Ignite: Paranormal Romance Series (Burning Moon Book 2)

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Ignite: Paranormal Romance Series (Burning Moon Book 2) Page 15

by RK Close



  We flew down the highway, hitting speeds of a hundred miles per hour. We took the two SUVs that the vampires drove. Cole’s Jeep wasn’t fast enough and didn’t handle defensive driving well, and Liam’s truck maxed out at 80 mph.

  I rode with Liam, Cole, Victor, and Zoey. The others rode in the second vehicle, driven by Elizabeth. It was dark, and we’d only passed one other car at this forsaken hour.

  “That’s them,” Zoey said, pointing at the two sets of tail-lights ahead of us. The vamps were in a big hurry to leave. Most likely, they wanted to get to the next town before the sun rose.

  “I’ll cut them off if I can. What happens after that is anyone’s game,” Liam said as he pushed the pedal down and accelerated to catch up to the two racing vehicles. “Which one is she in, Zoey?”

  “She’s in the sedan,” she replied, staring straight ahead. Zoey moved up on my list of most-favorite people. That woman was full of surprises. She held the crossbow on her lap like she was comfortable with it.

  Liam moved up next to the sedan with glass so dark you couldn’t tell where the windows began.

  “You buckled, Zoey?” Liam asked.

  She reached for the seat belt and clicked it into place. “I am now.”

  “Brace yourselves,” Liam ordered. Without any further warning, he swerved into the front end of the sedan and sent it careening off the freeway.

  It launched off the road and into the wide median. Our SUV spun several times before rolling sideways. I thought we’d never stop, but the car finally landed upright by nothing but luck.

  The other car, belonging to Xavier’s caravan, screeched to a stop on the side of the freeway, along with the SUV that Victor’s mate drove. We piled out of the vehicle and quickly found the sedan. It had crossed the oncoming lane and ended up next to the forest, upside down. There were flames coming from the car.

  I sprinted for the burning sedan.

  “Seth!” Liam called, but I was almost there.

  I reached the car and skidded to a halt. I dropped down on my knees and peered inside. They were gone. I stood and looked into the dark forest. They were on the run and they had Olivia.

  Victor reached me first. He followed my gaze toward the forest. “There are six of them, counting Olivia,” Victor said, looking back at the place where Elizabeth, Edgar, Maria, and Lola were busy fighting the other vampires from the second vehicle. It looked like a blur of motion, and I couldn’t tell who had the upper hand in the battle.

  “You can help them if you need to. I’m going after Olivia,” I said to Victor, just as Zoey, Cole, and Liam caught up to us.

  “They seem to have matters in hand. Besides, I have a vested interest in seeing this through,” Victor said.

  “Let’s go before we lose them,” Zoey said, heading into the woods with her crossbow at the ready.

  Liam and Cole flanked her left side, while Victor and I fell into step on her right. We spread out in a wide line.

  Out of nowhere, a vampire dove for Zoey. Cole shifted into his wolf form and caught the vamp by the throat before he could get within ten feet of her. The vampire screamed as smoke poured from the gash in his neck, and his skin began to blacken. He started to run, but his body disintegrated until all that was left was a pile of clothes.

  Cole stayed in wolf form and moved to walk next to Zoey. She reached a hand down to stroke his fur before focusing her attention ahead.

  We continued through the forest. The next ambush hit, and three vampires charged in unison. The first went for Victor. I didn’t have time to worry about him because a second vampire tackled Liam.

  Liam managed to shift when he saw Victor being attacked, so he was ready for the vampire. They circled each other. I was about to enter that fight when the third went for Zoey again. They must have assumed she was the weak link.

  This time, she was ready. Just as Cole launched himself toward the third vampire, Zoey loosed her arrow. It caught the vamp in the heart, and he died in a similar fashion to the first.

  I glanced at Zoey, then at the two battles happening simultaneously.

  “Go, Seth. We’ll help them,” Zoey said urgently. “Go!”

  Cole moved to help Liam, and I ran into the woods to find Olivia. So far, we’d only encountered Xavier’s lackeys. It wasn’t long before I caught her scent. I didn’t shift because I wasn’t certain which skills I’d need first: human or wolf.

  “Let go!” Olivia cried.

  I ran toward her voice until I saw her struggling against the vampire’s hold.

  Xavier dragged Olivia by her hair. She held onto his wrist tightly as her heels tried to dig into the ground.

  “Olivia!” I yelled as I ran right for Xavier. I shifted as I launched myself at him.

  He hit me as I was coming down, and I rolled several feet. Pain radiated in my head from the blow. He was stronger than I’d expected. I stood and shook myself. When I turned toward them, Xavier was using Olivia as a shield. I growled and bared my teeth. He held her arms pinned down to her body with his one arm while his other hand held her by her throat.

  Just as in the warehouse, I could sense the power rolling off the vampire. He was old and strong. That wasn’t going to stop me from sinking my teeth into his flesh.

  “Seth?” Olivia asked, her voice shaky.

  I recognized my human name—and I recognized my mate—but I could not communicate with her now.

  “Stay back, Seth. He’ll kill you.”

  I didn’t understand her words, but I knew she was afraid and this angered me. I continued growling and circling them, looking for the chance to attack.

  “He doesn’t understand you, my dear. He’s nothing but a filthy dog with a bad attitude,” Xavier taunted.

  Olivia’s eyes seem to plead with me—to be rescued, I think.

  She suddenly turned her head and bit savagely into the vampire’s hand. He responded by turning her around and backhanding her so hard she flew through the air, hitting a tree hard enough to kill a human.

  Olivia lifted herself onto her hands and knees and shook her head as if to clear it. She looked at me with such a sad and defeated expression. Fury filled me, pushing all other thoughts away. Again, I lunged for the one who dared to harm her.



  Before I could stand, Seth went for Xavier. The vampire fended off Seth’s deadly bite and managed to lock the wolf in a choke hold. My heart felt like it would stop beating as I watched Seth’s legs kick and flail. I needed to do something quickly, or Xavier would kill him.

  Reaching under my now dirty and torn dress, I pulled the dagger out and rushed Xavier. I’d have to be careful not to hurt Seth in the process. I wasn’t certain what the dark-magic blade would do to a shifter.

  Xavier saw me coming and reacted swiftly, throwing Seth against a tree as if he were nothing. Seth hit hard, and a pained cry filled the forest. The wolf tried to stand but he collapsed. He didn’t move again. I screamed Seth’s name.

  My anguished wail turned to a battle cry. I would finish this, and it no longer mattered that I was outmatched. I came at him with everything I had. Faking to the right, but pivoting and striking on his left, I made my best attempt to slice the blade across Xavier’s chest.

  He didn’t look concerned as he avoided my blade, before capturing my wrist with ease. He squeezed my wrist painfully, until I thought it would break. I was forced to release the blade.

  Xavier’s face clouded over, and I knew I’d sealed my death. He wouldn’t bother to keep me as a pet. It was his eyes that told me I’d die here and now. I didn’t know how badly Seth was injured, or if he was even alive. I’d die without knowing. Would Xavier stop with me, or would he make certain that Seth was finished off as well?

  He grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against a tree. My vision spun as I clawed at his hand.

  “You are far more trouble than you’re worth, Olivia. I believe it is time we parted ways. Such a pity,”
Xavier said as he increased the pressure on my neck. In mere seconds, he would rip my head from my shoulders, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  When I was certain death was coming for me, something dark and fast slammed into Xavier, and he rolled in a blur. In a fraction of a second, the Chicago vampire was on his feet, in a fighting crouch, fangs shining in the moonlight.

  At first, I wasn’t sure who or what hit him. I glanced to were Seth still lay unconscious. Then my gaze followed Xavier’s to find Simon, a moment before he charged Xavier again. It happened so fast; there was no time to react.

  “Simon!” I screamed, dropping to my knees to search for the dagger. I found it just as Xavier plucked Simon out of the air. He held Simon, pinned against him, and Simon’s gaze found me. He smiled at me then.

  I charged toward the two vampires, determined to drive the blade into Xavier, or at the very least, nick him. But, before I could reach him, Xavier’s evil gaze trained on me, and he twisted until Simon’s head separated from his body. Simon turned to ash before my eyes.

  I screamed an agonizing sound that didn’t resemble anything human. It was the sound of someone with nothing left to lose. With the dagger raised, I slammed into Xavier with a strength I didn’t know I possessed.

  By the expression on Xavier’s face, I’d managed to surprise him, as well. He still managed to captured my wrist in the air. His maniacal laughter fueled my hatred. Just like before he squeezed until I was forced to drop the dagger.

  This time, I caught it with my other hand. I experienced the brief satisfaction of seeing the moment of surprise when Xavier registered his mistake. With tears in my eyes, a pain in my heart and a snarl on my lips, I sliced the dagger across his stomach before he could stop me.



  The last thing I remembered seeing was the look in Olivia’s eyes. She’d been ready for death, but I wasn’t ready to let her go.

  I opened my eyes, staring up at the most beautiful angel that I could have imagined. Olivia’s face came into focus, and even in the dark, I could see the tears that glistened on her cheeks.

  My head was resting in her lap, and I realized she’d laid a jacket over my naked body. The high-school letterman’s jacket was one I’d seen Simon wear many times. I searched the area but didn’t see him. The Jamacan vampire wasn’t supposed to be here.

  Reaching up, I brushed a tear from her cheek. She closed her eyes and sobbed silently as if refusing to give over to her emotions.

  “Where is Simon?” I asked. “Is Xavier gone?”

  Olivia buried her face in her hands and didn’t answer. Alarmed, I sat up and pulled her into my arms, where she cried against my shoulder. This was a side of Olivia that I wasn’t familiar with. She seemed so frail and broken, and all I wanted to do was make it better for her.

  A few moments passed before we were suddenly surrounded by my brothers and her clan. Liam dropped to his knees beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  Liam and Cole wore only jeans. No shirts or shoes. I looked around at the faces of the others. It was obvious by their appearance that a violent battle had been fought and won tonight.

  Holding Olivia in my arms, I knew she’d won her fight, but I worried at what cost. “I’ve healed, but I missed the ending.”

  Liam glanced between Olivia and me, then nodded.

  Victor’s eyes lingered on the jacket covering me. His head dropped, and he turned to pull Elizabeth into his arms.

  “We’ve lost Simon,” he said softly. Elizabeth cried out and shook as she wept in his arms.

  Edgar looked down at the ground, and one of the other female vampires with long black hair dropped to her knees and cried with her face in her hands. The third female put her hand on her head as she, too, looked away.

  It was surreal. These vampires loved as deeply as we did. Olivia’s heart was breaking, and I didn’t know how to fix it or if I could.

  Victor and the others took Olivia home with them once they’d helped hide the evidence of the wreckage. They dropped us off at Cole’s house, where Jessica and Daisy waited. Time was running out for the vampires to get home before the sun rose completely.

  Daisy and Jessica met us on the porch of Cole’s home. Jessica threw herself into Liam’s arms, and he held her tightly, while burying his head in her long blonde hair. When she’d finished hugging my brother, she pulled away to hug me as well. “I’m so happy that you’re all home safe. Seth, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. But I could use some rest. Cole, mind if I crash in your spare room?” I was ready to fall over if I didn’t get some sleep.

  “No problem,” Cole said.

  “Thank you all for everything you did for me tonight. And for helping get Olivia back. I know she’s nothing to you and—”

  “If Olivia is important to you, she’s important to us. Now, go get some sleep. We all should. We’ll catch up tomorrow,” Liam said, nodding toward the bedrooms. I smiled weakly because that was all I had the energy for. But Liam’s words meant the world to me.

  I fell asleep remembering Olivia’s tear-stained face.

  I stood in the farmhouse where my brothers and I lived with our adopted parents. My bedroom looked exactly as it was when we’d left over seven years ago. It felt strange to be there. We’d been gone so long that it sometimes felt like a dream. Even so, it still felt like home.

  I left the bedroom and walked down the old stairs. They creaked in protest, as they always did. I touched the picture of Ma that hung on the wall amid other pictures of my brothers and me. Ma loved her family photos.

  The smell of bacon floated on the air, and I wondered who was cooking. I turned the corner to find Ma working over the stove, her soft silver hair just as I’d remembered. My gut tightened and my heart ached. I gripped the wall for support.

  How I longed to see her again. But she’d been gone more than eight years. I must be dreaming. She turned then and smiled when she saw me.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?” she asked in her deep southern drawl. I stared at her in amazement. Dream or not, I was overjoyed to see her.

  I walked over and wrapped my arms around her, burying my face in her plump shoulder. She smelled exactly like I remembered. Rosewater and whatever herbs she’d been cooking with.

  “Seth! What’s wrong, son? Are you all right?” she asked, holding me tightly.

  “I’m fine now, Mama. It’s so good to see you.” Tears stung my eyes. She held me at arm’s length and studied my face, worry in her gentle gaze.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? Why don’t you sit down and eat some breakfast before your brothers show up and there’s none left?” She pointed at the chair. I sat down, wondering how long the dream would last. Ma turned and went back to preparing the food.

  Cole came around the corner and snuck up behind Ma. He grabbed her full waist, and she jumped and squeaked. Cole cracked up, and I smiled when she started trying to swat him with her dish towel. “Mind yourself, Cole or there’ll be no breakfast for you.”

  We knew she’d never followed through.

  Liam and Pa walked in next, and Pa patted me on the shoulder before giving Ma a kiss on the cheek. I stared as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He noticed me looking at him. “Want a cup?”

  I could only nod. Seeing Ma was special, but we lost Pa under the worst of circumstances. And here we were, all together again. It felt so good. All I wanted was to hug them to me and tell them all the things I’d not said before they were gone.

  Pa carried two steaming cups of coffee to the table and put one down in front of me. I couldn’t stop looking at him. He asked, “What’s bothering you, Seth?”

  “I was just thinking about how much I love you and Ma. That’s all. You’ve always been so good to me. I just wanted you to know that,” I said, glancing down at my coffee when Ma came over to stand behind Pa. Their love and concern was evident in their expressions. It made me feel very young again.
  “I’m worried about you, Seth. You’re acting strange this morning,” Ma said.

  “Could it have anything to do with that little lady of yours?” Pa asked.

  I blinked at him. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t play dumb, Seth,” Liam said, slapping me on the back. “I always assumed it would have been me first, but you just had to jump the gun. It’s okay, I know how competitive you can be.”

  I was confused. “What are you talking about?”

  Ma walked over and handed me a plate of food. “Here, take this to Olivia. She might be able to keep some food down this time.”

  “Olivia? Where is she?” I asked, still completely lost in my own dream.

  “She’s on the front porch. Said she needed some fresh air,” Cole said.

  I almost dropped the plate. “The suns up. She can’t be on the porch.” I rushed for the front door. I pulled it open, and the early-morning sunlight flooded across my face. It was so bright, I shielded my eyes for a moment.

  When my eyes adjusted, I looked around the porch and found Olivia sitting on the swing, rocking back and forth slowly as she stared out over the field, where several cows grazed lazily.

  She turned to look at me and gave me the biggest smile. It made my heart skip a beat to see her here. I carried a plate of food to her, and she moved over to make room for me. Taking the plate from my hands, she grinned her gratitude and started eating right away.

  “Olivia. I didn’t think you could eat regular food,” I said, still feeling like I’d missed something.

  “I can now. Actually, I have to now,” she said, devouring the plate faster than Cole could have.

  “And what about the sunlight? I thought it hurt you or made you sick.”

  She finished everything on the plate and handed it back to me. “I don’t know if it’s temporary or what, but I’m enjoying every second of sunlight for as long as I can,” she said, smiling contentedly. She looked so happy, but it was strange seeing her like a normal person, eating regular food and soaking up the sun.


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