Say You'll Be Mine

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Say You'll Be Mine Page 10

by Megs Pritchard

  Just as Hunter was about to leave, they all heard a loud cracking sound from above them. Grit and rubble rained down on them and all three hugged the walls, waiting for the roof to settle. The sound continued and the beam across the top, stabilizing the roof, slid down the wall above Hunter. He reached up and held it in place, the muscles straining in his arms.

  “Shit’s heavy. Need to brace it.” Hunter grunted.

  Donnie moved over, standing next to Hunter and taking the weight. “Go. I’ll hold it. You’re a faster runner than me.”

  They carefully transferred the weight between them and Hunter glanced between them and then moved. He literally disappeared from sight, moving as fast as his vampire genetics allowed him to.

  “Right, M. I’ll hold this, but you need to find something to brace it with. Can you manage that?”

  Miguel nodded and stood, taking a deep breath in. These kids needed him more now than ever. “I can do it. I thought I saw some logs not far from here.”

  “Go and grab them. I’m strong, but I don’t know how long I can hold this for.”

  “How long before Hunter reaches the surface?”

  “At the speed he runs? He’ll be there in a minute or two.”

  “He’s that fast?”

  “Yeah.” Donnie grunted, the strain evident on his face.

  “I’ll get them now.”

  Miguel carefully made his way back to where he’d seen the logs and dragged several back to Donnie. They managed to wedge the logs under the beam, holding it in place. Miguel watched Donnie work and marveled at how strong he was. Thank fuck he’d been there because Miguel knew he wouldn’t have been able to do the amount of work Donnie had.

  “Right. Let’s find a way to get some water to those kids.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Eyes closed, Jacques lay on the grass, enjoying the warmth from the sun. He kept the link between him and Miguel open in case Miguel needed him. When he’d felt the rising panic in Miguel, he’d instantly reached out, giving Miguel the strength he needed. He knew all about the bond, the telepathy, the connection. His parents were mates and he’d grown up around it, so he knew what he could do to help his mate.

  What he hadn’t known until living with Sacha and Jared was how little the general public knew about mates. He’d simply assumed everyone knew about them because everyone he knew, his friends and family, all knew about them. It was only now he realized that mates had become a myth to some vampires.

  Why would the vampire council allow that to happen?

  That was one of hundreds of questions he had. How much did the council know? How involved were they? The work he’d been doing with Sacha had created more questions than answers. He just didn’t like where those questions were taking him.

  The idea was preposterous! The thought that this council was selecting vampires they felt were good enough and ignoring the rest. That they were purposely hiding information and allowing sections of the vampire race to die out. The vampires who didn’t measure up to the council’s idea of what a vampire should be.

  Could it really all be because they felt that they should rule? That they should be in charge of humans? Could they really be raising a vampire army?

  Jacques chuckled humorlessly. A vampire fucking army. He really needed to get out more. He sighed, remembering the information he’d read over the last several weeks. It pointed to that, scary as it was. An army of vampires. He’d even seen reports of the purchase of a solar company and shares in the local electricity grid.

  Ways to generate their own energy. Why would they need it?

  Jacques sat up and rested his arms over his knees. So, if they were planning at some point in the future to attempt to take over the humans, the first step would be to cut off power. If they control the power, it would make them virtually invincible.

  Marshal law would need to be established after several days when the authorities realized the power wasn’t coming back on. There would be riots, murder, burglaries, break-ins. Total anarchy.

  In the middle of it all, those chosen families would be able to sit back and watch it all fall apart around them. Watch as the humans killed each other, destroyed everything that had been built up over the years. Jacques had done his research. He knew how long the experts had predicted it would take for civilization to fall apart and it was scary quick.

  Their reliance on power and technology would ultimately be the downfall of those the council wanted to get rid of.

  At first people would think the event was a local one, that only they were affected, and it wouldn’t be until days had passed before they truly realized that the power wasn’t coming back on. At that point, civilization as we know it would cease to exist.

  Without electricity to provide food, water, energy, communications, transportation, and anything else that makes modern civilization possible, it would create the worst catastrophe ever imagined.

  A lot of people would die after the lights went off.

  Houses would burn, and there would be no water to put them out. Electric pumps moved the water, and the gas. So much today used electricity to work. All that would be gone. The food industry used electricity for growing, harvesting, transporting and refrigerating. All would collapse.

  And after three days, food would spoil. Then the riots and killing would start.

  A world in turmoil with food and fresh water the number one priority.

  Jacques shook his head. Electricity. They were too reliant on electricity. Cut that off and within weeks, millions would be dead. Wait a little longer and that figure could reach billions.

  Vampires could then step in and take over.

  They needed more information and Jacques knew Hunter was attempting to find it. Hacking into the council systems was proving harder than they had first thought, but Hunter wasn’t easily put off.



  How are you now? You feel calmer.

  I’m out now and we have the four missing teenagers out too.

  How are they?

  Two injured and all four are dehydrated but they should be fine.

  That’s good. Their families must be relieved. Hope they get their asses kicked too for doing something so stupid.

  Kids today. I think I did some stupid things too when I was younger.

  Not me. I had to be the good one as I’m first born, not that it matters now.

  You have all of us now. I’m not going anywhere. How’s the research going?

  If I tell you what I think, you’ll give me your assessment?

  Of course. Even through their bond, Jacques could feel Miguel’s curiosity.

  So, some of the records show the council and high-ranking families buying solar farms and stockpiling food and weapons.


  That’s what I thought, then I thought about what would happen if we lost power. We wouldn’t survive and then there is the hint of an army.

  A vampire army?

  Yes. It looks like the council have purposefully kept things secret, except to those they want to know.

  Okay, that would work. Switch the lights off and the majority of us would die. We’re not equipped to live without power. There’d be murders, and rapes, and military groups that would take without asking.

  You get it.

  Oh yeah. I’m ex-military. I’ve seen what can happen to people who have lost everything. If they think you have something and they can take it, they will. I hate to say it, but it’s a good plan. Your enemies would die without you losing one single life.

  I thought it was stupid. A ludicrous idea.

  And that’s why it could potentially work. Is there anything in all the paperwork that we could use?

  No, nothing concrete. Just me brainstorming from what information I’ve read.

  Keep digging, but don’t dismiss this idea, Jacques. You could be on to something.

  That’s what I’m afraid of.

  I’ll be home soon. Another hour or two.
  Okay. I’ll see you when you get home.

  He pulled back and stared up at the blue sky above him. Shit, he was really hoping Miguel was going to tell him it was a stupid idea and they could laugh it off as his overactive imagination. He needed more information. He needed to get back to it.

  Jacques stood, pushing the grass from his jeans and walked back to the house. His steps were slow, his thoughts wandering over the potential repercussions of what he and Sacha and Jeremy were discovering.

  He prayed they were wrong, that somehow, they’d mistaken or misinterpreted the evidence in front of them, but deep down, Jacques knew they hadn’t. They were on the right track, no matter how ludicrous that track seemed.

  When the house came into view, a small smile graced his lips. When he’d first come here after those horrendous months living as a blood slave he was sure he wouldn’t stay for long, but now he’d come to think that of it as his second home. His first one would be with his mate, Miguel, when he was ready. He knew that day was coming, he could feel the connection strengthening between them, his trust in Miguel deepening.

  He loved him, loved Miguel, his mate.

  Sometimes he wondered if he’d endured the torment, the abuse at the hands of his own species, so that he could have his day with his mate. Maybe he had to go through all of that so that his mate could find him. Of all the places he thought he would find his fabled mate, the last place had been as a blood slave in his vampire master’s house.

  That day when he’d smelled him, had seen him for the first time, was forever etched in his mind. The sudden terror of realizing who this man was to him, the implications of it, had scared him to the bones, but now these months later, he realized his fear had been a useless waste of emotion. Miguel was everything to him and would always be so.

  He walked up the two wooden steps on the porch and approached the kitchen door, opening it quietly. As soon as his foot entered the kitchen he paused at the threshold, sensing the heaviness in the air. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, that sense of feeling that made him pause, but something was different.

  When he always walked in the house, it was light and airy, he could feel the love between Sacha and Jared in the air, but now there was something different, something heavy and intense. Almost frightening.

  He walked slowly into the kitchen, each step as quiet as he could make it, and again stopped. Closing his eyes, Jacques dropped his head back and let the feelings of the house wash over him. His skin prickled with awareness, a long-forgotten sensation tickled his memory, and he realized what was different.

  Someone was here, uninvited.

  He knew who that person was, but he couldn’t quite figure it out. He should know, he knew he should know, but for some reason the name of that person kept slipping through his fingers like drops of water.

  He opened his eyes and looked at the door that led from the kitchen into the living room. Whatever it was, it was in that room. Whoever it was that was causing these feelings in Jacques was there, waiting.

  He took a deep breath in and slowly released it, stretching out his fingers where they ached from how tight he’d been gripping them. He knew whoever was in that room was important to him and he shook his head at the stupidity of not being able to realize who it was. He knew this person, Jacques was certain he knew who this person was. There was only one way to find out, and taking another deep breath in, Jacques pulled his shoulders back, lifted his head high, and walked confidently into the living room.

  As he walked through the doorway, he took several steps in and then stood still, surveying the room. It was in complete disarray, furniture overturned, paperwork scattered everywhere, and in the middle of the room knelt Sacha, clothes torn, bruised and bloody, hands tied behind his back. And there, behind him, pointing a gun to Sacha’s face was Etienne.

  Staring into his eyes, the same shade as his own, and in a voice belying the fear he felt, Jacques said, “Hello, Father.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Miguel leaned back in his seat, finally able to relax now they were flying home.

  Miguel. We have a situation.

  Miguel chuckled. And what’s that, Jacques?

  My father is here.

  Miguel stood up and walked over to Jared, who stood facing the door with his hands clenched. He stood to the side of him and got his attention by waving his hand in front of face.

  When Jared looked at him, Miguel pointed to his own head and mouthed ‘trouble’.

  Jared nodded and from the intense look on his face he was communicating rapidly with Sacha.

  Whispering, Miguel said, “I’ll let the others know.”

  Scanning the crowd, he quickly found Chester and jogged over to him, speaking to Jacques at the same time. Jared knows and I’m telling the others now. How long has he been there?

  I don’t know. I came in from my walking and he was already here. By the looks of this place and the state of Sacha, he’s been here a while.

  State of Sacha?

  Yes, it looks like my father has beaten him up. He’s covered in blood.

  Shit. No wonder Jared looks like he’s about to kill someone.

  How far away are you?

  We’re about two hours away, Jacques.

  Fuck! That isn’t what I want to hear.

  Do you think you can keep him busy? Chester will no doubt be telling Silas what’s happening. By the time we’ve landed, Silas should have the situation under control. He’s trained his people well.

  I’ll keep him busy. I know just what to do.

  Please, be careful.

  Always, Miguel. I love you.

  I love you too, Jacques. You have no idea how much.

  “Chester, we have a problem.”

  Chester stopped talking to Donnie and glanced over at Miguel, a frown developing. “We have a problem?”

  “What’s wrong?” Ale asked, stepping over to them.

  “Jacques’ father is holding Sacha and him hostage.”

  All four of them stared over at Jared who was pacing by the door of the plane.

  “You know how long he’s been there for?” Ali asked.

  Miguel shook his head, answering, “From what Jacques can tell, it looks like he’s been there a while. Sacha’s been beaten up.”

  “Chester, you deal with this while I see to Jared.”

  Chester nodded, watching Ale walk over to Jared, stopping him pacing and muttering in a low voice to him. “Sacha is everything to Jared.”

  “I know, Chester.”

  “I don’t think you fully understand what I’m trying to say here, Miguel. Jared has known Sacha for years. He will destroy everything to save him.” Pointing between him and Donnie, Chester added, “We might be mated, but that’s nothing to the bond that has developed between them two over the years.”

  “I know, Chester, I’ve seen them together when I’ve gone to visit Jacques. Look, we’re what, two hours out? We need to be prepared, don’t we? That’s my mate down there as well.”

  “I’m telling Silas as we speak. He’ll get his men ready to go over and assess the situation. He’ll keep us informed.”

  Silas and his men will be on the way soon. Try to keep your father calm. The last thing we need is for him to do something stupid.

  He’s already done something stupid by coming here. How did he escape the council prisons? No, don’t answer that, I think I already know. He’s on their list of vampires they want to keep.

  Is there any chance he escaped the council prisons without them being aware of it?

  No, those places are heavily guarded. They have to be because we’re stronger and faster than humans. No, he had help, or he was let out.

  Shit, that’s what I thought.

  Don’t worry, Miguel. I know what to say and how to act around him. I’ll be careful.

  “Jacques is going to keep his father busy. What now?”

  Chester gave a grim smile. “Now we wait. That’s the only thing we can do until w
e land.”


  As soon as the plane stopped moving, Jared had the door open and he jumped down onto the tarmac, landing like he jumped inches instead of feet. Donnie pushed passed him, saying, “Come on. You’re mated, you can do this too.”

  Donnie jumped and seconds later Miguel followed. The hard impact he was expecting wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be and he ran after Jared and Donnie, catching the startled looks on the faces of the airport crew.

  Eventually they entered the airport, people scrambling to get out of their way, and as soon as they exited, Miguel saw Silas wave to them from the sidewalk. Next to him stood three trucks, engines going, waiting for them. He jumped into the nearest one and sat next to Jared and Donnie, with Chester climbing in the front. The vehicle raced off and a quick glance over his shoulder showed the others getting into the vehicle behind and following at high speed.

  “My men are stationed around the house, out of sight. There’s been no movement that they can see. No one has entered or left since Chester contacted me.”

  “Have you been able to hear anything?” Jared asked, the words almost tripping over each other in his haste to say them.

  “No, I didn’t want to risk Sacha or Jacques.”

  “Sacha said everything’s calm for now, but he’s scared.”

  “Jacques is handling his father. He’s got the situation under control.”

  “Nothing will be under control until I have Sacha with me, safe and well. I know Jacques’ father has hurt him and if I get my hands on the bastard, I’ll tear him apart. No one touches my mate.” Jared spoke through gritted teeth, glaring at everyone in the truck.

  Miguel took no offense at the dark look he received, understanding completely how Jared felt. His mate was in danger too and he would do anything to keep him safe and if that meant killing his father, then so be it. He would gladly spill his blood to keep Jacques alive.

  They rode the rest of the way in silence until about five minutes out, when the silence was interrupted by the update Silas received.


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