Inked Heart_A Moosehead, Minnesota Spin-off

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Inked Heart_A Moosehead, Minnesota Spin-off Page 5

by ChaShiree M

  “Shit. Kitty. I am not going to last baby, But I won’t cum without you. Reach down and play with your clit baby. Come on and meet me on the other side.” I say as I pull all the way out and surge back inside. I am rutting into her like a beast having his first taste and fuck it all if I can stop. Every damn time is like the first.

  Moving faster and faster, I implore her to get there because I almost am past the point of no return. “Come on baby. Get there.”

  “I’m there, El. I’m there. Fuck. Oh shit. Yes. Yes. Don’t stop. Harder. Harder. El…. I’m……”

  “Say it baby…. cum with the words.”

  “I love you Elllllllllllllll…………”

  And with the words I need every time, she cums and I yell out my end as my balls shoot enough cum in here to impregnate a small village. Fuck. Leaning over her, I kiss the back of her head before pulling out and turning her around. When I do, the lusty glassy look in her eyes, almost sends me back up the stairs with her thrown over my shoulder and to the bed. But we have shit to do.

  “Good morning baby. Sweet tooth huh?”

  “Yea. Baby wanted cinnamon rolls.” So, fucking adorable.

  “Well come on. We have one hour before the doc and then we have breakfast with my mom and sister.” I inform her smacking her ass.

  “Wait. What? Mom. Sister. Today? Eldridge, I don’t think…I mean shouldn’t we wait. I….”

  And therefore, I didn’t tell her sooner. I knew she would clam up and try to figure a way out of it. “Baby, calm down. They will love you and you them. I want to finally tell my family about the baby and what better way than after our first ultrasound when we can show them pics? Now let’s go.”

  After spending 20 minutes reassuring her, while helping her find something to wear and getting ready, we finally make it to the doctor’s office. I am like a kid in a candy store and cannot stop bouncing and whistling; as we are waiting for the technician to come in and turn on this damn thing, so I can see my kid.

  “El. Stop pacing. Your making me nervous. Geesh. You would think you’re the one about to be violated.” She says to me with a cheeky grin. Brat.

  “I’m sorry baby. I’m not trying to make you nervous, but this is literally one of the best days of my life.”

  She looks at me a bit sheepishly and asks, “One of…?” My poor insecure baby.

  I walk over and kiss her nose, before rubbing her cheek and meeting her eyes…. “The first being the day I met you.”

  The tears in her eyes almost break me. Even though I manage to keep it together, I can feel it deep in my heart and I vow to take all the pain and doubt from her. Bit by bit and replace it with joy and love.

  “Sorry for the wait. Let’s look at your baby. If you would raise your legs and put them in the stirrups. Lie back and I will insert this vaginally into your belly because you are not far enough along to see from the outside yet.” Helping her get into position, I am transfixed watching this wand like camera go inside my woman’s vagina. And yes. Right now, it is a vagina.

  “Ah. If you look right there, you will see the little bubble. That is your amniotic sac. And that little peanut is your baby.” At first all I see is static. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust but when they do, I see this little flutter and I see my baby. Holy shit!! My kid. That is my seed floating in there. I’m going to be a dad.

  Suddenly, I hear this sound like we are in the ocean. Before I can ask, she says, “That is your baby’s heartbeat. Nice and strong.” I look down at my Angel and I notice she is crying silently. I lean down and wipe her face.

  Kissing her gently on the lips I tell her. “Thank you. For giving me something I didn’t know I was looking for.”

  She looks at me and smiles and says, “I was going to say the same to you.”

  After all the intenseness, we get her vitamins, the pictures, and make an appointment for a few months from now to come back and find out the sex of the baby. The whole way to meet my mom and sister, I am on cloud nine. I notice Kitty hasn’t spoken, but I am giving her a minute to her own thoughts.

  We pull up to the restaurant and immediately she tenses and squeezes my hand. “Baby calm down. I got you. Look at me.” When she finally does, I say it again. “I got you. And you.” I say rubbing her stomach. She smiles, nods, and we walk into the restaurant.

  As soon as we hit the table, my mom envelopes her in a hug and so does Carrie. Kitty looks a bit confused, but my mom explains like a pro. “I hope the hug wasn’t uncomfortable. But El has never brought a woman home, making you special and important enough for me to want you to feel comfortable.”

  Kitty looks shocked at the revelation, but the smile she beams at me makes me feel 10 feet tall.

  “Kitty, I would like for you to meet my mom Estonia and my sister Carrie. Mom and Carrie, this is my woman, Katherine. And before we go any further, I have news.” Looking for Kitty’s approval, she gives me a slight nod and I hand my mom the pics.

  “Oh my God. You’re having a baby? Eldridge, I am so happy for you. I never thought I would see the day. Now when do I get to plan a wedding?”

  I let out a full-blown belly laugh, because I knew I could count on her to get right to the point.

  Maybe Kitty will finally jump on board.

  I was feeling blindsided by the way he sprung this breakfast meeting on me, but after hearing our baby’s heartbeat and the ridiculously sweet things he said to me, I forgave him.

  Estonia is super sweet, but I can tell right away that she isn’t El’s mom. She has beautiful caramel skin like Carrie Ann and long dark hair.

  “Dulce niña, tell us about yourself.” She says after she sets her menu down. I quickly scan the menu and do the same.

  “Well, I am twenty-three and a tattoo artist. I work at my family’s shop and I like to cook and bake. That’s about it.”

  “Is, this the tattoo shop, you mentioned, El?”

  “Yes. It’s right down town.”

  “El said you were looking for a job? Did you find one?” I ask. I am slightly mesmerized by her. Her skin is flawless. Her day of the dead sleeve of tattoos are amazing. She has amazing eyelashes and a badass Monroe piercing. She looks exotic and like she would be the life of the party.

  “Not yet. I was going to stop by the shop next week after I come back from Washington. Are you guys still hiring?” For some reason, I really like this girl. She’d fit right in with the girls and me.

  “Yes. Just come in at ten on whichever day you choose. That’s when we open. I’ll get you up to speed before my first appointment of the day.”

  “You are hiring me? No questions asked?”

  “Yeah. I get a good vibe from you.” I say chuckling.

  “Awesome. I feel like I should tell you I have a son. He’s one and goes to daycare and my mom watches him too.”

  “That is no problem. I bet he is adorable.” I say.

  “Oh, he is. I have pictures.” All mommies have pictures for days, I think to myself. When she hands me her phone and I glance down at it, I get a weird sense of Deja vu. His eyes are so familiar, but I cannot put my finger on it.

  “Carrie, he is precious. What’s his name?”


  “How long have you been married?”

  “Oh, I am not married. He is the product of a one-night stand.” She says with equal parts shame and nonchalance.

  That mirrors my situation with El, but through fate he found me again. I realize I want that for Carrie too.

  “I am not ashamed of it, Kitty. I love my son and I even love his father, even though I don’t know anything about him.”

  “That’s great. Maybe you’ll find him again one day.” I say hopefully.

  “Doubtful.” She says with tears in eyes.

  The waiter comes over, thankfully, and we order. We only chit-chat, but I know I already love these ladies. I look over at El and notice his profile. His beard is starting to get thick and I love it. I reach out and put my hand on his thigh. He pu
ts his hand on mine and entwines our fingers. I only ordered bacon and toast, so I can remain connected to him while I eat. What has happened to me? I crave his touch, even simple ones that aren’t meant to be sexy.

  Over the course of our conversation, I discover his mom is from Argentina. I make plans with her for lunch, two days next week. There is an Argentine restaurant a few doors from the shop. The food there is fabulous, and I devour it at least three times week.

  After breakfast, we head to IKEA in Bloomington. I am freaking love that place. I saw a crib online last week that has lime green drawers under it. El is going to put it together. My man can put shit together and I don’t think there is anything hotter. Once we get in the truck and on the road, I ask him the question that’s been on my mind.

  “Tell me about your parents. I assume Estonia is your step mom?”

  “She is, but she is my mother in every way that counts. My birth mother, Sabrina, left my father two days after I was born. My father raised me on his own for seven years, before he rekindled a romance with his high school sweetheart, Estonia. She was an exchange student and left after her time here, but eventually her job moved her here and the rest is history. Carrie Ann was born when I was twelve. She was the prettiest baby.” He says.

  “I am glad you guys get along so well. You hear all of these horror stories about evil stepmothers.”

  “Not Estonia. She is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Unless you get a D in history and then the Spanish pops out.”

  “That’s great, babe.” That’s the first time I’ve tried a nickname on him. I like it.

  IKEA was great. We got the crib and a million little things for his kitchen. I may not be giving up my apartment yet, but there is no reason I can’t enjoy cooking in his awesome kitchen.

  After we get home, I lay down to take a nap. IKEA is like going to a theme park. My feet hurt bad. After a couple hours of sleep, my cell phone rings. I groggily answer it.


  “Where are you? You are late!” Miles’ voice is gruff when he is pissed.

  “Um, I am in bed. What do you want?”

  “It’s time for our weekly dinner. Chip and Dex are already here.”

  If those two beat me there, I am late.

  “Fuck. We’ll be right there.” I hang up the phone and hop out of bed. I leave El’s t-shirt on and pull on some jeans.

  “El!” I yell out as I walk out of the bedroom.

  “Yeah, baby.” He says from the couch, where is watching a Twins baseball game.

  “We’re late.” I say as I rush past him. He still has his shoes on from earlier. That is a pet peeve of mine, shoes should be taken off at the front door. I hate dirty floors. I slip on some flip flops even though its growing colder. There’s no way I can put my feet back in shoes right now.

  “For what?”

  “Dinner with my brothers.” At my parents’ house. Miles’ inherited everything, including Dex, me, and Chip. He dropped out of college and started tattooing because he was able to learn while we were at school.

  Once I could see over the stove without a stool, I cooked every meal. His attempts were awful, and we mainly had Subway and pizza. I used my mom’s old as dirt Betty Crocker cookbook from the fifties. You know, the plaid one. I became a tattoo artist because it was free, but if I am honest with myself I’d always wanted to be a chef.

  “You want me to come with you?” He says, drawing me out of my memories.

  “Yes. Unless you have plans or something. I want you to formally meet them.”

  “No, I want to come. I am glad that you want me to really meet them.” He goes back to the kitchen counter and grabs his wallet and keys.

  “Let’s go. I am already twenty minutes late and I still have to cook.”

  “They make you cook?”

  “Not make. I enjoy it. It’s the only home cooked meal they get in a weeks’ time.”

  “Oh. What are we having?”

  “Tacos.” I say walking toward the truck, while he locks the front door.

  “Awesome.” We make it to my brother’s house in about ten minutes.

  We walk in and I head towards the kitchen. The guys are watching the same ball game.

  “Guys.” Those dicks ignore me. I move to stand in front of the TV. “Guys.”

  “What?” Chip says. He’s sipping a beer, though he isn’t old enough. I take it from him.

  “You know my rules, Chip. Just because I don’t live here anymore doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want.”

  “It kind of does.” He rolls his eyes at me. He needs to get his anger in check. I won’t start crying. I won’t.

  “Ugh, asshole. This is my…” I am not in high school. Boyfriend sounds too tame for what EL and I have. “Baby daddy, Eldridge Monte-q. “I finish lamely, but with the truth.

  Nothing fazes them at this point though and that makes me sad. Miles already knew because I was sick at the shop, but Dex and Chip knew nothing about it.

  “Nice to meet you guys. Miles good to see you again.” He says shaking Chip’s hand. When he gets to Dex he pauses for a minute, but then shakes his hand. My dick brothers don’t say anything and don’t do anything but that bro nod thing. They keep trying to stare around me at the game.

  “Anyways, I’ll start dinner. El can you help me?”

  “Of course, baby.” He says as I step in front of him. His hand immediately goes to the small of my back and I shiver. This man, with his hands on me, melts me.

  Once in the kitchen, I turn to El. I pull him in for a kiss and then get to work on the tacos.

  “That smells delicious, baby.” El says pulling plates down and setting the little round table in the kitchen. I haven’t been able to use the dining room for anything yet, but I have a feeling that is about to change.

  At the dinner table everyone is chowing down.

  “I went ahead and hired a receptionist. She starts next week.” Forks drop, and I have three sets of eyes on me. “What?” I ask. I’m sick of these dicks always procrastinating.

  “That’s my job.” Miles said.

  “I know.” I say as I roll my eyes “But this girl is perfect for the shop. Trust me.” He really doesn’t look happy. At all. But he goes back to eating and griping.

  “Fine. She is perfect.” Miles says, going back to his taco.

  “It’s El’s sister. Just trust me.” I say again.

  After that, the conversation between the guys gets better and by the time I serve them the chocolate cake I made earlier, they are all fast friends.

  “So, El. We must participate in a softball league for charity. Do you play? Kitty can’t play anymore since you knocked her up and we are in the playoffs.” Dex says. I throw my napkin at him.

  “You can’t replace me. I am the best pitcher in the league.”

  “We got to. No way are we letting you anywhere near the plate.” Dex says, shoveling more cake into his mouth.

  “I’ve been known to play. Luckily enough, I was the pitcher for the Moosehead Wildcats my senior year.”

  “Assholes. All of you are assholes.” I say, starting to clear the table.

  “I’ll help baby.” El offers, but I hold out my hand motioning for him to sit back down.

  “Don’t worry about it El. I got it, you stay and talk strategy.” I take the stack of dishes into the kitchen, laughing all the way.

  Men. Can’t live with them. Can’t live without them.

  4 months later

  It has been a great few months. A week after meeting my mom and sister, Kitty agreed to think about marrying me. I was not too happy with that answer, but I also didn’t want to stress her out while she is pregnant. The most important thing is that she is in my bed every night and every morning without fail. We even found out we are having a little girl. Now that threw me for a loop. I knew obviously there was a 50/50 chance of either, but somewhere in my mind, I always thought it would be a boy. Seriously, who the hell would give me a girl, so I can go craz
y and to jail?

  The fuck.

  Kitty’s stomach has been steadily getting bigger and seeing the evidence of my manhood growing healthy and strong inside her, is the biggest turn on ever. Knowing I was the first to get there and will be the last.

  Today I am going to the shop to pick her up for lunch and then I have a meeting. Getting ready to walk out the door, my phone starts to ring. I grab my keys, open the garage, and turn on my Bluetooth.


  “Hey son.”

  “Hey dad. Wass up?” It’s unlike my dad to call in the middle of the day for nothing. Usually he schedules even the check in phone calls, so this has me perplexed.

  “When does your sister get back from Chicago? DJ is asking for her and she has been so busy since she has been there that she hardly gets to talk to him. I don’t understand what that girl is thinking.”

  “Dad, calm down. You know she went there for her new job. I am sure she has been busy, and you know just like I do how much she loves DJ. So, if she hasn’t been able to talk to him, then rest assured she is feeling it too.”

  “I guess. But I don’t get why she is doing this at all. Your mom and I are more than capable of helping her.” I chuckle a bit at that. My dad is 100% correct. He and my mom can support her. But the things is, she has Monte-q blood. Which means she has the itch to work and leave her mark. Being a kept daughter, would never work for her. Just like it wouldn’t work for me.

  “Dad don’t worry. The tattoo shop sent her away, so she could get trained to be the actual office manager and handle their money and stuff. This is important to her. Try to be supportive. Ok?”

  “If you say so. So, when are you and Kitty going to get married and make sure my granddaughter has our name before she gets here?” Here we go.

  “I’m working on it dad. Trust me.” We end the conversation after that and I continue driving to the shop. When I get there, I am greeted by Miles.

  “El. How’s it going?”


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