Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

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  "And?" he asked quietly, with just a hint of lustful menace as he stepped closer to the thin mesh screen separating them.

  "And I took the liberty of calling your brothers."

  "You what? Aw, shit!"

  His bellow filled her bungalow and spilled out into the surrounding jungle. A few birds took flight into the night sky and her pulse flew up into her neck to join them. He tore himself away from the window, the slap of his bare footfalls loud on the hardwood floors. But not as loud as the stream of expletives following him out of her bedroom.

  Not quite what she was expecting from a man with a raging hard-on.

  * * *

  Reya was out of the shower in a flash and heading into the living room, a trail of water behind her. And Aaron was right there to meet her. He was pissed she’d called the James clan down on him, but one look at that bare, beautiful chocolate skin and the pearls of water glowing in the moonlight all over her body, and she could have called in an army and he wouldn’t have cared.

  She took three steps into the room and right into his arms. He gasped when his hard cock rode the ridge of the well-defined muscles of her stomach, scalding both of them. His arms automatically enclosed her body and wrapped tight as his head dipped to lick a few drops off her collarbone.

  "What are you doing?" she squeaked.

  "Making up for the time I was unconscious," he drawled, holding still, waiting for her to object. Her expression was both puzzled and hot. Needy but oddly confused, as if she couldn’t understand how she’d ended up naked in his arms but wanted to be exactly where she was.

  Dipping his head—and he didn’t have far to go given her height—he gently nipped her bottom lip then laved away the sting. He’d never heard a woman growl like that before, but it was damned sexy, so he nipped her again. This time she opened for him, following the movement of his mouth with her own, trying to capture him with her lips.

  His mouth crashed down over hers as something primal rose up in him. The need to brand her as his, even though she wasn’t. To sear himself into her brain so she would never want another. He knew his thoughts were ridiculous, but his cock didn’t care.

  He broke the kiss, turned her away from him and slammed her back against his chest. She let out a whimper and arched into his hands as they came around to caress her breasts. Her growl became a loud wail when he squeezed her sweet nipples between his thumb and forefinger while his tongue toyed with an extremely sensitive spot on her neck.

  She reached back, one strong hand holding his head as her body squirmed, trying to get closer. When his teeth clamped down on the muscle between her neck and shoulder she let out a wild yell, arched her back and pressed her ass flush against his cock. The fingers of her free hand dug into the cheeks of his butt, holding him hard against her as she writhed.

  He put his whole body in motion now—his hands roamed over her breasts, stomach and thighs, his mouth was hot against her neck, her shoulders, nose buried in her wet tresses while his cock ground against the inviting crease of her lushly perfect ass.

  But his body had more sense than his head or his cock. He wasn’t up to this and when his knees started to buckle he reluctantly eased away from her lovely body, breathing like he’d run up the side of a mountain and down the other side.

  "Oh, god, I’m so sorry," she said, her hand flying up to cover her mouth.

  "Sorry for what, beautiful?" he asked quietly, unable to stop himself from reaching for her again. She took a step back, so he just followed her until she’d backed up against the door that led out onto the veranda.

  "You just survived a plane crash. There’s no way I should be coming on to you like this."

  "So you only want my kisses and nothing else?" he teased. "Why? Don’t you like me?" Tangling his fingers in her hair, he loved how thick and soft it was, even wet he was tempted to play in it. She was such a beautiful woman. Tall and lushly curved. Her body was strong, well defined and perfect for the kind of loving he enjoyed—hard, rough and long.

  Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times at his question. "It’s just that, uh, well, you’re a…and I’m not a…and see? Well, shit!"

  He laughed and his stomach muscles pulled. It hurt like hell, but he just couldn’t help it. Obviously her brain wasn’t working any better than his so he decided to stop trying to make her think. Instead a slow, sliding seduction of lips began, this time gently and unhurried until she pressed closer and moaned softly into the kiss. Damn, a naked woman sure did a lot for a man’s waning strength! Grunting, he leaned into her strong, warm body and corralled her into the bedroom.

  * * *

  Aaron settled her into her own bed and slid in next to her, his big body crowding hers. What the hell was she thinking? She couldn’t make love to a man she didn’t know—even if his mere presence made her forgetful, scatterbrained and so hot she could barely stand to transition into her fur.

  Yes, that was it. She needed to get out of this bed, transition and head for the dense, lush sanctuary of the jungle and chase rabbits until she collapsed, too drained to feel any arousal whatsoever.

  But when the man pulled her up onto his chest, it was clear he wasn’t inclined to let her go anywhere just yet. She had to get a hold of this madness consuming not only her but obviously him as well.

  "Aaron, we shouldn’t be doing this," she said in hushed tones, even as he arranged her legs on either side of his hips.

  "Don’t you like…"

  "Don’t you dare ask me if I like you," she said on a whoosh of breath as his fingers slid between the moist lips between her legs. "You’re injured, and…"

  "Not so injured I can’t take a little taste."

  Taste? Taste of what? Then she understood exactly what he meant when, in spite of the cuts and bruises on his arms and chest, he lifted her over his head, settled her soaked pussy right over his face and feasted.

  His talented tongue lapped and licked until she shivered like a leaf caught in a gusty breeze in the fall. Every limb quaked and shook as her muscles bunched and released with the pleasure he stirred in her.

  Looking down, she saw he was really into what he was doing. Gray eyes closed, his head moved around, back and forth, as he devoured her throbbing pussy. His tongue glided up through her moist folds. A talented tongue dipped into her eager hole while his mouth clamped down on her entire mound, humming his pleasure.

  The sound blazed through every nerve, every cell until she thought her skin would combust.

  It felt sooooo good! He drove her mad as she hovered on the brink of climax. If he didn’t finish her soon she would just die. Riding his face like it was his cock, she panted as her stomach tightened and spasmed against the pleasure. Oh yes, she was so close.

  One hand reached up and spread her lips, revealing the swollen nub of her clit. She held her breath as he inhaled her scent, murmuring against her pussy, then dove for the bundle of nerves peeking out from its little hood.

  His lips wrapped around her clitoris and clamped down tightly as he suckled her, pulling her deep into his hot mouth, still humming his appreciation.

  She lost it.

  Her orgasm tore through her but he didn’t let up. He kept laving her little bud, circling his tongue around and around until the fusion bomb in her cunt detonated, and she melted into a puddle of warm candle wax. The third time, the pleasure was so intense, she slipped into blessed oblivion where her mind could accept the delicious torture her body endured.

  Chapter Four

  Tonight he watched her in her pelt and wondered if she was aware he knew who she was. All this time he’d thought she was just another jag female, but an accidental glimpse of her showering on her screened veranda several nights back had revealed more than he’d ever expected.

  He’d stayed perfectly still, perched in a tree, and watched the back of the building he’d tracked her to. After awhile, his patience had paid off. She’d stalked from the cover of the jungle and stopped to look around. He hadn’t been seen perched
up on the thick branches and was glad for the broad leaves surrounding him. The female melanistic jaguar with her black, smooth coat glistening in the darkness walked up the back stairs of the building. A few seconds later, a beautiful woman with perfect milk chocolate skin and the body of a goddess stood up just outside the door leading into the covered shelter then ducked inside. The warm spray of water left a million sparkling droplets that shined like little diamonds all over her ebon skin.

  The spicy rich scent of the soap she slathered on her body floated out and away from her little haven. But the soap couldn’t conceal the sweet nectar gathering between her silken thighs, nor could it hide the unusually spicy scent of her womanly dew. He could smell it from here—she was in heat.

  * * *

  She’d been on patrol since midnight and still hadn’t spotted a single jaguar. Not even a female. While her senses weren’t as sharp when in her two-legged form, Reya still smelled a strong wrongness on the air that enveloped her like a cold, wet blanket. The skin on her bare forearms began to prickle, making her wish she’d worn a long-sleeved jacket rather than her short-sleeved, light zip-up jacket. But whatever was out here, she knew no garment would protect her or anyone else from it.

  The fact that another female jag had been found dead just yesterday only made her more uncomfortable. A band of spastic fireflies twitted around in her stomach as she moved deeper into the jungle along well-worn paths she’d traveled for years. Unnerved, she wished she’d come out in her pelt tonight instead of armed with a damned tranquilizer gun.

  "Hey, Reya. How’s it going?"

  Reya didn’t bother to turn around, having smelled the man long before he appeared. What was it about humans that made them forget they were in a jungle full of wild animals at night and walking downwind?

  "Hi, Marc," she called with a smile and a wave. She sniffed the air again. He must have been around the jaguars tonight. She wondered if he’d sighted the jag that’d challenged her over her new roommate.

  Sigh. Speaking of roommates.

  Damned man. After a decadent night of hot sex, she woke with him glaring down at her. He proceeded to remind her of how she’d meddled where she wasn’t wanted. Geez, all she’d done was call his brothers and he’d hit the roof. It just wasn’t right. If she’d had an accident or turned up missing, her aunt would worry. Wouldn’t his brothers worry too? Why in the world did the man insist on "waiting until he could handle them", as he put it? From what he’d told her, his brothers were some pretty nice guys, if a bit overprotective, considering he was the youngest.

  Too bad, she’d already made the call. So after the little confrontation early this morning, she decided to avoid him. Besides, her mind was supposed to be on her work, not that irritating, stubborn, perfectly gorgeous specimen in her apartments.

  "So what’s going on?"

  Oh lord, she’d almost forgotten Marc was walking with her. Glad the night-vision goggles perched on top of his head couldn’t pick up heat signatures, she blushed furiously, took in a deep breath and pushed Aaron from her mind. Almost.

  "I’m fine, Marc."

  "I didn’t ask how you were doing. I asked what’s going on. You’ve seemed a bit preoccupied lately."

  Reya was once again amazed at how perceptive her good friend was. Trusting him more than anyone else, with the exception of Dr. Matons and Bethsaida, she opened her mouth and all her concerns tumbled right out.

  "That damn Trefor’s been stalking me, Marc. He’s really starting to get on my nerves," she snapped. "Besides his goofy idea that the attacks on the female jags are being carried out by poachers, his insistence that he and I were meant to be is just, just…" she snorted, unable to even finish the sentence, it was so absurd.

  "Well, you’re a beautiful woman, Reya. Who wouldn’t want your time?"

  Marc had told her many times he thought she was attractive but it always came across as a compliment by a brother or something. Tonight, even under the dark sky, she sensed something different in his words and body language that made her uncomfortable. She just didn’t like Marc "like that". A short rant about Trefor erupted past her lips as she brushed away Marc’s words and what they might imply.

  "He’s always messing with my schedule. Always trying to insinuate himself on my time. There are other women out here who would love to hang with him. Why doesn’t he just leave me the hell alone? I swear the man gives me the creepies."

  By the time the last of the words were out of her mouth, she was practically yelling at the top of her lungs. But she just didn’t feel better yet because there was something else she just had to get off her chest.

  "And you know the man who survived the plane crash is recovering at my B&B? Well, he’s getting on my damned nerves too!" And making her hot, bothered and all around freaky.

  "Who hasn’t heard about him?" he replied, his voice sounding a bit tight as he warmed to the subject. "Everyone’s been talking about how you and the doc are heroes. It’s a good thing you had the foresight to have a couple of hospital rooms built into the top floors of the B&B when you designed the place."

  "Well, I don’t know about the hero stuff. Dr. Matons and I were just doing what anyone would have done. And the idea about the medical rooms was my Aunt Sulu’s, not mine."

  "True," he grinned and said, "Your Aunt Sulu saw you through medical school. I bet she flipped when you told her you wanted to research big cats and scuba dive in Belize," he said with a chuckle, ducking when Reya pretended to whack him on the back of the neck. Reya could almost feel the cheeky grin on his face. But the man was right. Her Aunt Sulu had completely wigged out at her grand idea to trek through the jungles of Belize. After the initial yelling and pulling of hair, her aunt had supported her in the decision, down to every detail of the B&B.

  "So when does he get to leave the hospital rooms?" Marc asked in a casual tone. Reya didn’t bother to tell him Aaron wasn’t in a hospital room, but in hers.

  "Actually, I’m just overworked and stressed out. Aaron isn’t…"

  "Oh his name is Aaron?"

  "Yes, Aaron James. He’s actually a neat guy. If my choices were between him and Trefor, I’d pick Aaron in a heartbeat. Actually, I’d pick Aaron under any circumstance. He’s just testy because Dr. Matons won’t clear him to get out of bed yet, and being waited on by a woman isn’t something he’s used to."

  "Being waited on? Is that what he calls it? Being fed, taken care of by a medically capable woman? And he calls it being waited on? What a son of a bitch!"

  Reya was taken aback. She’d never heard Marc speak strongly about anyone, even Trefor-the-asshole. But suddenly, her friend’s body was tense and strained while he talked about a man he didn’t even know as if he were the world’s lowest dog.

  "Marc, you need to relax," she said angrily, practically growling. "You don’t even know Aaron. He happens to appreciate what I’ve done, what Dr. Matons and I continue to do. He just doesn’t like that I have to do it, that I don’t have a choice. He mostly hates the fact that he can’t take care of himself right now. What real man wouldn’t feel that way?"

  "Sounds like you’re sweet on him to me," Marc snapped back, moving to stand much too close and much too aggressive. She felt the muscles shift under her skin as her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides. Her anger and need to protect Aaron pushed the urge to shift up to the surface. What the hell was wrong with both her and Marc? He was acting like Aaron was taking advantage of her, while she was ready to shift and tear his head off for talking about the very man she’d just said was getting on her nerves.

  Good lord she needed a drink. Or better yet, she needed a hard run in her pelt.

  "Look, Reya, I’m sorry. It’s just that I care about you. I don’t want to see you get hurt by some hotshot just passing through, is all," Marc said quietly, stepping back from her, his step non-threatening and his voice semi-contrite.

  The bunching muscles of her shoulders and neck relaxed and thick fur that had been ready to erupt from her
pores receded. She wanted to yell that both Dr. Matons and Bethsaida had met and liked Aaron, which was good enough for her. Instead, with a deep breath, Reya forced a tight-lipped smile.

  Hoping the incisors receding into her gums weren’t visible, she clapped him on the shoulder with a positive-sounding grunt, motioned her head toward a path off to the left, and the two companions took off into the night to finish their patrol together.

  Neither said another word the rest of the night.

  * * *

  Funny, he was a successful architect, but his family still considered him the "baby". Yeah, he was a baby all right—a horny one that took every opportunity to touch Reya whenever she was near. He just couldn’t keep his hands off her.

  When she came to check his stitches, bring him a meal or help him to the bathroom—she waited outside of course, after all he did have some pride—his fingers itched to skim over her luscious form. And after that first kiss, he always looked for a way to get her to bend down or simply reached out to grab her by the hand and pull her to him so he could taste her mouth. She threw herself completely into each kiss they shared and always tasted of apples and cinnamon. Delicious.

  To taste but not take her was killing him. Damned weakness royally irked him, but come hell or high water, he’d be up and about as soon as humanly possible just to get the woman underneath him again.

  Raising his arms to hold onto the headboard of the bed, he raised straight legs a scant two inches from the mattress and held the position until his stomach muscles burned. Exercising in bed was all he’d been allowed to do while he was on bed rest. He felt stronger than just yesterday, and if Dr. Matons didn’t let him up soon he’d call his brothers down here just to strangle the man. Oh but wait, he thought sarcastically, Reya already called them.

  Aaron grimaced at the tongue-lashing he’d received from his oldest brother Austin. His ears still burned from the blistering rant as his brother expressed his outrage and worry that Aaron hadn’t called them earlier. "The second the plane dropped off the radar, we were alerted that you were in trouble, but a woman we don’t even know was the one to call and let us know you were okay? And a week later, when you were perfectly capable of talking, Aaron," his brother had yelled. Then Anthony joined in on the line and told him off some more before reminding him how much they worried, loved and cared about him. He felt like a child all over again. It was his own damned fault. Being so determined to handle it his way had caused his brothers, his only family, undue stress. Now he felt like a heel for getting on Reya’s case for doing what she felt was right. Mr. Blunder? Yep, that was him.


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