Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

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  His fingers trembled slightly as he gripped the thin straps of the gown that Riley was wearing. He pulled them down as he continued running kisses along her swollen lips and down along her neck. He drew in a deep breath as her large, plump breasts brushed seductively against his chest. His cat was in heaven. The only thing that would make it completely happy was when it could mate with the she-cat that was about to be born. He would give a part of himself to his mate, allowing her body to change. His cat couldn’t wait to see what its mate would look like. The thought of her silky fur brushing against his male was enough to make him want to bite her and release the chemical regardless whether she was ready or not.

  Riley’s gasp and loud cry spurred him on as he sucked one of her succulent nipples between his teeth. He nipped it gently, purring as she arched up into him in response, her body flushing in response to his touch.

  "Vox," her husky voice panted out. "Oh God!"

  He chuckled and sucked deeply, pulling and tugging on the swollen nub until her legs fell apart and she tried to wrap her long legs around his in an effort to draw him down to her. He sighed deeply as he realized there was no saving the delicate fabric of her gown. It didn’t matter anyway. After tonight, she would not be wearing any type of clothing to bed again. He wanted to feel her silky flesh against his without a barrier between them. He doubted she even heard or realized he had ripped the thin silk away. She was muttering hoarsely as she unconsciously kneaded her fingers against his shoulder, her nails digging into his flesh as he became more frantic.

  "Please!" she wailed. "I need you."

  He released her nipple with a loud pop, then pulled away far enough to shuck his pants and kick them away. He knew he would take her hard and fast this first time. He would have loved to be able to take her at a leisurely pace, but he was beyond that. He would take his time when he made love to her again. Vox reached down and gripped Riley’s thighs in his large palms, pulling them apart and bringing them up to his waist. Aligning his cock to her slick, heated core he gazed down at her. He shook his head as he realized he was having problems catching his breath. She was magnificent! Lodar was right, her breasts were going to overflow his hands when he cupped them. The rounded globes with the dark roses of her areolae drew a groan of pleasure out of Vox as he rocked his hips forward, sliding his thick cock into her tight vaginal channel. The hot, smooth walls surrounded him, calling to him to claim her in the primal ways of a male. His arms shook as he tried to hold himself still long enough for her to adjust to his hard length.

  "Vox?" Riley’s frightened gaze turned to him as she felt the sudden fullness invading her body.

  She squirmed as he pushed in another inch, his thick cock resting against the barrier she had protected. "You are mine, my beautiful mate," he groaned as he fell forward, burying his face in the curve between her shoulder and neck at the same time he buried his cock all the way to her womb.

  He felt her stiffen in surprise at the sudden intrusion. Her cry of pain tore at his soul even as he let his teeth sink into the tender flesh of her neck, releasing the mating chemical that would forever bind her to him. His large hands moved to pin her wrists to the sides by her head when she started to struggle. He pulled his hips back slowly, allowing the feel of his cock to stroke the sweet, sensitive lining of her vagina before he drove it back in. He repeated the movement over and over until her hips were rocking in rhythm with his. He continued sucking her sweet blood into his mouth even as he allowed his cat to release his essence into her blood in return. The exchange was even more erotic than he had read about. Thin threads wove between them, connecting their souls together as one in both two-legged and four-legged forms. The snarling hunger and restlessness of his cat calmed, rubbing and purring as the hunger that ate at him was sated for the first time.

  He could taste the difference in her blood as her body accepted the gift from his cat. His body picked up the increased heat coursing through her as the chemicals mixed with her own genetic makeup, shaping and changing her even as he fucked her harder and faster. They both groaned loudly when he finally released her, swiping over the mark on her neck with his rough tongue. He would have to show her just how good his tongue could feel against other parts of her body.

  He pulled back far enough so he could look down into her eyes as he took her. Damp paths still glistened near the corner of her eyes where tears had fallen from his possession of her. There was no pain reflected in her eyes now. The beautiful clear blue eyes were glazed with desire and need. Her swollen lips parted as the essence of him and his cat swept through her body in a ferocious wave, taking, molding, and changing her into their perfect mate. Vox rode Riley hard and fast, his need to claim her overwhelming him.

  Her shattered cry exploded as her body convulsed around his. Her fingernails dug into his back as she bowed into him, her body milking him as her orgasm held her in its grip. A loud roar ripped from his soul as he felt his cock lock into her and his seed burst from his body in wave after wave of delicious ecstasy unlike anything he had ever felt before. Vox’s arms strained as he tried to hold his upper body off Riley so he wouldn’t crush her. It was an impossible feat. The power of his orgasm sucked every ounce of strength from his body, leaving him weak as a kitten. His head fell forward until it rested in the curve of her shoulder where he had bitten her just a short time earlier. He rubbed his nose along the vivid mark he had left. He could feel the hot walls of her vagina still pulsing around his cock as he remained locked to her. He gently licked his mark; a deep rumble of contentment coursed through him as he gathered her closer.

  * * *

  Riley shivered as she felt the rough tongue lapping at her neck. Goose bumps formed as her body reacted to the rough texture. She kept her eyes closed, trying to piece together how on Earth she was going to handle this new development.

  Earth! She groaned silently. How could I forget he was an alien and it never, ever works out good for girls like me, she thought in despair.

  Everything had turned hazy after he started kissing her. She would have liked to have blamed it on a momentary lapse of consciousness, some alien pheromone, or even insanity, but she knew it had been something else entirely different. He had, without question, knocked her upside down and inside out with just his touch. Her eyes popped open, and her breath escaped her in a sudden panic. She wasn’t on birth control thanks to there being no pharmacies available, and he hadn’t worn a condom. Just the thought of being knocked up scared all the desire right out of her. Riley began to struggle, pushing against Vox’s shoulders to get him to move.

  "Get off me, you big oaf!" Riley snapped out in panic.

  Vox rolled off Riley but kept his arms wrapped tightly around her. A satisfied smile curved his lips as he realized he was still locked to her. It would take several more minutes before he could safely pull out of her. He was already thinking of how he was going to take her next. His gaze slid down to her huge breasts as she pushed up against his chest. He released her hips and cupped both globes in his hands, curious to see if they really would overflow them. Hot desire burst through him causing his cock to swell again when they did. He growled softly when he felt Riley trying to lift off him.

  "Do not move yet," he hissed out in a deep voice. "I am still locked to your womb. I do not want to hurt you."

  Riley froze above him, looking down at him in horror. "What do you mean you are locked to my womb? You need to get out," she said in panic.

  Vox looked up at her, startled. "I cannot pull out of you until my seed and my cat have finished."

  "What do you mean your seed and your cat?" she asked, licking her swollen lips. "I really need you to let me go."

  Vox sighed in regret as he released her breasts so he could cup her face gently instead. "The tip of my cock swells, locking me to you. This is to make sure that as much of my seed as possible is released into your womb, increasing the chance of cubs. Since this is our first mating, my cat is also releasing our essence into you," he explained tender

  Riley began to tremble as the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach began to grow. "What in the hell are you talking about?" she demanded hoarsely.

  Vox grinned in triumph as he felt his cat stretching and rolling over inside him. The mating was complete. Riley had been marked on the inside and the outside. She was bound to him forever. There was no going back and no way she could escape him now. She belonged to him.

  "You have been claimed!" Vox declared with a satisfied grin. "My cat and I have released our essence into you. Soon, you will be able to mate with both me and my cat. You are also close to your heat. When you go into it, we will both fuck you every which way we can and as often as we can. We can’t wait to see you rounded with our cubs," he growled out again before reaching up and hungrily latching onto her breasts.

  Riley jerked as a combination of pleasure and pain exploded through her. Her body heated up, fire coursing through her from where Vox was feasting all the way down to where they were still melded together. Moisture pooled, making her slicker than before. She felt Vox’s cock swell again as he began the incredible rhythm that had shattered her before. Her mind blanked as pleasure seared her from head to toe. Her fingers kneaded his shoulders where she still held herself up, giving him access to her aching breasts. She whimpered as he drove into her over and over until she couldn’t hold back any longer. Throwing her head back as another climax shattered her body and soul, she cried out his name over and over as he devoured her.

  Chapter 13

  Riley whimpered as she stepped into the hot shower. Vox had been insatiable last night. For a girl who had held onto her virginity like it was the Olympic torch, she really knew how to drop the damn thing at the worst possible time. There hadn’t been one damn word in any of the magazine articles that she had read that said a guy could keep it up as much as Vox did. Once was the average, twice if they were lucky, three if they were fucking Hercules—but Vox had taken her at least that many times in an hour! Not only that, he had done it every hour on the hour until she had finally passed out in exhaustion. Now, she was so sore it hurt to think, much less move. She blushed as she ran the soap over her tender breasts and down between her legs. She was going to either have to neuter his ass or drug it because she really didn’t think she could survive another night like last night. Not that she planned on there being another one.

  He had thankfully been called to a meeting with the new guys she had met when they were brought aboard. Creon Something or other and Ha’ven the Dark. That was about as much as her brain could remember. She did remember the blond-haired human female she had been introduced to, Carmen. Riley felt like crying when she saw the other woman. She didn’t know if it was because there was a chance the woman could help her get back home or because it meant she really might have a way of escaping the big lummox that had her so totally messed up in the head.

  Riley let her head fall forward as she thought about what had happened. "I am so totally screwed," she whispered out loud. "I have to get away from him before I become a total schmuck. A dead schmuck at that, Riley girl. Remember, you are just the supporting character. They always get killed before the end of the movie."

  She turned off the shower unit and stepped out. A blast of hot air circled her, drying the moisture from her skin and hair. She looked in the mirror, staring at her huge blue eyes for a moment before her gaze narrowed on the symbol of a leopard’s paw on her neck.

  "There’s nothing you can do about what has already happened, but you can prevent it from happening again. It was only one night, Riley girl. Make sure you keep it to that. He wasn’t wearing a condom and you aren’t on birth control, but he is an alien so that has to count as a natural contraceptive. His DNA and mine are totally incompatible. Just think positive. Don’t think about what happens to the poor schmucks in the movies. The aliens did all kinds of weird shit in them before they could get the girl pregnant. He didn’t do anything except bite you…and…lock his you-know-what inside you…and said some weird shit about essence and claiming and heat…" Her voice faded as she began to shake. "I am so totally screwed!" she whispered again as tears formed in her eyes.

  * * *

  Several hours later, Riley felt like she had her life back under control as she sat down at a table in the dining quarters. She had scrubbed at the mark on her neck repeatedly, trying to get it off but nothing she did worked. So she did the next best thing, she pulled out her makeup bag and hid it. Then, she put on a soft pink angora turtleneck sweater and matched it with a flowing white skirt. She decided a pair of silver slip-ons would be better than wearing her boots. Fluffing her hair once more time, she decided she was ready to at least face someone other than herself. Taking a deep breath, she left her soon-to-be former living quarters and set out to complete the second part of her plan. She needed support—female reinforcement—so she hunted down Carmen. It turned out fate was finally working in her favor as Carmen was heading down to see her.

  Carmen had taken one look at Riley and tugged her down to the dining quarters. Riley hoped that didn’t mean she looked as bad as she felt. Heat flooded Riley as she sat down gingerly in the seat. She glanced at Carmen to see if she noticed that she had slid into the seat a little more carefully than was normal. Riley released a relieved sigh when Carmen didn’t appear to notice anything amiss.

  "Would you like something to eat and drink?" Carmen asked as Riley settled into the seat across from where she was standing.

  Riley pushed her heavy mass of curls behind her ear and fought the urge to fan herself as the furnace inside her increased another couple of degrees. "Ice water and something light, no seafood," Riley said with a forced smile.

  "They actually have a pretty good replicator. How about a ham and cheese sandwich and chips?" Carmen asked.

  "That sounds wonderful," Riley replied as her stomach gave a loud growl.

  Carmen laughed as she turned away. Riley watched Carmen walk over to the other side of the room where the replicators were located. She glanced around noticing with relief that there was hardly anyone else in the room. The warship was a lot different from anything else she had been on to date. Between the trader’s small ship, the asteroid, and the old freighter, Riley had been anything but impressed with the idea of space travel slash alien worlds. This ship could make her change her mind, though. Everything on the inside gleamed. There were over a dozen silver round tables with matching swivel chairs bolted to the floor. The flooring was a polished black offset by the white walls. On the far wall were a series of replicators inset into the wall. In the far left corner was an opening where dirty dishes disappeared into a cleansing unit. Riley sighed and rested her chin on her palm. She wondered if she could fit one of the replicators in her suitcase. She would love to never have to cook again. That was another thing that she didn’t excel at. She loved to eat—out. Her cooking skills were basic at best.

  There were probably only about a dozen men in the room. Riley was surprised that there weren’t any women. She would have thought, with all the Star Trek episodes she had seen, that the crew would have been about half and half. She was so deep in thought that she didn’t even notice the shadow that fell over her until the sound of a clearing throat drew her attention from her thoughts.

  Riley turned and smiled up at the handsome young man staring down at her. She sat up straighter, raising an eyebrow in amusement as she observed that he was focused on her curly mane of hair. She reached up and twirled a few of the strands around her finger before she said anything to the silent figure standing over her.

  "Yes, I am a natural blonde," she drawled out in her best Midwestern accent. "But don’t try any of the blonde jokes if you want to live," she added with a dimpled smile.

  "Can I touch it?" the man asked hesitantly.

  Riley chuckled as she held out her slender hand. "I think we should at least introduce ourselves before you start feeling me up," she replied with a grin. "My name is Riley St. Claire, and I’m from the mile-high city of Den
ver, Colorado."

  "I am called Mondu," he replied. "I am from the Curizan star system. You are the female from the freighter, the one with five mates?"

  Riley blushed and looked over at Carmen who was talking to another male. Riley frowned when she realized he looked like the same guy who had been shadowing Carmen last night when they first came on board, but there was something different about him. Whatever Carmen was saying to the guy, he didn’t look like he was very happy about it.

  She looked back at the male who had slid into the seat next to her. She leaned back a little in surprise when he moved into her personal space. She opened her mouth to respond to him, but the words died as he wound his fingers in her hair, pulling it closer to his face.

  "It was the only way to prevent them from being someone’s dinner," Riley said with a slight squeak in her voice. "I mean, it wasn’t real or anything. Besides, those stickmen really pissed me off. It was worth saying I’d take the guys just to see the expression on their faces."

  Mondu smiled down at Riley. He was enjoying watching her nervousness. He had been captivated by her the moment he walked into the room. Some of the other men had been talking about the beautiful female with the white hair. He wanted to see if she was anything like Lord Creon’s mate. Few things surprised him, but this female had definitely done that. He was expecting her to be slender like Lady Carmen, but this female—this female had curves that a male could hold onto. If she was not truly mated to any of the males then he would make his move.


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