Harley's Fall (The King Brothers series Book 4)

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Harley's Fall (The King Brothers series Book 4) Page 3

by G. Bailey

  Chapter 4


  "I forgot how frigging awesome you always look," I compliment my best friend as she pulls down her tight, black, sparkling dress that shows off all her curves. Her blonde hair is curled down her back like mine, and we both have a little makeup as I don't like it, and she doesn’t need it.

  "Coming from the red-head bombshell," she shakes her head at me with a grin. I walk over and stand next to the mirror with her. I’ll admit that I do look good, today. I'm wearing a tight-feeling, green dress that dips to show my breasts off. The dip stops just before my belly button, and you can see the curves of my breasts which I’m sure have gotten bigger during the last two weeks. I know I won’t be able to wear a dress like this for much longer, and my stomach looks as flat as usual.

  "Come on, picture time," Izzy says, pulling me to her and taking several photos of us on both our phones. My phone rings in the middle of a picture, and I'm quick to ignore it, but I know Izzy saw my mum’s name.

  "Why are ignoring your mum? And, deleting your Facebook and Twitter?" she asks, placing her hands on her hips. Izzy loves my mum like most people, including me, do, and she must think I’m awful to ignore her calls. If I tell my mum where I am, she will come here, and he will follow.

  "Not tonight, no questions please," I whisper, guilt and a slight bit of fear feel like they are stuck in my throat. It’s not that my family have done anything wrong, but I have more than them and myself to think of now. Everything has changed, and the one person I wish was here, is my mum.

  "Tomorrow, I want answers, Tilly. I'm worried about you," she tells me firmly and places her hand on my arm. I cover her hand with mine, looking at our painted nails that match. I remember when we both tried to paint our nails like our mums when we were seven. Let’s just say that more nail polish got on our fingers than our nails.

  "No promises . . . but I will try to tell you some stuff. There’s a lot to tell," I say, knowing I didn’t tell her anything that happened in France this last year. I should have, but I was stupid enough not to because Izzy has been so busy and stressed with all the changes in her life. And then, there was the car accident.

  "Tomorrow," Izzy says with a stern face, making me smile. It doesn’t suit her, acting all serious, and she ends up laughing at me.

  We finish getting ready before going down to the kitchen, I slip on my silver heels giving me a little height boost, but I don't need it. Izzy’s black heels are far higher than mine because she is so much shorter than me. I kinda wish I was her height sometimes, it’s difficult to find a man as tall as me or taller. And, I like taller men, like Harley. Nope, stop that thought. We walk down the stairs, with Izzy grinning at me the whole time. She looks so happy to have me here, but then, I never expected less from Izzy. You know sometimes in life, you have that bond with someone that isn’t blood? Well, that is my bond with Izzy, a sisterly bond.

  "I'm a lucky man," Izzy stops by the door to the kitchen as Blake walks out, his words slow and seductive. He walks straight to her and slides an arm around her waist, pulling her to his chest. The look he is giving her should be illegal, and Izzy is a very lucky woman.

  "I’ll meet you in there," Izzy says, as she giggles at something Blake whispers to her, and I look away as they kiss. I walk around them towards the kitchen, wishing, in a way, I had met a good guy like Blake seems to be. My ex is anything but good, and I thought I was crazy in love with him. Look where that got me.

  My gaze finds Harley's first like he is the only person in the room, and I struggle to pull my gaze away. I check out his tight, black shirt and black jeans that make him look bloody amazing. His dark-brown hair is tied back like usual showing off his bright-green eyes that seem brighter as he takes me in head to toe. I do eventually look away, the pressure of his gaze making me nervous, and see Luke leaning against the sink, smirking at me and then looking at Harley.

  "What do you think?" I twirl a little for everyone staring at me. Well, just for Harley. In fact, I don’t even know why I’m asking if he likes what I’m wearing, I guess some part of me just wants to hear his answer.

  "I love the dress," Luke playfully winks at me, but Harley never answers. I try not let it annoy me, but it does a little. As much as Luke is handsome with his tattooed arms, well-trimmed beard, and tight clothes that show off his massive build, he isn’t Harley. There’s just something about Harley that makes me unable to stop thinking about him. Izzy and Blake come into the room looking rosy-cheeked, and Izzy’s lipstick is a little askew, but it doesn’t matter as she seems so happy. It’s hard to actually look away from them both, with how comfortable they look. I have to admit to myself that I’m a little jealous because I wish I had met a good guy like Blake instead of where my life ended up taking me. Izzy lets go of Blakes' arm and walks over to stand next to me.

  "Let’s go," Izzy says, hooking her arm with mine as she leads me out of the kitchen, and I feel Harley's eyes on my back. I can’t explain how I know he is looking at me, but I can.

  "Come on, man, we’re leaving," I hear Luke say, and I turn to see him pat Harley’s back as he is still watching me silently like I knew he was. The taxibus is already outside when we leave the house, and the taxi driver is holding the door open as he speaks on his phone. The middle-aged man nods at us, his eyes spending way too long watching Izzy and me.

  “Eyes up here, mate, if you know what’s good for you,” Blake warns him as I get in the taxi with Izzy. The driver says something I can’t hear, but the tone is easy to understand, he sounds scared, and I don’t blame him one bit. The King brothers and Blake look a scary lot, altogether. After everyone is in, I sit in the taxi bus quietly as I watch the town. It's a quiet village with beautiful, grey, stone houses built around a large river. We pass the massive, grey, stone bridge I saw on the way in. It is arched and looks very old. I gaze behind me, and my eyes lock with Harley who is staring at me, I can't pull my eyes away until we stop outside a building in the middle of the town. I can't see much other than the name outlined in lights and the front door. There is also a massive queue in front of the club, but they aren't letting many people in, so it must be busy. I can’t say I’ve been to many clubs because we lived in a small town in France, and you would have to travel to the central city to go out. By the time I turned eighteen, I was too busy with setting up my business with my brother and editing books for low rates to build a client base. And then, I met him, and there was no way he would let me go out to clubs like this. He never let me go out at all, not unless he was at my side and watched my every move. I’m going on twenty . . . yet, as I look at the club, I’ve never felt older or more lost. The sound of Luke sliding the door of the taxi bus open snaps me out my thoughts.

  We all get out, and I follow Luke up to the club and to the bouncer. The bouncer grins at Luke when he sees him, and they do a manly hug and handshake–clearly, they know each other–before he lets us in. The club is boiling hot, and the loud music fills my ears straight away when we walk in. Thank god for my small dress. I find myself staring around at all the shiny surfaces and the bottles lining the wall behind the bar. It’s a very well decorated club, and it’s clear someone has spent a lot of money on it. It's not trashy at all. There is a shining dance floor, with stools around it and people sitting on them, talking as they drink cocktails. There’s also a glass balcony overlooking everything. While I'm staring around the room, I see Harley walking towards the bar, and several girls turn their heads to watch him. I can't blame them; the man is hotter than any guy I’ve seen in a long time. There’s something about him that makes you not want to look away, and, in my case, makes me want to be near him. He looks back like he can feel me watching, and I pull my gaze away.

  “I can’t believe we never went clubbing, you remember when we were fifteen, and it’s all we wanted to do? We used to beg Grayson to take us, and he wouldn’t,” she says with a laugh, referring to my oldest brother.

  “I remember him walking out of the room and telling u
s to leave him alone, he was a moody asshole back then.” Izzy laughs and links her arm in mine as we follow Luke upstairs to the balcony. The moment the balcony doors shut, the light music from up here can be heard, but it’s clear the room is soundproof. I see Elliot at the bar with some men in suits. He waves at us as we come in. I sit on one of the leather couches that face the dance floor, with the others. Izzy and Blake sit together on one, and Luke sits next to me. I don’t know how long I sit quietly watching the people dance, losing themselves to the music and wondering if that’s what I need. To lose myself to music and just forget everything for one night. To just lose myself and my past.

  A waitress dressed all in black with ample cleavage hanging out of her tight top comes over, eying up both Luke and Blake, but Blake doesn’t seem to notice her as he talks to Izzy. That’s a sign of a good man right there.

  "Can I get you all anything?" she asks with her eyes eating up Luke, and he leans back on the sofa, his arms wide.

  "Shots all around, tequila and a beer for me, gorgeous," Luke says, making her giggle. She might as well lay naked on the table for him at this rate.

  “What do you want?” Luke asks, and Izzy replies before I can say anything.

  “Tilly is a classic Vodka and Coke girl,” which would usually be true, but not tonight.

  "I’ll have a vodka and Coke," I say to the waitress, and she takes down all our orders before leaving to make them. I quickly get up to follow her, but Izzy asks before I can walk away.

  "Where are you going?"

  "Oh, I don't want ice, so I'm just going to check she doesn't put it in," I say, making up another lie and wanting to kick myself for it. She is going to hate me when I can finally tell her, and I feel like the lies I’ve told since I’ve got here are just adding up. I never used to lie, and now, look at me, I even lie to myself every morning by saying it’s going to be okay when that can’t be true.

  "Right," Izzy says, with a look that makes me wonder what she is thinking and hoping she can’t see straight through me like she always used to be able to do.

  "Be right back," I say before walking over to the bar. I call the girl over who smiles at me.

  "Did you want something else? Elliot said all your drinks are on the house," she says, looking behind me at my table. At Luke, I’m guessing.

  "No, I just remembered I have to drive somewhere tomorrow so, no vodka in the coke," I tell her, and she gets out her notepad, writing it down.

  "Okay, sugar cups," she winks at me as I flush red. My hand travels to my stomach without thought, and I look back at the table to see Izzy staring at me. I try to avoid her gaze as I walk back to the table and see that Elliot has joined us.

  "Hey, Elliot, right? Nice to see you again, and I promise not break any of your stuff this time," I say.

  Elliot nods at me with a slight laugh.

  “It’s cool, I didn’t need the stuff in those boxes,” he says, but I’m sure he is just saying it to make me feel better.

  "Where’s Harley?" Elliot asks Luke, who shrugs as he replies.

  "Downstairs at the bar, he is in a weird-ass mood this week."

  "Is Allie going to be here soon?" Izzy asks Elliot, whose hard face softens under her name. I know Allie and Elliot are dating, and they are madly in love. Izzy told me they went through a lot and that Elliot is a different man since he has been with Allie. That they are perfect for each other.

  "Yeah, soon. I'm going to get her. I just needed to chat with some staff."

  "Go on, then, I want to see my bestie," she grins. I heard so much about this Allie from Izzy that I'm looking forward to meeting her.

  "Alright, you’re such a demanding pain in the ass." Elliot chuckles before leaving. It’s not long before the drinks arrive, and I quickly take my Coke off the tray for the waitress.

  "So . . . shots to finally meeting the famous Tilly. Seriously, Izzy has told us everything about you and don’t worry, most of it is good,” Luke hands me a shot and winks. Shit, how am I going to get out of this?

  "To Tilly," he says pouring his shot back, while I pretend to drink mine and then I stand, pouring it into my coke before anyone sees.

  “Thanks for this,” I lift the empty shot and put it on the table before walking over the window overlooking the dance floor. I pretend to watch the people dancing on the floor for a while, but my thoughts are swimming with worries about my future and what I’m going to do, now. This wasn’t how I planned my life. This wasn’t what I planned at all, but what can I do? I can’t get out of this one any more than I want to. I look over to see Harley at the bar, just as he downs another drink. I don’t know why I’m pretending a guy like him would look twice at me. The moment he knows, he is going to walk away. I wouldn’t even want to put the responsibility of me on his shoulders, he is clearly a good guy.

  "I'm going to dance," I say suddenly, deciding I just need to relax and stop staring at a man I can’t have.

  "Me, too," Izzy says, standing up. Izzy and Blake follow me out of the balcony and down the stairs to the lower floor.

  I filter through the barely-dressed bodies of people before closing my eyes and letting the music relax me. It’s a fast song I don’t recognise, but it’s easy to move to.

  I don't know how long I'm dancing with my eyes closed when I feel warm, large hands grabbing my hips and pulling me back to an impossibly-hard chest. I stiffen in reaction as fear claws up my throat. It can't be Daniel.

  "Only me, siren. I wanted a dance," Harley's deep, throaty voice whispers next to my ear, and my body instantly relaxes into his arms. I open my eyes to see Izzy dancing near me, with Blake, but thankfully he is distracting her. I turn to face him, slowly, and he keeps his hands on my sides the whole time, as if he doesn’t want to let me go far, and I know I feel the same. I know I will regret this in the morning. I will regret letting any man get close to me again. But, Harley King isn’t just any man. I start swaying my hips, and I wind my arms around his neck as my body takes control, the beat of the music is slow, and he knows how to move to it. We are pressed so tightly together that I can smell how incredible he smells even with the beer smell on top. His body is hard, but soft, as we melt together. I forget who and where we are as I gaze up into his eyes and lean on my tiptoes pressing a kiss to his shocked lips. I pull away, so I can lean up to his body to whisper in his ear.

  "Thanks for a memory I won't forget. I needed to escape for a while."

  I pull away from his warm body as I quickly move off the dance floor. Finding my way outside, I hail a taxi waiting outside the club. I send a text to Izzy telling her I've gone home as I don't feel well. Only when I'm on my way back to the house do I relax, remembering how perfect Harley tasted and how, at least, I have one good memory from the last few months to remember. Even if it can never happen again.

  Chapter 5


  "How did you do that?" my girlfriend Hazel asks I pull on my shirt while she watches. I turn to look at her as I pull my jeans up. Hazel is pretty in that classic, brown-haired, blue-eyed girl-next-door kind of way. We've been dating for a year, now, and it still shocks me that I've kept my home life a secret from her. I only lie to her because I care for her. Or, that’s what I keep telling myself. The truth is, she is my first girlfriend, and I’m in love with her. I love how simple she is, how she only wants me and nothing else. It’s easy being with her.

  "Just that boxing class I told you about," I say, wanting to flinch at the lie that comes out smoothly from my mouth. Hazel smiles, wrapping the bedsheet around her as she walks over to me.

  Hell, I'm a sixteen-year-old lad, I can't keep my eyes off her even after I've just had her.

  "Why don't I stay at yours, tonight?" She pouts, and I sigh. I don’t like letting her down, I never have, but this is just how it is now.

  "Not tonight, I've got to go," I say walking closer to her and kissing her forehead as she sighs.

  "Why won't you let me stay at yours? It's always rushed with you, and then you le
ave," she asks me.

  "We could book a hotel and stay overnight together." I avoid her question.

  "Harley," she grumbles.

  "I have to go," I say, not looking at her again as I leave her house and head to my car. I drive back to my home in a few minutes, and I know the boys are hiding in their rooms as dad’s car is here.

  When I walk in, I hear the music blasting downstairs in the basement, and I try to make it to the stairs without them hearing me. I don’t want to deal with this shit, tonight. Just one night off would be fucking great. I know Seb is out with Luke tonight, but I couldn’t find Elliot to tell him I was going out.

  "Come on, boy, your dad has been waiting," Arthur, my dad’s best friend and business partner, says coming out of the kitchen with some girl about my age wrapped around him. Arthur has a cruel expression, which matches his personality, and an expensive-looking suit on. His brown hair is cut short, and his blue eyes watch me like I’m about to run. I bet he would love it if I did, but he knows I won’t. I won’t leave my brothers with my asshole of a father.

  "Okay," I grind out, letting go of my tight grip of the bannister and following Arthur down the stairs to the basement. I'm a little taken back to see three women naked and dancing on the bar as music blasts through the room. I catch Elliot's guilty face as he sits by our dad in the middle of the room, on one of the sofas. There's a woman sitting on Elliot's lap kissing his neck, and I swallow the urge to vomit at the knowledge Elliot doesn't have much choice right now. You know what . . . fuck it, it's worth a beating to stop this happening. He is too young for this, and it’s not like I can call the police or social services to help. The local police live in the Cage, and the last social worker that came here suddenly got very rich and disappeared.


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