The Doctor's Duties

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The Doctor's Duties Page 12

by Cariad Hal

  His jaw was set firmly. His cock was now fully exposed, large and demanding. Thea caught her breath at the sight of it, but also by the sight of this confident, charismatic man she had known these last weeks, standing half-naked, his genitals fully exposed to her. Her superior, her physician.

  He reached down and cupped his balls with one hand and shafted his cock with the other. She could see the perspiration of restrained arousal break out on his face but he did not flinch. Then he allowed his balls to drop and his cock jerked.

  Was he going to fuck her? At last?

  Then it dawned on her. “Are you going to fuck me… in my… bottom? Please don’t! It’s not…!”

  “It’s entirely natural, Thea,” he said calmly. “I know from your body that you have experienced vaginal intercourse. A beautiful woman like you, it would be strange if you had not. But you have not been fucked in your back passage before and it can be very liberating, which is what we are trying to do. Free you. So, lean down.”

  She could see him in the mirrors surrounding them. He reached over to a trolley and picked up a wide syringe with a large nozzle on it.

  “Please!” she begged. “Don’t…!”

  “This is only a lubricant to make penetration easier.” He held her cheeks apart and shoved the cold nozzle deep into her bottom, ramming the plunger so the gel filled her rectum and oozed out of her anus.

  She had longed to be fucked by Dr. Matteo Bruno but never did she think he would do it… or take her in her bottom. And his cock was hard and large. She did not know how to prepare for this, however much she wanted it. She turned her head to watch him in the mirror.

  Slowly he stepped toward her bottom. She saw his cock jerk involuntarily. His body was rigid, all his muscles defined. He lined himself up with her rosy hole and gripped her hips.

  “Try and take this, Thea.” His voice was thick with tension. “I’m going to penetrate you deeply.”

  His cock was so big, too big for her little hole, but deep down, part of her desperately wanted him to enter her.

  “Please… be gentle!” she cried.

  He increased the pressure on her hole and her skin began to strain, her anus began to stretch. She screamed in pain. She would have to endure it. But she wanted to as well. She wanted him to claim her ass. She felt him enter her bottom, thick and hard. He pushed on, holding her buttocks. The agony pierced her brain but now the stretching of her rim also began to feel deeply pleasurable as he plunged into her deep space. Jerking with each thrust of his swollen cock, she felt the slap of his balls against her skin when he had fully penetrated her. She felt impossibly full.

  He began to withdraw and the drag on her rim made her catch her breath. With a deep thrust he rammed back into her again and she cried out with the overwhelming sensations and emotion. Turning her head, she could see his cock withdraw and the astonishing image of her body fully impaled on his rod. That vision of his cock disappearing into her bottom, the feeling of being totally in his power and the rising physical response of her body, was pushing her to orgasm. She needed it, for relief from the physical and emotional tearing of her body. She could not hold back and she sacrificed herself to her body and all its vulnerability. The sensation of her own jerking orgasm shuddered her body and added to the overwhelming sensation of him in her bottom, pumping and plunging.

  Then she was lost in stillness as she felt the heaviness of his body against her, his spurting ejaculate filling her most private place. Slowly he withdrew and left an agonizing emptiness in her bottom.

  She was exhausted. In the mirrors she could see him hanging his head, breathing heavily. He straightened up and she could see the pain etched on his face. Emotional pain. He cared for what he had done. He helped her up onto the table and pulled a blanket over her nakedness.

  Running his fingers through his hair, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice. He sighed and sat down on the chair beside her, leaning down on his knees, his head in his hands. No words. Just silence as they both recovered and dealt with what had happened.

  Presently he got up and walked over to her. “Roll over onto your side,” he said with a heavy voice.

  “No more…” She could not take any more, however painfully wonderful it had been.

  “Don’t worry. I’m only going to check you are not hurt. Roll over.”

  She rolled onto her side and let him part her buttocks. She was wet.

  “Do you have any pain?” He wiped her gently.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Good. Let’s get out of here and go to my study. Wrap yourself in the blanket and you can fetch your clothes tomorrow.”

  He helped her get down from the table and supported her as they walked slowly to his study.

  “Please, sit down.”

  She sat down carefully, her bottom feeling sore. He watched her. Her head felt woozy.

  “Penetration, Thea, was really the end game of your program,” he said carefully. “I’m afraid we jumped a level. We had more to do. I thought you were ready for it but perhaps not. Do you regret what has just happened?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say? I agreed to it… it was painful. But I did… enjoy it. It’s not like I haven’t been fucked before. But never… never… in my bottom.” Her words were slurred in her tiredness.

  “I understand.” He paused. “Thea, I want you to understand that I do not take this lightly. I want you to know that I wanted to fuck you. But you are in my medical care. Anything I do to you should be medical. Eventually your treatment would have included penetration but we were not quite there yet. We were working within the confines of a medical examination and shamefully, I took advantage of that. With your bottom tipped up, your little pink hole… I could not hold back.”

  Had she heard right? Had he just said he wanted to fuck her?

  “We need to talk.”

  “Has my treatment ended, then?” She held her breath, not wanting to hear him say it had.

  He nodded. “That is correct. Or almost so.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “By forcing the treatment conclusion, one level was omitted. I think you should complete all aspects of the program so that I can formally finalize your records. Once that is concluded, I can legitimately sign off your treatment. It will be over. No more interventions. You can, of course, conclude now if you wish.”

  “And what happens after that?” He had just fucked her, but he was talking like her superior again.


  “Our arrangement? My future job? Where do I go? You’ve just fucked me, for god’s sake!”

  “Thea, that was part of the program.”

  “Apart from the fact that you wanted to fuck me. And it felt like more than ‘treatment’ to me.”

  “I appreciate it was unexpected for you. Ordinarily, in the normal process, you would have been informed that it was the next step at the appropriate time. With regard to a job, I have said I will help you secure a position. And…” he watched her carefully, “a new place to live.”

  Her heart sank even though she knew it would inevitably come to this. But the thought of not having him in her life in some way made her want to scream.

  “That’s it, then. I have no choices. The decisions are yours,” she said resignedly.

  “You still have the decision on the final treatment session.”

  There was no way she would pass on the last chance of him touching her. “I want to do it. Only for completion of your records, of course.”

  He nodded. “Of course. Would you like me to do that now or tomorrow? That’s another decision that is yours.”

  “Do it now.” Sleep would elude her if she had to long for it all night.

  “Whatever you wish. Go up to your room. It will be more comfortable for you than another examination table. Shower if you wish. I shall be up presently.”

  With a sigh, she gathered up the blanket and pulled it tightly arou
nd her, trying to hold herself together. “I will shower so give me time.”

  “No problem. Take your time.”

  Chapter 29

  The exhaustion of the evening was beginning to seep through her body. She curled up onto the bed, trying to fight off sleep, knowing all this would very soon be over. His voice was calling her. Opening her eyes, he was standing there, back in his white coat. The doctor had returned. His white coat was a barrier keeping them apart, a wall with him, the doctor, on one side and her, the patient, on the other. That was where they were.

  “Thea, are you sure you want to proceed?” His voice was rich and dark.

  She nodded, pushing herself up and pulling the duvet around her.

  He sat down beside her. “I want you to wear this blindfold.”

  She looked at the black blindfold in his hand. “Why?”

  “For this session I want you to feel how your body truly feels, how your emotions intensify when you take your vision out of it. What it is to feel your sensuality deeply. Are you happy to do that?”

  She reached out for the blindfold.

  “Good girl. And don’t worry. I’ll guide you through it. Lie back so we can begin.”

  She put on the blindfold and lay back. Her heart began to pound as her body responded to her blindness and building anticipation. He reached for her arms and extended them above her head, securing them to the bedhead with cuffs.

  “I’m going to expose your body now. Go with the flow, relax, and enjoy your sensuality as it unfolds. And remember it is okay to feel vulnerable. You are safe.”

  The duvet slipped from her body and the cool air brushed over her. With the chill her nipples tightened. Naked. Then his hands were on her breasts and she shivered with the stimulation. Gently he kneaded both mounds, probing and pushing. Rolling over her swollen nipples. And, for the first time, she was glad they were large so she could feel them filling his teasing hands as he squeezed and pinched their fullness. She pushed her swollen cherries up to his hands.

  She felt him shift his position, and the warm wetness of his mouth on her breasts, sucking the hardness of her nipples, licking and drawing them in, one at a time, nuzzling their fullness. She had never known such divine intensity of feeling. His fingers began to move down her body, lightly, barely touching, whilst his mouth still sucked her breasts. Her skin rippled with his touch. His mouth moved down her torso, sucking on her flesh. Sensation electrified her body, coursing up and down. She squirmed and arched, pulling on her wrist restraints.

  With a slow sweep over her abdomen, his fingers entered her pubic bush, pushing through, gently massaging her mound, close to her button but not going there. He released her flesh from his sucking, softly caressing her pubes.

  “You’re doing great, Thea,” he said quietly. “Enjoy it deep in your being. I’m going to stimulate your genitals so the sensations will increase. Widen your legs for me.” His voice was thick, his words slurred.

  His fingers moved to the lips of her sex and she cried out as he teased them apart, feeling their engorgement. As he separated them the air felt cool on her hotness. She knew she was wet—very wet. He fingered her inner lips, exposed the opening of her sex. Her body arched again and her knees pulled up and widened in response. She had no control over her body anymore.

  “Well done, Thea,” he said soothingly.

  She prepared herself for the plundering of her depths with his fingers but instead his hands were on her buttocks lifting, supporting and his head was between her legs. He nuzzled her pubes, breathing in her scent. It was beyond ecstasy to feel him there. Slowly his mouth opened and covered her lips. His tongue began licking and lapping her juices. Her clit slipped out and he circled it before sucking in its largeness, rolling its fullness.

  The intensity of the stimulation and ecstasy of her emotions were almost too much to bear, heightened by her blindness and restrained wrists. She sobbed. That her body had this capability of intense pleasure, sacrifice, vulnerability, surrender, openness, abandonment, and release was beyond her comprehension. All of her was feeling at every level: her body, her mind, every part of her. She pushed up her hips to gain more of his mouth. Before, the thought of anyone having their mouth on her there was unconscionable, but now all she wanted was for him to devour her, lick her out, deeply and penetratingly.

  Then at the height of this pleasure, her clit and bottom were released. She sensed his whole body between her legs. Naked. And a warm, hard rod pressed against her sex. For a moment, his thumb began rolling her clit again and her body writhed.

  “This is the final part of your treatment, Thea. Deep, deep penetration.” His voice was thick and struggling.

  His cock began to push between her engorged pussy lips. She could feel its head slipping in and out and her folds, coating it with her hot juices. He thumbed her clit rhythmically with the slow thrusting of his body as he eased his cock into her. She could hear his labored breathing as he held back his penetration. The head of his cock teased her pussy but she needed him, so badly, to bury his rod deeply inside her.

  “Fuck me! Please!” she screamed, pushing up her hips to try to force his cock into her. “Fuck me! I need you to fuck me!”

  “Your sexual… desire is good, Thea,” he said tightly, still restraining, riding her slowly. “Good you feel free… to ask for a… good fucking.” He was struggling, she could hear it.

  Then with a roar and a hard thrust, he rammed into her. His cock was hot and long, filling her sex fully and deeply. She cried out at the depth of his penetration, hitting her core. Her bottom and clit were still pulsating and were teased inwardly by his invading cock. Her body and mind were wrapped in wild response that was guttural, pure and real. She was part of him as her body rode up and down his shaft. She had given him her body so he could fulfill his natural needs.

  With a final thrust and animal growl, he emptied himself inside her, shuddering with sustaining his orgasm as long as he could. With a strangled moan he withdrew from her softness.

  She waited to feel the closeness of his body but he did not lie down beside her. She was aware he had got up and his hands reached up to release her from the cuffs. The blindfold was removed and she blinked in the light. He pulled the duvet over her. She looked up at him, standing rigidly beside the bed, naked, face tense.

  “That’s it, Thea. All done.” He struggled to form the right words of a professional. “I’m happy with your progress so come to my study in the morning and I’ll finalize your records and release.”

  “Matteo…” The first time she had called him by his name. He was beyond her doctor now.

  He did not correct her. “Sleep well. I’ll see you in the morning.” He grabbed his clothes and left the room.

  “Matteo…!” she called after him but he did not stop.

  Rolling over, she curled up and sobbed into the pillow. Never did she imagine she would be facing this. Feeling broken-hearted for a love that never was. It was madness for her body to feel like this without his body enfolding hers. He felt something, she knew he did. Now who was the one who needed release from their own self? He was in no better position than she was at the start of all this. But she could not help him. She was only his trainee. Tomorrow she would leave. She would be out of his life, trying to start her own.

  Chapter 30

  Outside his door, she leaned against the wall, not wanting to bring everything to an end. Her heart ached and she had hardly slept. Every part of her wanted him to touch her forever. She was going to walk out of this life—his life—and into her own, unknown, empty life. She swallowed hard, trying to compose herself. This could not be put off any longer. She had dragged it out as long as possible and she was late. He did not like her to be late. Would he spank her one more time? She knocked on the door.

  “Come in.”

  Heart thumping at the sound of his voice, she opened the door and went in.

  “You are late.”

  So stern. So powerful.

�m sorry. Are you going to spank me?” Please! she pleaded inside.

  He sighed impatiently. “No, Thea. I am not. You are freed of all that now… or will be when we have completed the paperwork. Sit down.”

  She perched on the edge of the chair. Nervous.

  He studied some papers in front of him, signed them with an accomplished flourish, then pushed them over the desk to her. “Sign here, please.”

  She took the pen from him, her hand shaking. Looking down at the papers, the words blurred with the emotion she was feeling. Instead of signing, she looked up at him.

  “I don’t want to leave. I want to stay. Why can’t I still work at the clinic? I don’t care what they say. I will learn quickly and be a good doctor for your team…”

  Anywhere near him was better than never seeing him again.

  He sighed again, leaning back in his chair. “Thea, that is never going to be possible…”

  “Please!” she begged.

  “Sign the papers. Let’s get this done.” His face was set firm, his voice grim.

  It was no good. It was finished. She blinked to clear the print… and signed. Her life was over. Empty without him in every sense. She pushed the forms back to him.

  “Excellent. You are formally free of your treatment agreement and in good health so we are done. I’d like to thank you for your input in your short time with the clinic, your willingness to participate. I hope, from your side, that you are happy with your medical treatment and outcome.”

  She nodded reluctantly. “I am happy with the treatment… but not the outcome.”


  “The outcome I want is not to leave here, not leave the clinic…”

  “As I have said before, I will help you get a new position if you wish.”

  “Thank you, but I’m not sure what I will do yet.”

  “When you are ready and would like my help, you can contact me via my secretary.”

  She looked up at him. How could he be like this? He seemed so remote with no sense of feeling after his treatment of her. To him it was purely medical treatment. She had been a fool to hope for more, to let him get into her body and mind in every way. It was no use. She got up.


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