Ryze Series: Books 1 & 2

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Ryze Series: Books 1 & 2 Page 52

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Fuck. My blood, her taste.

  Breaking away, I struggle to catch my breath. “You’re still hungry.”

  I slide the hand that’s on her ass down until my fingers are pressing between her cheeks, the tips brushing at her smooth lower lips.

  Eve nods eagerly, making low, hungry sounds that make my toes twitch.

  Lacing our fingers, I bring her wrist up to my mouth. “So am I.” I slip my middle finger into her pussy and bite down into her wrist.

  “Oh my God. Zeniel.” Eve undulates on me, her ass pressing back into my hand.

  Shit. Her flesh around my teeth, her walls around my finger. Too much. The haze hits my brain, and I close my eyes, arching. My tongue laps her wrist, tracing my bite mark with a heavy, wet drag.

  Her pussy clenches down tight around my finger, and my cock practically weeps with envy. She takes my ever-loving breath away. “Climb on me.”

  She nearly goes wild, squirming to get my hand back in place. “No. Make me come like this.”

  Lifting her by her thighs, I spread her legs open on either side of me.

  She slaps her hands on my chest, tensing as I draw her down against my abs. I arch into her heat, feeling her wet pussy sliding across me.

  This time, Eve shakes her head, her voice a ragged whisper. “No. Wait. Not like this. Not this position. Please.”



  H er body has gone so rigid it shocks me. She shakes with strain, hunger.


  I know she’s holding back the memories again. Rhalira rode me on multiple occasions, and as few and far between as those occasions were, now it makes me want to rage.

  I haven’t touched anyone in six-hundred years, yet the R’mannev is still punishing my R’ma because I wasn’t quick enough to avoid Rhalira’s kiss.

  Never thought I would regret the rare times I’ve had sex.

  I wrap one hand around Eve’s waist. Not giving her a choice, I slide her lower, until her wet lips are barely a breath away from my cock.

  “Look at me.” My thumb trembles as I run it down the side of her face. Eve’s still shaking too, but she slowly raises her lids, doing as I asked. “Fuck, I love you.” It punches out of me along with the rest of my breath.

  She’s gorgeous, and starving, and so sexy as she jerks on my abs. I cup her jaw, loving how she fits into my hands.

  Eve whimpers, breath faltering, eyes falling to my lips.

  “Don’t think about it. Think about this. Right here.”

  “I have no fucking control over it.” She glares at me accusingly. “You think I want to be like this? This fucking mating—” She presses her lips together, refusing to go further.

  Damn it all to hell. My brain rushes to finish her sentence, and I don’t like the conclusion I come to. Not one fucking bit.

  “You regret being mated to me.”

  Eve gasps at my tone.

  I urge her closer, until we’re forehead to forehead and I’m looking into her eyes. “I finally get the female I’ve been waiting thousands of years for, and I ruin it so badly that she regrets being mine.”

  Evesse shakes her head, her eyes watering. “No. Zen. That’s not—”

  “I love you more than anything in this Universe, Eve. Tell me you understand that.”

  “Oh, Zen. Babe.”

  I close my eyes, furious with myself that I can still be so damned horny even while my chest is aching at the sight of her tears. “I adore you, and I still made a mess of things.”

  “You didn’t ruin anything. It’s just that she kissed you.”

  “She caught me by surprise, I swear. I didn’t mean to let her kiss me. I would never let another female but you touch me.”

  I’d never want to, but the R’mannev pretty much locks me in an iron-clad guarantee that it won’t happen.

  “I know that now,” Eve mumbles. “But thanks to the mating . . . well, you know. I can’t stop seeing you and her.”

  “You were going to see those images anyway. Eventually. It’s my fault.” I sit up, bringing her even closer. My cock throbs, taking advantage of the new angle and sliding between her ass cheeks. We both moan, and I can’t help but thrust up and down.

  She wraps her arms around my neck, breathing hard. “What do you mean I was going to see you with her anyway?”

  “We haven’t finished claiming each other. I’ve been too scared because of Mavrak, but I’m an idiot. I should have claimed you that first night we were together. Fuck that. I should have claimed you the moment you were no longer human.”

  With a soft curse, I latch onto her small waist, holding her still as I slide my shaft up against her ass. My body’s greedy for her. I can’t stop. And I know that even after I’ve finished claiming her, the hunger will never abate. It’s only going to get worse.

  “What do you mean we haven’t—oooh. That’s . . .”

  Eve doesn’t finish, her throat convulsing as she struggles to breathe. She’s so wet and getting wetter with each slide of my dick against her crack. She’s soaking me, her heat dripping down the front of my length.

  “I want this too one day,” I confess, still thrusting against her crack. “I want to be inside you in every way I can.”

  Eve’s pupils expand, seeming to pop open. She looks shocked. Then, she closes her eyes, mewling desperately. Her arousal slams out of her on its own multi-colored wave, her aura flaring out and wrapping around me.

  Every hair on my body reacts. Every nerve tingles and demands more. Easy, I remind myself. She’s almost there. I need to get her to that point where nothing but us connecting matters.

  “I’ve never done that with anyone, either. I want it with you. I want everything with you. If I told you some of the fantasies you make go through my head . . .”

  She brings me closer, until we’re breathing each other’s air. “Say it. Tell me exactly what you want. I love it when you’re honest with me.”

  She looks so turned on by the thought of me taking her ass that I can’t help but smile at her. I move my mouth back to her ear.

  “You mean that you love when I talk dirty to you.” Letting go of her waist, I find her nipple with my thumb. It’s so hard, pebbled, and it seems to gather into itself even more as I stroke it. “Gods, baby. You get so wet thinking about me fucking your ass. Is that what you want? For me to slide in there?”

  “Zen. Oh, God. Yes.” Eve locks her legs around me and presses her pussy into my upper abdominals as she starts to come.

  She’s perfect. Horny and dripping her honey all over me. Her head is thrown back, her mating mark seeming to glow, calling to me. She’s still coming when I press my cockhead against her opening and push inside. “Oh . . . fuck . . .” I curl into myself, abs twitching.

  I meant to take it slow. Fuck, I have to. An orgasm is already gaining momentum inside my balls and starting to pound its way up my shaft.

  Eve, as always, wrecks my plans.

  My tip slides in, and she goes crazy all over me.

  Her moans echo inside the temple. She grabs onto my shoulders and slams me back onto the floor. Then she really loses it, writhing on me, hips swirling, her incisors longer than I’ve ever seen them and biting into her flesh as she rides the ever-living fuck out of me.

  I forget my own name.

  Both of them.

  Eyes wide and mouth open, I can only stare up in shock as my R’ma digs her claws into my pecs, holding on as she starts to claim me.



  She drags her nails down my chest, marking me and drawing my blood.

  “Fuck. Eve.” I jerk so violently my back comes off the floor.

  Eve pushes me back down, her hair falling over her shoulders and down to her waist.

  I choke on my next breath. “Oh, Gods. That’s so sexy. Yes. Take me. Just like that.”

  Her pussy contracts around me. My eyes lock on the sight of her body taking me in nice and deep, before sliding back o
ut to the tip and repeating it all over again. “I’m going to come, baby. Can’t hold it.”

  “No,” she growls, expression vicious. She presses down on my shoulders to keep me in place.

  I hear and feel the floor crack beneath my back. Spreading her thighs wider, she slams down on me, taking me as deep as I can go.

  Then she stops all movement, leaving me surrounded only by her heat and the pulsations going off inside her that she can’t control.

  It doesn’t matter to my orgasm. The fucker is still gung-ho to go off, and I jerk under Eve, helpless to the wave of pleasure that’s starting to shear through my nerves.

  “I said no,” two sexy female voices command me.

  My body freezes, an orgasm ramming into my tip, unable to get out.

  “You’re not coming yet. You said you wanted me to claim you, right?”

  My thighs and legs shake, my feet restless against the floor. “Holy . . . fuck.”

  I grab onto her hips, lost. I even forgot that I’m supposed to claim her. All that matters is pumping my seed into her as I force her to ride me.

  Eve tries to fight me and our energies clash.

  My dick seizes. I need to come . . . but no matter how much I move her up and down my cock, I can’t.

  My R’ma just commanded me not to come and I’m so far gone into our mating that my body fucking listened! “Eve.”

  “Ungh. Baby. You’re getting so big.” She moves, sliding her swollen flesh back and forth on my shaft. “Feels amazing. I’m so hungry for you.”

  This time she rotates her hips, almost making my head pop off my shoulders from the pressure building inside me. My heart pounds, feeling like it’s dying to escape me and the hell she’s locked us both in. I entertain the idea of lifting her off me.

  Like hell, my cock seems to yell, and my hips are in total agreement.

  Even with the knowledge that an orgasm might not be on the horizon, my body keeps going, meeting her thrust for thrust. “Tell me I can come, Eve. I want my cum inside you. Dripping out of you.”

  She whimpers at my demand, reaching up and tugging on one of her distended, dark pink nipples.

  “Fucking hell, female. Let me come.” She has me shoved up against the edge of a sexual blade, uncaring that it’s threatening to slice me in half. “Baby. Please.”

  She leans down, her nipple between her forefinger and thumb, and feeds it to me. “Suck me, Zeniel.”

  She doesn’t need to tell me twice.

  Evesse holds her breast up to my mouth, bouncing on my cock.

  “Tell me to come.” I pull back, rubbing one canine back and forth across her nipple.

  She falters in her movements, my name leaving her breathlessly.

  “Tell me to come in you. You’re hungry for it. I can feel you, baby.” To prove my point, I cup her ass and rotate my hips until her pussy shudders wildly. “Tell me, Eve.”

  Impatient, fixated, I take her back into my mouth, rubbing my tongue flat around her nipple.

  Evesse stares down at me, her expression agonized but beautiful. “I’m so hungry for you, Zen. How . . . God, how?”

  I grab Evesse’s ass, feeling it jiggle as she moves on me sensuously.

  Pressing my feet flat on the floor, I pump up with all the strength I possess. Eve’s eyes are heavy-lidded, her gaze locked on my lips. I have to force myself to stop moving so I can focus on forming words. “W—when we both come, you have to drink from me . . . fuck.” I grab her hips, holding her still. “We have to drink—gods, damn it, Eve! Be still.”

  She whimpers, nibbling adorably at my lip, her eyes on mine.

  Gods damn this female. I love her so much.

  I wrap my arms around her, pressing her chest against mine as I stare back at her. With our gazes locked, I kiss her. “You smell amazing. You taste even better.” I cup her jaw, forcing her to open and fucking her mouth with my tongue.

  Eve rides me with slow, lingering drags that have me sliding perfectly along her inner walls.

  “God, Zen. Love your . . . lips. Fuck.”

  I lick lightly at her bottom lip. “You like that, baby?”

  “Fuck yes. I love it. I fucking love the way you kiss me.”

  I groan and take her lips again. “I want you. All of you. Need to come.”

  She kisses me back, her tongue fucking with my senses as it rotates inside my mouth.

  “H . . . how? Please. Tell me.”

  “Drink. At the same time. Coming.”

  Fuck, I don’t even make sense anymore. The orgasm fighting to break out of me has built past the point of sanity. I have a split-second fear that my cock is going to break once I come in her.

  And I don’t care. Hell, no.

  “Tell me you understand.”

  She’s already eyeing my mark, looking straight-up animalistic.

  I fist that thick curtain of black hair in both hands and slam her down onto me. “Like that. Tell me I can come, baby.”

  Eve grinds down on my cock. “Holy shit. That feels . . . Zen. God!”

  “That’s it, baby.” I work her hips, controlling the rhythm. “Who’s your God?” I ask, hearing Mavrak’s voice behind my own.

  Eve’s eyes fill with tears and she presses her forehead to mine, mewling with each thrust. “You. Oh, God. You.”

  “I’m what, baby?” I hedge.

  Eve gives me a half-horny, half-angry look.

  I bite my lip, rotating his hips.

  “Fuck . . . You. You’re my god. Happy now?”

  I smile at her. “Now make your god happy and tell him he can come.”

  “I should tell you never to come just to get that cocky grin off your face.”

  I purposely raise my energy signature, making my dick tremble faster inside her.

  Eve falls on my chest, sweating and shaking.

  “Tell me.”

  “Come. Please. I can’t anymore—I can’t. Oh, fuck. Zen! Yes, baby, yes! Fuck me!”

  I slam into her as fast as I can. She gives as good as she gets and soon we’re nothing but a blur of movement. My abs tighten, my groin clenches—everything tenses until I’m sure something is going to break.

  “I’m coming, Zen. I’m coming. Please!”

  My teeth slide home at the same time hers do on my mating mark. With a choked snarl, I almost fly off the floor, my back contorted at an unnatural angle. Eve twists on me, meeting me. Her pussy is a greedy little thing, swallowing me up and demanding more.

  Helpless, I hold her to me.

  Eventually, I rear off the floor, flipping us both over and laying Eve beneath me. With my cock and my teeth still inside her, I yank her firmly against me.

  I claw at the floor, trying to stop my body from thrusting. Eve’s moans echo in my head. Her emotions burrow into my chest.

  She bucks under me. I pull my teeth out of her neck.

  The floor is slick beneath me and my arms shake when I rise above her. “Eve, open your eyes.”

  She does so, slowly. Her eyes are shiny and slightly dazed. The bite mark on her neck is just starting to seal shut, but her mating mark has never been more vibrant. “I love you.”

  I feel a rush of emotion run through her and echo inside me.

  “I love you, too. All of you, Zen.”

  Closing my eyes, I allow myself to float on that feeling. I’m at peace. My dick’s still hard as hell and buried snugly within her, but I’m calm. The unity I feel makes me want to melt on her. I’m whole right now. Can sense it.

  I can also feel how fragile that wholeness is.

  The memories at the back of my mind taunt me. As long as I fear them, I’m not going to be able to sustain my unified state. And even if I do, how will I stop myself from hurting the ones I care for?

  Eve caresses my cheek. I open my eyes, taking in the love in her expression and feeling it coursing through me. I have no answer to the question in my mind. No clue how I’ll make things work. But as I stare down at my beautiful mate, one thing becomes very clear.
  No more running for me. I’m going to have to fucking figure it out. She wants both halves of me, and by the gods, I will find a way to give them to her.


  – Brownsville, Pennsylvania (USA)


  Z en is plain delicious in his sleep. His full lips are parted. Strands of his dark red hair cover his shoulders and the pillow beneath him. He looks calm—at peace even though his Erencei markings are still visible and his cheekbones are still starkly pronounced.

  I have a feeling that isn’t going to change. Everything in me tells me that the features that mark him as a war demon are here to stay. Not that I mind. I love the sight of him like this. I’ll miss his gray-and-blue eyes if they never again make an appearance, but the red-and-black of his Erencei side more than make up for that.

  I stare at his mating mark, where I bit into him the night before. It’s larger now that we’re fully mated. The red, black, and yellow lines cover the entire side of his neck, trailing down in huge arches to his shoulders and his pecs, where they merge with his other markings.

  I let my eyes trail down the rest of his body, taking in the red and black lines that stretch down his sides, curve around his hips, and continue down towards his thighs.

  The black, silk covers are draped over Zen’s upper thighs, and his shaft lays on his lower abs. It looks like it doesn’t know whether it’s spent or ready for more. Even semi-hard, he’s formidable, stretching almost to his belly button.

  Most human men don’t have cocks like that. I’ve spent enough time on the internet. My sources are credible, I’m sure of it.

  As if he can feel my hungry stare, Zen shifts slightly and his dick jumps to life.

  In less than a heartbeat, the darkest recesses of my mind send a dangerous, greedy anger pulsing through me. I also remember how that beautiful dick had looked like while—

  No! I yell at myself, stopping that train of thought before it can take me back into the pit.

  Why is this happening to me? Why out of nowhere like this? Is this to be my life now because of a single kiss?

  I close my eyes, breathing deep and reminding the ugly thing inside me that the things I’m seeing were in the past. He’s mine now. Only mine. On purpose, I focus on how he took me, and then how I took him. He loves me. He fucking loves me.


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