Harley's Fall (The King Brothers series Book 4)

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Harley's Fall (The King Brothers series Book 4) Page 7

by G. Bailey

  “The roses in the garden needed cutting, I thought you might like some,” I say, moving to the side, so she can see the massive vase full of at least twenty red roses. I hate cutting them, but sometimes you have to cut the beauty away from something to let it bloom.

  “Oh, Harley, they are stunning,” she says, coming over and touching the flowers petals. I look down at her, at the same time she stares up at me, and there’s an awkward silence between us.

  “They aren’t the only thing in the room that is stunning,” I say, and she laughs.

  “You have a high opinion of yourself, Harley King, “she says, moving away as I laugh.

  “That could have been a romantic moment between us, and there you go . . .,” I say, both of us still laughing.

  “Damn, totally ruined it,” she chuckles. I go to sit down next to her on the bed and move a book I find. It’s a children’s fairy tale; The Princess and the Pea.

  “It was my favourite growing up. I used to get scared my dad would go back to prison and I would wake up crying, and my mum always read this book to me. It was the only story I would fall asleep to,” she tells me. I didn’t know her dad went to jail.

  “Why did your dad go to jail? If you don’t mind me asking?” I ask her.

  She sits and crosses her legs, her little bump showing through her tight, white top. “My dad wasn’t always a good guy, he is now, but as much as my mum tried to hide his past from us as children, it didn’t work. Can you remember that as I tell you everything?” she asks gently, and I nod.

  “He was one of the five leaders of a major drug and illegal weapons company. Basically, they moved things from Africa and other countries, into Europe. My dad told me that his father and his grandfather ran the business before him and he was born into it. That’s not an excuse, but it’s hard to escape what you’re born into.”

  “If anyone understands that, it’s me,” I say quietly. “What changed?”

  “My mum; he met my mum, and she gave him a choice. Her or his work,” she says, her voice quiet.

  “And, he chose her?” I respond.

  “Yes, he did. He only served a year because he gave evidence in the trails of all his business partners and told the police where to find everything. Then he and my mother were given a new identity and last name,” she explains. I guess it makes some sense, the police would have done anything for the information her father gave them and then the identity as a reward.

  “Fox?” I say, and she nods.

  “And then, they started having kids, and lived happily ever after,” she chuckles, but it’s almost sad.

  “Does he ever speak about his old life? Did he easily manage to move on?” I ask, knowing my own past haunts me. I don’t think I will ever be able to put the Cage behind me, or what our father did and manage to sleep at night without my nightmares haunting me.

  “He did, with my mum at his side. He says that she chases away his darkness,” she tells me, and I know she means more than just her dad, now, as she stares back at me. Her blue eyes seem to search my face for a long time, looking for something I don’t know how to give her. For feelings, I’ve stopped myself having since Hazel, but I can’t stop the way I look back at her. I can’t stop how I feel for her, the siren is working her way into my heart whether I like it all or not.

  “Maybe some darkness can’t be kept away.”

  “All darkness can be kept away, you just need to find your light,” she says and stands up, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. I watch as she walks out of the room, leaving the door open, and I watch, wondering if Tilly could be that light for me. I wonder if she could be the one to stop the darkness of my past from haunting me.

  Chapter 11


  “Thank you for all this,” I whisper to Izzy as she walks us into her apartment, which has been done out for the baby shower she has thrown Maisy and me. Seconds later, everyone jumps up from where they were hidden and shouts surprise. I want to say it’s a surprise, but I overheard her telling Harley something the other day, so I knew. I laugh and smile as someone switches the lights on, and I get a look at the room where everyone is. There are pink and blue decorations everywhere, with flowers and balloons spread around the room. I don’t know all the women here, but most look familiar like they go to the gym. There’s a full counter of presents in two large piles, and I know I will have to send ‘thank you’ letters to everyone for the gifts. I mean they don’t really know me that well, and yet, they clearly bought me baby gifts. I try not to feel the pang of sadness I do when I realise my mother isn’t here, not that I expected her to be. I just never imagined having a baby shower without her here.

  “It’s nothing,” Izzy waves a hand at me to walk in as she speaks.

  “You look lovely,” Allie says as she walks up to me with Maisy at her side. I give her a hug, looking at the weird pink and blue bows clipped to her blue dress. Maisy tries to hug me, but both our large bumps get in the way.

  “Aha, even though I’m a month behind you, my bump is huge,” Maisy comments, and it’s true. Her bump is massive on her small frame, whereas mine is still small. I remember the baby scan that Harley came with me to, how they said the baby is curled up around my spine, and it’s normal.

  “I think it’s because Tilly is taller than all of us,” Allie says, and she might be on to something.

  “Okay, what is with all the bows?” I ask her, seeing that all the women have them on and Maisy doesn’t.

  “Okay, so it’s game. Everyone got a bow when they came in, and if you say, baby, then you have to give your bow, or bows, to whoever you were talking to. Whoever has the most at the end, gets a prize,” she says and clips a bow onto my red maternity dress. I smooth it down and look at my red dress, seeing my little bump.

  “How come you don’t have one?” I ask Maisy, who laughs before answering.

  “I gave up when I walked in, I can’t not say baby, and the prize is useless for us pregnant people.” She winks, so I’m guessing it alcoholic.

  “Congratulations on the baby coming, I’m Emilia,” a woman with curly, brown hair says coming over. She has on a black hoodie and black jeans, which is different from the room full of women in dresses, but it doesn’t take away from her beauty. She has tanned skin and big, brown eyes.

  “Hi, I’m Tilly, nice to meet you,” I say, shaking her hand.

  “I live with Izzy and Blake here,” she tells me, and it makes some sense. “But, I’m off, I just wanted to say hello.”

  “You could stay, it looks like there is plenty to drink and eat,” I say, noticing the massive buffet table in the lounge which is full of baby-themed food. There is even a cake shaped like a cradle, with ‘Baby Fox’ written in icing on the side.

  “Thanks, but my dad called, and yeah, I have to go. We should hang out another time, though,” she smiles, and I nod.

  “Bye, Em,” Allie gives her a hug before she waves to everyone else and leaves.

  “We have games planned,” Allie winks and takes my hand, leading me over to some women who are standing around. We chat for a bit with some of the women who do remember me from the gym and others are nice when we are introduced. I spend the next hour eating and talking to the women here, most give me horror stories about their births, and others offer advice that may be useful to know when the baby comes. Overall, it’s fun, and the food is amazing.

  “Okay, the painter is here,” Izzy says as she comes over to me, with a woman at her side. The woman is older with a huge bag on her shoulder.

  “This is a gift from us to both you and Maisy,” Izzy whispers.

  “Hi, I’m Daisy, and I paint pictures on your bump. It’s called Bump art. I have a portfolio you can look through and choose from, but I can do anything you want,” the woman says, and I can’t help the smile I give them all as they wait for me and Maisy to say something. It’s actually really sweet.

  “I’m also a photographer, so I will take some photos that you can keep,” she says, and i
t’s the perfect gift.

  “You can go first,” I whisper to Maisy who gives me an excited look before following Daisy and Allie into a bedroom with some women following. I go over and choose some food from the massive collection, and I’m halfway through eating a fantastic cupcake when Harley, Sebastian, and Elliot walk in. Harley comes straight over to me, and I can’t take my eyes off him as he does.

  “I thought guys weren’t invited?” I ask, and he smirks as he sits next to me. I watch as he dips his finger into the icing on the cupcake and sucks it off his finger.

  “I’ve never played by the rules, Siren,” he chuckles, knowing precisely what he is doing.

  “Neither have I,” I whisper back, dropping my tone, just as Maisy comes out the bedroom with her bump on show. There is an amazing painting of a moon with a stork flying across it, and there is a purple-sky background and flowers at the bottom of her bump.

  “Wow,” I hear Sebastian say, and he comes over, trying to place his hand on the bump, and Maisy moves away.

  “It’s not dry yet,” she says with a laugh, and he leans over, kissing her cheek.

  “Don’t you want a relationship like that?”

  “I don’t do relationships. I don’t date. I would only hurt someone if I tried,” he says, clearly meaning me, and I have to look away from him.

  “Tilly, it’s your turn. Your boyfriend can come with you if you want?” she asks, looking at Harley and me.

  “Oh, he isn’t my boyfriend, Harley doesn’t do relationships,” I say, and Harley glares at me as I stand up and walk off with Daisy.

  “For someone that doesn’t do relationships, the way he just looked at you was awfully possessive,” Daisy comments. I look back at Harley who is still staring at me with his passionate eyes, and a tight smile on his lips. Possessive is definitely a word I would use to describe the look he is giving me, but it makes no difference. Harley King says he doesn’t play by the rules, but he won’t break his own for me.

  Chapter 12


  "This dress is not going to work, now," I comment and look down at the dress I’m currently trying to pull over my bump. It doesn’t fit anymore like it did just last week, and I groan. I went from having a small bump to a massive one in over a week.

  There are a few knocks at the door as I pull the dress off. I put it back on a hanger in the wardrobe, and I shout. "One second!"

  I pull my jeans, and long jumper on. Thankfully, it falls to my knees but still shows off my big bump. After I quickly pull my hair out of my jumper and make sure I look okay, I pull the door open to see Harley leaning against the wall, and he smiles at me.

  "I want to take you out tonight," he says, and I lean my head to the side. This was not what I expected when I opened the door. Harley has all but glared at me since the baby shower two days ago, and I said he doesn’t do relationships. But, it wasn’t like I was lying. I don’t get what he wants from me. It’s like he is hot and cold with me all the time, but I don’t know the reason why he is.

  "Where?" I ask him.

  "Somewhere nice, and you need to get out. This last week you’ve been inside so much since you took maternity leave from the gym," he reminds me, and I know he is right. I took my maternity leave earlier than I thought I would to get finished with my editing work. Harley doesn’t seem to mind me not working, but he apparently doesn’t like me staying out of his way all week.

  "Okay . . . but still where?" I ask, and he smirks.

  "It's a surprise. I can’t tell you, but I know you will like it," he says, flirting with me a little, and some part of me wants to tell him to stop messing with me. To tell me if he wants to be with me or not. But, another part of me knows he is messed-up from his past, and maybe he just needs time. That same part of me knows what I’m feeling for him is getting beyond a simple crush, and it's hurting my heart.

  "Come on, then," I laugh, trusting him not to lead me anywhere strange, and walk down the stairs. Luke is at the bottom. Clearly, he has been working out, or something, as he is dripping with sweat as he passes us on the stairs in just some shorts. Damn, he has an eight pack, and I find myself having to pull my eyes away. These Kings are way too hot for their own good. Harley glares at Luke, and I’m not sure why.

  "Date?" he asks us both and then smirks when Harley wraps an arm around my waist.

  "Doesn’t matter, you won’t tell me anyway," he says, walking slowly up the stairs.

  "Yes, it is a date," Harley answers, and I give him a strange look.

  “About time.” Luke laughs and walks up the stairs.

  "Thought you couldn’t date me?" I ask Harley as he keeps his arm around me while we walk over to where the coats and shoes are hung up.

  "No . . . I can’t be with you and hurt you. This is just my way of dealing with things, but it doesn’t change how I want you. I’m not going to avoid that," he tells me.

  "It’s a crappy way to not be with me. Especially when you look at me the way you do and then want to take me on a date. You’re a confusing man, and most people would just think you’re stringing me along,” I say, and he groans, rubbing his face. I just shake my head at him, “I didn’t say no to the date, maybe I’m just a fool for you," I laugh as I pull my coat on and my boots.

  “You’re no fool, Tilly,” Harley says gently as he grabs his coat and keys before leading us outside, and he opens the car door for me. When we get inside, he drives us out of town and down some country roads before we get to the place he pulls into. It’s an aquarium, and it’s closed as its eight pm, but the lights are on inside.

  "I hope you like fish and turtles. My friends run this place and left me with the keys for the night. I thought you might like to have a look around when no one is here," he says, and I smile at him.

  "It’s perfect, thank you," I say and let myself out of the car before he says anything back. It’s an unusual date, but it is cute of him. He gets out and goes to the backseat, pulling out a backpack as I wait for him before he takes my hand and leads us inside after opening the door.

  "What’s in the bag?" I ask him.

  "Dinner, seeing as you didn’t come down for it today, I packed up some food for us both instead," he says, and I kind of love that he noticed I didn’t eat. That he thought of me.

  "Good idea," I mutter with red cheeks that I’m sure match my red hair, and we walk in silence down the aisles of fish. There are so many different types, but my favourite are the seahorses and maybe the colourful mixed fish that I can’t remember the name of. The place is beautiful, and I love how quiet it is. Usually, when you go to places like this, it’s so busy that you can’t enjoy the animals around you.

  "Here, this tunnel is really cool. I used to bring my brothers here sometimes, to get them out of the house and distracted. They would spend hours in here," Harley says and opens the door to an underwater tunnel. There are sharks and turtles and all sorts of fish that swim over the lit-up tunnel, and I stop in the middle of it as Harley opens his bag. He pulls out a blanket, and places all the food and drinks he has on the blanket.

  "Picnic in an underwater tube. I have to give it to you Harley, this is amazing and unique," I say, and he holds a hand out, helping me sit down before sitting, himself.

  "I don’t want you to forget our first date," he says with a smirk, and I shake my head at him. Harley King is confusing. We eat the food he has made before he puts it all away and lies down on the blanket. I lie down on his shoulder and look up at the sharks who seem to look at us as they swim by.

  "Did your brothers like coming here?" I ask him.

  "Yes. They loved whenever I would take them out of the house and away from my father. I tried my best to do that, but it was impossible to do it all the time," he says, and all I can think of is the responsibility he must have had as a teenager. He must have had a complicated and stressful past.

  "I bet it was. Izzy told me about your father, about everything," I tell him gently, noticing how he tenses up a little, but I slide my ha
nd into his and rest our joined hands on his stomach.

  "And, you still haven't run from me?" he asks, his words seeming to echo around the tube.

  "Why would I?" I reply.

  "I’m messed-up, too messed-up for someone like you." He sighs.

  "What’s that meant to mean?" I ask him, and he lets go of my hand and turns to face me. He lifts some of my long hair and lets it fall through his fingers.

  "I can’t give you anything, not really. I spent my life protecting my brothers and then Izzy. Even when all the fights with the Cage are over, I will always be looking over my shoulder expecting Arthur to try something. I will always have to be careful. What kind of life is that for you? For your child?" he asks me, and it starts to make some sense to me now.

  "You will always protect them, right?" I ask him, and he nods.

  "What about you? Don’t you want your own family?" I ask him.

  "Yes, of course, I do, but I won’t be able to have that anyway," he says, and I’m confused by his answer. I don’t know what he means.

  "Explain that to me? I don’t get it," I ask him.

  "I can’t have children, I can’t give you a family, and I can’t be what you need. Alright?" he says in a sharp voice, sitting up and looking away from me.

  "I’m sorry, Harley, but it doesn’t matter to me," I say gently.

  "It will eventually matter when you want us to have a child, and I can never give you that. The fighting came at a cost for me, and the cost was too high," he says. Every part of his body is tense as he stares at the floor.


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