Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6)

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Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6) Page 9

by Lucy Rinaldi

  They didn't believe me when I tried to protest, wouldn't listen to me, but I'm guilty of not trying hard enough to make them.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  I slowly nod my head and climb down from the ambulance, coming to a stand in front of him. I swallow hard, I'm nervous and I don't know why, this is my best friend. Sure, he hurt me when he doubted me, called me names and distanced himself from me, taking his friendship away from me. He should have been the one person to believe me, but I know the evidence was pretty damning. But he should have listened to me, let me explain. But the fact remains, in my heart, he will always be my best friend.

  “I don't even know where to start, Dani.” He rakes his fingers through his hair.

  If he's finding this hard them he should have been in my shoes these past couple weeks. He'd know what hard was then.

  “I'm so fucking sorry, Dani. You have no idea how sorry I am.”

  “It's fine.” I smile slightly while folding my arms around myself. None of what happened really matters, but it's nice to have his apology.

  “Don't do that, Dani. Don't pretend the way we've all treated you was okay because it wasn't. Not fucking one of us gave you a second of time to put us straight. We tarnished you with the same brush as lesser people, and that makes us the lesser people.”

  I can't even blink while he speaks, I'm frozen to the spot just listening to him.

  “I've never been the kind of man to attach himself to people. I lost too many in the past to do that, including my daughter.”

  I narrow my eyes. I had no clue he and Paige had lost a child. And he means to death, I heard it in the way he said he'd lost his daughter. My heart breaks for him, and he can see it written all over my face.

  “I'm so sorry, Enzo.”

  He shakes his head and smiles kindly, the way he used to before he hated me. “It was a long time ago before Paige and I were even together. Charlie wasn't biologically mine, but I wanted her so badly.”

  “What happened? You don't have to tell me.” Why the hell am I being so damn nosey?

  “That's okay. It doesn't hurt to talk about anymore. Paige showed me how to let go. I wasn't in love with Charlie's mom, she cheated on me all the time with a guy she'd been seeing before we even got together, he lived a couple towns over.”

  No wonder he flipped on me the way he did. Jesus.

  “The guy was married, didn't want anything to do with the baby or Autumn. She was raised by strict religious parents, she was scared of what they would say and think of her. I agreed to be with her and raise the baby as my own. Trouble is, she knew I was in love with someone else.”


  He nods. “I couldn't lie to Autumn any longer, so I told her the truth. She stormed away from me...” He closes his eyes in pain. He may have said it doesn't hurt anymore, but I can see that it does, and he blames himself for what happened.

  “Three days after Charlie was born sleeping, Autumn took her own life.” I suck in a shocked breath. Jesus Christ. “She may have cheated on me, but she didn't deserve to lose her child and her life because of it.

  “You didn't deserve for me to turn on you either. Of all the people who should have listened it was me. I questioned it at first, believe me, I didn't believe you'd do something like that. But when Paige told me what happened, what she heard, it was hard not to think it could be true.

  “She didn't mean for all of this to happen, nor did Callie, but they thought you'd hurt Greg. They – we – were all wrong for treating you the way we did, and nothing we do now will ever make up for it. But I am asking you as your friend,”

  “Best friend.” I correct.

  “Best friend.” He parrots back with a smile. “As your best friend, I'm asking – no, begging you to forgive me, Dani. I know I don't deserve it after everything I said, but...”

  I don't let him finish. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist tightly, cutting off his words. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. “I've missed you,” I tell him honestly.

  “I'm so sorry, Dani.”

  “I know.” I look up at him. “Don't you ever doubt me again, Lorenzo Ryker.” He laughs at my use of his full name. “I'm not that girl, Enzo. I would never cheat on Greg. He means so much to me.”

  He cups my cheek, stroking his thumb under my eye. “I know that now, sweetheart.” And just like that, it's behind us, Enzo means enough to me that I've forgiven him. I'll even forget in time. I just hope I'm around long enough to have a real life here. A life with Greg and Alejandro.

  That's my biggest wish.

  * * *

  “You're crazy!” I'm laughing hysterically at Greg as he dances with little Echo.

  I'm laughing because she wanted him to be a ballerina with her. So what did Greg do? He pulled on a tutu he found in my closet – a hot pink one I wore to an 80s party Callie threw at the pub a month or so after I arrived here. And here Greg is showing Echo and me what a wonderful dancer he is.

  Thank God he didn't go the whole hog and wear tights like he joked he would, he kept his jeans on, even if he did strip away his shirt, leaving him in just his wife beater.

  Little Echo climbs onto my lap so she can watch her uncle make a fool of himself just to make her smile, and I love him so much for not caring what he looks like to anyone else, just so long as he makes his little niece happy, that's all he cares about.

  Most men would be too embarrassed to do anything like this. They'd think it would make them less of a man if they even picked up a child's doll and played with her.

  But not my Greg. He's amazing and he cares so much about the people in his life. He'd do anything for his family, for his niece's and nephews. Especially the little girl on my knee, laughing and cheering her uncle on as he pirouettes around the living room.

  “I knew he was crazy, but I think he'd finally lost the plot.” Kory mocks from the doorway of his living room, Aimee beside him.

  Things are good between us since they also apologized to me for what happened and the way they treated me. Everyone at some point apologized, but not Callie. I truthfully haven't set eyes on her all week. I've been busy with work, I assume she has too.

  To be honest, I think she's avoiding me. I mean, the day Enzo apologized, I got home from work, showered and changed, but I didn't even have time for dinner before my door knocked. I knew it wasn't Greg because I gave him a key. I'm ready for that step.

  Plus, it's easier if he has his own key, he can let himself in when I'm in the shower, or cooking, or lounging on the couch because I'm being lazy. Or even when I'm in bed and dreaming about him, he can slide in beside me when he gets home late from a trip to Seattle.

  Moving in together would be nice, but there's no point when he'll be located in Seattle most the time. I hate thinking about it, but there's nothing I can do when he doesn't live here permanently. It hurts that he's away as much as he is right now, thinking about him leaving and not coming back here as often kills me. So I try not to.

  “Uncle Greg loves me, Daddy. He makes me happy when he plays with me.” Her little feelings have been hurt by her father's words. Sweet baby girl.

  Greg smiles and lifts Echo from my lap and into his arms, her little tutu lifting up at the back. “Daddy's just joking, Princess.”

  “He is?” Greg nods with a wink, making Echo laugh.

  “Uncle Greg...”

  “Is making Echo happy.” I cut Kory off with a raised eyebrow in his direction as if to say, right?

  Aimee laughs behind her hand, Kory rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. He finds this whole thing as sweet as Aimee and I do, but he's a big strong man who doesn't like to show it. Weirdo.

  “Uncle Greg loves you very, very much, sweet baby girl.”

  Greg makes my heart widen with love for him. He's so gentle with Echo, I can only imagine what he'd be like with his own child.

  I get out of my seat and walk over to Greg. I wrap my arm around his waist. I rub little Ech
o's back and she giggles at me. She's so cute.

  One day, this will be me. My baby boy will be home with me. I can see him in Greg's arms the way Echo is right now. My arms wrapped around both of them, Greg holding us both close to him while telling us that he loves us.

  It might just be a dream right now, but one day, it will come true. It has to. I'm going to stay in this town, get my son back, and fall deeper in love with Greg Harper, man of my dreams.

  Keep dreaming, Dani.

  I will.


  I watch her dancing seductively for me, eyes locked with mine, smirk on her red painted lips. Lips that match her tighter than tight little red dress. It looks so damn good on her, every perfect curve is emphasized. I've never seen anything so sexy in my life. No exaggeration.

  We're out tonight with our friends. After they all – but Callie – apologized for being wrong and treating Dani like crap, we agreed to join everyone at the club tonight for a drink. I almost dragged her back in the house when she opened the door, looking so hot my mouth was watering while it hung open so wide I looked like I was catching flies!

  That dress, those red fuck me heels, her wavy hair cascading over her shoulder, I was hard as stone, I groaned when she laughed and kissed me.

  As soon as we got here, she was dragged to the dance floor by Roya, and I've been watching her ever since, dancing her sexy ass off for me. And fuck if it doesn't make me want to drag her out of here and fuck her senseless against my car.

  Not a good idea in this town, but I want her so badly it's killing me just to look at her. It's pure fucking torture.

  “She's got it so bad for you.” I look at Enzo. He's sitting opposite me at the table Freddy, Della's husband grabbed before I got here.

  Hell, Enzo, Freddy, Chase, Jesse, Bryton, Tommy, and Kory were already here waiting for us, their wives also. Callie and Hudson aren't here, it seems my sister is still avoiding us. She needs to get over herself already. She made a mistake, people make them. She just needs to face Dani and apologize. Dani is a wonderful woman and forgives and moves on easily, just as she did with everyone else in our social circle who wronged her.

  “The feeling is entirely mutual, Enzo.”

  “You in love with her, little brother?”

  I stare at Kory for a moment. I haven't even told Dani how I feel about her yet, but I can't stop myself from nodding my head in confirmation. I am in love with Dani. Very fucking deeply, in fact.

  “Don't even think of saying anything to her, I'll tell her myself when I'm ready.”

  “Or before someone steals her away from you?” Tommy laughs behind his glass.

  I narrow my eyes and turn towards the dance floor where everyone is now staring. Anger instantly floods me. Some giant of a man has his hand on Dani's waist while leaning in to whisper in her ear.

  I've never felt this kind of emotion over a woman before. Sure, I'm protective of her, but this is something else. My stomach is burning, my temples are tight with anger. Jealousy?

  “Jesus, little brother,” Kory laughs, but I do not. “Seriously, I've never seen you like this. She's just talking to the guy.”

  “Says the man who pummeled a guy for talking to his wife,” Bryton says.

  I wasn't around that day three years ago, but I heard the story from Freddy. A guy wanted to dance with Aimee, Kory took offense and hit the guy. If it wasn't for Freddy, Kory would have killed the guy.

  I'm not going to hit anyone, I'm a lover, not a fighter. But I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't contemplating it right now.

  Dani is mine!

  Everyone is talking around me, but my eyes haven't left Dani and that guy yet. His hand is still on her waist as he talks in her ear. I can't sit here and watch this. I'm turning fucking caveman where I sit!

  I knock back my drink, ready to go over there and stake my claim when I see my girl smile and shake her head. She says something and points right at me, the guy looks over at me.

  Son of a bitch!

  He looks disappointed as Dani walks away from him and over to me. She giggles as she flops down onto my lap and kisses me. But my eyes haven't left the man still staring at Dani.

  “Thank god, I thought he was about to go over there and kill the guy.”

  Dani narrows her eyes at Chase before locking eyes with me. “Why would you do that?”


  “Fuck off, Tommy!” I yell without looking away from Dani.

  “Now he's yelling at his friends.” Fucking Jesse! This might be funny to all of them, but this is far from funny to me.

  “You thought I would...”

  “No!” I cut her off and look at her. I didn't think Dani would do anything with that man, it was him I didn't trust. I can't bear the thought of anyone other than me having their hands on my girl's beautiful body. “I trust you, baby. I know you wouldn't do anything, I just didn't trust him.”

  “He was jealous,” Chase snorts. “Didn't like the fact the guy obviously wanted you.”

  Everyone agrees and throws their ten cents in, much to my annoyance. Fucking pricks!

  Dani can obviously sense my discomfort because she strokes the back of my head. My arm is wrapped protectively around her waist, the other on hand rests on her thigh. And as Tommy is halfway through making comments about how Dani must be something special to get me riled up like this when no other woman ever has, Dani has had enough.

  “You all need to stop making fun of my man and now!”

  They all instantly stop talking, smiles gone as they look at her.

  The other girls must have sensed something going on because they're now taking their seats next to their husbands around the table.

  “The fact he was jealous is neither here nor there. I'd be jealous if I saw a woman all over him. And I know for a fact every one of you would have been angry not just jealous if you were watching another man trying to get into you wives pants!”

  She's got a point. The fact she just admitted that's what the guy wanted without even realizing she had has pissed me off. But I'd be an idiot to think men wouldn't want her when she's so goddamned beautiful in every way.

  “Don't you dare smirk at me, Lorenzo Ryker!” The girls, even Paige are all trying not to laugh at the looks on their men's faces. Enzo is looking at Dani like a little boy being told off by his mother. “I know for a fact from firsthand experience just what you're like when a guy so much as looks at Paige.”

  He'd beat the shit out of the guy, that's what Enzo would do. We've all seen it.

  “And you're the exact same when it comes to Aimee, Kory Harper!” True fact. “Chase is hung up on the fact he's older than Emilee and hates men even smiling at her! When he should damn well get over the age thing, she married him, loves him, doesn't even look at anyone but him!

  “Bryton, Freddy, Tommy, and Jesse are the only ones who don't throw tantrums over other men finding their wives attractive. But I have no doubt they get jealous also.

  “Don't you cavemen realize that you all married beautiful women? Men are bound to find them attractive. Not one of these women would ever cheat on you because they love you. You all should think yourselves lucky they do. The whole caveman thing is sexy on occasion, but it's damn annoying most of the time. It makes a girl think her man doesn't trust her.”

  That was aimed at me, I felt it. I don't want her to ever think I don't trust her. I do. I trust her more than I've ever trusted any woman in my life. I'm not this man, I don't get jealous, but I can't stand the thought of ever losing her. Especially to some jerk with big muscles.

  Yeah, that's just me feeling inadequate. I'm not a small man, but I'm not built like Kory, Chase, or Enzo.

  “We apologize.” Enzo smiles at Dani. It's nice to see him being friendly with her again. “We didn't mean to offend you, sweetheart. You're right, we're all the same when it comes to the women we love, and we have no right to rib Greg for it. We won't do it again.”

  “Thank you.” She smiles genuinely.
br />   Then it's just like it never happened. We all drink, laugh, talk about old times, telling stories about our childhood's and the things we all got up to.

  Chase, Emilee, Jesse, Mia, Dani, Bryton, none of them grew up here. Chase, Bryton, Jesse, and Emilee all grew up in Seattle together, and they all tell crazy stories of when they were young.

  Chase and Jesse were the best friends of Emilee's older brother. Bryton and Emilee were and still are best friends.

  Chase, Jesse, and Aidan, Emilee's brother, are sixteen years older than Emilee and Bryton. Aidan died years ago. Emilee and Chase fell in love and had a son together. Chase didn't know this fact because Emilee had run away after a misunderstanding between her and Chase. By then Jesse had met and fallen in love with Mia.

  Emilee went through hell while she was away from Chase. She stumbled upon this little town while running from Dr. Psycho. Here she met my sister, who fast befriended her.

  Dr. Psycho found her, raped her, my sister saved her.

  Chase found her, they rekindled their relationship just before Dr. Psycho, who escaped the last time he found and hurt Emilee, found her again.

  Don't think he banked on Callie, though. She was a hero that day. Not only did she save Emilee, she saved our younger sisters, Della and Lora also.

  Callie was seriously injured, left scarred and scared that she'd never be the same again. She suffered mentally but fought like hell to get her life back on track.

  Hudson came home and they were soon back together. They adopted orphaned twins, who had no one else in this world to love them. Callie never thought she'd have a child of her own because the doctor's thought it was impossible, so the twins coming into her life meant everything to her.

  Callie married Hudson, found out she was pregnant with Donovan, their miracle boy, and life is good for my sister, finally. We all thank Hudson for that.

  Then Bryton came to town, always flirting with Aimee. None of our friends but me knowing she'd been married to Kory for six years at that time. After my brother's case, a high-profile case that brought him so many death threats was finally over. When he knew nothing would come back and haunt him, hurt his wife, he came home to her and proved how much he loved her.


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