Middle Demons (Angels and Demons Book 2)

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Middle Demons (Angels and Demons Book 2) Page 9

by Randall Morris

  Gangrene hit him across the face with the butt of his spear and knocked him out cold.

  “Anyone else have something stupid to say? Get your damn weapons in your hands. NOW!”

  Everyone in the camp saw that Gangrene meant business. They hurried to gather their armor and weapons. Gangrene looked around and found the corpse of a succubus that hadn’t been looted yet. He removed the armor and helped Raven put it on.

  “How are you on weapons?”

  Raven pulled two small axes off of her belt and showed them to Gangrene.

  “I also have my whip. I think I’ll be fine. Are you worried about me, Gangrene?”

  She looked hopeful that he might actually care about her. Gangrene wasn’t sure if he should be annoyed. He decided to ignore the question. He went back to the succubus corpse, removed the minor demon power ring, and handed it to Raven. Her jaw dropped.

  “Are you really asking me what I think you’re asking me?”

  Gangrene looked confused until it dawned on him. He chuckled.

  “I’m not kneeling, you idiot. This is just a minor power ring. I don’t even know what it does.”

  Raven crossed her arms and pouted.

  “That was the least romantic proposal I’ve ever seen, Gangrene.”

  “That’s because it wasn’t a…”

  Gangrene’s sentence was cut short as Naamah’s legion arrived. Gangrene signaled to the demons he commanded from Shadow’s army. They spread out and hid behind rocks, in the sand, and wherever else they could find a good hiding place. When they were out of sight, Gangrene turned to Leech’s cavalry.

  “We’re going to hold them off for as long as we can. When I give the signal, the rest of the army will run out from their hiding places and surround them. Then we’ll attack them from both sides. Any questions?”

  The demon he had hit earlier with his spear rode at him at full speed, wielding a sword from behind. Gangrene didn’t see it coming, but Raven did. She pulled her whip from her belt and struck at the rider. Her whip wrapped around his sword and she was able to pull it from his hand. Gangrene spun and threw his spear at the rider’s head. It sunk into his neck. He struggled briefly to speak while black blood ran down Gangrene’s spear. After a few seconds, he fell off his horse and died. Gangrene pulled his spear from the demon’s neck.

  “Anyone else have a problem?”

  The remaining members of Leech’s cavalry looked at each other and then back at Gangrene. They all shook their heads. He had proven what he needed to. He held out his hand to Raven and helped her climb up behind him.

  “You’re welcome, again.”

  “I would have been fine. I have quick reflexes.”

  “And eyes in the back of your head, apparently, because he was coming from behind you.”

  “We don’t have time for your nonsense, Raven.”

  Gangrene pointed his spear at the approaching legion. Raven nodded at him and Gangrene led the charge. Leech’s cavalry fought bravely, many of them taking on several of Naamah’s army at a time, but one by one they began to fall. When their number had been nearly cut in half, Gangrene gave the signal.


  The rest of his army ran from their hiding places and rushed in to attack. Attacking from both sides, Gangrene’s army was able to deal death until the remainder of Naamah’s forces surrendered. All of the demons that were formerly in Agrat’s army had broken their oaths and turned on Leech’s forces. Gangrene decided that he couldn’t take any more chances like that.

  “Every incubus or succubus is sentenced to death. We won’t be taking any prisoners this time.”

  “What about the succubus riding behind you?”

  Gangrene looked back at her and saw that Raven actually looked slightly worried.

  “Raven is the exception. Lilith trusts her.”

  Raven hugged Gangrene from behind.

  “You’re welcome this time.”

  She laughed.

  Raven and Gangrene rode to the place where they had last left Leech and Lilith. They searched in every direction until Keshi, the demon horse, finally laid down on the ground and fell asleep. There was no trace of Gangrene’s commander or Raven’s half-sister.


  Shadow felt like he had been drugged. He hit himself hard across his face in an attempt to shake the cobwebs loose. There were demonesses and they were singing to him? That couldn’t be right. How did he end up unconscious?

  Shadow checked out his surroundings. This was a part of Hell that he had never seen before. It was elegant in an “everything was burning” kind of way. In fact he almost thought that the room he was in could easily belong to someone of nobility.

  When he finally saw Muan stirring on the floor, it all came back to him. The sirens had taken him here. They had brought him to the residence of Queen Persephone.

  Muan started to groan and grabbed his head. He struggled to get to his feet and then fell down again on the stone floor. Shadow helped him stand. Muan rubbed his eyes and then realization finally came to him. He checked for his weapons.

  “Lord Shadow, I think the sirens got us.”

  “Brilliant deduction, Muan. Any idea how we can get out of here?”

  “Well my weapons are all in their proper place so that means…”

  Muan reached into his bag and pulled out a small vial with a dark green liquid inside. He grinned mischievously at Shadow.

  “We can burn a hole into the wall.”

  Muan uncorked the vial and threw it against the nearest chamber wall. The vial shattered and the green liquid began to sizzle and smoke. The acid ate its way through the wall and the small hole it made gradually enlarged. Muan started walking towards the hole and turned back towards Shadow, waving his hand.

  “Come on, Lord Shadow. Let’s get out of…”

  Muan walked right into the wall and fell over backwards. The hole in the wall had sealed itself. Muan rubbed the bump on his head and got back on his feet.

  “I guess the rumors are true. Queen Persephone is…”

  “…trapped here.”

  Queen Persephone entered from an adjoining room. She was dressed all in black and Shadow thought she looked like an older Lilith or Vixen. She still retained her beauty remarkably well for someone so old. The only thing that separated her from the other demonesses was her white eyes. Shadow bowed to one knee and he put his hand on Muan’s shoulder and pressed down hard until he was also kneeling.

  “Queen Persephone. I am Shadow and this is one of my minor demons, Muan, the son of um… the Medic.”

  Muan rolled his eyes.

  “I’m the son of Bifrons, Your Majesty.”

  “Oh there’s no need for any of that. Stand up, both of you. I know who you are. You don’t need to keep addressing me as Queen Persephone, Shadow. You’re my grandson and no one calls you Prince Shadow.”

  Muan’s eyes bulged and he looked at Shadow. Shadow nodded to confirm. Muan bowed once again, but this time facing Shadow.

  “My prince.”

  Persephone and Shadow both laughed and Muan was grinning when he stood. Having made the Queen of the Damned laugh, he ventured a question.

  “Queen Persephone, why are your eyes white like the angels?”

  “I was an angel for a very long time, little demon. I was married to Michael the Archangel before I came to Hell with the Dragon.”

  “So is Lord Shadow a descendant of the Dragon?”

  “No, he is not.”

  Muan looked confused.

  “But you just said…”

  “I was pregnant when I came to Hell.”

  “So Abaddon is the child of…”

  Muan’s eyes widened once again. He turned his head back to Shadow.

  “Then you’re a nephilim, Lord Shadow. Am I right?”

  There was no denying it now. Muan knew about the existence of the nephilim. Shadow changed his eyes from red to white and nodded. He was worried about how Muan would react, but Muan just looked a
little awestruck.

  “That is… so cool.”

  Persephone and Shadow laughed again. Muan sat down on the floor.

  “I’ll stop asking questions and just let the two of you talk.”

  Shadow sat in a chair and Persephone sat across from him on a couch.

  “I can accept that you’re my grandmother and that I’m not really a full demon. An angel named Sarah told me that on Earth and presented me with some… pretty strong evidence.”

  Shadow lost his train of thought for a moment as he remembered Sarah kissing him.

  “But um… you’re not going to convince me that becoming a major demon isn’t my right. I need to become a major demon and control the other five to demand that the Dragon release my father. He won’t be able to deny a request made by the six major demons.”

  “Obviously I can’t stop you from doing what you think is right. The sirens can get demons in and out but I’m stuck here. Lucifer is paranoid and he thinks that I would run away the first chance I get. You’re free to go whenever you want. I’ll even call the sirens now if you want to leave. All I ask is that you hear my story first and consider it before you march on to the lowest circles of Hell.”

  Shadow considered taking Persephone up on her offer to call the sirens. He already knew nothing she could say would change his mind. The only reason he didn’t leave was his curiosity. He also reasoned that his grandmother had called him there to impart some information that might reveal weaknesses of creatures he may have to kill one day.

  “I will hear your story. Don’t continue to hope that it will change my mind though.”

  “I have no expectations but I will continue to hope that it will change your perspective, my grandson. I was very young when this all began and very beautiful. It’s possible that I was the most beautiful creature in all of Heaven. The angels often fought over who should have the right to wed me. I briefly considered several suitors, but I ultimately decided that the most powerful angel was the only one truly worthy of my affections. That was Michael the Archangel. We were married and spent our wedding night in the most beautiful of God’s wedding chambers.

  “Michael was called away towards the end of the night to respond to a rebellion. He didn’t fill me in on any of the details. Once he told me he had to leave, he was gone within minutes. Shortly after he left, I had a visitor. It was Lucifer. I inquired what he wanted and he told me he intended to capture me and take me with him before I had a chance to consummate my marriage with Michael.”

  Muan cut in.

  “So the Dragon had no idea that Michael had already banged you?”

  Shadow hit him hard in the back of his head.

  “You will not address the Queen of the Damned like that. Seriously, Muan, install a filter between your brain and your mouth. You will severely regret it the next time you say something that stupid.”

  “My apologies, Prince Shadow.”

  When Shadow looked back at Persephone, he saw her smiling. Apparently, she didn’t mind Muan’s comments.

  “Yes, little Muan, Michael and I had already slept together. I was carrying his child. When Lucifer told me of his rebellion, I was intrigued and completely swept away by his ambition and power. He promised me I could be queen when he overthrew the heavens and I agreed to go with him. I was then wed to Lucifer, but he couldn’t deliver on his promise to overthrow the heavens. That’s why he keeps me locked in here. He’s worried that I’ll run back to Michael the second he gives me the chance. I won’t. It was foolish of me to run away with him, but I accept the consequences of my actions. I’ve dreamed of going back to Michael but I know that door is now closed to me.

  “As soon as I had the chance, I seduced Lucifer. I couldn’t let him know that the child I was carrying was Michael’s. Abaddon was my firstborn and Lucifer thought it was his. I then gave birth to Cain, Vixen, and finally Baal. Those three actually were Lucifer’s children.”

  This time, Shadow interrupted her with a question.

  “So Baal is technically my uncle and the brother of Cain and my father. Why isn’t that common knowledge? He doesn’t claim descent from the Dragon.”

  “Baal thinks himself greater than his father and wants nothing to do with him. He didn’t like that Cain and Abaddon were his brothers because they tormented him for centuries. He was the youngest and they picked on him like all brothers do. I stopped it when I could, but he eventually disowned his entire family. It’s ironic, because one of Baal’s sons did the same thing to him. He renounced his claim on Baal’s major demon position and went to work in another department.”

  “Which son?”

  “I promised Baal I wouldn’t reveal that and I keep my promises, Shadow. I won’t reveal his name to you. Baal is very touchy about family issues.”

  “That’s all really interesting, but what does it have to do with me?”

  Persephone bowed her head and a tear streamed down from both of her eyes.

  “Abaddon went to visit his father, Michael, in Heaven. Michael wasn’t convinced that Abaddon was his son. He demanded that Abaddon demonstrate his control over the element of ice to the other archangels before he would even see him. Abaddon failed; he had not yet acquired his father’s abilities. Michael sent him away without meeting him, but asked that his short blade be delivered to Abaddon on the chance that he was wrong. When Abaddon returned to Hell, Lucian took him into custody to be tortured in the lowest circle of Hell as a traitor to all demons.

  “I tried to stop them from taking him away. I even offered to take his place. Lucifer wouldn’t grant my request and Abaddon is being tormented to this day. He has only been allowed to return to the upper circles once. That short reprieve was won for him by my pleadings to Lucifer. He locked me in here at the same time that he took Abaddon away. As far as I know, he simply sees Abaddon as a traitor but has no idea that he is one of the nephilim.

  “Abaddon had the same problem that you have, Shadow. He thought it was his responsibility to fix everything. It was that belief that earned a place among the tormented souls of the lowest circle. If you want to become a major demon, that’s fine. It’s your birthright. All I ask is that you please leave your father where he is. Don’t try to turn on the Dragon with the other five major demons. Satan has enough room in his circle to torture another six, even if they are the Six.”

  “Interesting story, grandma, but it doesn’t change anything. Call the sirens. Muan and I are leaving.”


  By the time Murmur, Jess, and Aim arrived on Earth, Aim’s foot had healed to the point that he was no longer limping. Murmur was relieved. The odds were already stacked against the three of them and he didn’t need the additional handicap of a sniper whose mind wasn’t on his target. He checked the map that Tannin had given him. Shortly after he looked down at it, the map sailed out of his hands and towards the open hands of Jess.

  “You’ve been taking us in the wrong direction, Murmur.”

  Murmur pulled the map from her hands and turned it around.

  “You’re holding it the wrong way, Jess. That way is south.”

  He pointed. She blushed and turned a bright shade of red.

  “Oh. Well then I guess you know where we’re going.”

  “Yes, I do. Don’t levitate things out of my hands.”

  Murmur grabbed the map from her, folded it, and put it back in his pocket. He pointed south-west.

  “Their headquarters are that way. We aren’t too far but before we form any kind of plan, I need to know what the two of you are actually capable of. How far out can you make a kill shot, Aim?”

  Jess snickered.

  “About ten feet.”

  Aim frowned at her and elbowed her in the ribs.

  “Probably about fifty yards or so. I wasn’t the best sniper in my year.”

  “Alright so picking them all off one at a time from a distance isn’t really an option. We have to move in closer than I was hoping. What about you, Jess? Can you do anything oth
er than levitate objects?”

  This time Aim snickered.

  “Nope. She knows one spell.”

  Jess hit Aim in the back of his head with her staff.

  “That’s not entirely true. I’ve been working on a new one. Allow me to demonstrate.”

  Jess shook out her arms and prepared herself to cast the spell. She pointed her staff at Murmur, spun it three times, and muttered something under her breath. Her eyes flashed a shade darker for a moment.

  Murmur waited for something to happen. Nothing did. He crossed his arms and raised one eyebrow at her.

  “I’m waiting, Jess.”

  Jess nervously pulled her demonic book of spells from her bag. She flipped through the pages until she found the one she was looking for. She finally figured out what she had done wrong.

  “Oops. Wrong incantation. Let’s try it again.”

  Murmur didn’t move or respond. He began to wonder if she actually knew any other spells. Jess pointed her staff at Murmur and repeated everything she did last time, but she apparently muttered different words under her breath this time.

  Murmur began to feel a mild pain in his head. He waited for something else to happen. Nothing did.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. You learned a headache spell? Why the hell would you learn a spell to give people headaches? The two of you have given me worse headaches than this just by being annoying!”

  Jess looked nervous again. Aim, instead of celebrating his sister’s failure, looked dejectedly at the ground. After a few moments of awkward silence, Jess yelled back at Murmur.

  “We know we’re not the best, but if we were better than we are, they would have kept us fighting in the war and this mission never would have happened. Besides, we’re not the only ones who needed a second chance. We were there watching when Nightmare beat you down in the death pit. You need this to go well just as badly as we do. So stop focusing on how much we suck and become a goddamn leader already!”

  Murmur closed the distance between himself and Jess. She cringed, thinking he was going to hit her. Instead, he reached down and grabbed her demonic spell book from her hands. He flipped through the pages until he found the spell he was looking for and then handed the book back to Jess.


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