Only Perfect Omegas: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 1)

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Only Perfect Omegas: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 1) Page 7

by Rosemary A Johns

  “Oh, it’s not as barbaric as all that,” Stella scoffed. “And this one was pretty enough for the wolves to have kept alive… Plus, no coven would dare to bring a wolf to our side of the city. It’s punishable by death to do so without permission, even to aid a wolf to escape their Kingdom.”

  So, the wolves were trapped inside the Wolf Kingdom by the witches?

  Omega glanced at Aquilo. “Are you alright, wee man, with me touching…?”

  Aquilo nodded, and Omega traced his finger through the claw wounds on Kolby’s chest, before sniffing him again. How had he known to be so tender with Aquilo or, you know, why was he being so careful of his grief?

  Omega furrowed his brow. “There’s no scent of another wolf here…and the claw marks…”

  “They’re simply not right.” Aquilo reached over, joining his hand with Omega’s to imitate the marks. “Sometimes they’re too deep and others not deep enough.”

  Omega nodded. “There’s no bite wound in the neck, so he wasn’t held down…”

  “But the attack was savage like it was personal or by multiple wolves…but that doesn’t fit with the lack of scent or the wounds.”

  I gawked at them: two blond heads bent over a body like a modern Sherlock and Watson. Both were intent, serious, and lost in the sudden puzzle. How had I ever thought of wolves as nothing more than beasts?

  Then Omega raised Kolby’s hand, peering at the fingernails. “Something’s under there. Mud, do you think?”

  Aquilo’s cool gaze suddenly focused on Omega, as he cocked his head. “You’re bright, clearly educated, and not like any Omega I’ve met. Who are you?”

  Omega paled, but before he could answer, Lux had wrapped her hand around Aquilo’s white hair and yanked him backwards onto his knees. Then she slapped him hard across the face. I jumped at the sharp crack, which echoed through the room, and painted Aquilo’s cheek crimson. Yet Aquilo didn’t even try to shield himself, only looked up at her with his frosty gaze — like his sister’s abuse was expected.

  Lux had always bullied me as a kid but she’d never bullied her brother.

  I longed to reach out and drag Aquilo away from her, just like I’d always hoped somebody would rescue me from Lux, only they never had.

  Holy hell, was I seriously considering marriage just to rescue Aquilo from his family? For someone who hadn’t been ready to settle into a serious relationship, I’d already ended up with a wolf and an Addict angel. Wedding bells on top was a step too far.

  “You would become friends now with a wolf?” Lux’s voice was low and dangerous. Aquilo didn’t lower his gaze. “Why are you always so fast to forget your family name and bring shame on your own head?”

  She shook her twin again, digging her nails into his scalp.

  Omega growled, pushing himself up. His teeth elongated into fangs and his claws shot out. His eyes glowed golden to match his claws.

  I cowered back, whilst my heart raced. I’d been dumb to forget that Omega was anything but a beast with a beautiful face.

  “How are you doing that?” Stella demanded. “How are you partially shifting?”

  “I’m a rebel,” Omega snarled.

  Then he launched himself at Lux, dragging Aquilo away from her. Omega crouched in front of Aquilo to protect him. Just like I’d wanted to do.

  When Omega turned toward me, however, I scrambled back. He prowled closer, then all I could see were his fangs.


  I’d never seen a wolf partially shifted into their beast form before. It made me understand why Omega called me single skin. He looked a combination of terrifying and hot that I couldn’t sort out in my head as he prowled towards me.

  Omega tilted his head, and his curls fell over his glowing eyes. I recognized Omega in the movement so intensely that I reached out my hand to him, and he licked up my palm.

  “If you don’t restrain that animal,” Stella hissed, waving her hand to vanish both Kolby’s body and the empty Champagne flutes like there was no difference between the two, “then I have leashes that are more than up to the job.” At another flick of Stella’s wrist, a leash clicked onto the Ambassador’s collar, dragging his head close to the ground, until he crouched on all fours next to the metal ring. “Room for one more?”

  When Omega reared back with a growl, I reacted on instinct, whipping out my crimson shadows and pinning him in an intricate web to the wall. He gazed at me with wounded eyes. I thrust my crimson through him, feeling it vibrate with his intense power, and tried not to feel like the type of witch who’d treat her Charm like a pretty puppet. Still, he’d started it first with the fangs and the claws business. Okay, not my most mature argument, but it was hard with the Wolf Charmer side urging me to control my wolf.

  I knew that Omega had only been protecting Aquilo but I’d allowed Omega into my home, and he’d hidden this power from me.

  How dangerous was he?

  “Lucky for you, niece, a little something’s been developed that reduces a shifter’s power, driving it far inside them, unless a witch calls it out. This is the Wolf Tamer.” Stella pulled a needle out of her pocket that bubbled with silver. “It’s the latest advance in wolf training.”

  The Ambassador whimpered.

  “What nonsense,” Aquilo spat, and I was shocked to notice that his cheeks were wet, “the creature only became excited to defend me. Who has he harmed? If you hadn’t tried to sell me like the unwanted and broken property that you believe—”

  “Is that the wind again?” Lux drawled.

  Aquilo clenched his jaw, wrapping his arms around himself, as pulled himself to his feet. “It appears that it may as well be.”

  I winced at the icy look that he shot me.

  When Stella traced the needle down Omega’s neck like a caress, I knocked it away.

  “Hands off my wolf.” I forced myself to touch Omega’s claw. It was beautiful. “It looks like I have this under control already.”

  Stella tutted. “Control would’ve been your Omega unable to shift. He wouldn’t have dared show his beast. On the other hand, Lux is the most efficient trainer that we have. How about we offer her a shot?”

  For the first time, Lux smiled. Son of a bitch, that smile was enough to give me nightmares, and had as a kid. I knew already how she’d bullied me, but what if that had only been practice? Since then, she’d had ten more years and it seemed a supply of wolves who couldn’t fight back to perfect her skills… There was no way on earth that my Omega would be next on her victim list.

  “I don’t think so,” I replied, coolly.

  It was fabulous to see the death of Lux’s creepy smile.

  “Then we’re agreed.” Stella twisted one of her curls around her finger. “It’s the Wolf Tamer, which is after all only a tiny taster dose, rather than Lux.”

  I froze, and my gaze flickered between the needle and Lux.

  That was one harsh choice, but if I’d had to choose between being tied in a bag and thrown into the River Thames (the most horrifying nightmare of my childhood), and given to Lux for a day… I’d have picked the drowning in a bag like a cat every time.

  Omega didn’t know what the bitch was capable of — I did.

  When I nodded, Omega blinked tears out of his eyes, as he turned his head away from me.

  Stella caressed the needle along his arched neck, before plunging it in.

  I hadn’t expected the scream.

  “Whoa, what the hell…?” I rushed to Omega, grasping his arms and dragging my shadows out of him at the same time as Stella pulled out the needle.

  Omega collapsed to the floor, whining and panting. His fangs and claws retracted, but when he raised his eyes to mine all I cared about was that they were overflowing with tears.

  Aquilo shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I had been told that you were new to your position at the House of Silver, but I hadn’t imagined any witch so innocent. Did you think that it’d be painless?”

  My guts roiled, and I squirme
d with a guilt that I wasn’t used to experiencing because paintings didn’t hurt like this. Being able to paint was one of what my uncle called my therapies. I worked out my anger on canvas werewolves that were beautiful, savage, and writhing in pain under the moonlight. I chose exactly how to pose the characters and even though I painted them in agony, it wasn’t real.

  Reality sucked.

  I crouched next to Omega, reaching to stroke his curls, but for the first time, he flinched away from me.

  “What use is a caress,” Omega rasped, “after a cruelty?”

  Yep, he had a point.

  I still wiped away his tears with the edge of my cape. The velvet stroked his cheek, and despite himself, he snuggled into its softness. “I’m sorry, but what gives with the grrr?”

  He peeked up at me from underneath his eyelashes. “What? Should I’ve let them harm your intended?”

  I startled. Was that dry British humor or had Omega picked up on something that I’d missed? Did I suddenly have a fiancé who was so cold towards me that he could give me ice burns?

  When Stella reached down to wrap her fingers around Omega’s curls, I fought hard not to blast her with red.

  “What are wolves, boy?” She asked with mock tenderness.

  Omega jolted like he was familiar with the question and knew the answer but wasn’t prepared to give it. His gaze flicked to me and then to the Ambassador who was watching with rapt attention, before he forced himself to smile. “Personally, I’m an Aries who loves the band Franz Ferdinand and rebelling.” He raised his eyebrow. “What are witches?”

  I snickered, noticing that the Ambassador’s cheeks were flushed with a pride that I didn’t understand, until Stella twisted Omega’s hair and simply repeated, “What are wolves? I can ask my wolf, but if I have to do that, I’ll give him a taste of the Wolf Tamer.”

  Instantly, the Ambassador ducked his head.

  Hey, how was that fair?

  Omega’s eyes narrowed. “Beasts,” he spat.

  “And what else?”

  Omega swallowed, refusing to look at me. “Savages.”

  “And?” Stella prompted, whilst her eyes sparkled with a spite that I’d never noticed before.

  “Killers,” Omega whispered.


  “Holy hell, I get it,” I exploded.

  Crimson swirled around me in agitated patterns, stirred up by Omega’s distress.

  So, witches had fought and defeated werewolves in a war, but forcing them to repeat such shaming words about themselves, how was that anything but revenge? This humiliation as a means to oppress made me sick.

  Yet was everything that’d happened today a consequence of Omega’s defiance or more that I hadn’t been able to control him? I hated that my own aunt could act like this. If I’d been the type of witch that the covens had all been expecting — the one that my mom had been — would they have made an example out of my Omega?

  Had I let him down?

  Ivy crouched next to me, stroking my hair, and I allowed myself to sink into the maternal touch. After Zetta had impersonated my mom and forced me to relive my parents’ murders, I’d been desperate for the security.

  “Hush, Stella, you’re frightening the girl. This is all fresh and new to someone raised outside our covens for so long. Allow her a moment at least to catch her breath.” Ivy’s fingers were warm as they carded through my hair. “You’re doing well, just listen to your Wolf Charmer instincts.”

  “I’m trying.” I could feel the shadows building in strength now that I had my Charm. Their song urged my control over Omega. Was that the instinct that she was talking about? “I’ll do my best.”

  Ivy dropped a kiss on the top of my head. “Then that’s all we can ask.”

  Stella rolled her eyes. “Well, that’s all I’d be asking if the first wolf murder hadn’t occurred in a decade.”

  I frowned. “But maybe the killer wasn’t a wolf…”

  “I see,” Lux considered me with a lazy aloofness, “we trust a non-magical male and a wolf…?”

  “Duh, of course we do.”

  Ivy caught my chin hard enough to bruise between her thumb and finger. “Listen to your instincts. Wolves are killers, and you of all people should know that.”

  I bristled, pulling away from her.

  “Show her.” Ivy nodded to Stella.

  A sudden whirring filled the Clocktower, before it twisted and reshaped in the middle. Metal shot up in pillars to create a wall behind the gleaming spires of Oxford. I pushed myself up, rushing to watch as precious gems and riveted metal recreated the Wolf Kingdom in glittering detail.

  “The problem has always been that the Wolf Kingdom isn’t a single kingdom at all, but rather three. When the war was over, the wolves that survived were brought to rebuild their three kingdoms on this one piece of land, hidden from the sight of humans, and controlled to keep them safe. Of course, that doesn’t mean that they’re best friends.” Stella pointed at glass towers that reflected light down onto the rest of the kingdom. “Here are the Alphas: the elite and the psychopaths.” She smirked, as my eyes widened. Then she traced her finger over the sparkling blue sapphires that ran down the center of the model. “Here’s the Kingdom of the Gods beside the River Thames: the fanatic worshipers of the Moon.” Then she tapped the bronze trees on the furthest edge, before glancing at Omega. “Finally, we have the Wilds: the outcasts and the savages.”

  Laid out like this, I understood at last the true scale of the Wolf Kingdom. It wasn’t like the Training Center with its neat ranks of wolves waiting to be chosen. Instead, there were three entirely different kingdoms, who were the survivors of the wars, trapped together on this land because witches had said so.

  It was a prison, no matter how beautiful.

  I wet my lips. “Okay, so it’s a big ass kingdom. What’s this got to do with the murder?”

  Stella leaned over the model; her shadow swallowed it. “The Wilds have already given you their delicious but naughty Tribute, and he’ll strengthen your magic.” When I glanced down at Omega, he pulled himself to his knees. He examined the bronze Wolf Kingdom like a war map. “The Alphas and the Gods will sacrifice their Charms to you this week or be penalized. Of course, you can reject them but that also leads to punishment.”

  “Leaving aside the punishment…” I scrunched my nose, before I asked in a rush, “Who are the Charms?”

  Stella grinned brightly. “Their princes.”

  I cringed. I had to claim these wolves’ freaking princes…? I couldn’t even get my hair to lay straight, or climb up stairs without tripping, and now I had to control princes from, you know, kingdoms of psychopaths and fanatics? And that wasn’t even thinking about the whole…I was stealing these kingdoms’ princes like some warped fairy tale, where I was definitely the villain.

  Weren’t witches meant to be the good guys on the side of the angels?

  “So, as you can imagine, it’s a tricky seven days, diplomacy wise.” Ivy wrapped her arm around my shoulders. “These aren’t your husbands, they’re the way that we teach all the wolves a lesson, reminding them of their place. The Prince of the Gods is a toy for pleasure purposes, whilst the Prince of the Alphas is a servant to aid your diplomacy. But then, this murder could well be seen as a declaration of war…”

  I waved my hands in sudden agitation. “Hold up, one dead body couldn’t possibly spark—”

  “Three dead bodies,” Stella corrected me coldly, and our gazes met. “I held back at my sister’s murder, as well as her husband’s, ten years ago because the wolves’ three kings signed a treaty that promised not a single further murder. Now my sister’s daughter returns, and…” She broke off, rubbing her face. “You’re our Liaison and the new Claiming of your Charms gives you an excuse to mingle in the Wolf Kingdom. They’ll know who the killer is, just like they must know who killed your parents. I’ll grant this week…but if they don’t deliver up the killer before then…”

  Suddenly, I was chilled a
nd shaking. This had to be a joke…a truly bad joke. If war broke out, I had the sick feeling that it’d be the wolves who suffered.

  “Honestly, this is crazy. I don’t know a damn thing about…any of this.” I backed away, hitting the wall with a clang. My mom’s cape overheated me, until I felt flustered. “You can’t rest whether we go to war on me.”

  “Why not? You’re the Wolf Charmer.” Stella’s gaze hardened. “Whether I agree with your methods or not, you’re my sister’s daughter, and the legacy of generations runs through you. Each Charmer is tested for their worthiness by both witch and wolf. Do you wish to fail or would you rather have justice? Haven’t you thirsted for it ever since you were a kid? Just say the word now, and we’ll go to war with no need for this charade.”

  Omega whined, tugging at my jeans, just as Okami nipped my thigh.

  I shook my head. “As I said, I don’t want more death. Plus, I have two princes to Claim. I’ll solve this and prove my worthiness.”

  Stella gave a curt nod. “Then rest up tonight because tomorrow, you’ll discover why the Wilds are such savages.”

  Omega wrapped his arms around my legs, stroking up my calf in soothing circles.

  This week, I’d have to Claim two princes, solve a murder, and prove my worthiness, whilst venturing into Wolf Kingdom for the first time. All of which filled me with a terror that made my crimson curl around me like a cocoon. Yet nothing could save me from the true danger: if I messed up, I’d be the reason that the witches and the wolves went to war.


  Two tricks that I’d learned as a kid to combat my nightmares had been to know when I was dreaming and then to control my dreams. Which was why I knew that I was dreaming as I stripped Omega naked on the bed in the House of Silver and could control the way that he writhed beneath me on the silk sheets, arching his hips up and meeting my lips with his.

  “I’m your Charm, so claim me,” he breathed, whilst his eyes shone wide and glassy with desire. His dick pulsed hard and pretty against his stomach. “I’m at your command.”


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