The Ink Romance Series

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The Ink Romance Series Page 32

by Bridget Taylor

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “And you’ll stay hard for that comment. Anyways, where are we going?” I walked into the bedroom, towel drying my hair before getting dressed. I decided today was a converse wearing, frayed shorts sporting, orange tank-top kind of day. I loved these shorts. The bottoms of my butt-cheeks fell out, giving the slightest glimpse of what I had going on back there, and I wanted to drive Kane nuts with it.

  He groaned. “And you’re going to tramp around in those ‘fuck me’ shorts? You’re killing me,” Kane muttered as he walked past me, his butt flexing with every step. I was one lucky lady. I watched him as I put on my earrings, bending over to put his briefs on, making his heavy sack visible when he lifted his leg. He peered over his shoulder, like a shy virgin, smirking and taking his time sliding his spandex underwear up his thick thighs. When he finally got to the bottom of his butt cheeks, he stopped.

  “You…” Little brat. I didn’t say the other half of my thought, considering Kane knew what he was doing.

  “Me?” He pointed the finger at himself before pulling up his underwear. The full apples of his bottom spilled from the top of the waistband before he pulled them all the way up. They settled perfectly below his dimples that sat above his butt.

  “You little minx,” I grumbled before slamming my jewelry box closed. When I turned back around, I wanted to bite my fist he looked so good. That spandex underwear was a gift from the gods. Whoever made them deserved a trophy, all the money in the world, cookies, anything! Because of the way they supported his cock, it made my mouth water. His bulge, in the front of his underwear, was so sexy.

  “See something you like, Crazy?” He flexed his pecs.

  “You wish. Now, take me on this unforgettable journey you woke me up for.” Heading out the bedroom door, I grabbed my black-studded purse.

  Chapter 3

  Fog sat on the blacktop of the road. It was still dark out, but the slightest hint of the sun was peeking on the horizon. It looked like a beautiful picture or the beginning of a horror movie. We were the only car on the road, and the tires roared on the pavement creating a humming lullaby that was making my eyes droop.

  “So, I have a question.”

  Of course, he did.

  “You ever think about, I don’t know, marriage to somebody?”

  I drawled, “To somebody? Just plain old anybody? Hmmm.” I tapped my finger against my chin, contemplating the sanction between man and woman.

  “You know what I mean.” He grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers, before lifting it to his mouth for a kiss. “Forget I asked. Oh! I almost forgot.” He reached behind the seat, and after a few minutes of plastic crinkling, he pulled out a five-pound bag of starbursts.

  “Oh my God, Kane! This is the sweetest thing you have ever done for me.” I tore open the bag like it was hiding a million dollars when it was going to give me my next cavity.

  “Jeez, Leslie. Slow down. If you overeat, you’re going to get sick. And then I’ll have to turn around and go home, instead of taking you to my super awesome secret spot.” The bag was almost yanked out of my hand when he dove his bear paw into it.

  “Uh huh, sure.” I clicked my tongue.

  “Don’t get your toe all stumped; there is plenty there.”

  “Get my toe…really?” I laughed before throwing a pink candy in the air, catching in my mouth.

  “I love your mouth,” he growled making my body tremble. It was like he called, and my body answered, only to him.

  “Okay, you’re going to have to behave if we are ever going to get to this secret place. Is this where I find out you’re a serial killer and you’ve already dug a hole to throw me in? Then, you’re going to bury me alive and wait until my screams subside until all that’s left is the silence of the night?” I popped another candy in my mouth as I turned to look at him.

  He turned the steering wheel right that took us down a bumpy dirt road. “Leslie, I love you, but you watch NCIS way too much. What did I tell you about that? You’re going to start getting paranoid.”

  “You didn’t deny it!” I yelled reaching for the door handle that was locked. I jiggled it frantically, trying to make my paranoia real. “I swear I won’t tell anybody. Please, don’t hurt me. I don’t want to die.” The cry that flew past my lips sounded a little more obnoxious than I had intended.

  Kane rolled his eyes. “ Why you’re not acting, I’ll never know.”

  I shrugged. “Hollywood isn’t ready for me.”

  The sun was starting to rise, shining light on the fields that were in front of us.

  My breath hitched. “Kane.” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Miles and miles of weeping willows seemed to go on forever. “What is this place?” I whispered, but Kane was already out of the truck, walking around to my door to open it.

  “It’s a weeping willow farm. I know they are your favorite tree, so I thought it would be neat to have a nice walk, have some wine, and stroll under the umbrellas they create.”

  I threw my arms around his neck. “I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I hopped down from the red cherry truck, running full speed until I was facing the most massive willow I had ever seen.

  “Woah!” I craned my neck all the way to the sky, astounded at the size of this tree.

  “This is the oldest one here.” Kane’s voice startled me and I jumped, pressing my hand against my racing heart.

  “You scared the living daylights out of me!”

  “We are the only ones here. I can’t believe you forgot about me. You got all caught up in your tree-hugging ways.” He pouted.

  Why did he look cute when he did that? A guy of his size shouldn’t look attractive. Aw, but he did!

  “How do you know it’s the oldest?” I turned back to the tree, looking up under that huge umbrella that came naturally, and wanted to climb it so bad, but I knew the branches couldn’t hold my weight. They were too thin.

  “The farmer told me. He said it’s over three-hundred years old.”

  “No freaking way!” My mouth was open as I spun around, looking at it from all different angles.

  “Do you know—” My feet stopped moving, lights that were hanging on the branches turned on, and Kane was on his knee with a red box in his palm.

  “Kane?” I took a step forward and stopped. What was he doing?

  “Leslie, I know it hasn’t been long, but we have overcome so much with each other. I was a hollow man before you. I had an empty soul, and I was skating through every day waiting until my last. I didn’t think I had anything else to live for, but then you pounded down those steps, pointing that finger in my face, and I was hooked. My heart melted or my soul came back to life, I’m not sure what happened. But something just clicked inside me. I know I wasn’t an easy man to be with, and I’m probably still not. But I want to try to be a better man for you every day for the rest of our lives. I love you more than I ever thought I could love again. You drive me crazy, Crazy. And without you, that’s what I’d be. Leslie Benson…” Kane opened the little red box, and it was like a bean to a treasure chest. A light was shining down on the ring, and angels started to sing, or it felt like it anyway.

  “Will you marry me?”

  It was a proposal a girl dreamed about. The tendrils of weeping willow swayed in the breeze like they were dancing, celebrating the moment. The lights that were decorating the tree moved, mimicked lightning bugs. The moment was full of magic, and I just stood there, not knowing what to do.

  Say yes, you idiot!

  I snapped my jaw shut, unsure of what to say. The ring was beautiful. It was a yellow canary diamond that was encased in a rose gold band. It was my dream ring. Of course, he got my dream ring.

  “You remembered.” One of my shaky hands reach out to touch the diamond to make sure it was real, and when it rubbed against the pad of my finger, my nerves doubled. He was serious.

  “I remember everything about you, Leslie.” He bore those blue eyes into mine. “I could never forget a d
etail about you, baby.” He took the ring out and slid it onto my finger while tears fell one by one.

  “What do you say? You want to make me the happiest man alive?” His long leg lifted him up, and he cupped my face with those hands that please me and keep me safe.

  I still couldn’t say anything. I just nodded, looking at my gorgeous ring through blurry vision.

  Kane picked me up and swirled me around underneath the old weeping willow making me dizzy.

  “Kane, stop! It’s making my stomach hurt.” I laughed while at the same time held back puke. I refused to throw up on my engagement night. That was tacky.

  “I told you to slow down on those starbursts, Mrs. Bridgeshaw.” He stopped spinning me, setting me on my feet but still holding me steady.

  Mrs. Bridgeshaw, I loved that.

  Leslie Bridgeshaw. It had a ring, didn’t it?

  Chapter 4

  “Is it safe?”

  Evan stood at the front door with his hand covering his eyes as he felt for the light switch on the wall.

  “Yes, my gosh. We aren’t having sex all the time.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Just most of the time. It’s gross, you know? Hearing my brother have sex, it’s weird.” He shook his body as if he had something crawling on his skin.

  I noticed a dirty, torn black backpack he carried by the handle. “What’s that?” I eyed it like it was going to bite me. That bag had seen better days.

  Shame crossed his face. “It’s all I have.”

  Kane got up from the couch where he was sitting next to me and tossed the book he was reading down. “What are you talking about? You start school tomorrow. That can’t be all you have. How have you been wearing clean clothes then? Why didn’t you come to me? I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.” He pulled his brother into his arms, cursing and apologizing that he didn’t know about Evan sooner so that he could have given him a better life.

  “We can’t live off what if’s, Kane. I learned a long time ago that what if’s bring false hope, and I’ve had enough of that in my life.”

  Kane grabbed Evan by the arms. “You have us. This is hope. It’s right here. Why didn’t you come to me?” Kane turned towards me. “Come on, we’re going shopping.” He grabbed the keys off the counter and started heading towards the door.

  “What? No, Kane. It’s fine. Really. I have plenty. I can wash my stuff by hand like I’ve been doing.”

  I gasped. “Evan, you have been washing your clothes by hand?” I ripped the bag from his arms and he lurched forwards, tearing it out of my hands.

  “It’s mine! This is mine! It’s all I have. I won’t let you take it.” His eyes had taken on a crazed looked as tears started to fall. Evan looked around like he was looking for a way out, but I stood my ground.

  “I’m not taking anything. We are setting this down, getting new clothes, and when we come back we will do laundry, okay?” I glanced at Kane, seeing stress, guilt, and sadness written on his face.

  “Come on. It’ll be fun. We’ll grab some dinner while we’re out too.” Kane spun Evan around and led him out the door, leaving me to lock up.

  Securing the lock into place, I stared at the door thinking about what just transpired. It hit home that people never know what happens behind closed doors. What were other people’s doors like? Were people crying, laughing, heartbroken? It was eerie and frightening all at the same time.

  “You coming, Crazy?” Kane paused before the staircase that led down to the tattoo shop.

  “Yeah sorry, just thinking.” I smiled before placing my hand in his, which held my beautiful engagement ring, and walked down the steps. It was a little tricky since we couldn’t walk side by side, so Kane put our hands on his shoulder as I followed behind him.

  Evan was waiting for us by the front door of the tattoo shop, not meeting our eyes, like he was ashamed we were taking him shopping.

  Kane squeezed my hand. “Hey Evan, how would you like to be my best man?” He slugged him in the shoulder, making Evan stumble back.

  “What? Seriously? I thought it would be Dylan. You don’t even know me!” While he was questioning it, the sad boy was gone and happiness shone in his blue eyes, the same color of Kane’s.

  “Well, that was before I knew I had a brother. What do you say? You up for it?” As we walked out to the car, Evan had a skip in his step.

  My cheeks hurt from smiling at Kane. I knew he wanted to be close with Evan, but I didn’t think he would make him the best man. It was sweet, and the thoughtfulness had me a little horny.

  Just a little.

  “All right, let’s go spend some money.” Kane rubbed his hands together manically.

  Evan sighed. “I don’t have any, but I promise when I get paid, I’ll pay you back.”

  The leather squeaked from Kane’s jeans as he turned, digging into his back pocket to pull out his everyday brown wallet. He handed a debit card to Evan. “Here, I wasn’t sure when to give it to you. I know you have a problem accepting my money. I’m telling you if my grandpa knew about you, your grandpa, he would have split it between us. And before you ask, ever notice how quiet the tattoo guns are?”

  Evan was staring wide-eyed at the debit card like it was about to bite him, but he nodded.

  “He invented it. He made billions, and those are yours now. My lawyer knows about you and he divided the rest up evenly. You have your account now, and this debit card has a few hundred thousand on it. Nothing too major.” Kane winked.

  Evan looked like he was about to pass out. His face was pale and sweat started to bead above his lip.

  “Baby, I think you’re scaring him.” I lowered my voice barely above a whisper.

  Kane put the truck in reverse. “Nah, he is fine. You’re fine, right? Anyway, some money is in an interest account, and the other half is in a savings account. If you need more, you have to go through my lawyer. Well, your lawyer now. Okay?” Kane looked in the rearview mirror, and his brows pinched when Evan didn’t answer.

  Evan was still burning holes into the card. “It even has my name on it.”

  A deep soulful laugh boomed, and Kane clutched his stomach. “Duh, I just said it was yours.”

  “So, I could buy an Xbox?” Evan finally met his gaze in the rearview, but Kane clenched his jaw.

  “Video games are a privilege. Tell you what, you can play video games after homework and chores. If your grades slip below a B, you don’t play them. You’re going to college. You’re going to make something of yourself, okay?”

  My skin shivered from the authority in Kane’s voice. My body was heated like the hottest part of a flame, and my pussy became slick. His nostrils flared like he could smell my lust, but I knew that was impossible.

  Evan was bouncing in his seat. “I can get a cell phone too?”

  Kane frowned. “Yes, because I know you’re going to want to hang out with friends once you make them, and we will need to be able to get a hold of you. There are rules. No girls or boys in your room after eight at night because nothing good happens after eight.”

  I giggled. “I thought it was midnight?”

  “Not for a seventeen-year-old!’

  “I’m almost eighteen!” Evan protested. His whine made me wince a little.

  “As long as you live under our roof, you play by my rules.” Kane pulled into the mall's parking lot. It didn’t seem too busy and thank God because I couldn’t stand the mall. It was always busy. People pushed against you, you had to try on clothes other people tried on, and you’d sweat—yeah, no thanks.

  “All right, let’s do some damage!” Evan yelled.

  “No skipping in the parking lot!” Kane started to run after him, but I stopped him with my arm.

  “Kane, he is seventeen, not seven. Let him live a little. He hasn’t had a chance to yet.” My voice was soft as I could make it. I didn’t want to hurt him.

  Kane’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “I know. I don’t want to lose him. I just got him.”

  A few thous
and dollars later, bags upon bags, and an Xbox, we were finally on our way home. I would say it was Evan that shopped, but it was Kane. Kane picked up everything Evan touched.

  It was so sweet, but so, so expensive.


  The next day we took Evan to school, and to say he was a simple man was putting it lightly. He had his hair styled, but he wore a plain blue shirt, that he bought in ten different colors, and regular black jeans. I think he picked the jeans because Kane wore them, and he wanted to be like his big brother. Maybe it was just wishful thinking.

  “You ready?” Kane squeezed the steering wheel like he was scared to let him go.

  Evan blew out a breath. “No, I’m scared out of my mind. What if no one likes me? What if I’m alone like I was before?” He pushed his palms into his eyes, breathing hard, and shaking his head.

  “Hey, listen to me. You aren’t alone. You will never be alone again. And fuck all those little dipshits if they don’t like you. You’re awesome, they suck. You don’t need them anyway, but you will always have us. Okay?”

  My eyes adverted to the kids walking past, drooling over the red cherry truck that had blacked out windows and had a six-inch suspension. They had to have known who it was because an Ocean’s Ink sticker was on the back window.

  A crowd was starting to form. “I think they are waiting to see who comes out.”

  Evan groaned. “Great, just what I need.”

  “I can come out with you if you want. No one will fuck with you.” Kane cracked his knuckles and his neck, preparing to kick high school ass.

  “No, it’s okay.” Evan grabbed the door handle, taking one more deep breath.

  Kane rolled down the windows, giving the kids a peek at who sat behind the wheel. I had to admit, if I were a teenager, I’d be scared.

  “Show-off,” Evan joked as he shut the door, pushing his backpack up on his shoulder.

  “You know it.” Kane turned his baseball hat around, making new fantasies come into my mind that I wanted to play out.


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