Renegade Ridge

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Renegade Ridge Page 26

by Arabella Steedly

  She pulled open the screen door at the back of the house and let it slam shut with a ‘bang’ behind her. After washing her hands at the kitchen sink, she noticed the mail was laying on the table. Picking it up she began thumbing through the envelopes and papers. “Oh, no, not another one,” she gasped. For the second time in a week, they had received an invoice from the feed store stamped in red with ‘Past Due.’ When she had asked her father about the first one, he shrugged his shoulders, and said, “Oh, I must have gotten busy and forgot to pay it.”

  She was peeling potatoes and chopping carrots when she heard someone come in the back door. Her brother, Joe, greeted her and asked, “Where’ve you been? We’ve been looking for you.”

  Tess glanced over her shoulder and smirked at him. “I guess you haven’t been looking too hard. I’ve been back from my ride for over a half hour.”

  “You should've left a note on the refrigerator or something,” Joe reminded her.

  Tess turned on the water to rinse the vegetables before she put them in the pot with the roast. “Why do all of you need to know where I’m at all the time? I feel like a bird in a cage.”

  Joe squinted his eyes. “This ranch is huge, and it's covered with woods and mountains. You could fall off your horse and get hurt—or God knows what! Just leave a note next time, will ya?” Tess rolled her eyes hoping he would go away. Instead, Joe reached inside the pantry and took out two more potatoes and a few carrots. Clearing his throat, he said, “You need to fix extra. We're having a guest join us for dinner.”

  She couldn’t remember the last time they had entertained company. The Baker family was not known for socializing. Tess turned to him and scowled. “A guest? Who?”

  “Nobody you know. Just one of our associates.”

  Tess placed her hand on her hips, and asked, “What are you talking about? I didn't know we had associates?”

  Joe glanced down at her, and said, “Just set an extra plate at the table, Tess. Please, just do as I say.”

  Tess arched an eyebrow. “You don’t seem very excited about this.”

  “No, not exactly. None of us are,” Joe said, as he turned to walk away.

  It wasn’t easy growing up being the only girl surrounded by four rough, tough cowboys. Her mother had passed away when she was only three-years-old. As a child and even to that day her father and three brothers were fiercely protective. To them, she was still their precious little girl who needed to be sheltered and coddled.

  Tess knew that was the very reason she was still a virgin at the age of twenty-three. Once, Luke, a high school boyfriend, had been caught kissing her in the hayloft above the barn. Brian, her oldest brother, had threatened to punch poor Luke in the face if he dared to come around again. After that, the rumors spread like wildfire, and no man had mustered up the courage to ask her out on a date.

  Just as she was finishing setting the table, with an extra plate like she was asked to do, she heard the sound of a truck pulling up in front of the house. Her curiosity got the best of her. So she took off her apron and walked to the front porch to see who was coming for dinner.

  Chapter Two


  Clay pulled out of the Rent-A-Wreck lot and headed north on Hwy. 145 toward Telluride on his way to the Baker family ranch. After listening to the old red Ford F- 150 backfire a few times he shook his head in disbelief that Clay Ramey was driving a rented beat-up truck. He was inspired by the notion that if things went as planned, he would buy a new one before he left to go back to New York City.

  Moments later he noticed, the view of the valley was breathtaking, and after about five miles the entrance to Secluded Valley Ranch came into view. The gate was open, so he turned in and switched the truck into four-wheel drive.

  While easing under the rocking ’S’ the ranch's brand, he was taken aback by the untouched beauty and the ranch’s old-world charm. The two-story creek stone house was nestled between varying shades of green in front of a backdrop of snowy peaks reaching up in the distance—a stark contrast to the vistas from his New York penthouse overlooking Central Park.

  After he had pulled up in front of the house, he sat a moment and breathed in the fresh mountain air until he heard the sound of what he thought was the front door of the house creaking open. When he turned to look, he saw a woman had stepped out onto the porch. She appeared to be younger than him and had a raw beauty about her of which he was unaccustomed.

  Her hair fell in waves to just above her waist, and she wore a summery purple cotton blouse. Her shapely long legs were accentuated by the way her Wrangler jeans were tucked into her cowboy boots. She was a tall, curvaceous woman with full breasts—just the way he liked them. Already Clay's mind had drifted from business to naughty thoughts of what he would like to do with those beautiful boobs. Then he shook his head and clenched his jaw. Clay had promised himself he was leaving his womanizing ways behind in New York City, but after seeing her he figured that might be hard to do.

  The woman stood stone still with her chin held high as she watched him make his way up the porch steps. When she turned and walked toward the door, he glanced down at her pert ass and noticed her confident air. From his first impression, just from watching her body language, he wondered if she was as naiveté as she seemed. For a second, Clay tried imagining her in New York City wearing stiletto heels, and tight skirts but found it impossible.

  Before she pulled open the screen door, she turned toward Clay and narrowed her eyes. He sensed she was studying him like an ant in one of those ant farms they had in his third-grade class. Unlike the usual reaction he had gotten from women around him in the Big Apple, this girl wasn’t blushing or batting her eyelashes or leaning in towards him to whisper a flirtatious remark. Clay was surprised by her attitude and wondered what he was doing wrong. Or maybe cowgirls were just different?

  “Before I let you in, I want you to tell me exactly what you’re doing here? We don't get many visitors around these parts.” The woman said to him.

  “I have an appointment with Brian Baker that was made a few weeks ago,” Clay said as tipped his recently acquired Stetson hat. He had vowed to himself to give the cowboy life a try, but he was still getting used to wearing a cowboy hat and Wrangler jeans—so far he liked it.

  She was looking up at him, with her blue forget-me-nots eyes. Clay grinned, trying to break the ice but it didn't work. She was hard to read—her face as blank as a piece of slate.

  “Who are you?” she asked after a few silent moments had passed.

  “Clay Ramsey,” he replied extending his hand.

  She dropped her gaze to look at his outstretched palm for an instant. “I don’t shake hands with people who don’t answer my questions,” she said as she pushed open the front door and walked inside. Clay followed her in without an invitation and wondered what kind of situation he was getting himself involved in.

  To him, the house seemed surreal. He had never witnessed authentic western decor before. Clay was intrigued and a bit intimidated by the stuffed animal heads, deer, antelope, and even a bear that hung on the walls, yet he found the faint smell of leather and pine cones welcoming. The girl had walked to the foot of the stairs, looked up, and hollered, “Your guest is here!” Then she turned her gaze back on Clay crossing her arms over those beautiful breasts.

  Something about that cowgirl was intriguing Clay; even though it was obvious, she had taken an instant dislike toward him. But from his experience, some of the hottest sex he had ever had was with angry women who were yearning to be tamed. He noted the curve of her hip and how the top of her cleavage peeked out above the button of her blouse. Then three men, in their late twenties and early thirties he guessed, appeared at the top of the stairs.

  “Mr. Ramsey!” One man said while he descended the steps two at a time. “I’m Brian Baker, the eldest son. I spoke to you over the phone a few times.”

  Clay extended his hand. “Good to meet you, Brian.”

  Gesturing toward the others, Bri
an said, “These are my brothers, Joe and Danny, and I see you’ve already met our sister, Tess.”

  Clay tipped his hat again, and nodded. “Oh, so you’re Tess, what a lovely name.”

  Unmoved by his compliment, Tess asked Brian. “Where’s Daddy? Why hasn’t he come down?”

  Brian shot a nervous look at Joe and Danny before speaking to Clay. “Oh, we’re very sorry that our father can’t join us. He’s not feeling well this evening.”

  Chapter Three


  After Tess had finished setting the table, she pulled the homemade yeast rolls and pot roast out of the oven. The aroma was mouthwatering, and she was hungry. Tess waited until after saying grace before slipping upstairs to check on her father. As soon as she entered his bedroom, she asked, “Hi, Daddy how are you feeling?”

  He tried to shoo her out, when he said, “Go on now, sweetie, I don’t want you to get sick too.” But Tess wondered if her Daddy was upset about something more than sick with a stomach bug. His face was gray as he sat looking out the window at the barn and the mountains rising behind it. She figured Mr. Ramsey’s visit had something to do with the way he was feeling but knew better than to ask him. Daddy would just tell her it was nothing for her to worry her pretty head about then change the subject and talk about the weather.

  When she sat back down around the dinner table, she noticed how unusually quiet her brothers were acting. Ordinarily, they would be poking fun at each other and teasing Tess about her cooking. But that night, they sat in silence. Tess twisted and turned, then sighed real loud hoping someone would ask her what was the matter. But none of them said a word unless it was a request for another serving of potatoes or carrots.

  After several moments had passed in an uncomfortable silence, Tess let her spoon down onto her plate with a ‘clink.’ Looking across the table at the stranger, she asked, “So, Mr. Ramsey, what business are you in? My brothers tell me you’re an associate of theirs, but I don’t see how that’s possible. From your accent, I would venture to say you’re a Yankee.”

  Tess noticed how he seemed too clean to be a local or even someone from Denver. His dark hair was styled, and he had a strong scent of expensive cologne. His clothes were too new and his boots too stiff for someone from Colorado. She wondered if he had been watching too many western movies or TV shows and was just trying to play the part. But Tess had to admit she had been quick to notice his chiseled features and angled jaw and he was not wearing a wedding ring.

  Clay had taken a gulp of water before he gazed at her, and said, “Yep, you guessed right. I’m from New York City.” After he spoke Tess’ hand fluttered over her breasts, and she noted how his voice made her quiver.

  “New York! What are you doing here?” she asked both out of curiosity and wanting to hear his sexy voice. Then she noticed how a casual grin appeared on his face causing deep dimples on both of his cheeks. Tess licked her lips as she tried to ignore the trembling sensation he was causing her to experience.

  Moments later Tess’ wits returned to her when she threw down her napkin and directed her question to all of them. "Why the secrecy? Will someone please tell me why this man is visiting us?”

  “Tess!” Joe scolded her.

  Clay turned to her. His voice was soft and respectful when he said, “I’m sure your brothers will tell you everything in their own good time.”

  Tess felt her nostrils flare as she scooted her chair away from the table. Then she spoke to them all when she said, “Stop treating me like I'm a child! I’m a grown woman you know.”

  Clay palmed his hair and stood up saying, “Look, I can see my presence here is making everyone uncomfortable, and my intentions are being misunderstood. Maybe I should just go on back to New York and leave you all alone.”

  Tess gazed at him, breasts heaving, trying to ignore his wide shoulders and his muscular arms. She noticed a dark evening shadow was beginning to cover his jaws and wondered how his stubble would feel under her fingertips.

  Brian took a sip of water and cleared his throat before he said, “Mr. Ramsey is a business owner."

  “What kind of business?” Tess asked, her heart pounding but she was not sure if it was from their situation or because she was attracted to Clay—or both.

  “I own an investment firm,” Clay explained.

  “So, what does that have to do with us?”

  “He’s here to look at the ranch,” Brian replied.

  Tess jerked her head and peered into Brian's eyes. "Look at the ranch? Why is that?”

  “We’re selling Tess, and Mr. Ramsey here, is interested,” Brian whispered as he reached out to pat her hand. Tess’ mind began to whirl causing her to feel like she was free-falling in outer space. “We need the money, Tess.” Brian wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said, “We can talk about it later.”

  Tess pressed her palms to her cheeks and shook her head. ”No, this isn’t possible. This is our home!"

  Brian cleared his throat, and whispered, “We’re broke, Tess and we’ve kept it hidden from you so you wouldn’t worry. But the sad truth is we’ve been struggling for years, and now we are too far behind. If we don’t sell soon we will have to file for bankruptcy.”

  Chapter Four


  An hour later, after Brian had served them all a shot of brandy while they were seated in the parlor, Clay sat on a chair with the three brothers in front of him. Tess was restless pacing back and forth in front of the stone fireplace, so Clay began to worry. The fiery flush of her cheeks had faded to a deathly pale, and her blue eyes were darting around the room as if she was looking at their furnishings for the last time. Suddenly, she stopped and fixed her eyes on him.

  “So, you’re here to take our home away from us?”

  He could see the anguish in her eyes, so he chose his words with care, when he said, “Your ranch was advertised in the real estate section of the New York Times and I called and spoke to your brother about it. You must understand, I have no intention of taking away your home—all the details can be worked out in time.”

  Tess raised her chin and shook her head. “We’re not selling. Where would we go?”

  Clay picked up his hat and shook his head. “I can see I’ve made a mistake. As you know, Brian, all of you would need to agree before a deal can be made. I’m worried because your sister has been left in the dark and your father is absent this evening. ”

  Tess shook her head. “I won’t consent to the sale. Daddy has not spoken to me about this at all.”

  Clay faced the men, and said, “I can’t buy the ranch under these conditions.” Without waiting for a response, he turned and headed for the door.

  “Mr. Ramsey!” Brian yelled. “Mr. Ramsey, please, Tess is just fired up because she didn’t know anything about it. We didn’t want to worry her.”

  After walking down the steps, he turned and looked Brian square in his eyes. “You should have told your sister. She has a right to know. And what about your father?” As Clay pulled open the door of his truck, he heard Brian calling out behind him. Clay got in and waited until Brian was at the window before he said, "Please stop calling me Mr. Ramsey. My name is Clay. I’ll be staying at the Sunshine Motel down in Dolores for a few more days. You and your family need to talk. If you’re still interested, then give me a call.”

  Clay glanced in the rear view mirror and noticed Tess was standing on the porch like she was when he had arrived. But this time she seemed more beautiful bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun. There was something about that woman that made his blood rush, and his groin was starting to ache. He tried to tell himself he was attracted to her only because she was so different from everyone he had ever known, but so far he was unconvinced. “Ah, Hell,” he whispered. “It doesn’t matter anyway.” It was evident she despised him without a doubt. He would be foolish to assume he would ever see her again, much less have her for his own.

  Clay drove back into Dolores and stopped at a bar for a few brews. He
watched a couple playing pool, and the woman reminded him of Tess except she was more provocatively dressed. The woman had on boots, a low-cut top, and a denim mini-skirt. When she learned over the pool table to take a corner shot, he could easily see her pink lacy panties and the impression of her pussy lips.

  By the time he was on his second brew, her boyfriend up and left her. She had kissed him goodbye and waited until he disappeared out the door before she turned to Clay and winked. He nodded to her, so she sashayed over to the table and set down across from him. She leaned over her crossed arms to show off her impressive cleavage. The problem was, instead of seeing the girl’s face, all he saw was Tess.

  An idea came to mind as he slipped his hand under the table and ran it up her thigh. Sliding his hand between her legs he worked it higher and higher before whispering into her ear. “Why don’t you meet me in my room? But all I want to do is watch.” She nodded her head and smiled. Then Clay reached into his pocket and threw down a twenty-dollar tip and stood up to leave.

  The next thing he knew he had the key in his hand and was turning the lock when she slipped up behind him. The room was warm, so he walked over and switched the air conditioner fan to high. He was not surprised when he turned around to see she had stripped and was dropping those pink panties onto the floor. He instructed her to lay back on the bed and tweak her large brown nibbles while he stood and gazed down at her. When she got so horny, she spread her legs and reached down to rub her clit. He instructed her to close them and concentrate on her breasts. Clay knew if he got a good look at her wet pussy he would have to fuck her; even though he didn’t want to. Then reaching for his wallet, he pulled out a Ben Franklin as he promised her he would. Her eyes got wide, and a grin appeared on her face as he laid the bill on the nightstand.


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