Legacy (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 1)

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Legacy (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 1) Page 11

by Laura Pavlov

  “You got a minute?” Jack poked his head in, and I fought the growing irritation.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Napa with Harrison?”

  “Well, no. I’m having some girl drama, so I stayed to smooth it over. It’s all cleared up now,” he said, dropping to sit in the seat across from me.

  “I don’t know what that means, nor do I care.”

  “Good to know, brother. Thanks for the support,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I’m busy, Jack. You said you took care of it.”

  “I did. I’ve got two cases of our best wine shipping out to two ladies that will remain nameless, and I’m taking them each to dinner next week. Once we talked it out, I offered the wine, they both said they’d like a repeat on the Jack mobile, if you know what I mean.” He wriggled his brows.

  “Jesus. Why do I need to know this?”

  “You don’t. I just wanted to know if you always have a clear, concise conversation before… you know, getting down to biz.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. “Sure. There’s no secret about what I’m looking for. I only date people who want the same thing.”

  “Well, I thought I was doing that too. But Harls and Molly told me they don’t spoon with one-night stands. Actually, scratch that. Harls has never had a one-night stand, but she said she doubted cuddling would be part of the deal. Molly said she’s never spooned a one-nighter. So, there you go. Live and learn, right? That bakery was a damn good investment, for more reasons than pastries.”

  How were we related? I wondered this all the time. The shit that came out of his mouth alone, left me mystified.

  “You asked Harley about who she’s slept with?” It was the only thing that came out of his statement that mattered.

  He barked out a laugh. “I figured that would get your attention. We were chatting. She helps me with my shit. But I should give you warning—Molly’s boyfriend, Oscar, brought some dude to the bakery today. He was practically drooling over our Harls, so if you’re interested, you better get cracking, brother. This guy is about to make his move. I know when someone’s getting ready, and the dude was ready.”

  “Please shut up,” I said, pushing to my feet. “I have a meeting. You need to go. Keep your goddamn dick in your pants when you’re at the office.”

  “Ooh, someone’s irritated now.” He saluted me and laughed.

  I flipped him the bird before we both exited my office and I made my way to the conference room.

  The thought of someone making a move on Harley bothered me. It pissed me off. We were friends. I was protective of her, and I didn’t want some piece of shit putting the moves on her.

  The rest of the day was just as aggravating as the first half. When I exited the building, the lights to the bakery were off, and I met Jerome outside. He told me Harley refused a ride home, but he followed her to make sure she made it safely.

  Stubborn girl.

  I closed my eyes, and my phone vibrated.

  Blaire ~ Hey, are you in the mood for some company? I’m home and feeling lonely.

  Same game. Different night. I didn’t answer. I wasn’t sure if I was in the mood for company yet. It had been a while, but for some reason it hadn’t been important lately. I’d shared a couple dinners with Harley, and she’d been a distraction. But it wasn’t like I could fuck her. She’d made it clear. We’d both agreed that was off the table. So why the fuck did I feel guilty about being with anyone else? Hell, it sounded like she was going to have some guy hitting her up to go out.

  My phone vibrated again, and I expected to see Blaire’s name. But the text was from Edward.

  Edward ~ We’ve got an issue. Call me.

  I dialed the phone and he picked up immediately. “The guy I have tailing Harley said she just left her apartment carrying a baseball bat when she got in her car.”

  “What? It’s ten o’clock at night? Where in the hell is she going with a baseball bat?”

  “The hell if I know. He texted you and sent his location so you can track him. He’s right behind her. Looks like she’s heading to Oakland.”

  “Christ. Stay in touch.” I ended the call and told Jerome to get on the same freeway Harley was on. I wanted to be close just in case there was a problem.

  I couldn’t call her, she was already pissed at me, for god knows what. Keeping her piece of shit mother away from her. Yeah, that made me an asshole.

  I directed Jerome to get off the freeway when my phone rang.

  “Hello, Mr. Montgomery, this is Calvin. She’s out of the car. How would you like me to proceed?”

  “Goddamn it. Is she at a house?” I knew her grandfather lived in Oakland, but why would she bring a bat to his house?

  “Yes. It’s a small, private residence.”

  “Does she have the bat with her? Do you see anyone else there?” I asked.

  “Yes, she got out of the car with the bat in hand. She’s hiding on the side of the house behind a bush. I do see a car half a block up that just pulled over. Not sure if it’s related.”

  “I’m almost there. Keep your eyes on her, and only step in if someone gets near her.”

  I had Jerome turn off the lights when we pulled down the street that I assumed Harley’s grandfather lived on. I stepped out of the car and heard shouting up ahead. I took off running. The driveway I sprinted across was full of potholes, and it was difficult to navigate in the dark. There were no fucking lights on this creepy-ass street, but I continued to run toward the house.

  “Get the fuck off me,” a loud male voice shouted, and I ran faster.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I used the flashlight on my phone to make out what was happening. Harley had one arm around a woman’s neck that I was fairly certain was her mother. The woman looked like a strung-out junkie. Harley held a bat in her free hand, while Calvin had a man pinned to the side of the house. Harley’s eyes locked with mine, and for the first time today, she didn’t look pissed. She appeared… frightened? Embarrassed? I couldn’t place it.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  “I found these two sneaking up on Harley, so I interceded,” Calvin said.

  “I had it handled.” Harley glared at Calvin before tightening her grip on the woman’s neck.

  “Man, do you have a search warrant? You can’t just hold me against my will,” the dumb fucker Calvin had pinned to the wall said.

  I moved forward and pressed my forearm against his throat. “We don’t need a search warrant, you piece of shit. Stay the fuck away from her. Do you hear me?”

  “This is my girl’s family home,” he said with a laugh, and the light shone on his mouth made it clear he was missing several teeth.

  “This is my grandfather’s home, and she’s not welcome. You came here to hurt him, and you called me to let me know because you knew I’d come. You can try all you want, but you’re not going to touch him.” Harley loosened her grip and pushed her mother to the ground, raising her bat and facing both of them.

  The man laughed again. “You gonna stop me, little girl?”

  Harley moved in his face. “Yeah, I am. I didn’t have a bat last time you kicked the shit out of me, did I? When you two robbed me and left me in that alley bleeding and alone. You won’t ever catch me off guard again, Damon.”

  I reached back and plunged my fist into his face, hearing bones shatter. I couldn’t stop myself. Calvin let him go and he dropped to the ground as blood splattered around.

  “You fucker. You broke my nose,” he shouted.

  I lifted him by the back of the collar and dragged him to his feet, shoving him toward Harley’s mother. “I’m going to have eyes on you, and eyes on her. If you come near her again, I swear it’ll be the last time. Get the fuck out of here. You’ve been warned.”

  “Fuck you for breakin
g my nose,” Damon shouted as they both walked away quickly.

  Harley stared at me for a long moment before speaking. “I need to stay here to make sure they don’t come back.”

  “Calvin, you stay here for now, and I’ll have Edward send someone out to relieve you.”

  “You got it, boss.”

  Harley looked the man up and down and clasped her hands together. “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem.”

  I took her hand and led her over to where Jerome stood beside my car. “You can head home. I’m going to ride with Harley.”

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, for now.”

  We walked back to her car and I dialed Edward and asked him to send someone out to Harley’s grandfather’s house to relieve Calvin. I climbed into her tin can of a car and laughed as I buckled up.

  “Something funny?” she asked as she started the engine.

  “Just not sure this seat belt would do anything if we got in an accident. Could you not find a smaller car?”

  “It’s a classic. I love it.” She drove in silence and parked out on the street in front of the dry cleaners.

  I followed her inside and dropped to sit on her couch.

  “Thank you for showing up tonight,” she said, dropping to sit beside me.

  “It’s painful for you to thank me instead of being mad at me, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” She laughed. “I do think I could have handled myself, but truthfully, you showing up and having Calvin stay there gives me peace of mind. I don’t even want to know how you knew where I was, do I?”

  “Calvin has been watching out for you. Your mother is dangerous, Harley. Obviously, you’ve been pulled into her shit before, so this isn’t new for you. But taking a baseball bat to meet with a drug dealer or pimp, whatever the hell that asshole is—it’s not safe. You need to tell me when shit’s going on, okay?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Listen, Montgomery, I appreciate you, I do. But I’ve been surviving for a long time without you. I’m very capable of taking care of myself.”

  I moved closer to her and tucked the loose piece of hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ear. “I don’t doubt that you can take care of yourself. I’m just here to tell you that you don’t need to.”

  She sighed, her gaze locking with mine. “So, you’re going to have someone watch out for Gramps? For how long? I mean, we can’t keep this up forever.”

  “For as long as we need to. It’s not a big deal. Edward runs security for me and the family. He has a great team. Let me figure some things out, okay?”

  “Why are you doing this? I mean, what do you gain from helping me?” she asked, her gaze searching mine.

  “We’re friends, right? I have the resources to help you, so why wouldn’t I?”

  “I don’t like owing people, that’s all,” she said, folding her hands in her lap.

  Her nearness had my heart racing. My heart didn’t race for women. Usually I knew what was going to happen. It had always been a sure thing, so to speak, when it came to the opposite sex. Harley was different.

  “You don’t owe me. This isn’t something I plan on collecting from you. Would it be so bad to just let me do something nice for you?”

  She licked her lips, and I fought the urge to reach down and claim her sweet mouth.

  I wanted to.

  “It’s slightly tragic, but I guess I’ll get over it for Gramps’ sake.”

  I laughed, which caused a large grin to spread across her face. And I couldn’t take it anymore. I leaned down and covered her mouth with mine. I wanted to claim her. Taste her. Make her mine.

  Her lips parted and my tongue dipped in.

  So fucking sweet.

  A little moan escaped her, and I pulled her onto my lap, so she was straddling me. She pressed into me, making it impossible to miss just how much I wanted her. Needed her.

  Needed her in a way I’d never needed anyone.


  She ground up against me, tangling her hands in my hair and angling her head so that I could take the kiss deeper.

  “Fuck, I want you so bad, Harley,” I said against her sweet mouth before her hands moved to my chest and she pushed me back.

  “Oh my god. No. What the hell are we doing? What is this?” she asked, moving off my lap to sit on the other end of the couch, which wasn’t saying much seeing as her couch was made for little people.

  I turned to face her, not sure what to say. “What do you mean? I’m attracted to you. You’re attracted to me. We’re friends. What’s the problem?”

  “I don’t do that with friends.” Her face hardened as her gaze locked with mine.

  “You don’t ever act on physical attraction?”

  “No. I don’t.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  I scooted closer to her and reached for her hand. I needed to touch her. Longed to kiss her again. Taste. Explore. “Harley, you’re overthinking it.”

  She pulled her hand away and pushed to her feet. “No, Montgomery. You’re underthinking it. It’s not my thing. And I’ve worked hard to never cross that line, and I’m not doing it now. Not even for you.”

  I pushed to stand and moved in her space. “Cross what line? What are you talking about?”

  “My mother trades her body for money and drugs, and god knows what. She tried to pull me into her world more times than I can count. I don’t view sex as a form of payment, nor will I ever use my body as a trade for something.”

  I shook my head and moaned. “Good Christ, that’s not what this is. I want you. Not because you owe me, or I expect anything in return. Because we’re attracted to one another. That’s different.”

  “Not for me. No. I don’t mix the two.”

  “So, you just never have sex then?” I said with a smirk. Half teasing, half curious.

  “Not often. I waited twenty-one years to have sex for the first time because I was so terrified of trusting anyone. It’s the one thing I had control of in my life. And trust me, my mother brought creepy, dirty, scary men around me for years. They’d hit on me and try to offer me things—” She paused and swiped at the single tear trailing down her face. “And I trusted Todd after we’d dated for months. And even he turned out to be a huge disappointment. So, I’m certainly not jumping into something with someone who doesn’t even believe in dating. I don’t share. It’s not my thing. I’m not looking for a casual romp in the hay. Hell, I’m not looking for anything if I’m being honest, but I can’t just have sex with you. I can’t. I won’t.”

  I put my hands on her shoulders. Jesus. I was ashamed for suggesting it now. “I get that. I wish I could tell you that I could give you more than a night of pleasure, but I can’t. I respect the hell out of you, if that counts for anything.”

  “Yeah. Thanks. So, you better get going then.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Calvin is heading home after your grandfather’s replacement arrives, so I’m staying here. I’ll just stay on your ridiculously small couch again. Or you could come to my place, where there are actual bedrooms and we could each have a bed. It seems cruel to put me on the world’s shortest couch with an incredibly painful case of blue balls.”

  Her head fell back in laughter. “That’s rich, Montgomery. I am not sleeping at your place, but nice try. You know you don’t need to stay here. I can take care of myself. I highly doubt Damon is going to do anything tonight with a broken nose.”

  “Not happening. It’s Friday, so at least we don’t have to go to work tomorrow. I’ll be fine.”

  “Goodnight,” she said, leaning forward and hugging me quickly before pulling away and heading to the bathroom.


  I knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep.

  My adrenaline was pumping from our night.

p; My painful erection strained against my pants.

  And I couldn’t get my mind off of the girl sleeping five feet away from me.

  Chapter Ten


  The next morning was very entertaining. Seeing Ford Montgomery’s legs hanging off my couch, and how peaceful he looked when he actually slept. Thoughts of the night before clung to me. That kiss. I’d never had a kiss quite like that. With so much want and desire fueling it. The way he’d claimed me. He’d kissed me like he was possessed with need.

  And I liked it.

  That’s the worst part—I liked it a lot.

  But my heart would never survive a man like Ford Montgomery. He’d make me feel special for one night and then move on to the next woman tomorrow. I had no desire to feel dirty. Or used. Two things I stayed clear of. So, we’d have to be friends, and I’d just try to block out that kiss. It had awakened something in me, and now I found it difficult to look at him without staring at his mouth.

  “Tell me why I’m going with you to your apartment?”

  “Hmmm… I don’t know. Because someone tried to attack you last night and you can’t leave your apartment without a baseball bat.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter, Montgomery. You must have better things to do today than look after me.”

  “I’m not a babysitter. I’m a fabulous best friend though, aren’t I?”

  I laughed. He was ridiculous. “You’re all right.”

  I pulled into the garage beneath his building, and he guided me to a parking spot right near an elevator. We moved out of the car and he slipped a key in the elevator before we stepped on. He hit the button that read PH, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Of course, you’re in the penthouse. It’s so you.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Hey, you’re also on the top floor of your building.”

  I laughed. “I’m sure they’re exactly the same.”

  When I stepped off the elevator, my jaw hit the ground. Floor-to-ceiling windows replaced the walls, with views overlooking the entire city. The shiny white floors glimmered in the sunlight as I followed him inside.

  “Make yourself at home. There’s coffee, juice, food in the fridge. Let me grab a quick shower and change my clothes.”


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