Say You'll Be Mine

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Say You'll Be Mine Page 5

by Megs Pritchard

  Miguel sent the message and waited for a reply. After five minutes, he sighed and put his cell down. It seemed as though Jacques wasn’t ready yet.

  Another pint later and Jacques finally replied.


  Miguel grinned. He was going to see his mate.

  Chapter Seven

  Jacques sat on the sofa, biting his nail as he waited for Miguel to arrive. He’d told him to come for lunch, but he didn’t think he would be able to eat anything. His stomach churned, and his heart pounded in his chest.

  Why had he agreed to Miguel coming over to visit?

  He knew why. He wanted to see him, to hear his voice. He simply wanted to be around the man.

  He stared at the paperwork in front of him, seeing his name and those of his relatives. His family tree, but they weren’t his family anymore. No, they’d sold him like a piece of furniture and left him to suffer.

  Sacha had told him that the council had charged his parents, and their home and possessions were confiscated while the investigation continued. Jacques smiled. His father wouldn’t like that. He was all for the money and the fancy items. Flashy cars, expensive furniture, and priceless paintings. The finer things in life, and a gay son wasn’t one of those.

  Now, they were under council arrest, in a cell somewhere. If found guilty, everything would pass to Jacques. Not that he wanted any of it. If he never saw his family home again, he’d be happy. They could sell it and donate the money to charity.

  He sighed and picked up the paper, glancing over the names. He could see the decrease in numbers through the generations. Where two vampires had married who weren’t mates, there was originally two to three births but as the years passed that number decreased to one. There were now instances of no births recorded.

  His parents had been mates, and they had three births. A number that stood out among the others. Yet, people didn’t see it and Jacques couldn’t understand why.

  Did they think having blood slaves would enable them to have more births? He shook his head at the stupid question. He had no idea why, but he was positive there was a link. Why else do something that was expressly forbidden by the council? Yet, they were also involved, so what did that say about the vampire council?

  How much was hidden from them? How many supposed crimes were still being committed? Had vampires really changed their views on humans when they had revealed themselves? Or had they simply hidden that part of their nature, kept it in the dark, away from human eyes?

  It hurt Jacques’ head thinking about it all. The ramifications if what he was thinking were true scared him. The humans would imprison them. What about mates? What about the human mates if that scenario actually came to pass?

  He thought back to his time at Graham’s mansion. He remembered hearing several council men and women’s voices. He’d heard their names too. Knew how important a few of them were to the vampire community. They liaised with humans on law and order while secretly feeding from human slaves.

  Why the drop in numbers, in mates? Jacques knew they’d spread out when they came forward to humans, knew they’d moved to foreign countries to start new lives. Surely mates would have been found in these new locations. Nature had a way of doing things unless nature was flipping vampires off for the way they treated humans.

  Checking the map, Jacques could see where the vampire populations were located. Major cities only held a few, mainly on the outskirts. It was in the smaller towns that vampires tended to congregate. Jacques thought they’d mixed more with humans, but the paperwork in front of him said otherwise. He needed to speak to someone.


  Sacha walked into the living room and grimaced at the paperwork in front of Jacques. “Yes?” he said, apprehension in his voice.

  “This here shows that the majority of vampires tend to avoid major cities. Is there a reason why? It’s never bothered me living in one.”

  Frowning, Sacha sat next to him and read the information in front of him. “That does seem strange. Father’s business is in the city and we have vampires working for us. No one has ever said anything about it.”

  “The vampires working with you are younger, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, but I don’t see what difference that would make. I can understand us wanting to be around our own kind. Even now, we still have attacks against us. But this here shows that we don’t mix well.”

  “If we don’t mix with humans, how do we find our mates?” As soon as he asked the questions, he remembered something his father had said. “That bastard that sold me said something about us mixing and being open, so the humans would be less afraid of us.”

  “Yes, the council ordered it, but that was decades ago. We came out to the humans, but it still took years before we left our homes and moved abroad.”

  “But we moved abroad and stayed together, forming our own communities.” Jacques pointed to the papers in Sacha’s hand. “Where did your father get this from?”

  Sacha smirked. “A friend who works with the council. We shouldn’t have a lot of this information.”

  “I don’t know why the council would hide this. They must see our numbers dropping. Why haven’t they done something about it?”

  “And they know about the slave rings.” Sacha rubbed his jaw with his hand, staring at the papers. “You know mated couples live longer?”

  Jacques nodded. “Are the council members all mated?”

  Instead of answering, Sacha asked, “What if they only want certain families to find their mates? Get rid of the crap and keep the rest?”

  Jacques furrowed his brow, shaking his head at the same time. “It couldn’t be that?”

  “Mated couples are stronger, faster, our senses become more acute and we live longer. Much longer than humans.” Sacha stared at him.

  “But there aren’t many of us.”

  “That we know of. How do we know if this here, --” Sacha waved a hand over the papers on the table, “--is everything? What if there are more of us than we know?”

  Jacques laughed nervously. “Like some vampire army or some shit?”

  “Sounds stupid, doesn’t it? About as stupid as vampires existing.”

  “I... “ Jacques swallowed hard. “Shit. It couldn’t be that, could it?” Jacques frowned, thinking over the repercussions of what they were suggesting.

  “I don’t know, Jacques. I really don’t.”

  “So, we have a supposed decrease in matings and births, we know about the blood slaves, and now the involvement of the council that may or may not be covering up something far more dangerous.”

  “You know Graham said vampires should be the true rulers,” Sacha reminded him. “What if that’s the plan?”

  “How would that work? There are billions of humans!”

  “Mated couples who believe in the cause, trained to fight.” Sacha countered.

  “It’s... it’s so... stupid.” Jacques shook his head, unable to comprehend the scale of it. “Unbelievable.”

  “I’m going to talk to Father and tell him what we’ve discovered.”

  “He needs to be careful,” Jacques warned. He knew what the council was capable off.

  “He knows.” Sacha walked from the room but stopped at the doorway. “Jacques, thanks for helping. I know this is hard for you.”

  Jacques gave him a small smile. “You’ve done so much for me. You and Jared. I should be thanking you.”

  “No need to thank us. We’re glad to help and I think I can hear Jared.”

  Jacques sucked in a breath. “Miguel.”

  “If you’re not ready, he’ll wait.”

  “No, I want to see him. I just wonder if it’s too soon.”

  Sacha walked back over and sat down next to him. “Go with what feels right, Jacques. Never question the feelings you have for your mate. He will wait for you as long as you need him to.”

  Nodding, Jacques breathed deeply. “I want to see him.”

  “And you’re cooking lunch for us.�

  Jacques chuckled. “Jared will be happy.”

  “He certainly will. I’ll go and meet them and send Miguel in.”

  He stood when he heard Miguel’s voice, the deep timbre rubbing across his skin and causing him to shiver. Just hearing his mate’s voice had his body reacting, and it scared him. He didn’t know if he wanted what his body was demanding. His mind and body were heading in different directions.

  The past was the past though, and he had to try to move on or he could be stuck in this situation for months to come and that was something he didn’t want to happen. He deserved a life, more so after what he endured. He’d survived their malicious torture and was slowly recovering.

  He wanted a mate, wanted Miguel. He was terrified. Truly terrified, but still somehow aroused at the thought of being near Miguel, smelling his scent. God, what a weird combination of emotions.

  He could hear Miguel’s voice coming closer, and he panted, closing his eyes, trying to calm his racing heart.

  “I can do this. He’s my mate, he won’t hurt me. He’s done everything I’ve asked.”

  His pep talk to himself helped and soon Jacques felt much calmer. He’d agreed to this. He could do this. He was in control.

  Miguel stepped in to the room and stopped, almost frozen in place and Jacques knew why. His body vibrated with the need to touch his mate and he was certain it showed. Miguel breathed in harshly and Jacques watched his chest move, his fingers itching to reach out and caress him.

  “Jacques,” Miguel whispered.

  Chapter Eight

  Watching the way his mate moved captivated Jacques. The way his body flowed, his muscles moved in a way that kept Jacques eyes glued to Miguel.

  He stood when Miguel walked towards him, and Jacques’ breath caught. His mate was simply gorgeous. His dark skin and eyes, his dyed blond hair that Jacques itched to run his fingers through all drew him like a moth to a flame.

  Miguel stopped in front of him, his head tilted to one side as his eyes looked at him. He saw them move over his body, the pupils widen and when Miguel raised them back to Jacques’ face, he shuddered at the intensity he could see in them.

  Miguel’s features tightened, and Jacques inhaled, smelling his mate’s arousal. He could hear Miguel’s heartbeat, could almost feel the blood pumping through his body, and Jacques reacted, his fangs dropping. He fought his desire to bite and feed, but it seemed that Miguel knew. He was feeling it too.

  Miguel closed the distance between them and slowly raised his hand and stroked his fingers across his cheek and jaw. Jacques’ eyes widened at the gentle touch. He became so used to slaps, punches, and kicks that this touch was almost alien to him.

  “Jacques,” Miguel whispered. His eyes searched Jacques’ face as he licked his dry lips, watching Miguel’s eyes follow the movement.

  He heard the sudden indrawn breath and Miguel’s eyes widened further, the pupils dilating so much that the color almost disappeared. A flush covered his cheeks and Jacques raised his hand and touched the fingers stroking his face.

  Miguel stepped closer, so close they were almost touching and slowly leaned forward. He stopped mere millimeters between their lips, his eyes asking, and whatever look Jacques had on his face answered.

  Miguel slid his lips across Jacques.’ Once, twice and then a third time before moving back. Jacques followed and then it was his lips touching Miguel’s, his lips sliding across Miguel’s. Miguel groaned and suddenly, Jacques was pulled in, Miguel’s arms wrapping around him, their bodies touching.

  He whimpered at the feeling of Miguel’s hard body touching his, at the sensation of Miguel’s tongue licking his lips, and he parted them, letting Miguel’s tongue slide in.

  He moaned when their tongues touched and heard Miguel do the same. Miguel’s arms tightened around him and Jacques tilted his head, letting the kiss deepen.

  When the kiss ended, Jacques opened his eyes, and whispered, “Again.”

  Miguel nodded and kissed him again, his tongue touching everywhere in Jacques’ mouth. Jacques moaned again, overwhelmed by the scent and touch of his mate. He’d heard having sex with your mate was out of this world and he could easily believe it now. A simple kiss was enough to rock his world.

  Miguel’s hands slid up his back and pulled him even closer, so there was no gap between them anywhere. One of his hands stroked the skin on his neck, causing Jacques to shiver at the soft touch.

  “Jacques,” Miguel murmured, breaking the kiss and moving his lips across Jacques’ jaw. He kissed down his neck and Jacques let his head fall back, exposing his neck to Miguel’s lips and tongue.

  He shivered again, sensitive to his mate’s touch, his hands squeezing Miguel’s biceps. He could feel Miguel’s erection drag across his hip and he felt a second of panic, and then Miguel spoke.

  “Missed you,” he whispered against Jacques’ skin.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Shh. Don’t apologize. Take all the time you need.”

  “Miguel,” Jacques gasped, when Miguel sucked on his neck.

  His dick pulsed in his jeans and Jacques panted, feeling his balls pull up. God, he was so close, and all Miguel had done was kiss him.

  Miguel must have somehow sensed what was happening, because he said, “Let go. I’ll be here to catch you.”

  Jacques whimpered when Miguel continued to lick his neck and suck on the skin. He slid his hands up Miguel’s arms, one gripping the back of Miguel’s neck and the other sliding through his hair. He held Miguel to his neck and arched into him.

  His body hummed and his balls tightened. Electricity flowed through them and up his dick and suddenly, Jacques was coming. He gasped and cried out, his grip tightening on Miguel. Miguel continued to lick and suck on his neck, holding him as his body jerked.

  He held onto Miguel, his vision blurring. He hadn’t come in weeks and this one was explosive, rocking him to his core. He panted, his eyes squeezed shut, ropes of come pulsing from his dick. His body vibrated, ecstasy rushing through his body, and his mate held him throughout.

  When his orgasm ebbed, Jacques groaned and buried his face in Miguel’s neck. God, he’d lost it like some kid. He hadn’t done that in years and he’d done it in front of his mate.

  “That was so hot.”

  Jacques pulled back and stared in shock, his eyes widening at the words Miguel muttered.


  “You when you came. Fuck, the look on your face.” Miguel ran his nose along Jacques’ neck. “The way you smell. I can smell you now and I want to taste you so fucking much. I want to suck your dick then clean you up and get you dirty again. Feel you shoot your load on my tongue, swallow your come.”

  Jacques made a high-pitched sound and Miguel chuckled. Clearing his throat, Jacques whispered, “I think I want that too.”

  “I can wait until you’re ready, baby. There’s no rush. We do this at your pace.”

  “I don’t know... “

  Miguel framed his face and kissed his lips. “When you’re ready, Jacques. Nothing more until you say so.” Miguel kissed him again, longer this time. “Go and get changed. Nothing like dried, itchy come in your pants. I’ll be here when you come back down. You promised to feed me, remember?”

  Jacques chuckled and stepped back. He winced and pulled his jeans. “I’ll be a few minutes.”

  Kissing him again, Miguel said, “Take as long as you need.”

  Nodding, Jacques left the room and rushed to his bedroom. Stripping, he grimaced at the feeling of the come in his pants. A quick shower and he would go down to spend some time with his mate. Difference was now he didn’t feel so nervous. He wanted to be with him.

  Smiling, Jacques walked to the bathroom, eager to get back to his mate.


  Miguel watched Jacques leave the room and closed his eyes. Clenching his fists, he breathed in deeply, certain he could still smell Jacques. God, the look on his face when he’d come. Miguel growled remembering it. He’d
wanted to strip his mate naked and ravish his body. He wanted to lick and suck his dick, make him come in his mouth so he could taste it.

  He paced the room, his hard dick trapped in his jeans. He struggled to hold back, the need to follow his mate up the stairs and take what he wanted riding him hard. He wanted to have that connection he’d seen the other mated couples have. He wanted to be able to come home to his mate and tell him about the missions he’d been on and find out how his mate had spent his time.

  He wanted to be there for Jacques, through the good times and the bad, but most of all he wanted to be there to help his mate move on past the darkness in his past. Move on from the abuse and trauma he’d suffered and still struggled with.

  Miguel sighed and slumped on the sofa, hearing the muted voices of Sacha and Jared as they too, reconnected. At least Jared could stay in touch. Anytime he needed to hear his mate’s voice he simply reached out and Sacha was there, offering comfort and support.

  Miguel could hear movement upstairs and listened to the sounds Jacques made. Hopefully, one day he would be there with his mate, sharing a house, a bed. Sharing their lives together, the ups and downs.

  He wanted them to mate so that even if there was a distance between them when Miguel was working, he could always remain in contact with Jacques. He envied the other mated couples, and the fact that they could use telepathy to remain in constant contact. He knew they could send emotions through their bond and he wanted that as well for him and Jacques.

  He closed his eyes and listened to Jacques move around in his bedroom and grinned at the reason why. He wanted to hold Jacques on his arms with nothing between them, no barrier at all. He wanted to see his skin blush, feel him shiver and shudder in his arms as sensation overwhelmed him.

  He simply wanted his mate.

  Sighing, Miguel opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. He would do whatever he needed to, wait however long he had to until his mate was finally ready, and then they would bond. He knew he may have to wait weeks or months. Jacques had suffered during those six months as a blood slave and the last thing Miguel wanted to do was make him remember those awful times because he was too eager.


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