Only Perfect Omegas: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 1)

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Only Perfect Omegas: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Series (Rebel Werewolves Book 1) Page 19

by Rosemary A Johns

  I raised my eyebrow. “This option ends in me dying, right?”

  Lux’s grin made my guts roil. “And I always thought that you were dumb.”

  Instantly, Moon took a step forward, whilst his claws lengthened. He growled low in his throat. Amadeus paced next to him; his eyes glittered dangerously.

  Lux didn’t even flinch back but instead, studied Moon with the detachment of a scientist about to perform a dissection. “I knew that the Wolf Tamer wasn’t at a high enough dose for your bitch.”

  “And I know that you’re daft if you think we’ll let you harm Crimson, witch,” Moon snarled.

  Lux’s expression darkened. “Its mouth opens, almost as if it believes that it can create words.” Then she shook the second silver vial. “Choice Two: Feed the silver potion to your wolves. Then allow me to select new perfect Charms who I’ll train.”

  When Moon and Amadeus swung to me with a whine, clasping each other’s hands, it hurt that they thought I’d already made my selection. It hurt worse when they turned back to Lux without a word and waited with bowed heads, expecting to be fed silver…to be executed because of my mistakes.

  The breath caught in my throat because there was no way that anyone was dying, whilst I survived again. I’d made that choice before, when I’d allowed myself as a kid to be dragged by the white wolf away from the massacre of my parents. If I survived this time, whilst my princes died, I could never live with myself.

  Even though my vision blurred with fear and my legs were unsteady, I shoved between the two wolves, snatching the red poison from Lux, before she could feed them the silver. The glass vial was cold and heavy in my hand, as I uncorked it, raising it to my mouth quickly, so that I wouldn’t be stopped.

  Holy hell, I was doing this…

  I couldn’t look at my Charms or say goodbye. Maybe I should never have been saved anyway and mine had been a borrowed life. Maybe…I deserved to die like this…

  Please, I didn’t want Lux to kill me in front of my wolves.

  I heard Moon’s whine, Amadeus’ gasp, and then, to my shock, Stella’s shrieked no…

  The droplets of the poison on the mouth of the bottle seared my lips; Lux wanted my death to hurt. I shuddered and closed my eyes, but before I could tip back my head to drink, I was distracted by the clang of hurried footsteps across the chamber.

  I opened my eyes, only to be shocked by the rainbow colors of fluttering robes, as a delegation from the Kingdom of the Alphas marched towards me.

  The Alpha in front, who I guessed was the queen by the golden band that nestled on her head as a crown, had hair that hung in stormy waves to the waist of her billowing yellow robes. She looked like the flaming sun burst into the night to incinerate us from the frown on her arrogant face.

  She tutted. “As the Alpha speaks, you can’t mean to kill the Wolf Charmer, when we’ve bothered to spend so long schooling our Tribute for her? Not to mention, that we’ve traveled here and dealt with that wretched Ambassador, who tried his sweetheart best to keep us out.”

  Amadeus twisted to her, baring his fangs. “With all respect, Queen Aurora, don’t talk about him.”

  How did Amadeus know the wolf who’d once belonged to my mom, before being taken by Stella?

  Call me nosy, but I was desperate to find out who my third Charm was before I died. There was a weird kind of rightness to him being here, united with the other princes.

  I glanced at the two wolves who stood respectfully behind the queen. They were both the same height, although one was an Alpha and the other an Omega. The Alpha looked a couple of years older than me (although in shifter years who knew how old she truly was). She was dressed in silky imperial purple with matching purple butterfly clips pinned in her hair, whose wings were so paper-thin that when she turned her head to meet my scrutiny, they trembled like they’d only just alighted. She was beautiful in a cold, intelligent way, and her gaze assessed me like I was on trial all over again. Although, her gold nose ring didn’t appear to fit with her image. In the same way, she gripped the bicep of the Omega next to her like she was in charge of him but rubbed her thumb reassuringly in circles, as if she’d have been holding his hand if she could.

  My crimson bristled, but they weren’t giving out the vibes of a pair of lovers, more brother and sister.

  It was the same Omega who I’d acted more like a socially inadequate charity case than all-powerful Wolf Charmer in front of at my wedding feast. He was tall, golden-haired, and hot. He wore the same swanky suit and waistcoat and stood just as rigidly like a self-important lion, but then, if he was my Tribute, he was Prince of the Alphas.

  When the Omega raised his eyebrow questioningly, I realized that I’d been staring, just as I’d lowered the poison from my lips. I flushed.

  How did he get to me so easily?

  Aurora twirled her short cane, which was gold but tipped with silver, before pointing it at Amadeus. Her lips quirked. “You, little bastard, worrying about the Ambassador, after all you’ve gained…?”

  Moon turned, pressing his hand to Amadeus’ chest to stop him from leaping at Aurora.

  Woah, Amadeus had some fight in him.

  “Don’t be daft,” Moon muttered, “the queen wishes to watch you punished. Let’s not give her a show.”

  “I always imagined that you’d be the stupidest of the three of you.” Aurora studied Moon so intently that he shifted on his feet. “Only, you’re not, are you?”

  Then she fluttered past me and my wolves like we’d been dismissed and no longer existed, before halting in front of Stella on her throne. She didn’t even appear freaked out by the wolf pelts around the walls that could’ve been her relatives or the wolf masks, as if this was all as normal and familiar as popping around for a cappuccino and a chat.

  Maybe she’d been here before?

  “Princess Hope,” Aurora nodded at the Alpha who was still holding onto the prince (so I’d been right about her being his sister), “used to play with your pitiful Ambassador when he was only…” She gestured with the cane at her waist, “…about this height. By the moon, he had some fangs on him then! He was brave and always leading my daughter into some scrape or other, despite being an Om.” Her expression softened for a moment. “Did you know that I’d hoped eventually that my daughter would Wolf Bite him? Still, rules are rules. And look at him now, leashed and on his knees at a mere witch’s bidding. You would’ve made an outstanding Alpha, Stella.”

  I hissed, waiting for my aunt to lash out in rage because I knew that the queen might as well have called Stella a savage beast and spat on her to round off the insult.

  Instead, Stella pulled off her mask with a sigh of relief. She smiled at Aurora like she was an old enemy who she’d known long enough to count as a wary friend. “Mask hair,” she lamented, adjusting her curls, “it gets me every time. Plus, I know you meant that Alpha business as a compliment, but I might just spontaneously combust if I hear it again, so let’s pretend that you didn’t say it, right?”

  Aurora shrugged. “Far be it from me to wish you to explode. Let’s get down to the diplomacy then. How can my son be Claimed by a dead Wolf Charmer?”

  “What do you wish me to do? She’s been sentenced.”

  Aurora snorted. “Please, your little charade is as outdated as everything else that you impose on us wolves. You’re the judge, aren’t you?” She mocked. “Find a way to judge her innocent.”

  Stella pouted but she glanced at me. My hand shook, and I hissed as the poison dripped onto my finger.

  Would she take back my sentence…?

  “Didn’t I tell you that the wolves are the princes at diplomacy?” Stella met my gaze, and I didn’t miss the warning: This was my final chance. “I’ll stay the execution to give you more time to prove yourself worthy. You’re new to our world and still need to learn your powers and true place. Oh, why did you give in to your Charms’ angelic beauty, rather than seeing the sinfulness beneath?”

  I broke the gaze first, whilst m
y pulse pounded. I wouldn’t die today but I also wasn’t saved. My guts churned at Stella’s look of disappointment because she’d warned me on the first day that I’d chosen Moon to control him and not to be taken in by him.

  Holy hell, is that what’d happened?

  I nodded and then relaxed as the bronze shadows lifted. I hadn’t realized just how much tension it’d created to hold in my own shadows.

  Stella pointed at Moon in a way that made my crimson weave out and around him protectively, wishing that I could drag him into one of his perfect cuddles. Moon’s magic coiled out, winding around my own, and I shuddered at the sudden intimacy.

  “That is, I’ll stay the execution if the wicked Omega who’s caused you to forget your calling submits to Lux’s training,” Stella added.

  “Aye, I’ll do anything.” Moon strode towards Lux, kneeling at her feet.

  Tears smarted my eyes, as I stared between them. Moon wouldn’t look at me. I clasped the vial more tightly, before slowly raising it to my mouth. If I just drank it, then my Charms…all three of them…would be free and wouldn’t have to suffer because I didn’t know the witch codes or refused to follow them.

  Had the entire trial been a setup, from the theatrics to the sudden appearance of my third Charm, to force Moon to be broken by Lux, so that he’d become no different to the Ambassador and I’d behave?

  Unexpectedly, the poison was snatched out of my hands and hurled across the chamber. It hit the far wall with a clink, shattering and sizzling as it melted the metal.

  What the hell would it have done to my insides?

  I stared shocked into the Prince of the Alphas’ face, who smiled cockily like I’d swoon and kiss him in gratitude for throwing the poison.

  “The name’s Emperor.” He adjusted his robes. “And you can thank me later for saving your life.”

  When I grabbed him by his silk choker of a collar and yanked him closer, he yelped. His sweet vanilla scent seemed to plead for gentleness. “I didn’t think Oms were allowed names?”

  Emperor blushed. How was it possible for even that to be make my own skin warm? “You’ll discover that the Kingdom of the Alphas is somewhat more enlightened.”

  I arched my eyebrow. “So, where’s my third Tribute? Because all I can see right now is a gorgeous but snooty asshole who thinks that he’s running my life. And I figure no Omega who was schooled to be my Charm would ever act like he was better than me.”

  Emperor only grinned. “I’m honored that you at least noticed the gorgeous.”

  I scowled. This was the athletic boy from Amadeus’s memory who’d been courageous and kind to Amadeus and Moon. Yet both of my Charms’ expressions had shuttered at the sight of him, and Moon had told me at the feast that he hated him. Emperor had promised as a kid to always protect the other princes.

  What had he done that had been so terrible that Moon no longer considered him a friend, even though he still loved Amadeus?

  Whatever the truth, it made me wary of Emperor’s large amber eyes and lush pink lips because beneath the fairy tale handsome face, he was hiding something. Despite the mystery, I gently let go of Emperor’s choker. Whatever he was hiding and no matter if he was rivals or enemies with Moon, he hadn’t chosen this Claiming with me, any more than I had. I guessed it sucked for him more than it sucked for me.

  I tried for weak humor. “I take it that your kingdom isn’t into kneeling either?”

  I hadn’t expected the way that Emperor’s eyes widened in alarm or his panicked glance over at his sister, who narrowed her gaze at me like I’d threatened her little brother. Then he dropped — crack — to his knees, although I’d never seen anyone less submissive. His gaze looked like he was challenging me to take his place on my knees. He raised a haughty eyebrow, as if he was undaunted, but his hands were clenched on his lap.

  I’d only been joking about the whole kneeling thing. This had to be more awkward in the first date department than meeting Moon in the REJECT cell or Amadeus crawling into my lap.

  Claiming werewolves to be under your control wasn’t the best way to meet guys, go figure.

  When I reached out to calm Emperor, however, as I would’ve done Moon, running my hand through his hair, he recoiled, pulling up his shoulders like I’d hurt him.

  “You haven’t even introduced yourself and yet you have me on my knees, whilst you stroke me as if I’m a dog,” Emperor hissed.

  I paled. I’d only been trying to help, and that’s how he saw me…?

  Yet could I blame him, when he’d witnessed the attack on Moon at the wedding feast and the power of my shadows? Why would he expect better from me? I’d seriously been giving the guy a hard time based on memories that he didn’t even know I’d seen.

  “I’m Crimson,” I said, hugging my arms across my chest, “and dude, you never have to kneel for me, unless you know, you’re into that.”

  “In the name of the Alpha, he most certainly shall kneel if you wish it.” Aurora stormed towards Emperor. Her robes flowed behind her like the rays of the sun. “Hand.”

  I blinked at her in confusion, but Emperor held out his hand to her, palm up. When she pressed the silver tip of the cane onto his palm, he grunted with pain, doubling over, but he didn’t pull his hand away. Too shocked to move, I stared at the seared imprint of the butterfly on his trembling palm, before Aurora rapped him on the back with her cane.

  “Other hand,” she commanded.

  Yep, seriously not happening…

  I clutched Emperor by the scruff of the neck, dragging him behind me.

  My third prince was a snooty gorgeous asshole but he was now my gorgeous snooty asshole. No one was branding him but me… And thoughts like that no longer even seemed strange.

  Aurora gaped at me but then she smiled. “Possessive, just like her mother. Perhaps you shall be able to handle my son.”

  “Just as I shall be handling the Prince of the Wilds.” When Lux slipped off her mask, her gaze was ice cold, as she assessed Moon. Then she stalked off the throne, grabbing Moon by the curls, who yelped. Then she yanked him towards the archway. “I’ll break him into a good tamed bitch.”

  I shuddered, unable to stop myself from diving after Lux, but Stella blocked me.

  Stella shook her head. “Don’t you want to become the Wolf Charmer who would make your mum proud? Forget about that naughty wolf. Your bastard will be put somewhere safe as well. For now, play with your new sexy Tribute. I’ve been panting after this one for years. Show him how a real Wolf Charmer acts.”

  I shivered, glancing over my shoulder at Emperor who scowled at me. Somehow, it felt more like he was judging me for not protecting Moon than Stella’s insistence that I play with him.

  I was flooded with guilt at both the fact that Moon would be suffering, whilst I honeymooned with Emperor, and that the thought of being close to the third Charm made my skin tingle with excitement.

  Now I had my three princes as Charms, yet I didn’t know how to protect them or make them mine. If I didn’t allow the other witches to train and break them, then I’d be executed and what would happen to the Charms and my angels then?

  Moon had chosen to save me, but now I had to Claim the Prince of the Alphas like a true Wolf Charmer. Would proving my worth, mean that my wolves would be destroyed?


  The Claiming Suite in the House of Seasons was a grand bedroom with imposing vases and desks, which was painted in murals and dominated by a four-poster bed, which was decorated with twisting metallic roses like they didn’t symbolize romance being dead. I mean, it would’ve been dominated by the bed, if the Prince of the Alphas hadn’t been chained — naked — with his arms above his head to one of the posts.

  When I closed the door behind me, ready to collapse in exhaustion and finally sleep after Stella had lectured me for hours alone in the privacy of her room until it honestly couldn’t have been any clearer that she’d meant it that I had to prove myself worthy, I’d turned, only to discover Emperor t
ied to my bed.

  I couldn’t help the small smile that built as I stared at his muscled chest, fascinated by the butterfly tattoo, whose vast wings beat over his shoulder. It was only with a battle of epic proportions that I didn’t look lower because I might be a witch but I was still only human.

  My tongue darted out, wetting my lips, as I carefully crossed my arms.

  “I’d ask if you wanted me to strip so that you could get an even closer look but, well…” Emperor raised a cool eyebrow like being left in a witch’s bedroom like a Roman slave was no different a first date than if we were meeting to watch a movie. “If I shuffled around, you could better appreciate my bottom, and I’ve been told that it’s tasty enough to bite.”

  He wiggled his ass, and mesmerized, I found myself striding closer and reaching out my fingers, itching to stroke…

  “Seriously, what the freaking hell, dude?” I hissed, snatching back my hand.

  Why was he tempting me?

  Emperor chuckled. “I’m your Charm, and this is the Claiming Suite. I’m certain that your aunt was clear you must act like a traditional Wolf Charmer, as I must act like a traditional Omega. Don’t you find such quaint rituals charming?”

  “Ow, your sarcasm just cut me.” This close, I studied the butterfly inked on his chest. My shadows were drawn to it, tracing its delicate lines because it was more than a tattoo: there was magic in it. “I take it this whole tied up thing happens to you a lot then?”

  Emperor sighed. “Only when important Alphas come to meetings, dignitaries need entertaining, or my mother is keen on a deal with another kingdom.” Holy hell, had the queen been using her own son as a gorgeous bargaining chip? I couldn’t help the growl, and didn’t blame Emperor when his eyes twinkled with amusement. “My kingdom is different to the others because it treats Omegas, at least in part, as precious. We have our uses. Me…? I sweeten the deal.”


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