New Girl: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Montlake Prep Book 1)

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New Girl: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Montlake Prep Book 1) Page 6

by Nora Cobb

  Now, this is social suicide.


  In the morning, chocolate-flavored condoms are taped to my locker. I’m getting a better sex education in the hallway than in any gym class. I toss them onto the growing pile without blushing this time. And no one makes a comment. In fact, I’m not surprised to see condoms after I kicked ass at the tryouts.

  I do my best to ignore the little swipes, but it still gets to me. Some of these kids aren’t even as well off as Phil, but we have tech money, which is different from trust fund money or holding-company money. One guy even has claims back to whale-oil money. I roll my eyes to heaven and ask for more strength. Best time of my life? It better not be.

  Today was physics with Lucas and Arielle, and I wasn’t excited. Well, maybe a little. Lucas told Mancuso I was off-limits, but Arielle’s crew still took digs at me. Especially after I won a place on cheer squad by beating a freshman favorite that Arielle had christened her eventual successor. The minute I get my uniform, I’m wearing it to physics class because I can.

  But before I can step into the classroom, Arielle wraps her arm around my shoulder and spins me around, so I’m standing in the hallway again. She’s smiling at me like a cobra that’s about to strike for the kill. My nerves are about to show, so I inhale a quiet breath.

  “Welcome to the squad, Natalie,” gushes Arielle. “You had the best moves. Did you learn that at your old school?”

  “Yeah, I was on the squad there.”

  “Your moves were so edgy. So …” she’s smiling like she’s cracking as she searches for the right word. “Urban.”

  “I grew up in … Never mind.”

  Arielle pulls me off to the side, farther away from the door, and I look with longing as the other students enter the classroom. She waves two girls over that I see her with all the time. One’s the redhead from the cafeteria who I will always hate.

  “Natalie, do you know Cora and Lexi?”

  “I’ve seen them around.” Of course, I know them. They talk shit about me when I’m changing for gym. Jekyll and Hyde smile at me like they don’t already know me. They look deranged, and I will not lie, it’s sort of scary how these girls can flip the friend switch on and off.

  “Hi, Natalie,” Cora, the redhead, coos. “It’s so nice to finally speak to you.”


  “You have some wicked moves.” Cora turns and looks at Arielle. “Oh, she’s gonna look so cute in her letterman jacket.”

  They giggle like maniacs. If they were dressed in black, I’d mistake them for three witches. They just need a cauldron, a black cat, and some broomsticks.

  “She will look so cute,” continues Arielle. “Listen, Natalie, cheer squad has rules, especially for the seniors.” She looks down at my feet. “Do you own heels? Maybe you have an old pair from a formal you might have gone to in the past?”

  “I have heels.” I pull off a fake smile.

  “You need to wear them and show off your legs.” Arielle looks over at Cora and Lexi, and they squeal in delight like that’s the best idea since someone invented the lace thong.

  Arielle glares at Cora. It’s so sharp that I can feel the pain. It must be her cue, and Cora smiles at me. “So, Natalie, what do you think of Lucas? Isn’t he hot?”

  A cold chill pricks my skin, and I know I’m in trouble. There isn’t going to be a right answer, so I just play along. “Yeah, I guess he’s hot.”

  Arielle’s smile slides off her face. I don’t dare look at her straight on, afraid I’ll turn to stone.

  “Do you like him?” Cora’s deranged smile ends firmly at her cheeks, never touching her eyes. She may be enjoying this. Not torturing me, but sticking it to Arielle.

  “Well, Cora asked you a question. Do you like him?” Arielle steps closer.

  The tone in her voice makes me wince, but I don’t answer. I do like him, but I’m not in love with him. Not yet. Lucas has been a bit of a jerk, ignoring me whenever his friends are around. The actual question I want an answer to is, “does he like me?”

  I start to stutter, but before I can form a sentence, the warning bell chimes, thank God, and everyone hurries into their classes. The hall is clearing out, but Arielle grips my upper arm as she waits for an answer. The bitch is gripping me so tight that I’ll have a deep purple bruise.

  “I don’t know.” I tug her hand off.

  Nothing’s resolved as Cora and Lexi walk off to their class unconcerned that they’re going to be late. Arielle and I attract some strange looks as she bounces into class, dragging me along. We still aren’t friends, and I know as sure as the moon will be in the sky tonight that a strip of condoms will be taped to my locker in the morning.

  Lucas gives us a curious gaze but grins as I sit down beside him. He shifts in his chair until he’s leaning his left side against the desk and facing me. His fingertips softly tap the desk until his finger brushes the side of my hand. I put my hand in my lap, aware that Arielle is glancing back at us.

  “Congratulations, sweet cheeks,” he says. A smile and a wink on his face.

  “I thought I was Trashalicious?”

  “Not after I watched you do flips in your short skirt at tryouts.”

  I shoot him a look, but Lucas only smiles. He turns to face forward again, but his hand is under the desk, and his fingers trail along my upper arm. Goose bumps rise on my bare skin.

  “You know, I voted for you. The captains of each team have a vote. It makes sense since you guys cheer at our games.

  “And I’d pick you again,” he continues. My body tingles as Lucas whispers to me. And I try not to look like I’m not paying attention to Yeats.

  “Pick me for what?” I whisper.

  Lucas leans back and drapes an arm over the back of my chair. With a sigh, I sink into my chair, leaning my shoulders into his arm. His fingers graze my right shoulder.

  “Captains only date girls on the cheer squad.” Lucas moves his hand and strokes the curls on the nape of my neck. I shudder as his fingers send tingles across my skin.

  “You seeing Anthony?” he asks.

  I’m not, but I feel disloyal for saying it. He’s good-looking and funny but who knows what’s going on with him and Beth. I know I wouldn’t shiver if Anthony were touching me under the desk.

  “Where are you eating lunch today?” He glances over at me.

  “I had plans to go off campus.” I don’t dare mention Beth to Lucas.

  His fingers reach up and brush the curve of my ear. I get a chill. I swear I have to bite my lip to keep a moan in. I’m starting to feel warm when his hand leaves the back of the chair and goes to my knee.

  “I’m coming with you. Wait for me by my car.”

  His hand moves higher, pushing up the hem of my skirt. Lucas has strong hands, but his touch is gentle. I reach for his hand, but he pushes my hem up further. He strokes the sensitive skin on my inner thigh, and I try not to look like a cat with a bowl of cream. Lucas pushes his fingers in between my thighs, but I grip his hand tight before he can go farther. He pulls his hand away, giving me a naughty smile. In a daze, I look up, and Arielle is scowling at us. I know I have a goofy look on my face, and it comes right off. My body stiffens, and I look straight ahead at the board.

  I make it out into the hallway before Lucas or Arielle can leave their desks. My face is flushed with heat, and I’m on edge so badly that my hands are shaking. He toyed with me for the entire class, and only the bell brought me back. As I walk, I pull out my phone to text Beth and tell her that we’ll have lunch some other time. But then it occurs to me that if I’m on the squad, I’ll be expected to eat at the first table. I can’t sit in the back with my uniform on.

  I’m at my locker before I realize that Cora and Lexi have been following me. The smiles that were stamped on their faces are gone, and not likely to return as they stare me down. Ignoring them as they box me in, I look down to open my lock as Cora stands beside me.

  “We have rules in our squad, Trashalicio
us,” she says. “The most important is that you don’t date another woman’s man.”

  We’re going there? I open my locker with the condoms piled at least two inches deep on the bottom. I pick a foil package off the top and press it into Cora’s chest, forcing her to take it.

  “I don’t mind sharing,” I quip with a taunting smirk.

  But Cora isn’t joking, and I’m guessing nicey-nice time is way over. She gets right into my face as Lexi blocks us from view.

  “Look, Lucas and Arielle are together,” she hisses. “They’re an item. So that means your grubby hands are off.”

  “Does he know they’re an item?”

  “They’re as good as engaged. You don’t want to be that girl, do you?”

  “And what girl is that?” I inch my face closer to hers.

  “Not a team player.” Cora puts her face so close to mine that I can feel her breath on my upper lip. She’s not backing down, and this feels weird. I can’t stare at her all day. Let’s cut the fake shit. It’s time to negotiate.

  “Since I’m on the team now, will this bullshit stop?” I inch away, and it makes her smile.

  Cora flashes a look of arrogant confidence that no one should ever have. She tilts her couture nose in the air.

  “It could,” she purrs. “But you need to fall in line.” She pushes a hard nail into my chest, and I’m forced to take a step backward into Lexi, who holds her ground.

  “You wormed your way onto the squad,” Cora continues, “but you break the code, and we’ll teach you a life lesson that your trash ass should have learned on day one.”

  “I’m guessing it’s not in any book.” My eyes are hard, but on the inside, my stomach is doing backflips.

  Her phony smile was creeping me out, but bloodthirsty Cora is worse. “You’re not that stupid, new girl. You’re still in the gutter, but you can look at the stars for now.”

  I hate to admit it, but that was clever. Cora takes another step forward as Lexi grabs my arms and pulls them behind my back. I should have stepped away when I had the chance. I’m going to end up pushed into my locker with my condom collection if I don’t back down. Lexi has a tight grip, and she digs her nails into me as she pulls my arms tight. Cora grips my face hard, digging her nails into my cheeks. It hurts as her claws prick my skin.

  “I’m not interested in him.” My words are winded as I finally crack. “Maybe he’s only trying to make her jealous.” Hell, I’ll tell a lie to save my skin, and it’s enough to make Arielle’s goons back off.

  A smug Cora looks convinced and nods at Lexi, who lets me go. I hate for them to see me wince in pain as I hold my stomach. That bitch has a hell of a grip. I’m surprised that they risked ruining a hundred-dollar manicure on teaching me a lesson. After all that drama, we walk together to our next class while discussing new routines.

  When I return to my locker after English class, it’s open, and nothing is inside. The new pens I purchased, including the one I wanted to give Phil, are gone. I should have taken them home. Not even my condom collection remains. Luckily, I had the tablet with me, or I’d be beyond pissed. I’ll need new gym clothes, and my textbooks are gone. Not that I used them much, but still, they were mine. I’ll have to use Phil’s account, but what’s the point of buying new ones for them to steal again? I slam the locker door shut, gaining a few curious looks from the few students in the hall. But they were probably around when it was broken into.

  Instead of condoms, a note is taped to the door of my locker. It reads, ‘Know your place, trash.’

  That asshole. I know who did it and I actually have to tutor Jock-boy later. Little fucker. Cora and Lexi must have seen my combination and texted it to him. They said the teasing would stop, but I was naive. It’s almost a quarter after eleven, and I’m definitely going to lunch with Lucas.

  I must have a look on my face or gossip travels quickly because I’m getting a few looks as I walk over to the admin office in East Hall. I should check my back to make sure I don’t have a sign on it or worse, I should check my feed, but I haven’t done anything embarrassing yet.

  I pick up the pace, and I wonder if Cora told Lucas I wasn’t interested in him. I felt guilty saying it and can’t blame him for ignoring lame me. But it’s how the game was played today. Besides, Lucas probably won’t believe them anyway.



  It’s after twelve, and I wonder if Natalie has chickened out. I wouldn’t blame her if she did. Natalie’s not dumb. Far from it, but she’s at a disadvantage at Montlake. She doesn’t know the academy, and she doesn’t belong here. Sure, there are ‘new money’ kids attending, but they’ve been here so long they no longer stand out. They’ve learned the code.

  I check my phone again. Next time, I’ll get her number from the office. There’s no way that we can leave campus and get back in time for afternoon classes.

  Stretching my neck around my shoulders, I close my eyes and her pretty face flashes into my mind. I love champagne blondes with chocolate-brown eyes. Her skin is smooth, and Natalie still has baby curls on the nape of her neck. I like the way she smells like soap and nothing else. Not like the other girls that stink like they spilled toxic perfume on their skin. But the overpowering scent will hide the smell of midmorning liquor.

  I hear light footsteps, and Natalie hurries up the parking deck steps. Her tan legs are moving quickly, and I like the way her thighs tremble slightly as her feet pound the pavement.

  “I’m sorry I’m late. I had to go to the office,” she explains.

  “Why? What happened?”

  Natalie pauses, and for a moment, she looks as if she’s wondering if I’m lying. She sighs, and her lower lip trembles. “Someone broke into my locker and stole all my stuff.”

  Disgusted with the pettiness, I pull my hand through my hair. I thought we had an agreement to ease up on Natalie now that she’s on the squad. Jocks get protection. But when there’s blood in the water, the sharks will circle their prey until that last fatal bite.

  “What was stolen?”

  Shifting on her feet, she replies softly, “My books, my gym clothes, and a pen I really liked. I also bought one for my uncle. At least I still have my purse.” She waves it off with a helpless shrug. “I’ll go to the bookstore later.”

  “That’s not the point. They shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Do you know who did it?”

  “No, I don’t.” I cut off her question. “Come on. Get in.” I open the passenger side door, and she slides in, looking around in wonder.

  “What kind of car is this? I mean, I know it’s a Camaro.”

  “It’s a custom ZL1.”

  “It’s a pretty blue.”

  She makes me laugh. Maybe that’s why I like Natalie. Still, that won’t be a good enough reason to break the code and date her. But she’s hard to resist. Backing out of the parking space, I rest my hand on the back of the passenger seat and let my fingers brush her soft cheek. I feel her heated reaction under my light touch.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To have lunch at the club.”

  “Do we have enough time?” Natalie checks her phone.

  “We have time.” My parents funded the new ice rink. Montlake owes me plenty. “Who’d you tell in the office about your locker?”

  “Cromwell,” she says bitterly.

  The V8 engine roars as I speed down the driveway to the school gate. I turn a fast left, sending Natalie against her seat belt. “Cromwell is a fund raiser, nothing more,” I reply. “He won’t do anything for you.”

  “Will we get in trouble for being late?”

  I glance at her, and she actually looks concerned. I wonder if I should really spend my time clueing her in. If we were in college and dating, her background wouldn’t be as big of a deal. But in Montlake, this is bad. A sidepiece is okay, but Natalie can’t be my full-time girlfriend. That’s a big no.

  I cruise over to the country club that my family belongs to, and I s
ee her checking me out from the corner of her eye. Natalie acts tough, but those eyes betray her. I turn off the engine, and my gaze meets hers. She blushes a little, realizing that I know she’s been watching me the whole time I’ve been driving.

  The rich girls at Montlake take everything for granted. To them, rich boys are interchangeable. They expect to have a man because we’ve been paired up since we were in diapers. But Natalie is unsure and hesitant with me and she must know we are a bad idea. That makes her even more attractive because I want a challenge. I want the chase.

  “Are we getting out?” Her voice is barely a whisper.

  “In a moment. I’m texting the office, so they’ll know we’ll be late.” I put down my phone, and I lean closer toward her, bracing one hand on the door and the other one on her seat. Natalie leans back, but she’s eyeing my lips.


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