Sports & The Single Dad

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Sports & The Single Dad Page 5

by Emma Nichols

  “And all those other players hitting on you. I saw it all, you know, even when I didn’t say anything.” Paxton reached out and tucked a few loose strands of hair behind my ear. “Hey, you’re not wearing a ponytail today!”

  With a laugh, I shrugged. “I wanted to look nice when we saw Tegyn and DeSean. A ponytail is my business look.”

  “And this is what…sexy and fun?” he guessed as he studied my attire. Then he wrapped an arm around my waist. “Let’s go to lunch. You choose.”

  “Anywhere?” I felt incredibly mischievous and I had a plan. This was…a test of sorts. I’d watched him woo one woman after another. He had a routine. When things were about to move to the next level, he’d always take them to The Melting Pot. I’d even heard him talking with DeSean about it.

  “There’s something about watching a woman work the skewer, watching her with cheese possibly dribbling down her chin. Makes me think of other things, if she does it right.” He’d winked and I’d felt my stomach churn all while feeling more than a hint of jealousy over the women Paxton was attracted to. I wanted to be one of them.

  So, I had to test him, I suppose.

  “Of course, anywhere you want.” He grinned as we exited the elevator and walked through the hospital to his vehicle.

  I don’t know where I found the courage, but I think some of it was due to the almost jealous behavior he’d exhibited earlier. “Then I want to go to The Melting Pot,” I announced, my chin jutting out slightly as proof I didn’t intend to back down.

  He studied me for a second. I could only imagine the thoughts going through his mind. Finally, he licked his lips and my shoulders sagged, knowing I was about to get denied. I’d worked for him long enough to read his face. “Avery, the restaurant doesn’t open until dinner. Otherwise, I’d take you in a heartbeat.” Then he tilted his head and added. “We need to find a babysitter, because that makes for a nice date night.” His hand reached out and cupped my face.

  My eyelids lowered. “I should’ve known that.” I sighed, and felt my face flush.

  “Nah. Let’s find a different place to eat. Maybe we could go to that café on the lake.” His eyes widened. “It’s just warming up. We could eat on the patio.”

  With a grin, I nodded, almost completely over my embarrassment. “Sure. That sounds nice.”

  “Then, we need to get going. We still have your move to organize.” He smiled warmly and rubbed my back a moment before he opened the trunk of the SUV. In a matter of seconds, he’d lifted Molly’s car seat and set it on the base inside the vehicle, then folded the stroller. I felt useless, but also okay with it, which surprised me. I’d always taken such pride in my abilities and my independence.

  I spent the entire drive to the café ruminating on all of this, trying to mentally adapt and accept the changes we were experiencing. This was nice. This was new. And I should be embracing it instead of questioning everything, but I had to wonder because my heart was on the line.

  We ate a pleasant lunch, during which Paxton fielded countless texts. “Sorry,” he began. “I’m trying to organize everything. I have Royal and Geo meeting us.”

  “From the team? You never hang out with any of them.” My head tilted as I considered what this meant.

  “They always wanted to. Marley was in the way.” He shrugged. “Now things can be different. Starting today. We’ll move in everything we can, and what won’t fit, we’ll stick in storage.”

  I bit my lower lip. “This is really nice, but maybe I should keep my apartment. I mean…”

  Paxton set his phone down. “Why?”

  I sighed. “Doesn’t it seem…safer?”

  He frowned. “For who? You?” He shook his head. “It probably feels that way. What do you think is suddenly going to change, that you won’t be able to stay living with me and Molly?”

  “Maybe you find Molly a new mommy. Maybe you have a girlfriend move in. I know if I was your girlfriend, I wouldn’t want any other woman living under our roof.” I threw my hands up in frustration. “You’re free again. It won’t be long until you meet someone, or start dating. I know. I’ve been around for a year, remember?”

  Folding his hands on the table in front of him, Paxton nodded. “I can see why you’d think like that. It’s all I’ve shown you. It’s all you’ve known, but I can be different. I need to…for Molly.” He glanced over at her sleeping in her seat beside me. “She needs a good life, and I’m going to fill it with good people. You’re pretty much the central part of my plan.” He reached out and took my hands in his. “Say you’ll stay with me, with us. Say you’ll take a chance. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  My heart raced as I stared into his eyes watching for some sign of hesitation, but finding none. “Well, it may take a while for me to get out of the lease anyway,” I mumbled. “I don’t have the money for the penalty to break the lease.” I shrugged and turned my attention to my stuffed baked potato.

  “No problem. I’ll cover it,” Paxton announced, looking supremely pleased with himself.

  Sinking down in the booth, I realized I’d probably walked right into that.

  We arrived at my apartment just before one in the afternoon and I saw Paxton eyeing the stairs. “Nope.” I shook my head. “I live on the ground floor. I didn’t want to have to carry a ton of stuff up and down multiple flights of stairs. Plus, it’s cheaper.”

  “Yeah,” he grumbled. “Cheaper to risk your life. Don’t you know that most break-ins happen in ground floor apartments? You should at least make the robbers work for it.”

  I laughed. “And you should stop hanging around DeSean. He has sucked all the fun out of you.” I shrugged. “Besides, I don’t really own anything valuable.”

  We stepped out of the vehicle and met at the back so we could get Molly’s stroller. “I’ll be the judge of that,” he teased.

  Royal met us at my apartment door. His arms were loaded with boxes. “We just have to tape them up.” He lifted a roll of packing tape.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at him. The man was huge, built like a fridge…the commercial kind, and it was only his dreds that kept him from appearing truly terrifying as far as I was concerned. They made him seem friendlier. That and the smile. “I know it’s a day off for you guys…”

  “Well, when Paxton said he’d convinced you to move in, I had to see it to believe it. And if I was here already, I might as well help pack,” he joked.

  “I’m just the nanny,” I explained as I pointed to Molly in the stroller.

  Royal leaned low. “Okay, I had to see that too. Who would breed with Pax? He’s hideous.”

  I snickered. “It must’ve been dark.”

  Royal started elbowing me while he laughed. From the corner of my eye, I saw Paxton stiffen.

  “Where’s Geo?” Paxton asked while I unlocked my door.

  “He drove separately. We thought you might need more trucks.” Royal started out into the parking lot. “Too bad you didn’t get a moving truck. We’d have this knocked out in a couple of hours.”

  “I did,” Paxton replied proudly. “Should be here in about forty-five minutes. I thought that would give us time to get the little things packed.”

  I nodded at him. “I’m impressed. You really thought this through.”

  Once inside, we immediately set to work. I left the guys to pack the kitchen while I worked on my clothes and bathroom. Molly, surprisingly enough, slept through all the noise, even the knock on the door.

  I moved to answer it, but Paxton beat me. And by the time I reached the living room, I found the neighbors across the hall standing there eyeing the guys. I wanted to laugh, imagining what it must look like to them, me having three huge, attractive NFL players in my apartment.

  “Hey,” Laci greeted me while smiling at Royal and flipping her hair over her shoulder.

  I glanced at Paxton, but his attention seemed to be taken by Josie. She was a busty red head who loved to wear tight clothing. “Hi, what brings you here?” I asked as
I stepped closer and positioned myself in between her and Paxton.

  “Oh, we were going to go get mani-pedis. Thought you might like to come with. We hadn’t seen you for a few days.” Laci shrugged. “But you look busy.”

  “Avery’s moving in with me,” Paxton announced as he grinned and wrapped an arm around me.

  Laci’s brows rose and Josie glanced to me for verification.

  “I’m his nanny,” I murmured through gritted teeth. “And I won’t be able to go. Sorry.” I was genuinely sorry too. Time with them was always good. They were easy to talk to, even if they were horrendous flirts who were eyeing the guy I’d been hoping to make mine for a year.

  “Yeah. Go,” Paxton urged. “I’ll watch Molly. You’ll be what…an hour?”

  I frowned. “More like two. And how would I get back to the condo?”

  He reached into his pocket and passed me the keys. I waved them off.

  “I can’t drive your vehicle. You need it for Molly.” I tilted my head.

  Paxton elbowed Royal who had joined the conversation. “Watch. This is what she does when she’s thinking. And then she comes up with some genius idea that makes me want to kiss her.”

  Royal smirked. “I want in on this action. My girl and I broke up. I could use some kisses.” He puckered and Paxton glared at him. With a laugh, Royal wandered back to the kitchen. “That’s what I thought.”

  “Light rail. I’ll hop it and walk to the condo. It’s a beautiful day.” I sighed, content with my plan.

  Paxton walked closer. “See? Every time.” Then he bent low and brushed his lips against mine.

  I inhaled sharply since this was so unexpected. I wanted to be happy about this, but it didn’t feel real. He might as well have peed on me. This felt like he was trying to stake a claim and ward off his friends. “See ya,” I mumbled as I backed away. “I’ll be home by dinner.” Then I glanced at Laci and Josie. “Let’s go.”



  * * *

  “Pizza and beer?” I asked Royal and Geo as we finished moving everything into the condo. Having them and the movers made a huge difference in how quickly we completed the task. My living room now held two couches and the room had never felt more comfortable.

  “Avery’s got good furniture,” Geo noted as he sank down onto the couch. “You should’ve had her help you with yours.”

  I groaned. “She tried. I didn’t listen.” I was in the kitchen warming a bottle for Molly while Royal carried her around like a football tucked under his arm. “Don’t do that, man,” I urged. “If Avery comes home and sees you holding her like that, she’ll kick your ass. She may be tiny, but she’s fierce. And scary.” I nodded seriously as I glanced at the phone again.

  “She’ll come back. You have all her stuff here,” Royal joked as he relocated Molly to the crook of his arm.

  “It has been three hours. I almost thought we’d all end up here at the same time. Maybe I should call and check on her. Maybe she needs a ride…” I frowned as I tested the bottle and wandered over to Royal.

  “Let the girl alone,” Geo grumbled. “I swear. One minute you treat her like wallpaper, the next, you’re practically up her butt. What gives with you two?” He stared at me and I knew he wasn’t going to give up until I responded.

  “I don’t know. It’s strange. Things are different now.” I sighed as I sat down and Royal passed me my daughter. I popped the bottled in her mouth. “Something changed when Molly arrived. Suddenly, Marley didn’t fit anymore. And Avery did.”

  “You’re such a dumbass. She always fit. You just wanted a flashier model. That’s what kept happening. I’d see you two together and she was…perfect.” Geo shook his head. “Only you thought you needed an upgrade, someone fancier. You’re an idiot. And it’s no wonder she’s acting the way she is.” He turned his attention to his phone. “You got cash? I’ll call in the order.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’m buying. Just be sure to get some garlic knots. Avery loves them. Oh, and only medium wings with blue cheese. The hot ones hurt her stomach.” I glanced back and forth between them. They were chuckling. “Are you laughing at me?”

  They nodded. “Yes,” Royal mumbled. “In a good way. It’s seriously about damn time you figured things out.”

  Geo smirked. “Look, Royal, our baby’s growing up.” Then they each reached in to grab one of my cheeks.

  “I swear to God, if you mess with me right now, I’m going to kick your asses as soon as I get finished feeding Molly.” Almost on cue, she opened her eyes and wore her alarmed look that usually preceded tears. I glared at them and they both backed off.

  “I’ll go order on the balcony,” Geo announced.

  “And I’ll sit here patiently, while silently wondering what’s going on with Avery.” Royal’s brow rose.

  “Hey, don’t have that discussion until I come back,” Geo urged. “I don’t want to miss this.” Then he slipped out the sliding glass door and closed it behind him after giving us a stern look.

  In his absence, Royal and I looked at each other and an uncomfortable silence filled the room. There was something about the way he looked at me. “What?” I snapped, far louder than I expected. Molly’s hands flew up for a moment before I was able to soothe her. “Sorry. What?” I asked more calmly the second time.

  “I’ve been watching you with Avery for what…a year or so now?” He waited for my response.

  I nodded. “Yeah. About that. Why?”

  He folded his hands behind his head. “Well, I thought you two might end up together,” Royal explained. “I thought I saw something in the way you spoke to her, the jealousy you showed when the rest of the guys flirted with her.”

  I stiffened. “We were all business.”

  “Yeah, but I kinda thought she might want more. She had this look in her eye when she looked at you. And…in case you missed it…she turned everyone else down.” He grinned. “Did you ever think about that?”

  “She’s a professional,” I retorted. “She would always remain loyal to me. That’s what it’s about, right?” I asked because I wasn’t sure I even knew anymore. I’d been telling myself lies for so long. And I’d been distracted by other women, confident she’d always be there when I needed her, just like she’d proven lately when she dropped everything and moved in.

  Royal leaned back on the old sofa and smirked. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” I huffed. “If I knew what the hell I was doing here, I wouldn’t need your input, would I?”

  The glass door slid open. “Yo, you started without me, didn’t you?” Geo grumbled as he moved to sit on the same sofa as Royal. I seriously felt like they were ganging up on me.

  “We didn’t start anything.” I frowned. Already, Molly had almost finished her bottle. I hoisted her up on my shoulder and started patting her like Avery had taught me. Soon a few tiny burps were released, but I knew she had at least one big one in there. So I rubbed her back and murmured, “Come on, Molly. Let that big bad burp out. Your tummy will feel so much better.” Finally, she let it rip and the guys laughed.

  “There it is, proof positive she’s yours,” Geo joked. “Now, if you get your head out of your ass, Avery could be yours too.”

  “That’s right,” Royal murmured. “He’s got some work to do now.”

  “That’s the truth. He let her watch him date all the other girls. She’s got his entire play book memorized.” Geo smirked.

  I could actually feel all the color drain from my face. “She asked to go to The Melting Pot.”

  The guys looked at each other and burst out laughing. “And what’d you say?” Royal managed to ask as soon as he caught his breath.

  Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply. “I told her I couldn’t take her because it was lunch time.”

  “Paxton Gentry, you stupid dick. If you want the girl, you need to make her feel special.” Geo pounded out his point on his palm while he spoke. “You gotta treat her bett
er than anyone before her. You can’t do what has always worked.”

  I stood and laid Molly in her swing. After strapping her in, I started it on the lowest setting. Then I turned to address my teammates. “Maybe I don’t want her.”

  At first Geo’s eyes widened, then he shook his head. “Then you’re a fucking coward. The only reason you could have for not wanting Avery is a serious fear of not being able to live up to her expectations.”

  “Pax,” Royal began, “it’s not because you think you can do better.” He began ticking off her qualities on his fingers. “She’s intelligent. She has a smoking hot body.”

  “I like boobs a little bigger, but she’s pretty damn hot,” Geo mumbled.

  I rolled my eyes. “She’s funny. She’s patient,” I added.

  “She’d have to be to put up with your bullshit,” Geo added.


  The door handle rattled. My eyes widened. I glanced at them and hissed, “She’s here.”

  So, then we did that lame thing guys do when they try to act like nothing is going on, when something is definitely going on. I quickly turned on the television. It was on the Weather Channel and I knew why. Avery liked the soothing background music when she was puttering around. I’d suggested she try MTV or VH1. She reminded me they no longer play music. And when I suggested she go for one of the cable music stations, she simply snapped at me and told me to let her do her thing and I could do mine…in the quiet of my office if I was bothering her.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, eyeing us curiously.

  I stretched. “Nothing. Just…hanging with the guys.”

  “I can see that.” Avery moved deeper into the room. “How was Molly for you?”

  I grinned. “A perfect angel. She just ate.”

  “And burped,” Geo added.

  Royal burst out laughing.

  I reached out and grabbed her hand and all noise ceased. “Your nails look great.” I peeked at her toes. “Those are some pretty feet, Avery. And they match.” I sucked at compliments. I was obviously trying too hard, but at least I was trying. When I met her eyes, I could see both a mixture of confusion and embarrassment.


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