Say You'll Be Mine

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Say You'll Be Mine Page 8

by Megs Pritchard

  Jacques shook his head. “I will now.”

  He pushed Miguel over to the wall until his back hit it and he moved his hands down to grip the back of Miguel’s thighs and slowly lift him off the floor. Miguel wrapped his legs around Jacques’ slim waist, his eyes widening in surprise.

  “Fuck, you’re strong.”

  “I’m a vampire.”

  Jacques slid his dick back into Miguel’s ass, and with his grip tight on Miguel’s thighs, he moved at a rapid pace, fucking Miguel hard and fast.

  Miguel’s head dropped back against the wall, his hands gripping Jacques’ biceps. Jacques knew it wouldn’t take long before he came and as he moved their bodies closer together, he trailed his nose up and down Miguel’s neck, breathing in his scent.

  He licked and kissed Miguel’s neck, feeling the blood pulse through the vein. It wouldn’t be long until his fangs sank into that flesh and he drank Miguel’s blood, sealing them together and making them mates.

  “Please,” Miguel begged, bending his head further back and exposing his neck even more.

  Jacques growled and bit deep, Miguel’s blood flooding his mouth, and he swallowed, groaning at the taste that was his mate. Miguel cried out, his body shuddering in Jacques’ arms and he felt him come, his ass tightening around him. He felt the warm, wet heat splash up over their chests and his hands tightened on Miguel’s thighs as he continued to pound his ass.

  His balls pulled up, the tingling intensified, and he pulled free from Miguel’s neck, crying out as he came, shooting deep into Miguel’s ass.

  His body trembled and his hands loosened their grip on Miguel, allowing him to drop to the floor. They leaned together for several long seconds before Jacques opened his eyes and noticing the blood leaking from the bite mark on Miguel’s neck and he growled again.

  Miguel stood still, watching as Jacques sealed the wound and then licked him clean, removing all traces of his blood. Miguel’s hands tunneled into his hair, his fingers sifting through the strands, and Jacques slowly raised his eyes to Miguel, his mate, standing in front of him.

  He’d done it, something he wasn’t sure he’d be able to do a few months ago, but now they were joined and only death would separate them. He’d fought that battle and he’d won.

  “You know, you being stronger than me is such a huge fucking turn on.”

  Jacques grinned. “Really?”

  Returning his grin, Miguel said, “Oh yeah. Knowing you can pick me up and throw me around and do what you want to me. Huge fucking turn on.”

  “What if I want to tie you up?”

  “Well, we do know a certain sheriff.” Miguel waggled his eyebrows at Jacques.

  “So, any time I want to take control and fuck you hard and deep, I can? Make you feel me for days after. You’d have no problem with that?”

  Miguel pulled Jacques closer, holding him tight. Kissing him hard and fast, he mumbled against Jacques lips, “As long as I can do it to you. When you’re ready?”

  “What if that’s never? Will you be happy being the bottom?”

  “As long as I’m with you. I’ll take it any way I can have you.” Jacques closed his eyes as Miguel’s fingers traced over his cheek, his lips brushing across his. “You have to know how I feel about you now we’ve mated?”

  Jacques nodded. He knew the second the bond had snapped into place how deep Miguel’s feelings ran. “Me too,” he whispered.

  “Whatever life throws at us, mate, we’ll face together.”

  Jacques opened his eyes, smiling at Miguel. For the first time in months, he felt like he could face the future, as long as his mate was by his side.


  Chapter Twelve

  Miguel moaned harshly as Jacques rimmed him. He had absolutely no problem letting Jacques take control of his body, especially when Jacques was doing things like this to him.

  After they’d had sex, they’d had a quick shower and jumped straight back into bed and Jacques had taken over again, but not before Miguel had made certain he was okay. The last thing he wanted was his mate to push himself into doing something he wasn’t ready for.

  Miguel lay on his back, his legs in the air with his hands holding them up. Jacques had spread his ass cheeks and his tongue was doing wickedly wonderful things to Miguel’s ass. He was licking up and down his hole, occasionally sucking on it, causing Miguel to cry out in pleasure. He loved rimming pretty much like the next man and Jacques was a master at it. His tongue was driving Miguel insane, roaming all over his hole, up and down his crack, occasionally sucking one of his balls into his mouth and then moving on to the other.

  Jacques had already sucked him off, moaning as he’d swallowed his come, and Miguel was heading for a second orgasm. Jacques began thrusting his tongue in and out of Miguel’s hole, fucking him with it. Miguel’s legs shook in his hands, his stomach clenched tight, and he groaned loudly, pleasure shooting through his hole.

  He knew Jacques was going to fuck him after he’d finished rimming him. He kept telling him what he was going to do to him through their bond. There was no pain when they talked this way, which surprised Miguel because he’d heard that the other mated couples had suffered with headaches.

  Jacques kept using his tongue on Miguel’s ass, sliding in and out of his hole. Miguel cried out when Jacques pushed two fingers in, twisted them, and rubbed his hot spot.

  He arched off the bed, and it was only Jacques’ hand moving and holding him down that stopped him from pulling away.

  It was almost too much, the intensity of feelings Jacques was creating inside him, and as much as Miguel wanted to pull away, he wanted to stay and feel more. Jacques owned him heart, body, and soul.

  He could feel his balls draw up, the pleasure intensifying in them and creeping along his dick, which hardened even more, the head becoming a deep purple, as precome streamed from the slit.

  Jacques fingers and tongue tormented him, teasing every ounce of pleasure they could from his body and Miguel squeezed his eyes shut, sweat pouring from his skin.

  “Gonna... gonna...”

  The pleasure was so intense that Miguel struggled to speak, and he simply lay back and let his orgasm explode through him. He felt like he was screaming when the first rope of come shot from his dick and he barely had a second to become aware of the fact that Jacques had pulled his finger and tongue from his ass and replaced it with his dick, pushing in deep.

  Jacques grabbed Miguel’s hands, entwining their fingers together, and lay over him, his hips moving quickly, his dick pumping in and out of Miguel’s tight ass. The angle of Jacques’ thrusts had his dick rubbing over his sensitive gland and Miguel made a high-pitched keening sound every time they touched.

  He twisted his head to the side when he saw the red glow in Jacques’ eyes and he heard him hiss seconds before Jacques’ fangs pierced his skin. Another orgasm wracked his body and Miguel arched up, feeling Jacques’ body stutter above him as he came. His hips slammed into Miguel’s and ground against them before he pulled out and slammed back in.

  Jacques collapsed on him, both panting heavily, sweat coating them. Miguel squeezed Jacques’ hands, feeling him return the motion. Jacques gently pulled free and lay next to Miguel on the bed. Miguel stared up at the ceiling, the sweat cooling on his skin, and he ran his thumb over the back on Jacques’ hand, enjoying the simple touch.

  “You sure have some stamina, Jacques.”

  “Too much?” Jacques sat up and ran a hand up and down Miguel’s chest. “I’m sorry. I keep forgetting you’re not a vampire.”

  “Please,” Miguel muttered, rolling his eyes. “I’m not complaining and me being human has nothing to do with it. I love you taking control and throwing me around. I’ve always wanted to be with someone who could do that to me. Sure, I like topping, but I love being dominated too.”

  Jacques smiled, his eyes dancing. Leaning closer, he whispered in Miguel’s ear, “What if I wanted to make you crawl?”

  Miguel’s eyes ju
mped to Jacques, seeing the red begin to glow in them. “You like that,” Miguel whispered in awe.

  “Yeah. It was something I wanted to look into more, but... yeah, never happened.”

  Miguel reached up and cupped Jacques’ cheek. “I’ve never thought about it much. I don’t mind trying. I can speak to Chester.”

  Tilting his head, Jacques asked, “Why Chester?”

  “He likes it. Likes Silas being in control. He’s been into it for years and could tell me more about it.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “What? You dominating me?” Furrowing his brow, Miguel thought about it. He’d had a passing interest some years previous but hadn’t done anything about it. “Would I always want you to dominate me?” Miguel mused.

  “Not all the time. I don’t want our sex life to be just that.”

  “What if I wanted to be in charge? How do you feel about it?”

  Jacques reared back and hastily got off the bed. Miguel smiled sadly, watching Jacques pace the room, his hands tucked into his armpits.

  “I... I want to... “ Jacques quickly glanced over to him, then away just as fast.

  “Whenever you’re ready. I’m happy with what we have now.”

  Jacques sat in the edge of the bed, his arms falling between his spread legs. “I know I’m not giving you everything.”

  Sitting up, Miguel asked, “How do you know? You can feel me through our bond, so tell me what I’m feeling?”

  Jacques looked over at him. “Love. Affection.” He suddenly grinned. “Satisfaction.”

  “So, you now know everything’s good, yeah?”


  “Sometimes, when I’m put in the field, I do things I don’t want to but have no choice in. I shot a man recently. He was holding his kids hostage and we couldn’t do anything to get him to release them. I’m a sniper, great with guns. I took him out. I knew I had to do it, and I felt glad that I’d saved the kids, but I still took someone’s life.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jacques whispered, moving closer to lean his head on Miguel’s shoulder.

  “It had to be done. Everything else had failed, and he was a danger to his own kids. When I returned, I hit the gym hard. I needed to get rid of the shitty feelings I had. Who knows, maybe you punishing me will help.”

  Miguel watched Jacques lift his head from his shoulders, his eyes glowing. “Really?”

  “Really? You like that, don’t you?”

  “Not what you’ve gone through, no, but the idea of dominating you, making you do what I want...”

  “Crawling on the floor, obeying your commands,” Miguel finished for him. Staring down at his rock-hard dick, Miguel muttered, “Well, look at that.”

  He lifted his eyes back to Jacques, seeing his chest move rapidly. His eyes glowed bright in the semi-dark room and his fangs were on show.

  “I..” Jacques swallowed.

  “How do you want me?” Miguel asked quietly.

  “I’m…” Jacques sighed. “I don’t know if I want you to do this because of what I went through.”

  “Did you want this before? You said you were interested?”

  “I was, but what if, you know, what happened has done something?”

  “Why don’t we try, and you’ll know. Be honest with yourself though.” Miguel crawled off the bed and got on his hands and knees, staring up at Jacques, who hadn’t moved. “Sir?”

  Miguel watched and waited. He could see the confusion on Jacques’ face. He could feel the mix of emotions rushing through his mate. His desire to do this, and his fear that it was for all the wrong reasons. But most of all, he could feel his desire, the arousal coming through strong.

  Eventually, Jacques moved, coming to stand next to him. Miguel dropped his head, but a touch to his shoulder had him raising it again.

  “Never lower your head. I might be in charge, but we are equal.”

  Miguel smiled and nodded, then waited for Jacques.



  Jacques walked over to the wall and stood facing Miguel. “Crawl to me and suck my dick.”

  Miguel shuddered, the command rolling through him.

  He crawled toward his mate, their eyes locked together, and when he finally reached Jacques, he leaned forward and nuzzled his groin, rubbing his face along Jacques’ hard shaft. He moved down to the base and licked up until he reached the head and he sucked it in, moaning when Jacques taste burst over his tongue.

  “Oh fuck, Miguel.”

  Miguel shuddered again, loving the way Jacques said his name and the emotions that flooded through their bond to him. He bobbed his head, taking more of Jacques’ dick into his mouth until his nose was burrowed in his pubes. He swallowed around the head in his throat, moaning when he heard Jacques cry out.

  Yeah, he had no problem giving up control to Jacques. None at all.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The diaries lay open, the paper scattered over the kitchen table, the pages moving in the gentle breeze that flowed around the room. Jacques’ head pounded, the pain reverberating around his brain. He stared at the words in front of him, but they moved and blurred, fading in and out of his vision.

  Leaning back in the chair, Jacques sighed deeply. “I don’t think I can read any more tonight, Sacha.”

  Sacha gave an equally deep sigh. “Neither do I. There’s just so much information to take in.”

  “Do you wonder if we made a mistake in revealing our existence to the humans?”

  “Some days I do, and other days I think we made the right choice. I’ve asked myself how much longer we could have existed for, how much longer would we vampires have been able to remain hidden in this world? Look at the advances in technology in recent decades? We’ve sent men to the moon, and somehow us vampires would have been able to hide who and what we are? So, no, even during the bad days when we are being vilified in the press and blamed for every little thing that goes wrong in the world, I still think we made the right choice.”

  Jacques leaned forward, his arms resting on the table in front of him. “God, can you imagine if someone caught a vampire on a cell today and they didn’t know we existed? We would be hunted down like animals. We’ve been around as long as humans and I always wondered why we never came out back then? Why did we remain in the dark for so long?”

  Sacha copied the move and reached forward, pointing to one of the diaries that lay open on the table. “I read an entry in here. I think it was something to do with vampires being lumped together with witches and Satan. Pretty much everything that was evil in those days. Our eyes glow red, we have fangs and sometimes claws.” Sacha shrugged. “No wonder we hid away when human numbers increased. We were like the bogeyman come to life even though we’d all grown up together, knew each other’s families in the villages we lived in and yet we still became the thing they feared.”

  “Strange how it happened,” Jacques mused. “Like you said, centuries ago we grew up in villages together and our families knew each other. Witches, the bogeyman, the devil. Christianity and religious sects. You can understand why we moved away and hid ourselves.”

  “I wonder how many families were torn apart by it? How many were lost on both sides?”

  “I guess we’ll never know. So, we hid ourselves away for a few centuries and then when the Industrial Revolution occurred, someone had the foresight to see what could happen in the future, and we decided to reveal ourselves. Can you imagine what it was like back then? Suddenly vampires are real and not at all like the stories that had been told?”

  “And we moved abroad to new countries and formed new families. A chance at a new life in an undiscovered land and then our numbers began to decrease as matings and bonding virtually ended. Mates became almost mythical, a tale from our past.” Glancing at Jacques, Sacha asked, “How did we lose touch with who we are so quickly?”

  “That’s not the whole truth though, is it?” Jacques ran his fingers along the grains in the tabletop. “Apar
t from when we first came back out, things have been okay really. Sure, vampires are one of the first people to be blamed because we’re stronger and faster, but other than that, we seem to have integrated well.”

  “Almost too well you could say, considering our drop in numbers. Your parents are true mates, aren’t they?”

  Jacques frowned, but nodded. “Yeah, they are. I have a younger brother and sister and we are the only ones I know who have parents who are mates. All my vampire friends are single children, with no brothers or sisters.”

  “What I don’t understand is why our council hasn’t stepped in to do something about it? I know Father is extremely frustrated by the way they are blocking his attempts to gather more information that would help us. He’s never had an issue with the council before.”

  “I think it’s all linked.” Seeing the look on Sacha’s face, Jacques added, “No, listen to me. Just think about it. We reveal ourselves, and our numbers start to decrease as there are fewer matings that we know of. And I think that’s the key here, Sacha. That we know of. I was a blood slave, something the council had outlawed and were actively discouraging, yet I know there are many families out there that still have them. Why hasn’t the council stepped in and done something about it? Why have they let it continue? If they have allowed that practice to continue, what else have they let slip under the radar and not told us about? I wonder if there are more true matings out there with vampires they want to have mated.”

  “You’re talking about this vampire army thing, aren’t you? I just can’t see it happening.” Sacha shook his head vehemently. “There is no way the council could be building an army of vampires to take on the humans. There are over seven billion humans on this planet and we number in the millions. We are vastly outnumbered.”

  “But we wouldn’t need to have the numbers they do. We rely... “ Jacques sat back in his chair, his mouth dropping open. “Shit, I’d forgotten that.”

  “What?” Sacha asked.

  “I remember something Graham said. He was talking about technology.”


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