Arynn's Chosen Mate: Bad Alpha Dads (Iron Wolves MC Book 8)

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Arynn's Chosen Mate: Bad Alpha Dads (Iron Wolves MC Book 8) Page 5

by Elle Boon

  Arynn really hated the woman, but even more so, when he recognized the way she’d imprinted herself on the little family he was claiming. He may have been an absent father for the past twelve and a half years, but he’d be damned if one hair on any of the females he was surrounded with, was damaged.

  “They’ll come in through the back, thinking to knock out Gizmo with something. They know he’s a trained protector pit from one of the largest breeds of pit bulls. His father is famous. I paid a mint for that big boy, and I’m not allowing anyone to hurt him, nor are we leaving him behind.” Sheila grabbed a leash that looked more like a horse’s lead rope.

  Not bothering to argue, having no plans to leave the animal behind, he moved toward the front. He could feel the darkness waiting outside. Thankfully, Jenna had taught them how to fight it with their Fey light. He’d think about the fact his child had Fae in her later. For now, he needed to get them in his vehicle and out of town, quickly.

  “I’ll go out first, I’m sure that’ll shock the shit out of the old broad. You ladies make a run for my rig.” He handed the key fob to Sheila. “If for some reason I don’t make it to the truck, you get in and you hit the road. Hit the phone on the dash and say call Alpha. That’ll connect you to my alpha. They’ll track you and protect you. Tell them—everything. I’ll catch up.” He wasn’t worried overly much until he glanced out the door. The men sneaking around the back looked more like military swat than some average team of security. Closing his eyes, he made a mental call.

  “What’s up, Arynn?” Kellen sounded out of breath.

  “Alpha, I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything, but my daughter and her family are under attack. The house is being surrounded by men who look to be military trained and the grandmother is Dark Fae.” He didn’t mince his words, knowing Kellen would be pissed if he didn’t call for help in the situation.

  “I’m assuming you’re a few hours South of us? I’m hollering at Jenna, honeymoon be damned.”

  If his kid and the woman who raised her, along with her sister weren’t staring at him with fear in their eyes, he’d shift and take out as many of the assholes who thought to come into their home. “Back up’s on the way.”

  “Arynn, we don’t have that kind of time.”

  “Yoohoo, did someone call for a Feywolf and her Wolpires?”

  He closed his eyes and then opened them before turning to face Jenna and sure enough, her mates, who didn’t look happy to have been interrupted. “Nice shorts,” he said, waving at the short shorts the twins were wearing.

  He had two men wearing tiny shorts flipping him the bird.

  “Mom, are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Rebel asked.

  “Listen, children, once I spank some dark beo...I mean, once I go teach an old lady some manners, while my handsome husbands teach some silly boys with their toys a few things, we’ll talk. Mkay?” Jenna waved her fingers, slapping Damien followed by Lucas on the ass as she stepped away then disappeared.

  “Is she like a Jedi or a Sith?” Rebel asked.

  “Don’t give her any freaking ideas, kid.”

  Arynn looked at the one who spoke. “Damien, what do you need from us?” He moved closer to his three girls. Whether they knew it or not, they were his.

  “How ‘bout you stay with your family here while we take care of the, less than stellar ones outside. Oh, by the way, nice pet.” Damien scratched Gizmo between the ears.

  Rebel growled. “Nice protection he is. How’s he know y’all aren’t enemy number fifty or something?”

  Lucas grinned, flashing a bit of fang for the girl’s benefit Arynn was sure. “Gizzy is a very smart boy, besides, he knows who’s top dog in the house. Ain’t that right boy?” He gave one more scratch, then turned to follow Damien, who’d already replaced the shorts with a pair of jeans, shocking Arynn as he’d only seen the prince of vampires in suits.

  “We’ve entered the twilight zone, haven’t we?” Romie asked.

  Sheila pulled both girls next to her, wrapping an arm around each. “Are they—friends of yours?”

  Arynn nodded. “Trust me, we couldn’t ask for anyone better to be here. Well, there’s Creed, but he’s another ballgame altogether. Do you have everything you’ll need in those bags?” He nodded toward Rebel’s feet, still amazed at the show of strength his girl had.

  “You should grab your purse, mom. That way we don’t have to worry about replacing some of your information.” Rebel’s voice was calm as if they’d planned for such an exit.

  The sound of metal being smashed, and a male scream followed by several more had Arynn looking up at the ceiling. “It’ll be over soon.” Staying inside and not fighting went against the grain, but leaving the females unprotected wasn’t an option.

  Several minutes passed, before finally, the tense moments were broken.

  “Alright my lovelies, that didn’t go quite as expected, but rest assured, your resident Feywolf and her sidekicks totally kicked—bum and didn’t bother with names. Um, there was a dark presence that lingered, but the female was gone when I went out. Do you know who or what I’m talking about?” Jenna stood in an outfit straight out of a scifi movie carrying an honest to goodness glowing sword.

  “Are you like alien?” Romie asked with awe in her voice.

  Jenna moved to stand in front of the girls, the glowing sword looking ominous in her right hand. “Oops, let me just take care of this.” She bumped it against her hip, making the blue light appear to shrink into the handle. “Well, if an alien is someone not from Earth, then in your definition, yes, I’m an alien. However, that means all of us in this room are aliens by that description, including you, young Romie Brielle.”

  Rebel held up her hand, the other was clenched on Gizmo’s collar. “What exactly are you and what are we?”

  Jenna looked to Arynn, a raise of her blonde brows. “I’m gonna leave that to your father to tell you. For now, you’re safe. By the way, where are my two hunky mates?”

  Sheot! Arynn pinched the bridge of his nose as Rebel and Romie turned their intent stares on him. He could see the accusation in both girls’ eyes. “Listen, I know you have questions, which your mother and I most definitely owe you both. While I want to spill it all right here and now, I’m not sure it’s the safest, especially knowing the wicked grandmother could return and who knows what or who she’ll bring with her. And, if my senses are correct, you’re with young my queen.” Arynn held his hand near Jenna’s stomach, wishing he’d been allowed to feel his own child growing inside all those years ago.

  The Fey Queen’s face lit up with happiness. “Yes, we are. Oh, and those randy twins of your alpha have already laid claim to my little nuggets, much to my mates’ dismay. I can’t wait to watch those fireworks.”

  “That’s it. I’ve clearly got a concussion. That idiot today hit me harder than I thought, and my brain is bruised.” Rebel rubbed her head.

  Jenna growled. “Who hit you?”

  “Easy, il mio cuore, I do believe the young female took care of the little bastard and good on her I say. When our young are born, we’ll make sure she and her sister teach our girls’ how to handle little porchdicks like she did.” Lucas strolled in through the kitchen, brushing his hands together like he was dusting them off.

  “Where’s your brother?” Jenna asked, turquoise eyes narrowed.

  “I do believe he’s handling a little mess in the backyard. Seems he did a little rolling of landscaping and wanted to make sure it looked just as it had when we walked out. Oh, he also wanted me to inform you that you needed to teach your overly large pet some manners about going number two outside where unsuspecting visitors might walk.” Lucas grinned.

  Romie groaned, while Rebel pretended great interest in fixing said large pet.

  “Thank you for the tip. I’ll make sure they’re properly trained,” Sheila agreed.

  Chapter Four

  Sheila wasn’t sure what she’d expected. Heck, she knew her mother was—other. Her twin had
special abilities that she didn’t and had used them to her advantage throughout the twenty-one years she’d been alive, even when it wasn’t ethically right. Of course, she learned it from the best as their own mother was far from June Cleaver. Although, from the outside she appeared to be exactly that. Never did Susan Barnes appear outside her bedroom without being perfectly presentable. She’d expected the same from both her daughters. Sarah had an advantage that Sheila didn’t with the ability to use some of those same powers Susan had, while Sheila worked hard to conform. Once they were teenagers, Sarah strove to do just the opposite, pushing back against their mother anytime she had the chance. Now, looking at the roomful of strangers who exuded more power than she’d ever felt when in the presence of both Susan and Sarah, Sheila felt completely out of her league.

  Her fear must’ve shown as Arynn moved closer to her, heat from his body warming her even as she felt a cold chill snake up her spine. “We need to leave. My mother’s reaching out and I don’t have the strength to fight her for long if I’m in close proximity.” Luckily, distance did help her when she was trying to avoid her mother.

  Jenna placed her hand on Sheila’s brow. “Ah, what a nasty nasty woman. She’s placed a block on your powers. I’m afraid if I unlock them completely what it would do to you. I’m going to help you a little by doing this.”

  Sheila felt a soothing pressure followed by warmth, almost as if she were being wrapped in the softest of blankets that had been heated, wrapping around her. The very air around her seemed to pause as everything became clearer. She blinked several times, looking down at Rebel, seeing her daughter as if for the first time. Everything about the girl became amplified, down to the long dark lashes to her black nail polish she favored. Romie’s breathing was rapid, but her aura was a bright pink, similar to Rebel’s only softer, as if she too had a suppressed power. “Why does everything look as if I’ve stepped into some seventies show with swirling colors?”

  Jenna touched Romie and whispered words into her ear then stood back. “Follow my voice, Sheila. Things are clearer to your human eyes as they should’ve always been. You’re seeing the very truth of a person’s being. Tell me what you see when you look at your girls?”

  Sheila swallowed quickly, wondering how to explain what she saw. “When I look at Rebel, I see a bright shade of pink around her. Like, everything is so much more vivid. Romie has a little lighter shade of pink. You and Rebel’s pinks are similar, but you also have purple and a multitude of other colors pulsating around you. I picture a unicorn when I see you.”

  A smile lit the tiny woman’s face. “That’s amazing. I think we need a unicorn for a pet. What do you think? Wouldn’t that be awesome?”

  “That’s a hard no. You already have dragon friends. Imagine what Belle and Lula would do to a unicorn.” Lucas shuddered. “Let’s get a goldfish.”

  Arynn coughed. “People, we need to get to moving before granny comes back.”

  “His color is a pretty shade of blue,” Sheila blurted.

  Jenna clapped. “That’s a good color. When you see someone, and their color is a sickening shade of green or black, possibly brown, anything that’s offensive to your eyes, that means they’re not good.”

  Rebel bit her lip. “Grandma always had a blackish shade around her, almost like she was always in shadows. I always blinked because I thought it was a trick of the light.”

  “Your powers weren’t as locked down, thanks to your Fey blood. Speaking of, you’re going to have lots of questions as all of you will, I’m sure. As for now, just go with Arynn. He’ll keep you safe and knows to shout if he needs us.” Jenna kissed each girl on the forehead, reaching for Sheila’s hands. “You’ve done a remarkable job raising these young ladies so far. Take the help we’re offering, knowing it comes without strings.” Jenna stood on her toes and kissed Sheila’s forehead. “Och, you had to go and get a mate so tall, Arynn the Omega. The Goddess agrees with your choice. Blessings to you all.”

  Damien and Lucas held their hands out, and then they were gone, leaving Sheila speechless. What did the woman mean about the Goddess? What Goddess? Maybe if she pinched herself, she’d wake up. “Ouch,” she yelped from pain as she released her fingers from her arm.

  “Did that work?” Arynn asked.

  She pointed her finger at him. “Don’t start with me.”

  The gorgeous man had the smarts to hold his hands up, but his smile made her stomach flip, setting butterflies to fluttering. “Go grab your purse, like Rebel suggested and anything else you think you might need. I say we have about two minutes before I start getting itchy.”

  “You get itchy, too?” Rebel asked, her hands running up and down her arms.

  Arynn nodded. “I think that’s another thing we need to discuss when we get somewhere safe.”

  “Is there really such a place?” The question popped out before Sheila could stop it.

  Arynn nodded. “Oh yeah, but it’s not a fancy place like you’re probably used to. I’ll explain once we get on the road.”

  Hearing him speak as if he expected her to only know luxury made her want to shake him. Yes, her home and all she had was just that—expensive. But it was more of a cage than anything else.

  He paced back and forth in front of the large picture window, expecting trouble to show up, surprised when all three of the females returned within minutes of their quick exit. Romie and Rebel both had a backpack, along with the large duffels, while Sheila had an additional suitcase. Again, he wondered how long they’d planned for the need to up and leave. The anger simmering low in his gut had him striding forward to take the case from Sheila before he growled out an order for them to tell him who he needed to kill. Answers would come later. For now, their safety was his top concern, and getting as far from this strange town was the first thing on his list of things to do. When Rebel reached down to grab the duffel by her feet, he scooped it and the other up in one fist. “I got it, make sure you have everything you need for Gizmo.” For some reason, he knew she needed something to focus on other than the changes happening, namely him.

  “He eats a lot,” she said.

  The big pit bull sat between the two girls, his eyes assessing the room like he really wanted to just take a nap or eat a half a side of beef. “I do too. Grab his food and lets roll, girls, times a ticking.”

  Romie and Rebel both hurried back to the kitchen, while he stood listening for anything out of the ordinary. When they returned carrying a large bag each, he shook his head. “How long will that last him? Never mind, we’ll get more once we get home.” The Iron Wolves were getting more members every week it seemed and not of the adult variety. Hell, Kellen was going to have to add a daycare as it was with all the babies being born.

  “We’re ready,” Sheila said with a sigh.

  Arynn took in her appearance, her natural beauty, and the obvious fierce love she had for both girls. He had so many questions, but like he’d told them, they had time. Once he had them back with his pack and secure, he’d find a place where he and Sheila could spend some alone—hell, his wolf perked up as he thought of all the things he and she could do. Down boy!

  Sheila didn’t bother locking the house when they stepped outside. What she expected to see, especially as she’d heard several loud booms, she wasn’t sure, but the clean and quiet neighborhood looked exactly as it always did. “Your friends doing?” she asked Arynn as she helped him stash their belongings in the back of what was clearly an expensive SUV.

  Arynn looked around before responding. “Jenna’s—well, she’s pretty much the most powerful being you’ll ever meet. It’s best to stay on her good side. Not that I think any of you will have a problem with her. She’s someone who takes a bit to get used to, is all. Some think she’s crazy, but when you happen to be thousands of years old you tend to be, different than the rest of us. I mean you’ve pretty much seen more than any of us will ever think to see, so you tend to be, well, like Jenna. Wait ‘til you meet Creed. That man,” Arynn laugh
ed. “Now, he’s someone you’ll most definitely want on your side, trust me on that. Hellboy is awesome.”

  The affection in Arynn’s voice had her wishing he spoke of her the same way, which was silly, since they didn’t truly know one another other than through text and email. “I have money,” she blurted.

  His brows winged up as if her words amused him. “I’m not asking you for any, Sheila.”

  “I just wanted you to know that once we’re away from here, me and the girls can disappear. I’ve planned for this eventuality. I just hadn’t expected it on the same day as I called you. My—mother must have the house watched or something.” She didn’t think her phone or emails were being monitored, or else Susan would’ve known she’d been keeping Arynn appraised of Rebel since the day she’d been born.

  Arynn growled, the sound echoing around the large vehicle, but he didn’t speak as he drove sedately out of the city limits. Once they neared the backroads that would take them away from their town, Sheila looked behind them. “I think you should take the opposite way you came. If my mother is aware of who you are, then there’s a good chance she’s also set up some sort of trap.” It would be just like the older woman.

  “Makes sense, but my GPS doesn’t really give too many options on directions.” He tapped the dash with the state-of-the-art navigation system displayed.

  “I think she must have something to do with that as well. If you take a left at the fork up here, instead of a right, you’ll hit a main highway about three miles down the road.” She pointed to what looked like a field on his screen.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Arynn didn’t look up from the road. “I was cursing the fact I had to drive on a bunch of backroads for the last hour down here.”

  Sheila nodded. “Yeah, I’m not sure if she has someone in the system who blocks the satellites or what. When we went on a family road trip last summer, I realized we were literally not on any of the maps. It was as if we were some little town off the beaten path, which was not the case at all until about three years ago. Before that, we had a lot of traffic coming through our town.” The memory of what had happened three years ago still had her shivering.


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