Middle Demons (Angels and Demons Book 2)

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Middle Demons (Angels and Demons Book 2) Page 16

by Randall Morris

  Leech looked over at Shadow and pointed at the demon who was speaking. Shadow laughed.

  “Also, Dante was insane. He killed us on a regular basis for no reason. I understand enjoying a good kill but only against demons in other departments. Not killing off our own armies. I’m done fighting the other demons of murder. I give my allegiance willingly to General Shadow!”

  Shadow stepped forward, holding Damnation in the air.

  “Will you join us or be slaughtered?”

  Dante’s army bowed to Shadow.

  “Good. Your new commander is Lord Muan, the demon that removed you from the rule of that old cackling idiot, Dante.”

  Muan approached the demon that convinced the army to join with Shadow.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Botis, Lord Muan. I’m glad to serve under your command.”

  Botis stood at least a head taller than any other demon in the army but also looked to be as ill-equipped as the rest of them. After Muan took Dante’s daggers for himself, he told Botis to take Dante’s armor that was hidden underneath the bloody rags that he wore.

  “It’ll be slightly crushed by hippo ass, but it should still work.”

  “Are you sure, Lord Muan? You deserve the armor.”

  “It’s too big for me.”

  Botis grinned but stopped when he realized that it may not be appropriate. He nodded at Muan and retrieved the armor.

  Shadow pulled Leech aside.

  “So why do you think you get to take Gangrene away from my army?”

  “I had an army, Shadow. Between my army and Gangrene’s, we took down two of Lily’s middle demon sisters and their armies. Vixen only has one army guarding her at her palace. You have Muan and I need a second-in-command.”

  “Take someone else. Gangrene is one of my best fighters.”

  “Come on, Shadow. You can call the rest of the department of murder to you now.”

  “They’re fighting alongside Baal right. I can’t really pull them away from that. We haven’t contributed enough to this war as it is.”

  “Shadow, I need him. I need him more than you do right now. I command an army of untrained dumbasses and if I get surrounded in the battle with Vixen, Gangrene may be able to keep me alive.”

  “Lilith can keep you alive.”

  “Lilith gets distracted by shiny objects and staring at herself in the mirror.”

  Shadow grinned.

  “I’m going to tell her you said that.”

  “Don’t. I’m too young and talented to die.”

  “There’s an easy solution to this.”

  Shadow called Gangrene over.

  “Gangrene, Muan just became a middle demon. I just became a major demon. My old spot as middle demon of war is yours if you want it.”

  “Thank you, General Shadow, but I would prefer to fight in Lord Leech’s army. I made a promise to him and to General Baal.”

  Shadow looked mildly annoyed.

  “You could be the same rank as Leech right now.”

  “Without someone to watch his back, he will die. He almost died several times on the way here. He’s kind of an incompetent idiot sometimes.”

  Leech laughed.

  “That’s the same argument I just made! Well… minus the incompetent idiot part.”

  Shadow shook his head.

  “You’re sure, Gangrene?”

  “Yes, sir. I imagine you want to keep him around. I’m not really sure I understand why, but I will sacrifice a promotion to keep him alive.”

  Shadow called a demon-in-training to him.

  “I want you to draft transfer paperwork. Gangrene will be transferring to the department of idolatry under Lord Leech’s command. Bring it to me when it’s ready to be signed.”

  The demon-in-training bowed and ran away. Muan overheard the instruction.

  “You’re leaving us, Gangrene? Was following in my shadow finally not enough for you?”

  Gangrene chuckled.

  “No. I just can’t be in a department that would have you as a middle demon.”

  Muan laughed and punched Gangrene hard in the arm.

  “Whatever. Let’s go get a drink and celebrate my promotion.”


  “We have orders to take General Lucian into custody and deliver him to the Dragon as a traitor. He lied to the Dragon.”

  Nightmare smiled.

  “There’s no fucking way I’m going to let you take my father to be tortured.”

  The demon showed no emotion when he responded.

  “I command an army of 100,000 berserkers that report directly to the Dragon. We could slaughter you and your entire department. The Dragon has several armies larger than all the rest of Hell at his command. You don’t have a say in this matter.”

  The demon tried to continue towards Lucian’s tent and Nightmare got in his way.

  “I’m going to tell you one more time to back the fuck up and leave.”

  Andras got up from where he was sitting and stood next to Nightmare. His staff started glowing with fire. Before violence erupted, Lucian emerged from his tent.

  “So the Dragon thinks I was lying about Shadow? Interesting. I knew he was testing my words when he called all of the scythes to him.”

  Lucian turned around and put his hands behind his back. The berserker demon tightened a pair of shackles around his wrists.

  “Dad, we can fight them off.”

  “Don’t be an idiot. We can’t fight off the berserkers, especially with our army in its current state. My scythe is in my tent. Take it and force Shadow back down to the lowest circle of Hell. We have to find a way to show the Dragon that he kept the scythe of Asmodeus. I’ve seen him ride with two scythes.”

  The berserker demon pulled a scroll from his belt and handed it to Nightmare. Nightmare opened it and read it.

  “The Dragon has named me the uncontested leader of the department of lies.”

  “Don’t forget, Nightmare. Find a way to get Shadow down there and we can show the Dragon that he’s full of shit. It should be him being tortured down there with his traitor father.”

  The berserkers took Lucian away and Nightmare entered his tent. He picked up the scythe, closed his eyes, and let its power course through him. When he opened his eyes, Andras was standing at the entrance of the tent grinning at him.

  “What did the scroll really say?”

  “That I am the uncontested…”


  Nightmare chuckled.

  “I thought I was pretty convincing. At least good enough to convince the other middle demons. What gave my lie away?”

  “It was just a hunch. You don’t have any tells or giveaways but I doubt any of the middle demons will contest your promotion after that performance. None of them would challenge the Dragon’s will on the off chance that you were telling the truth. Can I assume I get your middle demon spot?”

  “No. You can fight the other minor demons for it.”

  “General Lucian told me as he was walking away that I was the new uncontested middle demon and should take your old position immediately. If you don’t buy that, then keep in mind that you can’t afford to lose the several minor demons that I will kill to take the position.”

  Nightmare grinned.

  “I guess I can’t blame you for pulling the same bullshit that I just did.”

  “What did the scroll really say?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Fine… but I’m the new middle demon, right?”

  “Sure. I don’t have time to find someone better. Get our armies ready. We’re leaving the battle with Baal.”

  “We’re retreating?”

  “Nope. We’re running towards something more important. If Shadow does have two scythes, I’ll need another powerful weapon to combine with my scythe to even the odds.”

  “And that would be…?”

  “The berserker staff. Their commander told us that they are marching my father to the lo
west circle of Hell with 100,000. I imagine the mountain where the berserker staff rests is pretty much unguarded right now. I’m going to take it.”

  Andras nodded and left the tent.

  When Andras left Lucian’s tent, he was approached by the middle demons of the department of lies. They were angry.

  “That kid will not command us!”

  “I challenge Nightmare to a duel for the department!”

  “No, I challenge him first!”

  Andras raised his hands and called for silence.

  “We’re going to leave this battle and pursue the berserker staff, which is largely unguarded right now. I want you to consider a few things. The Dragon named him the uncontested leader of this department. Do you really want the Dragon to send the berserkers back to kill you for defying his orders?”

  “Why should we let this happen? What’s in it for us?”

  Nightmare exited the tent and the middle demons flinched slightly out of fear.

  “There are two things in it for you. First, I won’t kill you. Second, when I take the berserker staff, the three of you and Andras will be allowed to touch it and add become berserkers yourselves.”

  Andras bowed immediately.

  “I’m in.”

  The other three middle demons discussed the proposal with each other and then nodded at Nightmare.

  “We’re in but only if you deliver. If the berserkers on the mountain repel us and keep the berserker staff, we will kill you and one of us will become the major demon of lies.”

  “It’s amusing that the three of you think you could kill me.”

  “We could. If we somehow failed to kill you, all I would need to do is send a message to Shadow and let him know where you are. I imagine the result would be the same.”

  Nightmare brought his scythe up quickly and ran it clean through the middle demon’s neck. The demon’s head remained in place until Nightmare flicked his forehead and it rolled backwards off of his body. He turned to Andras.

  “Find me a replacement for the mouthy one.”

  Andras nodded and left. The other two middle demons looked at each other and then one of them spoke.

  “We’ll just get our armies ready to march.”

  They both bowed and left. Nightmare knew his action was brash, but he didn’t regret it. He was tired of being challenged. He hoped that one he had the berserker staff, no one would ever challenge him again.


  Shadow, Leech, Lilith, Muan, Gangrene, and Raven rode at the head of what was finally a decent sized army. Gangrene took to training the demons-in-training whenever they stopped for breaks and had them all wake up an hour earlier than everyone else for combat training. Muan laughed and mocked Gangrene’s determination at first until Gangrene had finally had enough.

  “You’re just lazy. You were handed an army on a silver platter from Shadow. They’re all trained and ready to go. The only reason you’re giving me shit is because you know you couldn’t do what I do.”

  “Watch an incompetent group of demons never make any progress?”

  “No. Train an army to be fighters.”

  “I could train them better than you could.”

  “You keep telling yourself that when we’re practicing early in the morning… while you’re still asleep.”

  “No. I’m going to wake up just as early as you and train those idiots too. In fact my half of the demons-in-training will get up an hour before your half.”

  “My half won’t ever go to sleep.”

  The demons-in-training listened to this conversation with dread. They all hated running drills and combat training with Gangrene and they couldn’t imagine Muan would be any better, but none of them would speak up. Raven got up from where she was sitting and approached Gangrene and Muan.

  “You guys are idiots. The demons-in-training don’t like being pushed around and forced to train. I don’t want to hear the two of you talk about dividing them in half and working them any harder than you already are.”

  Gangrene grinned at her.

  “And how would you know what the demons-in-training are thinking?”

  “Because I still am one, dumbass!”

  Muan noticed the tension and decided to piss Gangrene off further. He suspected Gangrene had a thing for Raven.

  “You’re right, Lady Raven. Our conversation was disrespectful. It was unbecoming of a middle demon like myself. Gangrene, I respectfully volunteer to be a combat instructor. I don’t think we should push them any harder than you are right now though. I just think it’ll help if they learn a variety of fighting techniques.”

  Raven bent down and kissed Muan on the forehead. She then turned back to Gangrene.

  “Why can’t you be like this little cutie? You’re such a hot-headed dumbass!”

  Raven turned and stomped away. Muan crossed his arms and whistled.

  “Gangrene, I’m going to bang her.”

  Gangrene couldn’t hide the look of shock that appeared on his face, but he tried to act indifferent.

  “I don’t care.”

  “I think you do. I think it’s going to piss you off. I think I’m going to go talk to her again right now and seal the deal.”

  Muan started forward but Gangrene blocked his path with his spear.

  “You’re just doing this to annoy me.”

  “You said it doesn’t bother you.”

  “It bothers me some.”

  “Oh. Well if it doesn’t bother you more than some, I’m still going to do it.”

  “Fine. It bothers me more than some. I won’t let it happen.”

  “Why not?”


  Muan fell over laughing and all the demons-in-training grinned at Gangrene. Raven blushed and walked back to her tent before smiling.

  Lilith had identified the final middle demon guarding Vixen as Eiseth, the middle demon of whoredoms. Shadow, Leech, and Lilith rode ahead to meet her. Gangrene and Muan followed at a slower pace so they could continue to train Raven and the demons-in-training. When they reached the entrance of Vixen’s palace, Vixen crawled frantically out. Shadow pulled Damnation from his back and Leech readied his guns, but Vixen held up her hand. When she saw Lilith, she frantically crawled to her and grabbed her hands. Lilith helped her to her feet. Shadow held one of the blades of Damnation at her throat.

  “I know you’re down to a single sizable army, but we haven’t brought much to contend with it. If you’re trying any kind of trick, know that I will kill you before this is all over. This will come down to army against army; cunningness has no business in the equation.”

  “I’m not here to trick you. Eiseth saw this as the perfect time to take over my department. If you help me kill her, I will switch sides and fight with you against Nightmare and Astaroth.”

  “Nightmare? What about Lucian?”

  Vixen grinned mischievously at Shadow.

  “You haven’t heard? You already defeated Lucian without ever fighting him. He accused you of taking two scythes and the Dragon found that to be a lie. He was marched down to the lowest circle of Hell to be tortured alongside your father. Karmic justice in a way…”

  “It’s not justice. I don’t know how long my father has been down there but it’s been a hell of a long time. Justice will be met when I slit Lucian’s throat.”

  “Was he lying? Do you hide a second scythe somewhere the Dragon can’t see it or call it to him?”

  “You have bigger things to worry about.”

  Vixen winked at him.

  “I never worry about bigger things.”

  Leech laughed and Lilith backhanded Vixen across the face.

  “Stop being horny. If you’re really in trouble, give us a reason to trust you.”

  “Fine, but we need to get away from here. They’ll be coming…”

  As Vixen spoke, two succubi came sprinting down the stairs. Leech took aim and killed them both with headshots. Leech and Lilith both looked to Shadow.

  “Take her back to our army and tell them to stop where they are. Take her to my tent and get the truth from her about this war.”

  Lilith tied up Vixen’s wrists behind her back with her whip and they began to head back to the army. Leech turned back when he realized Shadow wasn’t following.

  “Aren’t you coming with?”

  “No. I’m going in there and finding out if Eiseth actually has her scythe.”

  “You’ll take on her entire army?”

  “It’s fine. I’ll tell you about my armor when I get back.”

  Vixen smiled as if something had just dawned on her.

  “I knew I had seen it somewhere before. Shadow has the armor of Michael the Archangel.”

  “I don’t have time to play games Vixen and I don’t care how you know where my armor came from. Guys, get her out of her and extract the truth from her.”

  When Leech and Lilith returned to the army, Leech told them to stop. Everyone pulled their weapons and held them ready as Vixen was escorted into camp. Leech called Muan and Gangrene to him.

  “We’re going to question her in Shadow’s tent. Don’t let anyone in.”

  Muan looked questioningly at Leech.

  “Where is General Shadow?”

  “He said something about his armor keeping him safe and then went to find Eiseth. He’s fine. I’m sure he’ll be back here soon.”

  Muan nodded. Gangrene continued to look confused, but he took his place next to Muan at the opening of Shadow’s tent.

  Leech threw Vixen inside the tent.

  “Start talking.”

  “Fuck off, little leech. I could have come out of that gate without my scythe and killed all three of you.”

  “Funny. If you’re going to be uncooperative, I can go get Shadow and the three of us would be happy to fight you without your scythe.”

  “I’ll talk, but only to my daughter. You wait outside.”

  Leech kicked Vixen in the face. She fell over, bleeding from her nose. Lilith held him back.

  “Do what she said. Wait outside.”


  “Now. Go. I’ll take care of this.”

  Leech fumed and then stomped outside. Vixen smiled at Lilith.


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