  Martin was traveling parallel to the coastline at a depth of four meters. The water was comfortably warm, and visibility was good. He had already encountered several fish species and other marine life that were probably local to the area, but he expected to hit the outer reaches of the marine park soon and see the early stages of Lindsey’s work.

  The complex that was the center of management for the marine safari was about a kilometer south of his new home. The underwater labs and offices were about fifty meters from the shore and five meters down. The water was so clear, Martin could soon see the low, regular blocks of the structure in the distance and he propelled himself toward it.

  Small coral began to appear, as the level of the seabed rose. Within a few moments, Martin was swimming above tall, branching colonies, cushions, wave-like structures, and weird convolutions similar to the surface of a human brain. The coral Lindsey had seeded were growing strongly, and reef fish were already teeming over them. Small reef sharks rested on the shallow seabed.

  A cool shadow passed over Martin. He looked up to see the underside of a large sea turtle, its massive flippers steadily paddling.

  He guessed that visitors would have the option of swimming into the safari park, as he was. If so, the reef was a great entrance into an underwater adventure.

  The safari project buildings sat in a wide, shallow hollow. The complex consisted of several single-story, hexagonal structures conjoined by tunnels. Now that he was close to the buildings, Martin could see that all the tunnels and some of the walls and roofs of many of the structures were transparent. Figures were even visible inside. He spotted his colleague and old friend Lindsey through one of the windows. Her head was down.


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