The Chariot: Brothers at Arms

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The Chariot: Brothers at Arms Page 13

by Desiree Lee

"A family."

  "You can't have children."

  "I know. I didn't mean with me."

  "I don't want anybody else. What about adopting a child? If we really wanted to have a child, would you be adverse to adoption?"

  "You'd want to raise a child with me?"

  "You've taken care of kids before. You're more of an expert on it than I am. I think you'd make a great mother. I'm sorry that you didn't get that chance in your mortal life. Anyway, I'm not saying I have to father a child, or adopt a child, but I do have to have you in my life. I won't give you up, Michelle. I've lost everyone who's ever been important to me. I won't lose you too."

  She reached over, placing her hand on his thigh, squeezing softly. “We have plenty of time to talk about it. We'll see how Pierre fares first, ok?"

  "OK,” he agreed.

  They were so wrapped up in the conversation that neither of them noticed they were being followed.

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  Chapter Eleven

  Luke was pissed. He heard everything. He had stood outside the study, eavesdropping on the conversation between Pierre and Julio. How could this be? He'd believed so strongly that it was François who started the war that he'd left his old master and maker, defecting over to his brother's side instead. Now, it was all for naught. François had been duped. The entire war had been on false pretenses. It was all a sham. It was all a lie.

  He had burned all his bridges, lost the only woman that he'd ever cared about all for what? “A crock of shit, that's what,” he fumed aloud. “It's all a bunch of bullshit!"

  Reason left him. He saw Michelle and Julio leave the house together, ever the loving couple. It wrenched him inside to see them together. He had heard Julio admit to Pierre that François caught him in a private moment with Michelle. Luke didn't need three guesses to know what sort of private moment that was. They were lovers. They had to be. Why else would she have been at Julio's house instead of at François', accepting her fate? He never would have taken Michelle to be so spineless as to flee to the arms of a mortal instead of obeying François. Luke was sick thinking of it.

  He had to do something about it. He had to make things right. He was driving instead of flying because he wanted to keep them within sight. He couldn't risk flying low so soon after sunset. Too many people were still out.

  He should have guessed where they were going, back to Julio's house. “They're probably going back to fuck again,” he kvetched.

  He watched as Julio parked the truck in the driveway, then went in with Michelle. Luke circled the block a couple of times, stewing.

  * * * *

  Julio saw the light blinking on his answering machine when they went in. He pressed the button and was surprised to hear the message from François on the recorder.

  "I am calling with an apology for my behavior this morning. Pierre informs me that you have some important information that I should see. I am willing to grant you and Michelle safe passage into my House so that this information may be delivered. Please come at 10 p.m."

  Julio looked at Michelle. “Is he for real?"

  "Yes. François never apologizes unless he means it. That is rare for him to admit he is wrong. I don't know what Pierre said to convince him, but I think this is our chance to set things right. We need to take the papers over to him and let him read them, just as Pierre did. I don't think he will take it as calmly as Pierre did."

  "Pierre held in a lot of emotion, I could tell,” Julio agreed. “I'll be careful when I show it to François."

  "We have a few hours before we're expected. What do you want to do until then?"

  "I don't know. Do you have something on your mind?"

  "Just you,” she smiled seductively.

  "Far be it from me to deny your wish,” he grinned, walking toward the bedroom. He pulled his shirt off as he walked, draping it across the top of the hamper on the way. He took the gun, holster and all, out of the back of his pants, putting it away in the drawer. He turned and saw Michelle standing in the doorway, watching him. “Strip for me,” he commanded.

  She stood on the bed and did so. Her lithe body moved in all the right ways as she peeled off every piece of clothing with painstaking care. Once she was fully nude, she remained standing in the center of the bed, gyrating her hips. Her hands slid up her torso, grasping her own breasts and touching them.

  Julio watched as she brought her nipples to hard little peaks. His thick cock was already hard for her. Even without music, the woman knew how to do a striptease better than most exotic dancers. He shed the rest of his clothes and knelt on the bed. “Get on your knees."

  Once more, Michelle obeyed his order. She knelt before him, dropping to her elbows to raise her perfectly rounded ass in the air, presenting it to him like a gift.

  Julio moved up behind her, sliding the head of his cock against her slit, already moist with her own juices. He gripped her hips and sank his shaft fully inside her. He drew back slowly, then pushed in again hard, fast. His firm hold on her hips kept him in position to continue the dominant thrusts, claiming her as his own.

  Michelle gave a groan of pleasure at his thrusts, each one reaching her innermost depths, evoking sensations that were long dormant before she had met Julio. This man made her swoon. He was a domineering force in bed and she liked that. She liked a man who exerted himself, rather than just laid back and let her ride his cock. She gave a whimper when Julio withdrew. She knew he hadn't come yet. “What's the matter?"

  "Nothing. Close your eyes,” he instructed. She did and felt him wrap a soft piece of fabric around her eyes like a blind fold. She assumed from the texture it was a silk scarf.

  "Oooh, kinky,” she giggled.

  "Shhh. Be good or I'll spank you,” he warned.

  She wondered if he really would spank her. Was he in to D/S play? This might put an interesting spin on their lovemaking for certain. “You wouldn't spank me.” Her challenge was met with a sharp, open-handed smack on her ass. “Ow!” she exclaimed, surprised that he actually did it.

  "Hush or you'll get another,” he admonished.

  She kept quiet, waiting for what he'd do next. She felt something teasing her soft folds. What was he doing? It felt good, almost ticklish. Was it a feather? It had to be a feather. “What are you doing?” Her query was answered with another hard smack that was followed by the light touch of the feather across her stinging skin. Michelle shuddered as the sensation brought her an unexpected orgasm. How could he bring such pleasure to her with pain? This was something unique to her. She was not ignorant to the nature of D/S play. She knew others in François’ House engaged in it and had heard plenty about their encounters, but it was not something she had ever put in to practice herself. She was in uncharted territory and so far, she loved it.

  He continued to tease her most sensitive parts with the feather, then with another silk scarf, running it in her slit. He pinched her clit through the silk and smiled as she rocked against his fingers, another orgasm overtaking her. He moved off the bed, leaving her alone for a long moment, wondering what she'd do.

  Michelle was confused by that. She wanted to ask him where he went, but assumed if she spoke, he'd spank her again. He had to have some trick up his sleeve. She heard the drawer open and wondered what plaything he was getting now. Soon enough she felt his cock, slick with lube, pressing against her taut anus. She gasped as she realized what he was going to do next.

  "Does this bother you?” he whispered.

  "No, it is just new to me."

  "You've never been taken here before?"

  "No. Luke wouldn't do anal,” she blurted out.

  He would rather she hadn't mentioned Luke, but it was too late. “Just relax then.” He gave her a moment to ease up before pushing in to her tight hole. He had to pause as he got just the head in or else he would come too quickly. She was that tight around him and it felt so good. He gave a moan of delight.

  Michelle marveled at the new sensation. She had expected
it to hurt a lot more than it did. It was tight and stretching her farther than she had ever been before, but with the lubrication that Julio had put on himself, it was not bad. She hadn't thought she would enjoy this. She was glad that she was wrong. “Keep going,” she urged.

  He slid further in to her, making his way in fully. He drew back slowly, then in again, working the lubricant around. Once he felt she had acclimated to his girth, he quickened his pace. He pounded against her tight ass, his balls slapping against her clit as he did so.

  Outside, Luke heard every word. He blanched at the thought of Julio violating Michelle's perfect ass. Luke never had a penchant for anal, but he had never known Michelle had wanted it either. Now he was listening to her whimpers and moans of delight as the Keeper filled her with his cock. Luke's eyes nearly glazed over with rage. How dare she let a man into her like that? How dare Julio tease her with the feathers, the silk, the blindfolding? What was worst of all was that they both obviously enjoyed it from the sounds coming from within the bedroom. Luke couldn't see into the bedroom since Julio had covered the windows so well to block out light in the daytime. He had to rely on the sounds that his vampire hearing could pick up. He was livid. He had lost Michelle once and for all. He had no hope left of ever getting her back.

  Oblivious to the eavesdropper, Julio hastened his pace even more. His thrusts were strong, demanding. He reached his peak with such fury that his moan sounded as if it were ripped from his lungs.

  Michelle collapsed to the bed below him. She had never been ravaged so thoroughly, not even by a vampire lover. Julio had broadened her sexual horizons by leaps and bounds in the short time she had known him. She felt him slowly withdraw from her. She expected to be sore, but assumed her accelerated vampire healing had played a part. She felt empty without him inside of her, but she didn't hurt. “That was incredible,” she whispered. “I never would have imagined it to be like that."

  Julio smacked her once more on her upturned ass. “I didn't say you could talk yet,” he chuckled. “We can explore more things later. We have plenty of time ahead of us."

  More? He has more? She pondered that for a moment.

  He reached and took the blindfold off. He was lying beside her. “I didn't hurt you?"

  "No. I think if I were mortal, I'd be sore as hell, but I feel good."

  "Good.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  "We should shower before we go over. We reek of sex."


  "To a sensitive vampire nose, we reek,” she laughed.

  "All right, I wouldn't want to offend your delicate sensibilities,” he chuckled as he got up. She waited on the bed. “You want to join me in the shower?"

  "I didn't know if you wanted me to or if you wanted to shower separately."

  "I'd like you to scrub me,” he winked.

  She needed no more urging. She leapt up and followed him in to the shower. “You set the water temperature. I like it scalding hot, but it would probably burn you,” she said.

  He set it as hot as he could stand, which turned out to be close to what Michelle liked. Together they enjoyed the gentle scrubbing, exploring each other's bodies with the wash cloth and soap.

  Michelle loved washing his hair for him. He had a long, thick, ebony mane. She especially loved the scalp massage he gave her in return when he washed her hair for her. She'd not showered with a man in so long, it was a treat.

  When they were done, they dried and dressed, then curled up on the sofa together to watch TV until it was time to leave. Michelle could smell vampire in the air, but since the fight that had killed Julio's mom, the scent of vampires was strong in here. She didn't realize that it wasn't an old scent she was detecting.

  When the time came to leave, Julio asked Michelle to wait in the truck while he got the papers. He still wanted to keep their hiding place a secret. She obliged and soon they were on their way to her former master's House. It felt so surreal to both of them to be going over as enemies.

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  Chapter Twelve

  They arrived a few minutes early. Julio had planned it that way, just in case the stoplights were unkind to them. As they got to the front door, Luke descended from flight, blocking their path.

  "Luke, what are you doing here?” Michelle asked.

  "Correcting a mistake,” he answered. He moved so fast, Julio didn't have time to pull his gun. His fangs tore in to Julio's throat.

  "NO!” Michelle screamed. She lashed out at her former lover with a vengeance.

  The door opened and François stood there, bewildered. “What is going on here?"

  "Luke turned rogue!” Michelle cried, still fighting the blond man. “Take care of Julio!"

  Several of François’ vampires pulled Julio inside, assessing his wound. It wasn't good. Julio convulsed. Blood gushed from his throat. He was about to die. He tried to talk but they stifled him.

  Michelle and Luke's fight spilled inside. She took a quick glance at Julio and knew his condition was grave. She was even more determined to kill Luke now. “You fucking bastard!"

  Pierre arrived right then, running up the walk. He saw the two fighting. “Luke! I order you to stand down!"

  "Fuck you Pierre! Fuck you all! You lied! You lied this whole time! The war wasn't François’ fault. You made me betray the only man who ever gave me a chance! You took the woman I loved! You took it all from me!"

  François saw that Luke had indeed turned rogue. This was not orchestrated by Pierre as he had suspected. He stepped in front of Michelle, deflecting a blow from Luke. “Go to Julio,” he said to her.

  Michelle retreated from the fight, running across the room to Julio. “I'm here. I'm here. Don't worry. We'll get you healed up.” She leaned down, tasting his blood. She tried to use her power to heal the wound, but realized quickly how deep it was. She saw the pool of how much blood he had lost and knew she was too late.

  "Save ... me...” Julio whispered. “Make ... me..."

  She understood immediately. She had thought they would have time to discuss Julio's choice to become a vampire, to give him time to think it over fully but that was no longer an option. He had mere moments before he would die. Michelle bit in to her own wrist and placed it to Julio's mouth. “Drink from me.” She was really glad she had fed so well earlier.

  The thick blood hit Julio's damaged throat and he nearly gagged. It didn't taste like human blood. He knew that taste from getting in to fights as a kid and winding up with a bloodied lip on occasion. Her blood tasted altogether different. It tasted of death, if death could have a taste. He had no other choice. He had to trust her that this would work. He willed his throat to swallow and managed to get some of it down.

  The transformation was startling. He felt every cell in his body tingle as it mutated in to vampire tissue. When his bones mutated, it was painful and he groaned loudly, his back arching. This is the end, he thought. I am dying. Suddenly, everything went black.

  When Julio opened his eyes, he wondered if he would see angels or demons. Instead, he saw Michelle's pensive expression.

  "I'm not dead?” he asked.

  "No. Sit up carefully though. You're not used to your vampire body yet."

  He raised up slowly, his head reeling at the onslaught of sounds and smells. Michelle hadn't been lying. Vampire senses were far more acute than a human's. He looked over and saw the brothers fighting with Luke. He was amazed that Luke was able to stand up to them. Even more amazing was that Michelle had been holding her own with Luke too.

  Everyone in the house stared on with sickened awe as Luke got a lucky hit in on François. His head flipped backward, nearly severed from his body. It was enough. He fell to the floor, his eyes wide with shock and fright.

  "François!” Pierre knelt beside him. Luke stopped, backing up. Even he was surprised by how well that hit landed. “Brother,” Pierre's voice choked.

  "Is it true?” François gave a gurgling whisper.

  "The fault lies with
her,” Pierre affirmed. “She seduced you. She altered your mind. It set us at odds. When she could not erase her mistake, she ended her own life. She left a confession with the Keeper and it has been passed along, but never made known to us until now. I am sorry, Brother. So many years we have wasted on this futility. I wanted to end it. Julio chose my side so I could do that. He brought this to my attention as soon as he could. He wants peace between us."

  "Peace, brother.” Blood bubbled from the corner of François’ mouth. “Forgive me."

  "I do. It was not your fault. Forgive me too. It is as much my fault that this has endured."

  "I forgive.” François’ eyes rolled back and his body went slack. He died in his brother's arms.

  The war had finally ended, but at a cost that Pierre had never wanted to pay. Despite the centuries of fighting, the shock of losing his twin wracked him hard. He let go of François’ body gently and stood up, turning to face Luke. “You,” he pointed at the amber-eyed vampire. “You have taken this into your own hands and destroyed all of the goodwill I had been working to bolster! You have killed my brother, despoiled the Keeper, to what end? You've gained nothing! You've befouled both my brother's House and now mine!” Pierre leveled a telekinetic blast at Luke more violent than any vampire in attendance had ever seen. It sundered Luke's body in to several pieces. His head was severed. He died instantly.

  Several members of François’ House had positioned his body more respectfully, trying to cover the gaping wound in his neck. Most were sobbing. Their master was dead.

  "I will claim my brother's body, as is my right,” Pierre stated with authority. “Our Houses are in the mourning period. My House will respect this. I expect you will do the same."

  Julio was still trying to learn his surrounds, adjusting to his vampire senses. He held onto Michelle's hand, unsure of what he was supposed to do now.

  "I will also claim Luke's body,” Pierre continued. “I had provided him refuge in my House, therefore he is my responsibility."

  Two members of Pierre's house moved to collect Luke's body. Some from François’ House went to help them. None of them said a word to each other. The sentiment was implicit. Luke had been one of their own, once upon a time. Madness had taken him, but he was still familiar to them and they were all aggrieved by his loss.


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