New Contract (Perimeter Defense Book #3)

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New Contract (Perimeter Defense Book #3) Page 12

by Michael Atamanov

  But I had to reign him in there:

  "That won't work yet, my friend. I still see two unsolved problems at hand. First, crews. Even here in Unatari, we are already about forty-percent below capacity. And though the fleet in Fia doesn't have such a problem, we need to find another twenty thousand crew members somewhere for the new mothership and frigates or corvettes. Problem number two: landing soldiers and terrestrial divisions in general. Unatari's land army, together with law enforcement officials, totals around sixty thousand people right now. That is enough to protect the population from criminality, but clearly not enough to capture a densely populated planet of, let's say, six billion inhabitants. That is why we'll have to figure out a way sooner or later to solve the manpower problem. Does anyone have an idea?"

  I turned to Gor ton Vulf, and the colonel said, somewhat sheepishly:

  "It's a difficult question, my Prince... For the planet of Unatari, with a population of just sixty-three million, the potential in drafting soldiers isn't so great, especially if we're talking about finding qualified personnel for a star fleet. On Unatari, there simply aren't enough experienced technicians, engineers and navigators for all of your Highness's ships. There is also a problem with army divisions. And even if you raise the number of people in the army by ten times, the problem won't be solved immediately. A man doesn't become a landing soldier, assault soldier or tank driver without many years of long training. Sending untrained cannon fodder into battle simply makes no sense, and we aren't in an appropriate situation to spend quite that prodigiously right now, especially with our modest mobilization reserves. As far as I understand, the new government will not contain any other inhabitable planets..."

  The gazes of those gathered were trained on the touchscreen, where I had brought up a map of the systems that made up Perimeter Sector Eight and the Swarm. I took the laser pointer and circled the new systems:

  "Colonel, we have four star systems here, which are inhabited by Iseyek. The population there is high. Hundreds of millions if not billions of insects. And that is my assignment for you: figure out if it is realistic to mobilize reserves from them. Also, in the insect capital system, Dekeye, there is a Tria landing ship that the Swarm once gave me for carrying out missions to defend their territory. Perhaps, we could come to an agreement about using the Tria again. That is why my first-order mission is to fly to Dekeye, meet with Nai Igir, the Swarm Queen, and explain the political situation. If the praying mantises remain our allies, then great. I'll find out what it will take to get their landing ships again. If the Iseyek decide to be neutral, not so great, but also bearable. The main thing is to make sure the insects don’t think it a good time to take back lost territory. On the one hand, it's not very likely. But on the other... who can understand their inhuman collective reasoning? When they left our fleet out to dry in Kej, no one was expecting that either!"

  I stopped sharply, as one of my bodyguards walked into the room. He gave a deep bow and said:

  "My Prince, the space shuttle from the frigate Ghost-5 has entered the Unatari atmosphere and is requesting permission to land here on the island of Chameleons. They do not know the current password."

  "Allow them to land. Ladies and gentlemen," I stood and turned to those gathered. "Let's go meet our old friends and companions."

  * * *

  The red-hot armor of the shuttle was crackling as it cooled down. The heat radiating from the chassis made it impossible for us to get any closer to the closed door. But from the other side of the partition, a metallic scratching could be heard. Colonel Gor ton Vulf immediately took a step backwards and said, pointing to the row of indents around the perimeter of the tightly battened-down doors:

  "They're opening it from the inside. They've already turned the lever. And now a stream of cold carbon dioxide will rush from the nozzles and quench the door. I recommend that you all step a bit back so you won’t get scalded by the hot air."

  Then, a sharp hiss rang out, and the door went aside. In the dark space, there was something huge and spindly, and it shot out in my direction. The guards grabbed for their weapons in concert, but I stopped them with a wave, having recognized my bodyguard in time.

  "Phobos!!! Who painted you like that?! Although... Don't tell me. I recognize the artist's style."

  The huge Alpha Iseyek's shell was covered in black and gray blotches, which formed the backdrop for three-eyed skulls and other elements characteristic of Princess Astra royl Veyerde's painting.

  "My Prince, this Astra is to draw, when to be in bad mood," confirmed the Alpha Iseyek as he stepped out in front, making way for the other shuttle passengers.

  I saw flowing snow-white hair, and a tight-fitting dress emphasizing the contours of an ideal female figure. It was Bionica, looking just as flawless as ever. My android secretary was smiling in silence, nodding to me barely perceptibly. She walked around behind me and took her normal position, as if we hadn't just spent seven months apart. I noticed Ayna, who'd had to step forward, as a flash of dissatisfaction crossed her face. Hmm, I'll have to figure out how to split up their duties to avoid conflict.

  And meanwhile, in the narrow opening of the space shuttle, four Gamma Iseyek were dragging out a bulky armchair with a Truth Seeker shrouded in a black robe. I stepped out in front and took Florianna's hands before her minions dropped the paralyzed girl.

  "Ruslan, I'm so happy! I was the only one who knew what was going on, after all. Only I could say why Crown Prince Georg royl Inoky hadn't gotten in touch with us for so long after he'd left 'for a couple of weeks.' But I couldn't tell the others the reason for the delay. By the way, look at the fingers on my right hand."

  I turned my head and looked. The paralyzed girl's pointer finger was trembling slightly and even raising up a bit, though it was hardly noticeable.

  "I asked Valian for all the details on how Duke Avalle's Truth Seeker healed her. It's a very complicated technique, based on growing new tissue right from the old necrotic base. I suspect that this is precisely how Miya and other strong Truth Seekers maintain their eternal youth, growing themselves new body organs to replace those that become unusable. For now, I'm only learning, but that is precisely my path to healing. The work requires a simply insane amount of energy, though. By the way... You have a very strong background energy right now. An outstanding victory must have happened not so long ago. May I take some before it all disappears?"

  "Of course, Flora," I said out loud. "You are my Truth Seeker, after all, and you must be powerful."

  I sat the paralyzed girl down in the armchair brought in by her minions and turned to the next passenger. It was a red-headed woman with short hair and a well-built figure. Due to the image change and abundance of makeup on her face, I didn't recognize her at first, but it was Valian ton Corsa in new form.

  "I'm glad to see your Highness again," the young girl in a Space Lieutenant's uniform was smiling timidly.

  I walked up, and grabbed the girl roughly by her chin because she had grown embarrassed and was trying to turn away. I looked at her new face, restored after the terrible burns. There was no trace remaining of the once terrible scars.

  "Well then?" The beauty grew timidly interested, lowering her eyes.

  Instead of an answer, I kissed the girl right on the lips. Valian smiled and said, barely audibly:

  "I heard the position of Crown Prince Georg's favorite is still open..."

  "We can talk about that later. First, I need to get my own body in order so I don't look like an amorphous sack next to my pretty favorite."

  "I could also support the Prince with massage and physical therapy," the beauty smiled with a crafty sparkle in her eyes, then made way for the other people coming out of the shuttle behind her.

  Next came a young man and woman, alike not only in their silver uniforms, but also faces and dark chestnut hair. Clearly brother and sister. I realized almost instantly that I was looking at the twins Paul and Paola, whose father, captain of Star Mutt, had entrusted me to care f
or them. Paul bowed down on one knee, giving an excessively respectful greeting to me, as senior aristocrat. His sister repeated the greeting gesture about a second later.

  "Crown Prince Georg royl Inoky ton Mesfelle, on an order from our father, my sister and I are at your disposal," said Paul, not raising an eye to me. "We fully entrust our fates into your Highness's hands."

  "Stand, Paul," I stretched out my arm and helped the young man get to his feet. "In the seven centuries that have passed since the beginning of Star Mutt's journey, Imperial aristocratic traditions have changed somewhat. A noble person is only obliged to kneel before the Emperor himself. For a Crown Prince, a respectful bow is enough. And women are not expected to bow at all."

  I extended a hand to Paola, but she preferred help from her brother. Florianna's voice rang out in my head:

  "My Prince, neither of them have any idea why their father sent them here and they are lost in guesses. The captain of Star Mutt did not tell his children about the agreement with your Highness, so they are not expecting to be given positions in the upper aristocracy. My advice to you is not to let them know about it yet either. On scout ships, only hard, honest work is valued and considered deserving of reward. They are children of the captain, so they were expected to behave better than most. My advice to you is to let them think they are a burden your Highness has been shackled to. Only then will they really hustle to earn your Highness's gratitude in honest service."

  I mentally thanked the Truth Seeker for the valuable advice, and said with a voice full of displeasure:

  "For some reason, there are those who suppose that a place in the retinue of an upper aristocrat is something simply given, with no responsibilities attached. I cannot say about other Crown Princes or Dukes, but in my case, that is not true. Every member of my team has some purpose, plays some role, and they do it well and without having to be reminded. Yes, I promised your father to accept you, but I want to dispel any fanciful notions you may have now. You'll have to work, and work hard. Even Princess Astra had to mop the floors on the star cruiser and dance for the soldiers to raise their spirits."

  The brother and sister exchanged glances, and Paola answered for the pair:

  "Prince Georg, we have been trained to work since childhood and will not back down from any task."

  "Georg, you nailed it." I heard laughter in the paralyzed girl's voice. "The problem is that the captain of Star Mutt tried for a long time to find any kind of work that Astra would be willing to do on the scout ship. But you know her character. I mean, she never actually refused, and even gave effort in a certain way... For example, the rodents raised for meat in cages she fed with just-planted sweet lettuce shoots, which meant the crew of the starship had to go without fresh greens and vitamins for several months. After that, there were a few other pratfalls, though not quite so severe. The last straw was the time Astra picked unripe fruit in the greenhouse because she thought the ripe ones didn’t look as nice. And the way Astra painted the hallways didn't make the team too elated either. In the end, the captain admitted that not all people are made for work. Some are just for beauty."

  I cracked up and, having sent the twins to be looked after by Ayna, hurried to embrace the next traveler out of the shuttle, redheaded Bionica, who was now doing a flawless job of imitating an android's behavior.

  "You have completely adapted to the world of humans," I embraced the Arite warmly, and it changed appearance, becoming the stern captain of Star Mutt for a few seconds, before taking on the appearance of a wrinkled old lady from the technical service wearing a bathing suit with a towel over her shoulders.

  "My Prince, I can say with well-deserved pride that I have adapted completely to human society. The whole time I was on Star Mutt, no one from the crew noticed any discrepancies in my behavior."

  Based on the clear confusion and even slight trepidation on Paul and Paola's faces, everything it had said was true. The twins had no suspicion that such an unusual interplanetary being had been hiding behind the modest android's appearance.

  "I have a ton of plans for your abilities, Arite. So you should rest. You'll have a lot to do in the near future."

  Redheaded Bionica smiled in satisfaction, pumped her thighs seductively, and walked on. I turned back toward the open shuttle door, preparing to meet my last arriving companion. But no one was there.

  "Prince Georg, my sister will not be coming. Astra decided to remain on Star Mutt together with the newborn child. Until the very last second defined by Imperial law, she was waiting in the ship's radio room for messages from your Highness recognizing her child. Astra was so convinced that Crown Prince Georg would declare the child his legal son and heir, that none of the crew members dared even express the slightest doubt before her. When the message didn't come in though, my sister went dead inside. She wouldn't say a word, pressing her son to her in silence and holding back tears as she went back to her cabin. Since then, little Georg is the only person my sister spends any time with or talks to."

  "Georg? She named the child Georg?"

  "Yes, that's exactly right. Astra thought your Highness would like it. Little Georg Mesfelle, unlike his cousin, Crown Prince Georg royl Roben ton Inoky, did not even become an aristocrat, though. I understand perfectly why your Highness did not react to the birth of a son, but for Astra, seeing all her dreams and plans come to naught was a harsh blow. My sister thought she was needed, and was counting on gratitude. She dreamed of luxurious gifts and that one day the Crown Prince might return her feelings, which was why the news left her deeply depressed. I saw my sister's thoughts. Astra felt used and discarded, together with the unwanted child. That was why, when the signal came in a month later, my sister refused to leave the scout ship. Now, there's no way to fix it. Only the Emperor could return the child the title now."

  I gave a sharp start, having seen the hypothetical possibility to fix yet another rude error Mr. G. I. had made. I would need to convince August to sign such an order somehow. Or just become Emperor myself...

  * * *

  The conspirators’ council continued during the flight to my palace, now in expanded format. I saw absolutely no reason to hide our secret plans from my reinstated retinue. Especially now that Florianna could check those near me and warn me of possible betrayal. For that reason, even Paul and Paola were allowed sit with us in the main room of the shuttle as it drifted over the ocean, and we discussed the structure and policies of my future government.

  Paola was only technically taking part, though, more looking out the window at the stormy, painted sky and the raging, yet bioluminescent sea. Her brother Paul, on the other hand, displayed a laudable commitment. As it turned out, when he’d lived on Star Mutt, it had been his job to provision the ship. He would procure things that couldn't be grown or produced directly on it, ordering an extensive list of products before every new many-year voyage. And now, Paul was asking a question, as it were, in his field of expertise. Given the fact that we were expecting a war and blockade, would the Unatari State not begin to suffer from a severe deficit of rare medicines, vitamins, foodstuff, complex electronic equipment and simply banal replacement parts for any number of mechanisms used in manufacturing?

  Neither Katerina ton Mesfelle, nor anyone else at the meeting knew the answer to the question. And in fact, even I had my doubts on whether Unatari's production capabilities would be able to get off the ground without it. If we found ourselves lacking a certain rare bearing or electronic adapter, we wouldn’t be able to have them delivered, after all. My cousin promised to find the people who would know on Unatari in one day, and create a list of all strategically necessary medicines, materials and replacement parts. I then appointed Paul ton Akad in charge of the speedy procurement of everything found to be necessary to the Unatari State for one year, both living needs and manufacturing. Of course, there was a certain risk in placing a person I barely knew in such a position of responsibility, but the Truth Seeker confirmed that I made the right decision. Paul ton Akad had
a high evaluation of the trust placed in him and was prepared to bend over backwards if it meant proving his usefulness and competence.

  The next sensible idea was voiced by Bionica. After she found out about our critical lack of educated starship crewmembers, she reminded me of the android experiment. And in fact, Warhawk-22 with its android crew had not only survived all the ordeals we'd gone through, but was also proving to be one of the best ships in the fleet numbers-wise. That was why it seemed the time had come to acknowledge the android crew experiment a success.

  "Bionica, you were right. Androids are can do most human tasks perfectly well. As such, your assignment for now is arranging for forty thousand androids to come to the Tialla system. They must be able to fill the vacancies we have available. I am prepared to pay year-long contracts for all of them."

  "Crown Prince Georg, may I visit with you one-on-one first?" the synthetic blonde asked unexpectedly and, after waiting for my affirmative nod, went into the next room over.

  Intrigued, I followed after my secretary. The door had barely closed behind us when the android girl suddenly turned to me, embraced me by the shoulders and locked lips with me:

  "My Prince, whether you believe it or not, androids are also capable of feeling longing," the beauty exclaimed, explaining her sudden emotional outburst. "I spent seven months separated from my beloved master, and that with my humanity setting at max! I was lucky not to have lost my mind from such a long separation! I'm not sure what offense I committed to make your Highness send me on such a prolonged exile, but I hope very much that I will not give you any more reason to be upset."

  I smiled and brushed a snow-white lock of her hair back into place.

  "Bionica, you didn't do anything wrong. This was necessary for your safety. With all these unflattering stories involving the divorce, refusing commandership of the Sector Eight Fleet and other scandals, there was a very high risk that my foes would in fact be able to get me to the Throne World for an official investigation. In that case, the first thing my opponents would do is to demand the interrogation of the people in my inner circle. And not just people... The evidence contained in your computerized brain is too valuable for me to be reckless with its safety. The only alternative to your temporary exile would have been erasing your memory..."


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