New Girl: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Montlake Prep Book 1)

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New Girl: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Montlake Prep Book 1) Page 16

by Nora Cobb

  He winks, and we walk back to our table. Arielle has a look on her face that wipes the smile off mine. The girl has everything, but she can be so hateful. Well, almost everything. I look over my shoulder at Lucas, but he’s motioning to a waiter who walks over to refill our glasses.

  “Nice moves,” sneers Troy. “Did you practice that at home?”

  “Pipe down, Troy,” warns Jacob.

  “If I had known you two were into three-ways …” continues Troy.

  Arielle looks disgusted and turns away.

  “Troy, don’t start because I will do something,” growls Jacob.

  But he continues. “I didn’t know you two were into sharing hot garbage.”

  “Troy.” Lucas glares. “Back off. Don’t start.”

  Troy sits up straight. “She attacked me like an animal.”

  “You were beating up Anthony,” I hiss in disbelief. “He was on the ground bleeding.”

  Troy sneers. “Oh, I forgot … he’s your boyfriend too.”

  “Troy … stop.” Jacob is moving closer toward Troy’s seat.

  And I keep going. “You’re just pissed because you’re cut off.”

  Troy gives me a cold look, then he turns his attention to Jacob. “Did you buy her off Anthony? Is that what that little fucker’s selling these days?”

  “Troy,” Jacob’s face is flushed. “Stop now.”

  Troy throws his head back and laughs. “At least I’m not riding the village bicycle after the school dealer’s had his turn.”

  I almost expect one of the girls to cackle at his rude joke, but they’re wide-eyed. The table is silent as we hold our breaths and watch Jacob as he circles the table, heading for Troy.

  “I warned you. Too many times, you piece of shit.”

  A glob of spit lands in Jacob’s hair from Troy’s mouth. Troy glares at Jacob as the spit runs down. Time slows and Jacob pulls back his fist. Lucas jumps up to run toward them but he’s not fast enough. Lexi starts screaming as Troy falls away from the table. As Troy falls, he grabs for the first thing he can reach, and a glass of water flies through the air, hitting Lucas in the chest. Jacob grabs for Troy as Arielle and Cora jump up from the table, screaming and running for cover. I sit there, frozen to my seat, as I watch the evening turn into a bloody mess.

  Troy stands and hits the table again, but this time he just lies there, not moving as blood covers his mouth and Jacob holds his fist.

  Principal Cromwell is on top of Jacob faster than a squirrel running across the parkway. He’s red-faced and shouting obscenities as he forces Jacob onto the floor. I don’t know why this man chose to work with kids.

  Cromwell and two waiters drag Jacob out of the room through the large archway. A shocked Lucas is grabbed by an overzealous waiter, and he’s led away as Troy sits up with a coach’s help. The man is glaring at me as if I was the one to punch Troy. I grab my purse, and I hurry out. I can hear shouting by the main entrance, and Cromwell is still screaming at Jacob.

  “I will see you in my office on Monday morning, Mr. Fleming! I’ve warned you too many times.”

  “Fuck you!” Jacob yells, pointing at Cromwell. “I own you, bitch.”

  Scowling, Jacob turns on his heel and stalks off. A quiet Lucas buttons his jacket while looking Cromwell up and down. In a smooth voice, he says, “See you on Monday, Principal Cromwell.”

  Lucas smiles as a livid Cromwell threatens them both with suspension followed by expulsion. I run after them toward the car. My heels are slowing me down, but Lucas notices me tagging along and slows his pace.

  “Will he be okay?” I nod toward Jacob.

  Lucas gives me an odd look, and I wonder if I should have asked Lucas if he was okay first. He looks at Jacob, who’s kicking a car in the bumper and swearing as if the car offended him.

  “Don’t worry,” Lucas sighs. “He’s just wound up.”

  Lucas pulls a joint out of his jacket pocket. “Why don’t you get this started? We’ll need it for the ride home.”

  I don’t smoke, but this is one time I’m glad someone does. Lucas calmly opens the front passenger door and motions to Jacob. Jacob wants to drive his car, but Lucas hands him the lit joint. If we’re stopped on the ride home, I can’t take much more of this. I hesitate, but Lucas gives me a stern look, and I walk over to the back passenger door. He opens it, and I get in.

  Lucas starts the Rover. “What a way to end the evening, Fleming.”

  “You wanted to stay at that loser party all night?” Jacob huffs. “If they hadn’t kicked me out, I would have left.”

  “Why don’t you like wholesome pursuits?” Lucas asks him. “The punch was divine.”

  “Shut up, you asshole. Drive to my house first.” Jacob is on his phone typing a text. “My parents are out of town.”

  “Why didn’t you say?” asks Lucas. “Wait. Your mother is with your father? Is it a wedding or funeral?”

  “Neither. Mom thinks Dad is cheating so she insisted on going.”

  “Is he cheating? Doesn’t he have a sugar baby?”

  “He does,” Jacob scoffs, then laughs. “But he likes to pretend he’s too cheap to cheat.”

  I realize now that I don’t know much about the boys’ home lives.

  Jacob sends out a text blast, and in twenty minutes, his house is popping. The place is filled with people from Montlake and other private schools. I relax, knowing that not everyone here knows my infamous history. Kids are whispering about the fight. It’s the law now:

  Don’t piss off Jacob or he will break you.

  His house is a major mansion, not too far from my uncle’s, filled with antiques that better be insured with all the people crowding into these rooms. The dining room has a carved oak table in it, and I can’t remember if Jacob said he had any siblings. Across from it is a spotless living room which looks like it’s for show only. The upholstered wooden chairs don’t look sturdy enough for the football team. But kids are draped across the furniture drinking and smoking cigarettes.

  Laughing, I’m dancing by the indoor pool as I get splashed. I hear a roar as Anthony walks in through the archway and enters the party. He’s dressed in his black leather jacket and skinny jeans, but his bag is not on his shoulder. I wonder if he’s here to sell or party. Anthony’s gaze catches mine. His lips press together as his unhappy eyes widen, but I look away and head into another room.

  “Natalie!” shouts Mancuso as I enter the study. “What are you drinking?”

  “Vodka tonic with a twist.”

  “Fancy lady.”

  “Do you always play bartender?”

  “Only for the pretty women,” he hands me a glass. “There’s a cooler with beer in the kitchen for guys and the dogs.”

  “You’re such a dick,” I grin, sipping my drink and glad that I don’t have to drink a beer. Perhaps I’m too vain for my own good.

  “Remember me later, sweetheart.” He winks.

  I turn immediately and bump into Anthony. He must have followed behind me when I left the pool. I can’t stand to look at his sad, pale face with his shaggy black hair falling into his green eyes. My plan was to ignore him, but I can’t with him standing so close to me.

  “What do you want?” I try to sound bitchy, but I sound like a cranky baby that needs a nap.

  “Can we talk?” he asks.

  Averting my eyes, I shrug my shoulders, and Anthony follows me out of the room. I don’t want to be alone with him so we head out onto the patio off the den.


  Anthony bites his lip, and his cheeks flush. It tugs at my heart. It’s hard to be angry with him. He was my first friend at Montlake, after all.

  “Natalie, I would never do anything to hurt you. I’m so sorry that what I did caused you pain.”

  I look down as my face starts to crumple. A tear slides down my cheek, and Anthony wipes it away.

  “Damn you, I’m supposed to be mad at you forever.”

  Anthony hugs me, and I rest my head against his shou
lder. I can feel him shaking as we touch, and I know that he’s really sorry for what happened. He wipes another tear away, and I pull away from him.

  “Where’s Beth?” I ask.

  His face turns dark, and he shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know and I don’t care. I don’t have feelings for Beth. She’ll get over me.”

  I feel bad knowing how much Beth likes him. I assumed they were close friends and Anthony felt the same way. It’s becoming awkward standing alone with him. I don’t want to encourage him.

  I look up into his eyes as he looks down at me.

  “I love you,” he whispers, “only you, and I will never do anything to hurt you again.”

  His lips brush mine, but I step back quickly. He’s the safe choice. The boy I can have. He knows me and I know him. We get each other and I never have to worry about fitting into Anthony’s world because we’re already there. But still, I have to remember who I’m with.

  “Let’s go back inside and just have fun.” I smile as brightly as I can. I smile for both of us. “I need a break from the drama.”

  Anthony smiles shyly and trudges behind me back into the house. We enter through another door into the kitchen. Arielle is in the kitchen hanging out. Smiling, she notices the look of surprise on my face and waves. I don’t see Troy, but that doesn’t mean he’s not here. Lucas is standing beside her. And I feel guilty about being with Anthony. There’s a glint in Lucas’ eye as he winks at me then turns back to Arielle, placing his hand on her knee.

  Weakly, I hurry out of the room. I stare at the people crowded in the house. My eyes jump from face to face and I wonder where Troy is. Shaking, I don’t feel safe. Anthony grabs my hand and leads me towards the back of the house.

  “Come on,” he says, “we’ll go upstairs and talk. There’s a staircase in the back hall.”

  “You’ve been here before?” I ask him.

  “Sure,” he looks away. “I’ve been here a few times. It’s a big house for four people.”

  “Four people?”

  “Yeah,” Anthony frowns at me. “Jacob has an older sister.”

  I didn’t know. I don’t know a lot. I yank my hand out of Anthony’s.

  “Look, I don’t know if we should go upstairs.”

  “Are you still angry with me?”

  “No,” I shake my head for emphasis, “but it might not look right.”

  “You shouldn’t care about what these people think,” he frowns, “because they will always think the worst of you.”

  Anthony’s right. He holds me again and I lean into him. All I really want is to feel safe again. Anthony makes me feel safe because I know he won’t lie.

  “Let’s go talk in private.” His fingers stroke my chin. I feel warm in his arms and I want to be held. And it’s obvious that Lucas will never give up Arielle. And the last time I saw Jacob, he was showing off in the hot tub with two brunettes from a rival school. I guess they’ve wooed me enough for one evening.

  “Let’s find an empty bedroom, and we can talk,” he says again.

  I hesitate because Anthony’s fingers are trailing my cheek and he has a look of longing that tells me that he’s not going to let me slip away again. I lean into him, shutting my eyes, and I smell the warmth of his body in his jacket. I feel safe and I realize now why I need him. Anthony reminds me of home. Anthony is the one I should pick, so I do. We kiss, but I resist when he pulls my arm. Anthony swears he only wants to talk.

  “What if someone sees us go upstairs?” I ask.

  “Okay, you take the back stairs. I’ll use the front. The guest rooms are to the left. I’ll find you.”

  I walk upstairs while Anthony heads toward the front of the house.


  I walk down a dimly lit hallway to the last door. Opening it, I hesitate in the doorway of the bedroom. The lights are off, the windows are covered, and I can’t see if anyone is in there. In the darkness, I see a shadow approach me. Anthony must have raced up the front stairs. I can barely make him out in the dark as he shuts the door.

  “Anthony?” I whisper, holding out my hand. “Why is it so dark?”

  I pause as he wraps his arms around me, and his lips touch mine in a tentative kiss. I’ll never have Lucas or Jacob. Despite all the things my uncle can buy with his money, I’m not the right pedigree for them. Anthony has always shown he cares only about me. He’s not a rich boy that follows a code.

  “I won’t fight it anymore,” I whisper. “We should be together.”

  His arms tense around me and I feel hesitation. This is what he wanted. Now I want it too. I’m about to leave when his mouth takes mine eagerly. I press into his body, and this time, I feel the spark that was missing before. The safe feeling has been replaced with an excitement that lights up my core. I want to be touched. I need to be touched. I gasp for air as we break our long kiss. His arms hold me closer, and he nuzzles my hair.

  Carefully leading me through the dark room, he takes me to the bed. He places his hands on my shoulders and guides me down until I’m seated on the edge of the bed. I slide my purse off my shoulder and toss it away. My eyes adjust to the darkness only enough to see his outline. I feel the bed sink down as he sits beside me. Taking my hand, he pulls me into another kiss.

  “You said we were only going to talk,” I whisper.

  My weak protest is silenced as he kisses my throat and presses me back onto the bed. He lays over me, and I feel the pounding of his heart against my chest. It helps me relax knowing that he’s as excited as I am. He’s taken off his leather jacket, and I nuzzle his chest through his soft cotton T-shirt. He smells warm and earthy, like want and excitement. I reach my chin up toward him, and he finds my parted lips. His tongue sweeps my mouth, and I can taste the cheap beer on his breath. It makes me giggle.

  “Should we turn on a light?” I try to wiggle away, but he stops me.

  I moan softly as he nibbles on the curve of my ear and his fingertips touch my breasts. My body responds to his weight on top of me and gradually, I open my legs, allowing him to lie against me. I feel a calm through my body, and it replaces the hurt and the loss that I’ve felt. Nothing could replace the terrible memories I have, but maybe I can find someone to love me again. I kiss him deeper.

  His lean body responds as my breaths become gasps. I feel his body sliding off mine in the dark, and his hand touches the delicate skin on my inner thighs. He lifts my dress up higher and places his hand between my thighs. I squeeze his hand with my legs as my pussy swells. His hand slides higher up until his fingers rub up against my soaked lace panties. I moan as Anthony’s mouth moves to the curve of my neck, and he sucks at the sensitive skin. I grab his thick hair between my fingers and wiggle playfully against him, feeling his bulge rise.

  He breathes against my ear as he tugs my dress over my head. My knees part slightly as his fingers slip under the elastic of my panties. I press against his hand like I’m in heat, not caring that he knows how badly I want him. I moan again as his finger slips between the soaked folds, and I smile in a haze as he makes me wetter.

  I lean into his hard body. He’s slim, but his muscles feel strong. It feels wrong to be almost naked while he’s fully clothed. He kisses me all over my naked skin. His lips tease my nipples until they harden. I moan, willing him to touch me harder, to stroke me. I writhe in pure pleasure as he growls deep in his throat. Anthony’s demanding and it surprises me, but it makes me happy to know he can’t resist me.

  Rolling me onto his chest, he pushes his strong thighs between my legs, forcing them apart as he tugs me against his body. My pussy swells as I feel his hard-on against my tummy.

  “I want this, but maybe we should stop for now. What if we’re caught?”

  He places his hand on my lower back and gently strokes the curve of my bottom. The small movements of his fingers on my skin soothe me. I curl up against his chest and mewl in pleasure at his sweet gesture of love. I know I made the right choice. With my senses heightened in the darkness, I
crawl on top of him, seeking his mouth in the dark and placing tiny kisses on his lips.

  His hand travels lower and brushes against the top of my lace panties. I shiver as his touch tickles me and I cling to him as his hot breath warms my ear. It’s my turn to press soft kisses on his neck, feeling rough whiskers I didn’t know he had. I moan in his ear as his finger slides underneath the thin fabric and explores my wetness.

  Uncertain, he takes away his hand. Maybe we are going too far and if we go too far, we can’t go back to being friends. I feel him lift off me, and I can see the outline of his head looking down at me. I don’t need to see his face to know he has a questioning look. I squeeze myself around him, letting go of his hand.


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