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Say You'll Be Mine

Page 7

by Megs Pritchard

  I lived with Sacha for ten years before we mated and every vampire that I’ve come into contact with has never acted like they thought they were better than us humans. Alessio is seriously pissed off about it all. He knows people on the council, some of them are his friends that he’s known for years. He hasn’t taken it well that his friends could be involved in something like this. Sacha’s been spending a lot of time with him, the pair of them putting their heads together to try and figure this shit out.

  I’ve seen the amount of paperwork and diaries and histories that they’ve got to go through and that doesn’t include all the stuff that’s on the net or locked away in people’s computers and laptops. It blows my mind. I wish I could do more to help them.”

  “What’s Silas been able to discover? Surely as sheriff he should be able to open more doors and be able to get access to more information?”

  Jared grunted. “He still can’t get hold of a list of all the names of the blood slaves.”

  “Still? After all this time? We’re talking almost three months and we’ve still not got those names?”

  “Guess what was one of the first things Hunter had to do? He’ll have those names in his hands soon enough and then we will go, pardon the pun, hunting.”

  “It’s hard to believe all of this has gone on for so long right under our noses. How the fuck have they managed to get away with it? Human slaves being bargained and sold for blood?”

  “You look at the runaways first, the ones that people wouldn’t notice have disappeared. Those living on the streets, prostitutes, rent boys. The ones nobody would miss.”

  “Guess our mission parameters have changed.”

  “They sure have.”

  They both looked up when they heard sounds above them, and Jared asked, “Where are you taking him?”

  “Just around the house, if that’s okay. I know he’s made huge steps in going outside, but I don’t want to push him. You’ve got some land around here. We’ll just go for a walk and then if he feels like it’s too much, or gets overwhelmed, we can head back.”

  Nodding, Jared said, “Sounds like a plan. And you’re right, he has been making huge steps in going outside. Remember the first time he tried and the panic attack he had. Scared the shit out of me seeing him go through it. And it took a few days until he worked up the courage to try again, but since then, he’s been doing really well. I think having a sense of purpose helps as well. He’s desperate to save the others, to stop them going through what he did, and to do that he is going to have to leave the house at some point.” Jared looked at Miguel intently. “And then there’s you. Having a mate who he knows will wait for him and be there for him. That’s helped.”

  “I know what he’s been through. I was there when we rescued him. I’m not going to push for more than what he’s willing to give. I know how important mates are. I’ve been around you lot for too long. I know exactly what you’ll do to me if I do anything to hurt him and I value my balls.”

  They both looked at the doorway when Jacques appeared, giving them both a shy smile. Miguel walked over to him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, smiling when he stepped back. He looked into Jacques’ eyes, seeing the slight slivers of red, and his smile became a grin.

  “Wanna go outside for a walk?”

  Jacques nodded and giving Jared a small wave, followed Miguel out of the kitchen and through the back door. “Where are we going?” He asked quietly.

  Miguel grinned back at him, taking Jacques’ hand in his. Giving it a gentle squeeze, he said, “Just round here. Nowhere too far.”

  “Thank you,” Jacques murmured.

  “So, tell me how your search is going, if you don’t mind talking about it?”

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind talking about it. Just between us, it’s a bit overwhelming. I mean, Sacha was saying that at first, they were simply looking at the drop in births of vampires. You know, decreased infertility. He thought that it might be linked to the lack of mates. It seems to be true too. Everywhere, vampires finding their mates has almost stopped, and no one seems to know why. It’s not like the council came out and said anything to anyone. It seems to have been swept under the carpet.”

  “Does seem strange that the council hasn’t come to anyone for help over this. You’d think that they wouldn’t want vampires to become extinct, but then again, if they have something going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about...”

  “Then the council wouldn’t have to say anything at all, would they?”

  “Scary,” Miguel muttered. Yes, vampires were less in numbers, but they were stronger, faster, and could do more damage. He’d seen some of the stuff that Donnie and Chester had done when it came to rescuing people, and it had staggered him to witness the strength they had. He, for one, was glad they were on the right side of the law.

  “Can you imagine if the council had an army? Seriously, they wouldn’t need many of us. Cut off all communication, so humans couldn’t communicate by any means, and then the human forces would find it difficult to liaise a counterstrike.”

  Miguel almost stumbled with the implications of Jacques’ statement. “That’s some scary shit, Jacques.”

  Jacques shrugged. “I’m just thinking of possible scenarios. I’m still holding out hope that not all the members of the council are aware of what’s going on.”

  “But you do know of some.”

  “Yeah, I do,” Jacques whispered.

  Noticing the change in Jacques’ behavior, Miguel changed the subject. “I wanted to tell you that one of my sisters is coming over to visit me. She’s going to stay for a week. She’s just split up from her boyfriend and wanted some time away from our parents. They can be a little interfering.”

  Jacques grinned, glancing at Miguel. “A little interfering?”

  Miguel returned the grin, saying, “Okay, a lot interfering. You’ll like her. She’s funny, sassy and in-your-face, but she is also the best sister I have out of the three of them. Don’t tell anyone, but she’s my favorite sister.”

  Jacques’ grin widened. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

  As they walked away from the house, they entered a small wooded area, and as they passed a tree, Miguel stopped walking and maneuvered Jacques against it. He looked up into Jacques’ eyes, muttering, “Is this okay?”

  Jacques nodded, his lips parting, red slivers appearing in his green eyes. He licked his lips and Miguel followed the movement, his own breathing increasing.

  He stepped closer, gently pushing his thigh between Jacques’ legs and leaned against him, rubbing his hard dick across Jacques. Jacques gasped, his eyes widening, his pupils dilating, and Miguel couldn’t help but stare as the green disappeared beneath the red that flooded Jacques’ eyes.

  He leaned even closer and brushed his lips across Jacques, letting his tongue slip out and lick them. He kept his eyes on Jacques, watching intently and making sure that he was into this as much as Miguel was.

  He heard a quiet moan, and he tilted his head, pressing his lips to Jacques. Jacques opened his, and their tongues touched, tangling together in an erotic dance. Miguel moaned deeply, his hands gripping Jacques’ hips, pulling him closer and rubbing their erections together.

  Miguel groaned again, desperate to feel Jacques’ dick in his hands, to feel the heat and hardness. He wanted to lick the spongy head into his mouth, suck up the juices that flowed free from the slit and swallow his come.

  He abruptly broke the kiss and dropped to his knees, staring up at Jacques as his hands moved around the front of his jeans. He saw Jacques bite his lip, and he waited for Jacques to give him permission to continue. A blush developed on his cheeks, and he slowly nodded, the red almost glowing in his eyes.

  Miguel sighed in relief and pushed the button through the hole and pulled the zipper down. He moved his hand slowly around the side of Jacques’ jeans and gently pushed them and his boxer briefs down over his hips.

  Jacques’ dick sprang free, bobbing in front of
Miguel, and he moaned at the sight and smell of it. His mouth watered to taste Jacques and here it was, his hard, leaking cock right in front of his face.

  He gripped it by the base, angled it towards his mouth, and snaked his tongue out, licking across the wet, red, spongy head, moaning as the taste of Jacques’ precome burst across his tongue. He sucked the head into his mouth, his tongue moving around the edge of it, and then dipping into the slit. He bobbed his head up and down, taking that long, thick, hard shaft into his mouth and into the back of his throat.

  His hand moved in time with his mouth, sliding up and down Jacques’ shaft. His other hand moved between Jacques’ thighs and his fingers touched and caressed his balls. Miguel could already feel Jacques’ balls tighten in his hand and knew that he would be coming soon. He worked harder, keeping the suction tight on Jacques’ dick, and bobbed his head faster, moving up and down, taking more and more of Jacques’ dick into his mouth.

  He swallowed around the head and hummed, making Jacques thrust his hips forward. Jacques’ dick hardened even more, his balls pulling up, and he suddenly cried out as the first rope of come shot into Miguel’s mouth. He could feel Jacques’ balls pulse in his hand and he moved back so Jacques’ come spurted on his tongue and Miguel could taste him.

  He swallowed every squirt that Jacques gave him, moaning as the taste flooded his mouth. When the last come spurted from Jacques’ dick, Miguel pulled off and licked him clean.

  He looked up, smiling to himself at the look on Jacques’ face. His chest moved rapidly with every breath he took, his skin flushed with heat and his eyes were closed as he leaned his head back against the tree. He slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head to look down at Miguel, his mouth opening and closing several times before he finally closed it and gave a small, shy smile.

  Miguel stood, pulling Jacques’ pants back up and gently tucking his now soft dick inside. He leaned forward and kissed him deeply, sharing Jacques’ taste between them, and Jacques moaned quietly into the kiss.

  When he pulled back, Jacques whispered, “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know, but I wanted to. Was it too much?”

  Jacques swallowed, but shook his head. “It’s been so long...”

  “I’ve wanted to do it for a long time but was waiting for you. I didn’t want to do something you weren’t ready for. Do you want to go back?”

  Jacques nodded and fastened his jeans, and then slowly reached for Miguel’s hand.

  Miguel smiled and took his hand as together they walked back home.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jacques felt like he was floating on a cloud after spending time with Miguel. What Miguel had done to him was unexpected, but Jacques wanted to experience it again. Of course, he’d had sex before, but after what he’d endured as a blood slave, he’d sworn off it. That was before he’d met his mate.

  The last place he’d expected to find him was when he was being rescued after six months of hell and torment. He’d been a weak shell of the vampire he’d once been, but Miguel had been patient and done exactly what Jacques asked. He’d kept his distance and waited until Jacques was ready.

  He was ready now to take another step forward in their burgeoning relationship. He wanted to do to Miguel what he had done to him. He wanted to kiss, touch, and taste him.

  He didn’t want to let the actions of the past affect his present, or his future. He wanted to break free from the chains that bound him and he wanted to do that with his mate.

  Jacques decided today was the day. Sacha and Jared had gone away for the weekend and Miguel was coming over to spend some time with him. Miguel thought they were just going to have a meal together, but Jacques had other ideas. Today was the day to take his mate and finally cement their bond. He wasn’t going to be held prisoner by his past. He’d once loved sex, and he wasn’t going to let them take it away from him.

  He ran his fingers through his short blond hair, again surprised at the length. He was so used to having long hair, feeling if brush over his shoulders and down his back. Now there was none, and it was taking him a while to get used to it.

  Glancing at the clock, Jacques realized it wouldn’t be long before Miguel arrived, and he needed to be ready for him.

  Standing, he walked away from the window, towards the shower, stripping his clothes as he went. Once he reached the bathroom, he was naked, and he switched on the shower, briefly waiting for it to warm up. Inside, he cleaned everywhere because today was the day he was going to mate.

  Staring down at his hard dick, Jacques grinned. After everything he’d endured, it appeared his body and mind were on the same page, eager to mate. He was ready to step into the unknown, an unknown with his new future mate.

  Once he’d finished in the shower, Jacques stepped out and quickly dried. He threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and walked downstairs and into the kitchen, standing by the back door, waiting for Miguel to arrive. He didn’t have to wait long until his truck appeared, and Jacques’ breathing intensified, becoming fast and heavy as he watched Miguel step out of his truck.

  He opened the door and stepped onto the porch, feeling the slight breeze ruffle his hair, and he knew the moment Miguel noticed him because he paused and then began walking again.

  When Miguel reached him, they stared at each other and Miguel slowly raised a hand and traced his fingers under his eye.

  Neither said a word, simply staring at each other, and eventually Jacques reached forward, and taking Miguel’s hand in his, led him inside the house. He didn’t stop walking until they made it to his bedroom, and once they were both inside, Jacques closed the door quietly behind them.

  Miguel took a step into the room and looked around, his eyes wandering all over the place and Jacques waited. He could hear Miguel’s heart beating fast in his chest, could see his chest rise and fall with each breath he took.

  “I want you,” Jacques muttered, his eyes never leaving Miguel.

  Miguel slowly turned to face him and slowly nodded. “I can tell. Your eyes.”

  Jacques slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, then opened them. He took the few short steps that separated them and pulled Miguel towards him, slamming their lips together.

  There was no slow build up in his kiss. Jacques wanted Miguel, and he wanted him now. As he continued kissing Miguel, taking control, he pushed him over towards the bed and then with his hands on his chest, he pushed him down.

  He quickly stripped and stood naked in front of him watching Miguel’s eyes wander over his body, his pupils widening as his breathing quickened.

  “Strip, Miguel.”

  Miguel removed his clothes and lay naked on the bed, his body bare to Jacques’ eyes.

  “On your front,” Jacques ordered.

  He saw Miguel take a deep breath in and slowly roll over, and Jacques bit his lip as he stared at Miguel’s high, firm arse. He wanted to lick and bite and devour, but he wanted to fuck Miguel more.

  He grabbed the tube of lube he’d left on the bedside table and coated his fingers in it, then stepped between Miguel’s spread legs.

  “Tell me to stop and I will.”

  Miguel shook his head and Jacques heard the muffled, “No, I want this.”

  Jacques slipped two fingers between Miguel’s tight ass cheeks and rubbed them over his hole, feeling the muscle pulse beneath them. He slowly worked them in, feeling Miguel tighten around them, and he asked, “Is this okay?” Even though he was desperate to fuck his mate, Jacques wouldn’t hurt him.

  “It’s fine, I can take more. I’m ready.”

  Taking Miguel at his word, Jacques got his dick nice and wet and moved between Miguel’s thighs. Spreading his ass cheeks wide, Jacques paused, staring at the hole in front of him watching it push out. Gripping the base of his dick, Jacques rubbed the spongy head over it, teasing both him and Miguel, building the anticipation of what was to come.

  “Now,” Jacques said.

  He pushed and slowly entered Miguel, not
stopping until their balls kissed. At the same time, he slid his hands up Miguel’s back and gripped his shoulders. He leaned over Miguel, his head resting between his shoulder blades, and panted. Miguel was tight around his dick, all warm and wet, and it was almost too much for Jacques to take. He could feel Miguel shudder beneath him as he placed several kisses across his shoulder blades.

  “I’m okay.”

  Standing up, Jacques slowly pulled out, his head falling back, and he moaned loudly, his fingers digging into Miguel’s shoulders, the claws slipping free.

  He heard Miguel gasp, and he muttered, “Sorry.”

  Miguel shook his head and said, “No, I like it, don’t stop.”

  Jacques let his claws scrape across Miguel’s back as he moved his hands down to his slim waist and gripped his hips.

  “Hard and fast.”

  Soon as he finished talking, Jacques slammed back into Miguel and let his body take over. He repeatedly slammed into Miguel, the sound echoing around his bedroom as he grunted with every thrust, his fangs cutting into his own lip. The pain didn’t stop Jacques, if anything, it spurred him on.

  Miguel cried out repeatedly, muttering incoherently. Jacques knew Miguel was enjoying everything he was doing to him by the words that flowed from his lips.

  “Oh yeah... don’t stop... love what you’re doing... fuck, I’m gonna come.”

  Jacques squeezed his eyes shut, moving faster than he had before, pounding as hard as he could into Miguel’s ass.

  He heard Miguel cry out, his ass squeezing his dick so tight Jacques almost came, but he didn’t want to come just yet. He wanted to carry on fucking Miguel. Carry on taking what was his.

  He slowed down, and Miguel collapsed on the bed. Jacques leaned over him, kissing along his shoulder blades, his hand sliding up and down Miguel’s sides.

  When it appeared to Jacques that Miguel was okay, he slipped his dick free from his ass and pulled him up so they stood in front of each other. Miguel gave him an almost dreamy look, his face flushed, his lips swollen, his eyes hooded.

  “You didn’t come?” he asked.


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