The Ink Romance Series

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The Ink Romance Series Page 16

by Bridget Taylor

  I’m looking at a dead body.

  “Leslie! Leslie!”

  I hear my name being called, but it’s muted. Everything around me feels like it’s encased in a fog. What the hell just happened? I only went to take Flamingo for a walk. That was it. How could this happen in under thirty minutes?


  Kane is in front of me shaking my shoulders until I look at him. When I do, my eyes meet his pretty piercing blues and they help me regain my feet a little. I touch the side of my head and look down to see blood coating my fingers. Rubbing my thumb and index finger together, the red liquid slides around my fingertips and still for some reason, it doesn’t feel real. This doesn’t feel like it happened.

  “Hey, I need you to come to the store. Someone attacked us and then committed suicide right next to Leslie. No! I’m not fucking joking. Are you kidding me? She is really out of it. I can’t get her back with me. Yes, thank you.” Kane hangs up the phone and walks towards me.

  “The police are on their way, okay? Everything is going to be fine.” He whips off his shirt to rub the blood off my face.

  “I want to get it off you before it dries.” Kane starts wiping away the evidence of the event. Every swipe he takes feels like a memory being erased. I’ve never felt so violated in all my life. Maybe that’s what his plan was all along. He never meant to kill me, that was never his plan. His plan was to disturb me and while doing that, he wanted to affect Kane. Or maybe I’m a crazy person now or I’m over analyzing why someone would change his mind about killing me, but instead, kill himself.

  Who knows?

  “Leslie!” Molli and David walk through the door and hug me.

  “I’m fine. I’m just in shock.” I didn’t even notice when the police got there. The body is covered and the white sheet starts soaking up the blood that has pooled around him.

  “Leslie Benton?” It is he same police officer that took my statement from the incident with Chase.

  “Officer Grant,” I say flatly.

  “We really need to stop meeting like this, Ms. Benton.” He takes his pen out, flips a page in his little notebook, and clicks his pen to start the questions.

  “You’re telling me,” I mumble.

  “I already got Mr. Bridgeshaw’s statement. So, whenever you’re ready, you know the drill, unfortunately.”

  “Right,” I sigh. “I went to take Flamingo for a walk on the beach. As we were walking, a man, the same man that was in the tattoo shop yesterday for a consultation, was walking too. I followed my instincts and turned around to get away, thinking maybe I was overreacting. I thought maybe I was on edge because of Chase, you know?”

  Officer Grant nods as he writes vigorously.

  “Anyway, he put the barrel of the gun to my back and told me to walk back to the tattoo shop. He wanted Kane to see what it was like to take something so precious from him.” I swallow the lump in my throat.

  “And did you know this man?” Officer Grant asks.

  “No, I never saw him before yesterday.” I cross my arms over my body feeling defenseless.

  “All right, it seems this was the last of the family that was after Mr. Bridgeshaw’s money. You shouldn’t have any more problems regarding that.”

  “What do you mean, ‘regarding that’? Is there something else we should be worried about?” My skin starts to break out in sweat and my mind starts thinking the worst.

  “Have you heard from one of my deputies recently?” His crinkled eyes narrow at me. Officer Grant is a great looking older man. If I knew of a woman who was closer to his age, I would try and play matchmaker. He has salt and pepper hair, hazel eyes, and a lean body. His chest is broad like he still lifts weights and his uniform is tight around his biceps.

  “No, Officer Grant.” I look at him with pleading eyes. No, please, no.

  He sighs. “I’m sorry, Ms. Benton. It seems you need to stay on your toes. Watch your back. Chase Jackson escaped his transport van. He killed three of my deputies, leaving the driver injured. Are you sure you didn’t get a call?” He takes out his notepad again to write down the inconsistencies with his department.

  For a moment I feel like I have vertigo. Everything is hazy and I stagger losing my balance. David catches me and holds me up.

  “Ms. Benton, do I need to call another ambulance? Are you okay?” Officer Grant reassuringly puts his hand on my shoulder, which makes me meet his eyes.

  He looks concerned and worried for me, and for a moment I think about how I shouldn’t know this police officer so well, but I’m glad he has my back. “Are you sure? What am I supposed to do?”

  “Well, it happened this morning and since my deputy didn’t inform you, you need to know that a police officer is going to be watching your house. You are under our protection, Ms. Benton. Until this threat is taken care of, I’m sorry to say you’re going to be seeing more of me.” He pats my shoulder.

  “I’ve had to look at worse things, Officer.” I laugh. It might have sounded a little crazy, but with a day I’ve had, does anyone blame me?

  His laugh bellows, which given the circumstances seems pretty odd. “Oh aren’t you sweet. Be on the lookout, okay? Wherever you go, don’t get nervous when you see one of our cars. We are there to protect you.” He pats my shoulder again before walking out the door, leaving me standing on a tilted world.

  “Hey, are you okay?” David walks in front of me and meets my eyes.

  “I don’t know. I have no clue how I feel right now. I witnessed a suicide, I got covered in blood, and Chase is on the loose, probably on his way to get his revenge.” I sigh. Looking back, I don’t know how I got in this position. Even without Kane’s drama, I still would have had to deal with Chase. And who knows what would have happened if I didn’t have Kane. I probably would have been dead. I wouldn’t be standing here right now.

  “I don’t think you should stay by yourself. Molli and I will stay with you until this is all sorted out. We’ll stay in the guest room.” David pulls me into a hug while I meet Kane’s gaze. He is standing against the wall, looking at us with a sad expression on his face.

  “You guys don’t have to do that. I wouldn’t want you to have to go out of your way.” I don’t really mean what I’m saying. I want them to stay because staying alone right now sounds terrifying.

  “Are you kidding? Of course we are. Consider us roommates from here on out!” David proclaims.

  Smiling, as best I can anyway, I turn to Kane frozen with his stare. Tremors tremble under my skin causing my teeth to chatter. I don’t know if it’s from his lifeless gaze or the adrenaline crashing but every part of my body, from head to toe, is freezing.

  Kane lifts his gaze from me and begins to talk with Dylan. I didn’t even notice when he got here, but he doesn’t look to happy. Who would? Kane can’t seem to get his tattoo shop up and running, and there was a dead body here not a second ago.

  Dylan’s loud whisper catches my attention. David and Molli try to talk to me, but my focus is on Dylan and Kane’s conversation. Squinting my eyes, I try to read Dylan’s lips. It’s apparent they are having a disagreement.

  “Leslie! You’re freezing. Here, take this.” David pulls off his fancy Banana Republic zip up. I didn’t even know they had those to be honest. He gently places the hoodie on my shoulders, thawing my frozen bones from the warmth the material still carried from his body.

  “Thank you, Davey.” I wrap the hoodie around my body tightly when Kane’s jaw tightens and pushes Dylan, bringing a small gasp out of my throat. Dylan pushes him back until he hits the wall behind him. He points a finger in Kane’s face. Kane finds my gaze, sadness dwelling in the icy blue depths.

  Well, that answers that, guess they were talking about me.

  I try to see what Dylan is saying in whispered tones again, but all I can make out is “You’re an idiot,” to Kane. Duh.

  Dylan walks towards me gracefully, reminding me of a dancer who is light on his feet. His fancy shoes don’t make a sound
as he stops in front of me, putting his hand on my shoulder. The room had felt thirty degrees, but not with David’s hoodie and Dylan’s warmth seeping through my shoulders, I’m feeling more like a normal human being.

  “If you need anything, you have my number, all right? And…” Dylan sighs heavily, “He doesn’t deserve it, but be patient with him.” His eyes plead with mine like they are asking for a favor. His soft lips kiss my cheek gently, as if saying goodbye. The gesture makes me hold my breath. I thought Kane would yank him away, or yell, or pound his chest like he usually does, but he doesn’t move from the spot on the wall. I don’t know what hurts more, the yearning I feel deep in my bones to be comforted by the man I love, or that man pulling away from me, leaving me alone. It’s probably the latter because that’s just what Kane Bridgeshaw does.

  When am I going to be done being treated like this? How much torture can one heart take? I’m sick of breathing him in, wanting to suffocate in everything that is Kane, when he clearly can’t wait to exhale me like a cloud of smoke, like I’m not even worth him holding his breath.

  “Leslie, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  And there it is. It’s that sentence that gives me everything I need: clarity. I see Kane for what he is now, a scared man.

  “Actually Kane, whatever you need to say, you can in front of my friends. You know that.” I find my inner strength proudly as if some other person took over my body, then I lift my chin, straighten my spine and brace myself for his impact.

  “Leslie, please,” Kane whispers, but laces it with urgency. It sounds like every other time he pushes me away.

  “No, say what you need to say!” Wow, go me for standing my ground!

  I see the moment I win because he sighs in defeat, his head hanging, and his fingers run through his hair, “Fine. This right here, what happened to you today proves I’m not good for you. I can’t keep you safe, my money can’t keep you safe, and my friends can’t keep you safe. I’m no good for you, Leslie.”

  “Are you kidding me? Like a gun wielding maniac was expected? You know what Kane? You find any reason to push me away and I’m sick of it. If you let me go this time, I’m not coming back. I’m done.” My bottom lip trembles, demonstrating my fragile façade. No! I will not break!

  “I know. I’m willing to risk it if it means keeping you safe.” Kane leans forward and pecks my forehead with his plump lips that I’m addicted to.

  He lingers.

  It feels like he is soaking in the very last moment with me, but who knows with him? Just this morning, we were on the back porch with our eighteen dogs, having breakfast, laughing after we had made love on the couch. It didn’t even cross my mind that those would be the last moment we ever had.

  The pressure from his kiss lessens, letting me know he is pulling away. A lone tear escapes the corner of my eyes, breaking free from the pain that was locked away.

  Stepping back, his boots clunk against the tile floor. His face is impassive, perfectly masking how he truly feels. It feels like an eternity before he is out of reach; too far for me to touch, but close enough to still smell his woodsy scent.

  Our bodies pull away from each other, the magnetic field stretches struggling not to bring us back together. It’s like a ripping of my soul the further he walks away.

  “You fucking coward!”

  Chapter 2

  It came out of nowhere; the loud crack of fist meeting face. I could feel the breeze from Davey’s hand flying through the air. It happened so fast, I didn’t have time to think! Kane’s head barely snapped back from the impact, but Davey was left… Davey.

  “Ow, ow, ow!” David holds his bleeding hand. His knuckles were cracked and his index finger looks broken. It’s obvious no one told him how to throw a punch.

  “Are you made of concrete? Whose jaw is that solid!” David’s voice is hysterical as he cradles his hand.

  It takes everything I have not to laugh at his reaction, but Molly is fawning all over him, inspecting his hand, and he is eating it up.

  Kane wipes a small bead of blood on his lip, glancing at me. I have a weird urge to seal his wound by licking his lip and sucking it into my mouth.

  “No! Don’t even look at her! There is more of that…” David points to Kane’s lip. “…where this came from!” He points to his broken hand. He tries to clench it again, but agony wins, making him scream.

  “No one’s jaw should be that solid. It’s unnatural.”

  “I know it is.” Molli croons at him while leading him outside. She’s probably going to take him the emergency room to set that broken finger.

  “Your friend packs a punch.” The tip of Kane’s pink tongue licks at the little speck of blood that pooled, turning it a darker shade of red before sliding back into his mouth.

  I roll my eyes. “No he doesn’t. If anyone did any damage here, it was your jaw.” My eyes avert to the defined bone. It is sharp and strong. I want so bad to feel his five o’clock shadow tickle my thighs before he licks my pussy until I come all over his face.

  “Leslie, whatever you are thinking about stop.” Kane shakes his head trying to dislodge me from his memories.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrug my shoulders, not caring what he thinks at all.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

  His eyes are smoldering with lust as he inches towards me. Every girls walking heartache is inching towards me slowly like he is about to take me right here and now. And I want it as much as I don’t. We aren’t supposed to be doing this. We aren’t supposed to be an us anymore.

  “Kane, what are you doing?”

  “I don’t know.” Kane grabs my hand as takes me to the animal shelter with the adjoining door that connects our businesses now. He pulls me to the room for emergencies and slams his mouth on mine.

  “Mmm,” I moan into his mouth as his tongue dances with mine. He pushes me against the wall and our heavy panting mixes together. His breaths are heavy as he attacks my body with untamed wild lust.

  “You feel so good. Your body was made for my hands,” his lips mutter against mine as he cups my breasts, “so fucking perfect.”

  My head hits the wall from the way he plays my body. The room gets more humid from our sweat making my skin damp. He lifts my dress over my head dropping it on the floor next to us. Kane’s eyes trail down my body unraveling my every restraint I had. His eyes make me feel more vulnerable than I ever have before. They seem to stop at every inch of skin memorizing every curve.

  “Take off your bra.”

  He sits on the bed and it squeaks from the weight of him trying to adjust to his mass. He rips his shirt off, unbuttons his pants, and fists his impressive cock. I’m standing against the wall, and from here I can see the thick vein pulsing blood into the appendage, making it bigger and harder with every second that passes by.

  “Take. Off. Your. Bra,” Kane orders as he angrily strokes his dick with each word.

  With nervous hands, my fingers tremble under the yellow lace straps, slowly bringing them down my shoulders. Turning around, I poke my rear out a little as I unhook my bra, lift it in the air beside me, and dropping it to the floor. Feeling sexy, because he has the effect on me, I rub my hands down my body until I’m pinching my own nipples moaning at my own violation.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”

  Dim lights cast the perfect shadows as I look over my shoulder at him. His eyes are focused on me, his pants are around his ankles, and his hand is squeezing the base of his cock tightly to keep himself from cumming. I love that I have this effect on him. It makes me feel empowered.

  My thumbs hook in my yellow cheeky underwear, slowly sliding them down my thighs to reveal my thick mounds. Once they are to my ankles, I lazily trail my fingers back up my legs, my thighs, stopping at my aching pussy to give my clit a good tug.

  “Ah!” My head falls on my shoulders as I moan.

  “Please yourself. Let me hear you.”

he man that owns my heart sits on the small cot, jacking his thick nine-inch cock. His voice is seduced by lust, making it sound deeper and barely controlled.

  My fingers slid between my wet folds as I rub against my clit.

  “No, I want you to fuck yourself, Crazy. I want to see that beautiful ass bounce from you riding your fingers.”

  His words spur me on. I moan as my finger slips inside me, but I keep my thumb on my swollen clit. I try to find a good rhythm, but I can’t. I kneel on the ground, one hand on the floor to brace myself.

  My eyes meet his burning gaze as I start thrusting my hips back and forth on my fingers. I don’t look away from him. My hips move faster and faster and so does his hand on his cock. All that can be heard are our moans from the show we are putting on for each other. He looks like a fallen angel, dark and dangerous under the dim light while the tattoos that stain his skin add to the sinful image making my orgasm creep on me faster.

  “That’s it, ride yourself. Do you wish is was me filling you? Do you wish it was my cock bringing you pleasure? You’re imagining it, aren’t you? You’re imagining me filling you, stretching you until there is no room left for me to go, hitting every inch of your wet walls that milk every drop of cum from me.”

  His words make me whimper and my hips stutter from the verbal assault. My fingers get wetter and right when I’m about to cum, Kane is in front of me, ripping my fingers out of me.

  “No! I was so close!” I feel empty. My insides are hungry for release, cramping and sore from not being able to peak.

  “You’ll be close again.” Kane man handles me until he flips me on the bed, face down, and he thrust inside me without warning making me scream his name.

  “Fuck…” The word is drawn out with need from his lips as he hammers into me. I have to clutch on to the old cot that scratches the cement floor with every rock. Kane’s hand comes down on my rear, a loud slap filling the room, and that’s all it takes before I’m clamping down on the thick intruder spearing me.


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