Claimed: A For Her Novel

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Claimed: A For Her Novel Page 17

by Alexa Riley

  “I’m going to kill all of them,” Jordan says through clenched teeth.

  I glance over at Stein, who doesn’t seem to care. He’s texting on his own phone.

  “Jordan,” I sob.

  “Listen to me, little bird. I’m coming for you,” he says, then the phone is yanked out of my hand.

  I look up and watch as Stein hits the end button. I cry out. I need the phone back. I want Jordan so desperately it’s crashing on me like waves. He tosses the phone on the chair he was sitting on, and the front door opens. The man in the black T-shirt comes inside and looks at the two of us.

  “Is it done?” he asks, and Stein nods.

  “Good.” The man walks across the room behind me, and I don’t turn to watch. I want to seem as invisible as possible. “I’ve lined the house with explosives. I’m sure he traced the call. We only have a few minutes before we need to leave.”

  My body goes cold at his words. I had thought that Jordan could track the call and find me, but I didn’t think that he’d set a trap for him.

  I glance to Stein, who’s smiling down at me. “How dumb do you think we are?” That stupid cocky smile is still on his face. “We knew he’d track us. We also knew you were the loose ends that needed to be taken care of.”

  I’m shaking. I just led the man I love to his death.

  “Please don’t do this,” I beg. I don’t care that I’m begging a man I want to see dead. I’ll do anything to save Jordan.

  Stein grabs my face. “Can I break her jaw now?” he asks the man.

  I close my eyes, praying for this nightmare to be over.

  “He opened the servers. We don’t need her anymore,” I hear him answer.

  I replay Jordan’s voice telling me he loves me, over and over.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Jordan!” My name echoes through the forest, and I dig my feet into the dirt.

  “Don’t do it,” McCoy says in my ear as he practically lies on top of me to keep me from running to her. “She’s alive. Just hold on a little longer and we’ll get her back. You go in there now and she’s dead.”

  I know he’s right, and I try to breathe through the panic. There are six of us out here on the ridgeline just a few yards from the cabin. McCoy, Sheppard, Grant, Ryan, Paige, and I geared up and made our way out here. Ryan put up a protest when Paige grabbed her guns, but one look from her and she was climbing into the truck.

  We took a mountain trail that kept us clear of anyone who might be watching the roads. It took longer than I’d wanted, but we made it here undetected. After that, we hid the truck and came on foot to the edge of the clearing.

  I take a breath and nod to McCoy that I’ve got myself under control. He and I are crouched down low, and we’re the closest to the entrance. Ryan and Paige are a few yards to our right under some coverage with a clear shot of the road.

  Sheppard and Grant are to our left and making their way slowly to the rear of the cabin. I press the device on my neck that lets us communicate to one another. The com clicks, and I struggle to keep my voice low.

  “That motherfucker is mine,” I say, and no one argues.

  “We’ve got incoming,” Paige says, and I turn my sights to where they’re situated.

  A black car with black windows pulls down the drive slowly. When it gets to the front of the house, a small man wearing jeans and a T-shirt climbs out. He doesn’t have a weapon from what I can see, and I watch as he goes into the cabin.

  “That makes two,” Grant says on the com. “Nobody at the rear access point.”

  “Copy that,” Ryan says.

  All of the horrible scenarios that could be happening play through my head, and panic unlike anything I’ve ever felt takes over.

  “She’s breathing, Chen. Stay calm,” Paige says over the com. “As long as she’s breathing, everything is going to be okay.”

  Before I can let my mind go down any other path, my phone vibrates. I pull it out, knowing immediately it’s her.

  “Jay.” I keep my voice low and hit the com so the others can hear what she says.


  Her voice is barely a whisper, and I can hear all the pain and terror in the one word. Every cell in my body longs to go in there, to kick in that fucking door and save the day. But we have to be ready. We have to make the right move at the right time so that Stein doesn’t go off and kill her and Summer both before we can rescue them.

  “Baby. Talk to me.” I’ve got to help her keep her head. If she’s talking, then she’s not focusing on the what-ifs.

  “I’m supposed to tell you that you have to open the servers. They—”

  Her words are cut off by a scream, and I grip the phone so tight I’m surprised it doesn’t crack. “Jay!” I yell into the phone, not caring how loud I am. I’m losing it. I’m so close to the edge of my control that it’s starting to break.

  “I’m on it,” McCoy says, using his satellite laptop to open up the servers and drop the security to our entire system.

  “I’m here,” she sobs, and another piece of my heart breaks off. How much more of this can I take? “You have to open the servers. They want to delete things.”

  I take a breath and run a hand down my face. I’ll take as much of this as I can if it means getting her back to me. She’s my whole goddamn world, and I won’t have it ripped from my hands.

  “Okay, baby. I’ll do it.” I look over to McCoy, and he nods at me. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Her words are like a balm to my soul, and I know that I will save her. I will get her back in my arms, and I will make everyone who dared to touch her pay for what they’ve done.

  “I’m going to kill all of them.” My voice is strong and calm.

  “Jordan.” The fear in her voice is rising, and I need to calm her down.

  “Listen to me, little bird. I’m coming for you.”

  I hear a click, and the phone line goes dead. I look over at McCoy, and he shows me the screen.

  “It’s done,” he says. “I ran the program to take the server down in case they check, but they’ll be back up before they can get in there. And by that time, we’ll be long gone.”

  “Yeah, we’ve got a problem,” I hear Grant say over the com. “Evil short guy just wired the house with explosives.”

  “Fuck,” Paige says, and we all agree.

  Shit just got real.

  “All right, new plan,” Ryan says. “Jordan and McCoy, you guys ghost to the front porch and wait. Sheppard and Grant, on my signal, you guys go in the back and light the place up. Take out Stein and the evil short guy if you’ve got a clean shot. Then I want Jordan and McCoy going in hot. We clear?”

  “Clear,” we all agree, and I nod to McCoy.

  “Paige and I will clear the explosive switches if we can, but don’t bet on it. We’re doing this fast, so in and out. Grab the girls and get them the fuck out. Nobody gets to be a hero. You hear me, Chen?”

  “I hear you,” I agree and tighten my grip on my gun.

  “Everybody in position,” Ryan says, and we make our move.

  McCoy and I crouch down low and move silently across the shadows of the tree and onto the porch. I can feel the sweat trickle down my back as adrenaline thumps in my ears. Every sense I have is heightened, and I hold my Glock with both hands, ready to fire.

  There’s no sound made as we get in position by the front door and wait. I watch Ryan and Paige out of the corner of my eye as they move on the edge of the woods and to the side of the house. The two of them know the most about explosives, and I pray that they can take care of it before they go off.

  Murmured voices come from inside the cabin, and I swear I hear a sob from Jay. But I don’t let myself focus on that. Not when she’s within my grasp.

In three, two, one...” Ryan’s voice commands over the com, and we wait, ready to go into action. “Move.”

  Reaching up, I grab the knob of the front door and swing it open, just as I hear the back door being kicked in. Shots ring out as I rush in and see Jay on the floor with Stein on top of her. I don’t think of anything but Jay, and I rush at Stein, full-body tackling him to the ground. He’s under me, and I sit up lightning-quick and punch him hard three times before he’s unconscious.

  Turning around, I see Jay against the couch, huddled up and in shock. She blinks a few times before she realizes it’s me, and then we are both moving toward one another.

  “Oh my God, Jordan,” she sobs, and I pull her into my arms and look around for Summer.

  She’s already in Sheppard’s arms and out the door, and I stand up with Jay to follow them.

  Looking behind me, I see the short guy is lying on the floor with a bullet between his eyes, but I can’t say for sure who did it. I don’t remember shooting my gun, but I see it lying next to him. I reach down and grab it, tucking it into my holster while holding Jay close.

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” Paige says.

  “I don’t think he’s dead,” I say, looking back to Stein.

  “He will be when this place goes up,” Ryan says, getting everyone from the cabin.

  “She needs to get to the hospital,” Summer says, and I see the look of concern for her sister on her face.

  Looking down at Jay, I really see her for the first time. I see the blood on the side of her face, and her eyes are almost completely closed. She’s slipping in and out of consciousness, and I need to wake her up.

  “Wake up, little bird. You’ve got to open your eyes a little longer,” I coax, trying to keep her awake.

  She opens her eyes, and they’re glassed over. She looks at me for a second and then looks past me in the distance.

  “Gun!” she shouts, and we all turn to see Stein stepping out of the cabin and waving it toward us.

  Without thinking, I’m in motion. I pull out my gun, take aim, and fire off two bullets before anyone else has time to react. Stein drops dead in the doorway of the cabin right before the entire thing explodes.

  “Jesus Christ!” Paige yells from behind me, and we all duck down.

  We’re far enough away that the debris doesn’t hit us, but the heat from the blast is enough to scare the shit out of anyone. Too close for my liking.

  I pull Jay back up in my arms and cradle her as I make my way to the truck.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Ryan barks.

  By the time we make it back to the truck, relief that I’ve got Jay in my arms again sets in. The panic I was feeling recedes, and some of the pain in my chest eases. She’s safe. She’s with me, and she’s going to be okay.

  Everything is going to be okay.

  Chapter Thirty


  He saved me. He’s got me in his arms, and I’m going to be okay. Relief floods me, and just as I open my mouth to tell him how happy I am, he comes to an abrupt stop.

  “Put her down or she’s dead.”

  I turn my face away from Jordan’s chest and to the truck up ahead. I’m completely shocked when I see Spencer standing there holding a gun and pointing it straight at me. He must have gotten it from Michael after the accident, because he didn’t have one before.

  “The six of us are armed and ready to kill you. Are you sure you’re in a position to make those kinds of threats?” Jordan asks, but his grip on me tightens.

  “Stand down,” Ryan says to everyone, and nobody moves.

  Spencer laughs, but it’s bone-chilling and he looks crazed. The gun shakes in his hand, and if possible, it makes me even more nervous.

  “Spencer, don’t do this. Put the gun down,” I say, trying to plead with him.

  “If I put down the gun, I’m a dead man. But I guess I’m a dead man either way. You may have blown up those two, but the rest of them will come looking for their pound of flesh.” He uses his other hand to steady the gun on me as he takes a step closer. “The least I can do is give them something in return. I’m sure a peace offering would smooth things over.”

  He licks his lips, and revulsion rises in my stomach.

  “You’re not putting a finger on her,” Jordan says through clenched teeth. “There’s only one way you’re getting out of this, and it’s in a body bag. How quickly that happens is up to you.”

  “Don’t do this,” McCoy says from behind us, and I don’t know if he’s talking to Jordan or to Spencer.

  “If you kill me, I’ll take your precious little bird out with me. Is that what you want?”

  Jordan is shaking with rage, and it’s all I can do to stay still and not panic.

  “Don’t you dare call her that!” he yells, and then he’s moving.

  My world is flipped upside down as Jordan spins his body and puts me behind him. I hear the gun go off, and screams ring in my ears, but I don’t know if they’re mine or someone else’s.

  My body hits the ground, and Jordan comes over on top of me, but he doesn’t look right. His face has gone white, and his mouth is open with no words coming out. The light in his eyes is dimming, and I don’t know what to do.

  “Jordan? Jordan!” Hysteria takes over as I look down and see red blossom across his chest. It’s spreading fast, and I place my hand over it to try to make it stop.

  “Get him in the truck, now!” someone shouts, and his weight is lifted off me.

  I climb in behind him, hands helping me to sit in the seat as someone starts compressions and counting off for CPR. Someone else is on the phone, screaming for medics as the truck is in motion.

  Everything is happening so fast, and suddenly my head is swimming. I feel like I’m going to throw up, but at the same time the truck is getting darker. It’s like the sun is setting, and I blink it away to make it stop, but it doesn’t work.

  “Jordan,” I mumble as the lights of the truck fade to black and I can no longer feel the beat of his heart in mine.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I gasp as I sit up in the bed, but restraining hands hold me back down.

  “Where is she?” I shout as bright lights are shined into my eyes.

  “Calm down, Mr. Chen. She’s right beside you,” the doctor says, but I can’t see from being blinded by the lights.

  “They moved Jay in here a few hours ago,” a soft voice says, and I realize it’s my dad’s.

  “Is she okay?” I ask as tears fall down my cheeks. “Tell me she’s okay.”

  “She’s fine. She’s asleep right now. She had a bad bump on the head, and they’re waking her every few hours. She’s got a broken wrist, but it’s a clean break, and they’ve already bandaged her up.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief, and I feel his hand in mine.

  “Would you like to know about your injuries now, Mr. Chen?” the doctor says, and I hear my dad laugh. I nod, and she continues. “You had a through-and-through on your left shoulder. You’re very lucky. A few more inches lower and it would have punctured a lung. We had to go in to remove some of the fragments, but you should make a full recovery. With some physical therapy, you’ll be back to normal in a few weeks.”

  “Thank you,” I say and close my eyes. “Did you treat my Jay, too?”

  “Yes.” There’s a smile in her voice. “I treated Miss Rose’s injuries as well.”

  “Then you saved me twice.”

  “From what the nurses tell me, you would have burned the hospital to the ground if I didn’t.”

  I open my eyes and look at her in confusion.

  “Even in your drugged state you demanded that she be treated by a woman and brought in here for safekeeping. I can’t say that I liked the bossing around, but your dad is a sweetheart, so we accommoda
ted your wishes.”

  “I should apologize?” I ask it as a question, because I don’t really want to. But since she took care of my love, I could muster one up.

  “Just get some rest. You’re on some heavy pain meds for the next twenty-four hours. Enjoy the ride.”

  She speaks to my father and then looks over Jay’s chart before leaving the room. A nurse comes in after her and goes to Jay’s bed to speak to her in a low voice.

  I watch as Jay stirs and then moans my name. It makes every protective instinct in me reach for her, and I look to my pop with pleading eyes.

  “I’ll take care of it, son,” he says, and nods.

  He walks over to the nurse and speaks to her. She looks at me and then back to Jay and nods. Walking around the bed, she clicks the wheels and then slides her bed over right next to mine. She lowers the arms that separate us, and I reach out, holding her hand in mine.

  “Jay. Wake up, little bird,” I whisper, and I feel her tense before her eyes open and she sees me.

  She bursts into tears, and I pull her close to me as gently as I can.

  “Shhh. Don’t cry. I’m here. We’re safe, baby. It’s over.”

  “I thought I’d lost you,” she sobs, and I try to calm her down.

  “I’m right here. You’re in my arms, and I’m never letting you go again.”

  “What happened?” she asks and leans back a little to look at me.

  “Spencer is dead,” Paige says from the doorway, and she walks in with Ryan on her heels. “The doctor said you were awake, so I wanted to come in and check on you.”

  Summer walks in behind them, and she looks much better than the two of us. Summer goes to her sister’s side and leans down, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Are you okay?” Jay asks her, and she nods.

  “Yeah. Just a bit traumatized, but physically I’m good. They checked me over and released me within a few hours.” She glances at me. “Thank you for saving my big sister, and for saving my life, too.”


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