Reach for a Star

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Reach for a Star Page 10

by Kathryn Freeman

  His eyes darkened and she thought she saw the beginnings of a smile play round his mouth before he focussed back on her breasts.

  She had a second to think – God, this is really happening – before his hand settled between her legs.

  And she was lost.

  Between the flickering of his tongue and the clever movement of his fingers she was carried away on a spiral of pleasure.

  When she finally returned to earth, he was definitely smiling at her – a slightly smug one, at that.

  Realising she was never going to get this opportunity again, she gently pushed him onto his back and gazed at him. Those expensively tailored suits of his clearly weren’t disguising an out of condition body, as they did in so many cases. Oh no. Michael Tennant was all lightly tanned skin sliding over taut, hard muscle. Turned on didn’t begin to describe the heat, the ache she felt as she drank him in.

  Gently she trailed her fingers over the hard angles of his chest, following them with her lips, dipping lower, towards the proud junction between his legs.

  ‘I can’t take much more of that,’ he warned, shifting them so she was on her back again, him nestled between her legs.

  Suddenly he cursed. ‘Shit. Condom.’

  He glanced down at her and she bit into her bottom lip, shaking her head, feeling the prick of tears behind her eyes. ‘Sorry, no.’ Hell, why hadn’t she thought of that? She wasn’t even on the pill, because since Phil the closest she’d got to sex was reading Fifty Shades of Grey.

  Disappointment flashed across his face and he exhaled a long, deep breath. ‘I guess neither of us was expecting this.’

  ‘Hoping,’ she whispered and he laughed softly.

  ‘Yeah. Me, too.’ He planted a gentle kiss on her lips. ‘I have a pack in my room. I thought maybe, once I’d plied you with wine and a fancy meal, I could tempt you back there.’

  The long length of his body felt hot, hard and deliciously heavy against her. ‘I don’t need the wine. Or the meal.’

  His eyes smiled at her. ‘Good to know. If I go to my room, will you still be here when I get back?’

  A strangled laugh escaped her. ‘You seriously imagine I might think of something better to do than have sex with you?’

  There was no answering smile. Just a simple, ‘I hope not.’

  As Michael dressed and rushed out of the door, Jessie was left to wonder about the glimpses of insecurity she’d witnessed in him. His fear of allowing people to see the man behind the voice. His hesitancy with her, including an absurd concern that she’d have second thoughts about sleeping with him.

  She knew about hang-ups – she hated her hair; was very conscious her body wasn’t stick thin. Michael’s insecurities ran deeper though. On the surface, he seemed to have it all; looks, talent, wealth. So why was he so unsure of himself? It didn’t make sense.

  Slipping off the bed she went to put on the hotel robe, rolling her eyes at the sight of herself in the bathroom mirror. Wild hair, smudged make-up, bundled in a shapeless towelling dressing gown. And Michael envisioned she’d be the one to have second thoughts?

  As she wiped at the smudges of mascara there was a light tap on the door and her heart jumped.

  He’d come back.

  The moment she opened the door he lifted her into his arms and sank with her onto the bed. ‘Sorry about that,’ he mumbled in between opening her robe and taking off his clothes. ‘Starting to make love to a lady without protection on me. Not my finest moment.’

  She stilled his movements by clasping his face between her hands. ‘It was an honest moment.’ She could have added that it made him real. That him not being prepared made him far more genuine. Far more attractive.

  And far easier to fall for.

  But instead she kissed him.

  It didn’t take her long to feel the build-up of pleasure once again. His mouth, his hands. The seductive strength of his body. All combined to have her aching for him. When at last he entered her she gasped, pleasure searing through her.

  He moved powerfully, building up the rhythm as sensation after sensation flooded through her, ending in an explosive climax.

  ‘Wow,’ she finally managed. What had she and Phil been doing all those years, because it had never felt like that.

  Michael gazed down at her, a fine sheen of sweat across his forehead. A small smile on his lips. ‘Worth the wait?’


  ‘Good. Think you can go again?’

  Slowly she became aware that Michael was still hard inside. ‘I don’t know. But I’ll enjoy finding out.’

  She caught the glimpse of another smile just before his head dipped and his mouth landed hot and greedy on hers.

  Bloody hell. Feeling utterly boneless after two shattering orgasms, Jessie lay back against the pillow. Beside her Michael too was lying on his back, his chest heaving up and down.

  He turned to her, catching her hand with his and entwining their fingers. ‘Much as I’d love to stay here and make love to you again, I’m starving.’

  A laugh burst out of her. ‘We did get sidetracked, didn’t we?’

  He eased onto his side and traced a finger gently across her lips. ‘Can’t say I regret it.’

  Emotion caught at her throat. ‘Me neither.’

  Another of his small smiles. ‘Good.’

  Chapter Twelve

  An hour and a half later than planned, they finally walked into the restaurant. It had Georgina’s stamp all over it. Starched white linen tablecloths, dark wood floor, flickering candles. An exotic sounding menu. Classy and elegant, certainly, but Jessie was finding it hard to relax in such formal surroundings. And with the spectre of Georgina hovering around them. He’s just being kind. You’re hardly his type.

  Stop it, she urged herself. He wasn’t thinking that an hour ago.

  ‘How long have you been divorced?’ Michael asked as he poured them both a large glass of crisp white wine.

  Jessie latched gratefully onto the question. Anything to drag herself out of her own head. ‘About three years, though the marriage had ended a while before that.’

  ‘But you remained friends?’

  ‘Yes. Phil is a good man, a good father. Better now we’re not married. When I was around he could get away without doing anything. Now when the boys go to see him, he makes an effort to do things with them.’

  ‘Why did you split up?’ He immediately shook his head. ‘Sorry, you don’t have to answer that.’

  She smiled. ‘It’s okay, there’s no great drama to it. We met too young. He was my first and only boyfriend. As we grew older, we wanted different things in life. Phil followed his dad into the plumbing trade and was content to work when it suited him. Do nothing when it suited him. I wanted more for us. For our sons. We started to argue and I could see myself turning into this horrible nagging wife. We both realised we’d be better off apart. What about you?’ she asked, deciding it was only fair he share his romantic history, too. She’d seen him linked with various women but never mention of anything serious. ‘Have you ever been close to marriage?’

  He darted her a look of surprise and was clearly relieved when the waiter appeared with their first course; crab terrine, artfully displayed on a bone china white plate.

  The waiter slipped away and as Michael began to tuck into his crab, showing no sign of replying to her question, annoyance rippled through her. ‘Forgive my ignorance, I’m not used to having dinner with a famous person so I don’t know the rules. Do I take it you’re allowed to ask me about my private life, but not the other way around?’ Wow, she was more than just annoyed she realised. She was steaming. ‘Maybe you could give me a list of questions I’m allowed to ask you?’

  His eyes flashed with anger. ‘Don’t be absurd.’

  ‘Don’t treat me like I’m less than you.’

  Horror filled his expression. ‘Christ, I didn’t… I wasn’t.’ He cursed under his breath. ‘I’m sorry. I’ve become pretty adept at keeping my private life priv
ate over the years. When I’m asked a question I don’t want to answer, I ignore it or change the subject.’

  His reply reminded her again of the gulf between them. She could count on one hand the number of people interested in her private life.

  He was probably worried she’d sell her story to the press the moment the show ended. ‘You’re the first man I’ve slept with since my divorce,’ she blurted.

  Shock flashed across his face and yes, maybe it was an odd thing to admit to, especially when he was being so tight-lipped. But damn it, she wanted him to understand she hadn’t gone into this… this thing with him, lightly.

  His eyes searched hers. ‘What are you trying to tell me?’

  Her stomach dropped and she clasped at the starched napkin in her lap. ‘I didn’t say that to make you think I expected more from you than today. I just wanted you to know I’m not some groupie who’ll go talking to the press.’

  ‘You think that’s why I clammed up just now?’ When she nodded, he let out a deep sigh. ‘I know you’re not that type of woman, Jessie. It’s not why I didn’t answer your question.’ He reached for his glass and she watched as he swallowed. Was it wrong that even now, cross as she was, she still thought his Adam’s apple was sexy? ‘I didn’t answer you because it’s a painful part of my life that I don’t like talking about.’

  A hot red flush of shame crept up her neck. ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’

  Michael cursed inwardly. He doubted he could make a bigger balls-up of this date if he tried. First he’d pounced on her in her room, though to be fair she seemed to have enjoyed that as much as he had. Then he’d forgotten the damn condom. Now he was making her feel like a kiss and tell groupie who couldn’t ask him anything without being made to feel awful.

  He reached across the table and clasped her hand. ‘It’s me who’s sorry. I find general conversation hard enough, but talking about anything personal is way out of my comfort zone.’

  ‘It’s okay. I’m probably too open.’ He hated that she wasn’t looking at him now. ‘I shouldn’t have said anything.’

  Regret flooded through him. ‘No, please. I enjoy how talkative you are.’

  She gave him a small smile but he could tell she wasn’t convinced. Nor was she relaxed. This restaurant wasn’t helping, either. He should have picked the flaming thing himself, not asked Georgina to do it for him.

  ‘I was nearly married, many years ago. It was while I was still playing small gigs, before I hit the big time.’ Her eyes flew up to his face and he ignored the way his stomach still churned at the memory. He had to give Jessie something. Prove to her he did trust her. ‘Paula was a fellow singer. Sometimes we’d do duets together. The day before we were due to walk down the aisle she told me she’d met someone else. A richer, more famous, someone.’

  The expression of disgust on Jessie’s face would have been comical, had she not been feeling all that anger on his behalf. ‘How terrible.’

  ‘Perhaps not. Better to have found out what she was like before I married her.’ And what she was like, it turned out, was a money-grabbing bitch. ‘There have been women since, but I guess I’m more wary now. Plus it’s hard to have a relationship when you spend a lot of your life on tour.’

  ‘She was a fool.’

  Her softly spoken words did funny things to his heart. ‘I like to think she regrets her decision.’ In fact he knew she did, because the moment he’d become more famous than the guy she’d swopped him for, she’d come running back to him.

  Slamming the door in her face had finally healed his ego, but his heart was another story.

  He shook himself out of the past and gazed at the woman opposite. The one with big brown eyes that were almost drowning him in sympathy. ‘I didn’t tell you so you’d feel sorry for me.’

  ‘I don’t. I feel angry for you.’

  He smiled, liking the sound of that. Liking her, even more. He’d learnt the hard way how to sniff out a fake, thanks to Paula. Jessie, with her refreshing honesty, was as genuine as they came. Whether he was doing the right thing by either of them, asking her out two days before he was about to start a gruelling tour, he wasn’t sure. Right now though, he was incredibly glad he had.

  As his eyes rested on hers, she smiled back. God, she was gorgeous. Not beautiful, but really, really pretty. Not sweetly, cloying pretty either, but pretty with a heavy dose of sex. It was the spark in her eyes. The hourglass figure. His eyes dipped to the curve of her breasts and a bolt of lust shot through him, causing him to shift on his chair.

  ‘Did I mention how amazing you look in red?’

  Her smile widened. ‘That’s good, because I’m wearing the same colour tomorrow.’ Her hand flew to her mouth. ‘Oh boy, I never thanked you for sending Georgina up with some dresses, though I have already got one.’

  He winced. ‘She was supposed to ask you first. I don’t want you thinking I was trying to… I don’t know… change your style or something stupid. I have no idea about fashion, but I know the importance of wearing something that makes you feel confident.’

  The brown of her eyes softened, and she reached across to squeeze his hand. ‘Then I appreciate the gesture even more.’

  ‘I’m sure you’ll be a knockout.’

  Instinctively his eyes fell again to her cleavage, and the way her nipples were now pebbled beneath the red silk of her dress.

  When he forced his gaze back up to her face he realised she’d seen exactly where his attention had been focussed, and was mortified.

  ‘Please, don’t be embarrassed. I’m having a hard time sitting here too. Pun intended.’

  Her cheeks flushed. ‘Is it mean of me to say I’m glad?’

  ‘Don’t tease. You have no idea how close I am to saying forget the main course. Let’s get a cab back to my room.’

  ‘But I thought you were hungry?’ Her voice had turned throaty which turned him on even more.

  ‘I am.’ He let all the desire he was feeling show in his eyes. But not for food.

  She stared right back at him. ‘I’m hungry, too.’

  And that was it. His control was done for. With her tacit agreement, he dropped a wad of notes on the table, stood up and reached for her hand.

  The taxi ride back to the hotel was only five minutes, but it felt like an eternity as he sat next to her, his hand on her thigh. He wanted to kiss her, but was terribly afraid if he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  Luck wasn’t to be on his side though. The moment the cab pulled up outside the hotel, they were blinded by the flashes from what seemed to be half a dozen cameras. ‘Damn it.’

  Jessie froze by his side. ‘How did they know?’

  ‘I guess someone from the restaurant tipped them off.’ He reached for her hand. ‘Come on, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s no big deal.’

  ‘To you, maybe.’

  He’d been dealing with this crap for half of his life. She’d never experienced it before. Michael took a moment to run his thumb gently over the knuckles of her hand. To remind her this was just a temporary hurdle to overcome before they could lose themselves back in his room. ‘The longer we stay here, the more of a story they’re likely to make up. We went out for a meal. Now we’re heading back. Smile at them, look confident. That’s all they want. A photo for tomorrow’s paper ahead of the final.’

  He watched her gulp in a breath and then nod.

  Jessie wondered when she’d wake up from the dream, because surely tonight had been one?

  Well, if she forgot the paparazzi moment, because that had scared the living daylights out of her. So much so that she’d nearly gone straight back to her room.

  Nearly missed out on another round of the most phenomenal sex of her life.

  Next to her, his head propped up on his arm, Michael smoothed his hand over her breasts and down to her stomach. ‘That’s the second time your sexy body has got between me and my dinner.’

  She followed the trail of his hand, glad she was lying on her back. Sitting upr
ight she wasn’t sure he’d have used the term sexy. ‘I think we’re destined to eat pizza or room service.’

  With a soft chuckle he stretched out and grabbed the room service menu by the bed. ‘How does a bowl of chips and a bottle of champagne sound?’


  While he dialled she slipped on a robe from the bathroom and went to stand on the balcony. It didn’t matter that the wind whipped through her, giving her goosebumps. She was captivated by the incredible view across London.

  ‘Breathtaking, isn’t it?’ Michael came up behind her and wound his arms around her waist. ‘If a tad cold.’

  With a dreamy sigh she leant back into his warmth. Oh, she could get so used to this.

  But you’ll never have the chance.

  Instinctively she pulled back, as if her body thought creating a physical distance between them – even though they’d already been as close as a man and woman could possibly get – would protect her heart.

  Sure, nice try. Just several days too late.

  Michael tapped her on the shoulder, forcing her to face him. ‘Are you getting cold?’

  Gratefully she latched onto the excuse. ‘A bit, yes.’

  They stepped back into the suite where they were immediately interrupted by a knock on the door. Michael disappeared off to answer it, returning with a huge bowl of chips, bottle of expensive looking champagne and two glasses. Skilfully he removed the cork and filled their glasses, handing one to her and raising the other in a toast.

  ‘Here’s to you, Jessie. No matter what happens tomorrow, I want to thank you for this week. I had reservations about doing this show, but I’ve defied my own grim prediction and enjoyed it.’ He gave her a sheepish smile. ‘And if that gets back to Robert, I’ll never hear the end of it.’

  Jessie tried to return his smile, but she could feel her lips wobbling. The week – their week – was nearly over.

  ‘Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you.’ He frowned, wiping at an errant tear with his thumb. The gentleness of his gesture made her want to cry more. ‘I wanted us to celebrate the week.’

  ‘Sorry.’ She drew in a deep breath, determined to bring herself under control. ‘What with nerves about tomorrow and joy at seeing the boys, I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry.’ Knowing she’d only ever see him again on the television weighed the scales heavily onto the crying side, but that was her own stupid fault. He hadn’t promised her anything beyond tonight, so she just had to suck it up and accept this for what it had been. A beautiful fling. Exotic, once in a lifetime, but over in a flash.


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