Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6)

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Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6) Page 3

by Lucy Rinaldi

  Yeah right, that shit never leaves you. All I need to do is look inside myself. There was once a time I wouldn't have even thought twice about it. I would have walked up to the girl and told her that she wanted to have coffee with me. Yes, I know, I was a cocky bastard, but it worked for me. Always did. Ever since I was old enough to notice girls.

  The only girl it took time to work on was Emilee. I thought back then she was just playing hard to get. Yes, she ended up going to dinner with me. Didn't work out how I'd hoped, with her in my bed at the end of the night. She let me down gently.

  Dented my pride, I'll tell you that. I had an immaculate record with women until that night. But how was I to know she was still pining away for the husband she left behind? The husband that came back to her and their son. They live here in town with their two children, Aidan and Harper. Emilee is Callie's best friend, the girl my sister sacrificed herself for. The girl who named her daughter Harper in honor of Callie.

  Am I really prepared for Dani to let me down like Emilee did? Sure, the situation is different, but I don't think I could handle her letting me down.

  Fuck me, how pathetic have I become?

  “She's here. What do you want with her?”

  “None of your business.” I cross my arms over my chest. I know he's a nosy bastard and I'd stand no chance against the man in a fight, but I also know that he's just looking out for Dani. He knows her better than I do, they work together, they're friends, partners. But I'm not here to hurt her, I just want to get to know her.

  “Why so defensive?”

  “Sorry, man. I guess I'm just on edge lately. I just want to talk to her.”

  “Don't go playing games with her, Greg, she's a tough woman and can take care of herself, but she doesn't have anyone in this town. No family, at least. I'm just looking out for her.”

  “I know that. I'm not going to play games with, Enzo. I just want to ask her out for coffee.”

  He smirks at me. “Just so you know, she's been asking questions about you.”

  She has?

  Maybe she does like me. I won't ask what questions she's been asking, even though I'm dying to know.

  “What kind of questions?” Okay, I lied. My curiosity got the better of me. I'm a lawyer I'm always curious, looking for answers.

  “Why she's never seen you around, are you dating anyone,” Really now? “You left an impression on her, that's for sure. Never known anyone to be so smitten after one meeting. But she is with you. That's why I'm asking you as your friend not to mess her around.”

  I nod my understanding.

  I'm not about to do anything to hurt or upset her. I just want to get to know her. I have to know why I'm so drawn to her. My mother always taught me never to walk away from something if it feels right. Always fight to understand. Always go with my gut.

  My gut feeling tells me that Dani is special, that I have to know her. I need to know if the spark I felt when we touched is something. I need to know if she felt it too.

  “She's in the office filling in paperwork.”

  I head that way with one thing in mind. Not to leave until she agrees to coffee.


  Paperwork. It should be outlawed. But, of course, it's necessary. I should have done it this morning, but we had a huge callout to another factory fire. This time over at Spring Hill. Spring Hill is a small town six miles over. Not many people live there, it's more an industry town.

  But fuck, that fire was huge! Took us all morning to put it out. The factory was a car engine production warehouse. Luckily, this time, there were no casualties as no one was working at the time of the fire.

  I managed to grab a break as soon as I'd filled out my report and filed it. I took a quick shower in the changing rooms and then took off for a walk. I spotted Greg at the park with his little niece. I shouldn't have intruded, but I couldn't stop my feet from making their way over to him.

  He looked shellshocked that I was there, shocked that I spoke to his niece, shocked that I was so forward with him. I wasn't really all that forward with him, but I like him, I like him a lot. I've been alone for so long that I have nothing to lose by letting him know that I like him.

  Funny thing is, he seemed so embarrassed when I asked if he'd been thinking about me. I could tell in his eyes that he had. He'd been thinking about me, but I'm not sure as much as I'd been thinking about him.

  God, I have thought about him nonstop since meeting him. I think Enzo is getting a little annoyed with me constantly asking questions about Greg. I don't even mean to do it, but I find myself dropping him into our conversations all the time.

  Even at dinner the other night, I dropped him into the conversation. Much to my horror because Della and Freddy were there also. Yeah, I'm always the gooseberry when it comes to having dinner with Enzo and Paige. I'm always alone.

  Anyway, Della and Paige started laughing and making comments about me and Greg. Which was crazy when there is no me and Greg. Even if Della did tell me how he's free and single and how we'd make a great couple.

  I don't think I'd even know how to be a couple with anyone. It's been years since I really dated anyone. Joel completely put me off the whole process. That and I haven't had sex in four long years. Sounds crazy, but I have my reasons.

  Don't get me wrong, each place I've lived since divorcing my husband, I've tried to settle down, to have a life. But I've never really dated, maybe one or two. But they never went anywhere. I never felt any kind of spark with anyone. I guess, I never really let myself. All I ever thought about was when the next time Joel would turn up and ruin things would be.

  This is the first town I've lived in since running away that I have actually settled down and thought maybe I could stay here.

  Meeting Greg, I don't know, something inside of me tells me that I should try and be normal around him. You know, have fun, be friends.

  Like that's all you want, Dani.

  Okay, fine. That's not all I want from Greg Harper. I'd like to end this dry spell. Or rather, I'd like him to end this dry spell for me. God, what I wouldn't give to feel his hands and mouth all over me.

  I groan and squeeze my thighs together to ease the ache there. I've been like this since that first day. Every time I think about his bright blue eyes, his sexy smirk, that blonde hair of his – which Enzo told me isn't his natural color, but whatever – all tussled and...

  “Did you not hear me knocking?” I screech and drop my pen. Fuck! I didn't hear him knock because I was in a world of my own. “I thought you weren't here after all.”

  “What are you doing here?” Okay, that came out a little snappy. “I'm sorry,” I lean back in my chair – the lieutenant's chair – and take a deep breath. My stomach muscles untighten as I breathe. “I didn't mean to snap, you just startled me.”

  He walks through the door, closing it behind him, and comes closer to the desk. He's tall, it's intimidating when I'm not tall and sitting down. So I get to my feet and walk around the desk, stopping in front of him. “Did you need something?”

  “For you to have coffee with me.” He's so cocky I can't help but smile. “If you want to, I mean.”

  God, he's cute.

  “Coffee, huh?” I don't drink coffee. I've never liked the taste. Not very American, I know. But I'm not technically American. I wasn't born here, but my father was. “So it's not a date?” There's that face again. The one he gave me at the park earlier, he's confused as to why I'm talking this way.

  Surely he's used to women being forward with him? From what I've heard, he's had more women that I've had hot dinners. Or is it just me that has him flustered? The thought makes me smile.

  He suddenly smirks and it makes my heart beat faster. God, I really like this man. I am so attracted to him, I've never been so attracted to anyone in my life.

  Is it hot in here or is it just me?

  “Look, I'll be honest with you, Dani,” I swallow as he folds his arms across his chest. I wonder what he looks like out of his cl
othes. I can already see the outline of his pecs. He's not massively built, but I can tell he has some muscle under those clothes.

  What I wouldn't give right now to strip him of those clothes and lick every inch of his gorgeous body.

  “You caught me off guard earlier. But you were right, I have been thinking about you.” I can't help feeling smug. I've never been a smug person, but I can't help it right now. “I'd really like to take you on a date, anywhere you'd like to go. I'd just like to get to know you.”

  “I bet you would.” What the fuck was that?! Oh, my god, how could I say it so sluttily? What the hell must he think of me?

  He laughs and tells me, “This is what I like about you, Dani, you're not afraid to say what you're thinking. You're smart and funny, and I think we could be...” He looks me up and down shamelessly. God knows what he thinks he can see, I'm in my uniform and it's really not attractive.

  But you know what they say: If you look like shit and a man still finds you attractive, he's a keeper. At least that's what my mother used to say. God rest her soul.

  “I'm not interested in dinner dates, or coffee, mainly because I can't stand it.”

  “So, what do you like doing?”

  “I like walking, hiking, picnics. Stuff like that.”

  He scratches his jaw with his thumbnail and smiles. “I know a place we could walk and have a picnic.”

  “I'd like that.” I smile at him. God, he's so handsome.


  “Yeah.” I parrot back with a laugh. “I'm free Saturday.”

  “Saturday it is. I'll pick you up.” He leans in and kisses my cheek. My eyes close to the softness of his lips against my cheek. My heart is beating so fast inside my chest. The visions in my head of him kissing every inch of my body are so powerful that I can hardly breathe.

  He pulls away from me with a smirk on his face. He knows what he's just done to me, and I'm not ashamed to say that I don't even care. I want him to know. I want him to know that I'm ready for this.

  “See you soon, beautiful.”

  He's gone before I can even reply with a whispered, “See you soon.”

  * * *

  It's taken me two damn days to pick out an outfit for my date with Greg today, and I'm still not decided. Paige is over helping me find something that won't make me look like a fat whale. The curse of having curves, I suppose.

  “Dani, you look fine.” She might say that, but I don't feel comfortable in the black pencil skirt and sleeveless blouse she's got me in. I'm going on a date, not an interview.

  “Why can't I just wear jeans?”

  “They're too informal for a date.”

  “We're going walking, Paige, not to a fancy restaurant.” I don't do restaurants for dates, too clichéd for my taste. I think jeans are appropriate for walking. Or maybe cutoffs, it's hot out and jeans might chafe in this heat.

  I pull on a pair of jean shorts that sit above my knees, a pair of torn jeans, fashionable. I like them. Paige hands me a white shirt that actually goes really well with my shorts. I then pull on a pair of black sandals sporting a big flower and then pull my hair into a ponytail before adding a little makeup to my face. I don't need much, I never have.

  Although, I bet the shoes are the worst idea I've ever had. But I doubt he'll be walking me up mountains, so I should be okay.

  “You look sexy as hell in that.”

  I roll my eyes. “Seriously? I'm not dressed sexy, Paige. I'm not going for sexy.”

  “Then, what are you going for?”

  I roll my eyes, she's hopeless!

  I'm about to give her a smart ass comeback but the sound of a car horn stops me. He's here! “I have to go.”

  She chuckles and follows me out of the house. She waves to Greg, who smiles while holding his hand up to her. She then turns to me, hugging me tightly. “Have fun. Go with the flow, and remember, he's a good man.”


  She winks at me before climbing into her car. I wave to her as she pulls away before making my way over to Greg's car. It's expensive looking. I know absolutely zip about cars, but I can see it's a brand new Tesla.

  The man must be loaded. But then I suppose he would be being a lawyer. Aren't most lawyer's loaded? Kory certainly is, and Greg is Kory's business partner, so I imagine he is too.

  Not that money impresses me any, I've been with a man who had plenty of that. Trust me, it doesn't make them nice people. The money goes to their heads, they turn into someone they're not.

  I know I shouldn't tarnish everyone with the same brush, but it's hard when I've seen it time and time again.

  So, how do I really know Greg isn't any different?

  I live in a small town filled with millionaires and billionaires. Kory is a multi-millionaire, he's a nice man. Hudson, who I don't really know because we never seem to be in the same place at the same time, and Enzo, my dear friend, Hudson's brother are billionaires. They're nice men. Especially Enzo.

  Keller and Sidney Harper are millionaires, they're wonderful people, always welcoming. Greg is their son, maybe he really is the nice man he comes across as.

  I have a lot of reservations about starting any kind of relationship with any man, but I can't deny the spark between us. It's powerful, I've never felt anything like it. And that alone is crazy when I know nothing about the man.

  What do I really have to lose by giving him a chance?

  It's not like I'm going to fall for the guy, it's one date. I have lived in the shadows for far too long. I have lost so much in my life that I'll never allow myself to love in that way again.

  I make my way over to Greg, who's now standing against his car smiling at me. “You look beautiful.”

  I bite my lower lip while tucking a loose piece of hair that's fallen from my ponytail behind my ear. Since when did I get all girly and shy?

  “Thank you. You look handsome.” He does, even if he is only wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt. I imagine he could wear anything, or nothing and look good. Especially in nothing. My god, what I would give to see him in nothing.

  “You all right there?” He might be laughing, but I bet my face is on fire.

  I nod.

  “All right, let's go.”

  He opens the door to his beautiful white car, I slide into the leather seat with a smile on my face and watch as he rounds the car and climbs in beside me.

  We drive with the windows down, the sun blazing against my skin. I slip my sunglasses on and press my hands between my knees while breathing in deeply. This is the first time in very long time that I actually feel truly happy.

  The Lord knows I haven't had much to feel happy about over the years. But just being in Greg's car with him driving us to – I don't actually know – is a happy feeling. This date isn't going to lead to anything other than a kiss if he's lucky. But I sure am looking forward to feeling his lips on mine.


  “Wow. I've never seen anything so beautiful.”

  I stand back and watch Dani staring out at the water from the cliff front I've brought her to. Turners Pass is a pretty town, small with plenty of hidden gems just like the cliff that overlooks the waterfront.

  I've never met a woman who prefers the outdoors to restaurants and theater. But this beautiful, curvy woman prefers the simple things in life. I can already tell that she's not impressed by money. Makes a change from the women I've dated in the past.

  “It is pretty spectacular.”

  She turns to me with a smile on her face. I'm sitting on the picnic blanket I set out for us, picnic basket beside me. She walks toward me, planting her fine backside down next to me. “No ones ever brought me to a place like this.”

  I reach forward and tuck her hair behind her ear. That strand just keeps on falling. “You're so beautiful.”

  “Flatterer.” She laughs, and it's a heavenly sound that hits me straight in the gut.

  I haven't moved my hand from her face yet. My thumb strokes her cheek gently, and she's
biting her lip seductively.

  She suddenly coughs discreetly. “Let's see what you've got in the basket, Mr. Lawyer.”

  My hand falls from her face, but I'm smiling. I grab the basket, crossing my legs at the same time. “Okay,” I start pulling out the food and setting it down in front of us. “We've got chicken, salad, fruit.” Among other things, including dessert.

  “Erm... Greg, I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian.”

  My eyes lock on her face.


  Why didn't I ask her if she was a vegetarian?

  I am not going to let anything spoil this day. I close the lid on the chicken and stuff it back in the basket. “Not a problem. I should have asked. You eat salad, though, right?”

  She laughs so hard she's almost falling over herself.

  I narrow my eyes, but I can't help smiling. I don't know what she's laughing at, but her laugh is infectious. “Something funny?”

  “I'm sorry, I just had to see the look on your face!” I bet I look stupid right now. Had no idea this would be so funny. “I'm not a vegetarian, Greg. The food looks great.”

  Oh, she's one of those women. A joker.

  Not that I mind, can't deny that I'm laughing along with her. I can't deny that I really like her, she's not like any other woman I've ever dated.

  In the past, I never really had a preference when it came to women, I loved them all. Kory was the same. But they were all the same when they found out I had money. That's all most cared about. Being with a millionaire – billionaire, but no one ever needed to know that – meant they thought I could get them where they wanted to be in this life. Cut out the middleman and all that.

  None of us were raised that way.

  Dad was the one who came from billionaire parents, moms were millionaires. None were raised to believe everything should be handed to them on a plate just because they had money. They raised us all the same way. You want something, you work for it. Simple.

  My mother worked hard to become a teacher, and it didn't take her long before she was principal. A damn good one. Not that it was always easy having a mother who was also the principal of the high school we attended.


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